Hypocrisy Check

For Americans to rise above it ALL and embrace the idea of mosque near the site of 9/11 would be one of the most stunningly noble gestures in the history of religious freedom and tolerance...

...or, put another way, Americans aren't capable of acting out the ideals their country is founded upon.

Where is your concern for the 'ideals' of the muslims who are installing a mosque in this location whenever they know that it will cause pain to many who live in that area and were traumatized by the muslim attack against their neighbors and friends?
He says of a country that just elected a black man with the middle name "Hussein".


Actually most of us didn't consider THAT a big deal. THAT was you people.
Ahhhh......but it was YOU that tried painting with the wide brush.

I merely aimed the bristles in the right direction for you.

*** "aren't capable of acting out the ideals their country is founded upon"***
....that all men are created equal.....

The ideals were acted upon.

Next :eusa_hand:

You're comparing electing a Christian man with a traditionally Muslim middle name to embracing the construction of a mosque near the site of 9/11. They are not comparable, except to the extent that the right thought his middle name could be used against him in a guilt by association play. The right thought, and hoped, that anti-Islamic sentiment in this country could be exploited to take votes away from Barack Obama.
You're comparing electing a Christian man with a traditionally Muslim middle name to embracing the construction of a mosque near the site of 9/11. They are not comparable, except to the extent that the right thought his middle name could be used against him in a guilt by association play. The right thought, and hoped, that anti-Islamic sentiment in this country could be exploited to take votes away from Barack Obama.

I just like to think that America, as a whole, is more accepting than you gave U.S. credit for in your post, s'all.

Whose money will be paying for this 'community center', anyway?
(serious question)
For Americans to rise above it ALL and embrace the idea of mosque near the site of 9/11 would be one of the most stunningly noble gestures in the history of religious freedom and tolerance...

...or, put another way, Americans aren't capable of acting out the ideals their country is founded upon.

Where is your concern for the 'ideals' of the muslims who are installing a mosque in this location whenever they know that it will cause pain to many who live in that area and were traumatized by the muslim attack against their neighbors and friends?

I don't expect traumatized people to think and act rationally. And I don't fault them for that.
For Americans to rise above it ALL and embrace the idea of mosque near the site of 9/11 would be one of the most stunningly noble gestures in the history of religious freedom and tolerance...

...or, put another way, Americans aren't capable of acting out the ideals their country is founded upon.

Where is your concern for the 'ideals' of the muslims who are installing a mosque in this location whenever they know that it will cause pain to many who live in that area and were traumatized by the muslim attack against their neighbors and friends?

I don't expect traumatized people to think and act rationally. And I don't fault them for that.

:lol: Nice deflection of my point.

Why don't you expect the mulims to respect the feelings of the neighborhood they are trying to move into? Why is it okay for them to disrespect others without drawing your criticism?
You're comparing electing a Christian man with a traditionally Muslim middle name to embracing the construction of a mosque near the site of 9/11. They are not comparable, except to the extent that the right thought his middle name could be used against him in a guilt by association play. The right thought, and hoped, that anti-Islamic sentiment in this country could be exploited to take votes away from Barack Obama.

I just like to think that America, as a whole, is more accepting than you gave U.S. credit for in your post, s'all.

Whose money will be paying for this 'community center', anyway?
(serious question)

I was pointing out how much higher our professed ideals are than we sometimes think they are.
You're comparing electing a Christian man with a traditionally Muslim middle name to embracing the construction of a mosque near the site of 9/11. They are not comparable, except to the extent that the right thought his middle name could be used against him in a guilt by association play. The right thought, and hoped, that anti-Islamic sentiment in this country could be exploited to take votes away from Barack Obama.

I just like to think that America, as a whole, is more accepting than you gave U.S. credit for in your post, s'all.

Whose money will be paying for this 'community center', anyway?
(serious question)

I was pointing out how much higher our professed ideals are than we sometimes think they are.

Does that include the American Muslim's ideals as well? Or aren't they expected to have any?
Where is your concern for the 'ideals' of the muslims who are installing a mosque in this location whenever they know that it will cause pain to many who live in that area and were traumatized by the muslim attack against their neighbors and friends?

I don't expect traumatized people to think and act rationally. And I don't fault them for that.

:lol: Nice deflection of my point.

Why don't you expect the mulims to respect the feelings of the neighborhood they are trying to move into? Why is it okay for them to disrespect others without drawing your criticism?

Because it is not the responsibility of American Muslims who are not terrorists to behave like they are.
I don't expect traumatized people to think and act rationally. And I don't fault them for that.

:lol: Nice deflection of my point.

Why don't you expect the mulims to respect the feelings of the neighborhood they are trying to move into? Why is it okay for them to disrespect others without drawing your criticism?

Because it is not the responsibility of American Muslims who are not terrorists to behave like they are.

So, they don't have to have tolerance or respect for their neighbor's feelings then? Only everyone else? Why is that?
Hypocrisy check?

How many here have thought that blacks who are offended by monuments to the Confederacy, and various other sympathetic symbols to the same,

should get over it?
Hypocrisy check?

How many here have thought that blacks who are offended by monuments to the Confederacy, and various other sympathetic symbols to the same,

should get over it?

Can't answer my question?
:lol: Nice deflection of my point.

Why don't you expect the mulims to respect the feelings of the neighborhood they are trying to move into? Why is it okay for them to disrespect others without drawing your criticism?

Because it is not the responsibility of American Muslims who are not terrorists to behave like they are.

So, they don't have to have tolerance or respect for their neighbor's feelings then? Only everyone else? Why is that?

All of America was impacted by 9/11. By your logic, all mosques represent, to at least some extent, symbols of disrespect of their neighbors' feelings.

Where do you want to draw the line? How big do you want the circles of disrespect-free zones to be? Where do you want them drawn?
Because it is not the responsibility of American Muslims who are not terrorists to behave like they are.

So, they don't have to have tolerance or respect for their neighbor's feelings then? Only everyone else? Why is that?

All of America was impacted by 9/11. By your logic, all mosques represent, to at least some extent, symbols of disrespect of their neighbors' feelings.

Where do you want to draw the line? How big do you want the circles of disrespect-free zones to be? Where do you want them drawn?

I'm not talking about a 'line'.

I'm specifically talking about the muslims responsible for building this specific mosque blocks away from the most horrific islamic terrorist attack to ever occur. Why can't they respect how their neighbors, who were greatly impacted by this attack, feel about them placing a reminder and symbol of that attack right where it happened. Why do you not question their ideals and their lack of feeling?
Ahhhh......but it was YOU that tried painting with the wide brush.

I merely aimed the bristles in the right direction for you.

*** "aren't capable of acting out the ideals their country is founded upon"***
....that all men are created equal.....

The ideals were acted upon.

Not by the people who are calling for ending religious freedom by limiting where religious institutions can be located.

Damn you're a stupid piece of shit. And a liar.

NO ONE is saying anyone should prevent this. We are saying they should CHOOSE of their OWN accord to show some tact and understanding and not build it. We are saying that if they were sincere about wanting to mend fences they would absolutely not do this.

If that is the message you are trying to give, then let me be one of the first to tell you, that it is not coming through. That is basically how I feel, but the message I'm hearing from you and others is, "New York Mosque? Hell no!"

My personal opinion is that this is cruel to those who lost loved ones at the WTC, but this is America and if we are going to grant freedoms to some, we must grant them to all.

You do realize that if the Iranian government says jump the Iranians jump.... or die, don't you?

You're really reaching on this one. Why is it so hard to accept that just maybe some Muslims are good people?

I accept that some Muslims are good people. Why won't you admit that most ME Muslims are BAD people?

The estimated Muslim population in the ME and N. Africa (they combine the regions) is 315,322,000.

You have yet to make the (very subjective) case that most of them are "bad people).

Why on earth would you expect him to accept a faulty deduction?
Yep, you're right. IF the vast majority of Muslims around the world didn't feel that way you could EASILY find a video of some deploring it. And don't give me that crap about " I don't bother with videos."

So, basically - you're saying you are going to ignore a whole bunch of written quotes and statements from Muslims deploring it because it isn't a video?

Is literacy an issue here?

No, quite honestly I have an 18 month old in my lap and just overlooked your links. I just now noticed them. I have never denied that SOME Muslims decried the attack, but the evidence seems to back up my claim that MOST were thrilled .

What evidence would that be?
Where is your concern for the 'ideals' of the muslims who are installing a mosque in this location whenever they know that it will cause pain to many who live in that area and were traumatized by the muslim attack against their neighbors and friends?

I don't expect traumatized people to think and act rationally. And I don't fault them for that.

:lol: Nice deflection of my point.

Why don't you expect the mulims to respect the feelings of the neighborhood they are trying to move into? Why is it okay for them to disrespect others without drawing your criticism?

Because they aren't disrespecting anyone.
I think you would have to admit that the Media is guilty of making it appear to be the case. The News Media sells news... typically bad news sells. No one in America gets riled up (and thus watching the news for the next "affront") at seeing Muslims decry terror, but Americans sure get pissed at seeing them celebrate the attacks on 9/11. If seeing Muslims decry 9/11 got people watching the news, you would see it. Since it doesn't sell news, you ain't gonna see it.


Thousands of Muslims protested in the streets of Tehran AGAINST the attacks, back in 2001.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran's gulf of misunderstanding with US

And like I said, did we in America hear about it from the American Media? I don't recall having heard about these protests.

It doesn't sell news in America so it doesn't get played on the Nightly News, but a hundred or so Palestinians in (I don't remember where that video was taken) who did celebrate the attacks and burned American flags (if I am not mistaken) were on the news for weeks.


Damn...I have to spread more rep before I can rep you and the DoctorisIn - you both make good points!

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