HYPOCRISY, Thy Name Is 'DEMOCRAT': Democrats Leave Capitol To March For Gun Control With Students

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'
2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

As always, Democrats are nothing if not always organized in lock step with no independent thought. They were all told to go out with these kids for a good publicity stunt to be used in this fall's election where they will try to claim the GOP is gun-crazy and controlled by the blood thirsty NRA.

It's the new "victim group" being used as the "we" against "them,"

Good little Democrats.

All part of the Communist Agenda. It's been ongoing in this country for almost a 100yrs. Folks really should see the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding Down America.' It's currently running on Amazon Prime. It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. Disarming the populace is a major part of the Agenda.
Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.

Except common sense and independent thought. Republicans act as individuals not as a "group" and the matter is not a government issue to be solved by one more or even ten more gun laws. Your Congressman can no more stop people from wanting to take a gun to school to shoot their teacher than they can stop you liking ice cream. It is up to people to control themselves and what a sad day in America when "Americans" call for the taking away of their own liberty because they don't think they can be trusted with it anymore and run to the government to control their lives. And only a pinhead like you would use this sad incident as an excuse to criticize those that don't follow along.
1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'
2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

As always, Democrats are nothing if not always organized in lock step with no independent thought. They were all told to go out with these kids for a good publicity stunt to be used in this fall's election where they will try to claim the GOP is gun-crazy and controlled by the blood thirsty NRA.

It's the new "victim group" being used as the "we" against "them,"

Good little Democrats.

Dear toobfreak
Wait till these students learn that spiritual healing can be proven medically to diagnose and cure mental and physical diseases naturally and freely, at reduced cost and risks to save more lives and resources.

If these next generations of students and dreamers want to pay for school, states can't be wasting 50K per person per year in prison, when that could send two students to school to get degrees.

If the left wants free health care, why censor Christian therapy that cures causes of mental illness, addiction abuse and crime costing states billions of dollars that could pay to cover the whole population? If you want free education and health care, then use these methods to convert prisons into medical school programs, cut the costs of crime and diseases, and use that taxmoney saved instead of dumping debts on future generations without a way out.
They're protesting "gun violence".
I guess they don't buy the idea that the only antidote to gun violence is more gun violence.

Pacifism never stopped violence. The only way to stop that with an equal or superior opposite force.
Great bumper sticker but lousy history. There have been numerous examples from Jesus to Gandhi to MLK.

Jesus has one of disciples go buy a sword. He even cursed a perfectly good fig bush and made it die, because figs were out of season. Then there was that incident in the temple where threw a fit, overturned a bunch of tables, and whipped some Joos with a knotted rope.

Gandhi said: “Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. If we want the Arms Act to be repealed, if we want to learn the use of arms, here is a golden opportunity. If the middle classes render voluntary help to Government in the hour of its trial, distrust will disappear, and the ban on possessing arms will be withdrawn.”

And MLK kept firearms for self-protection. In fact, he even applied for a permit to carry a concealed weapon...

MLK and His Guns | HuffPost
Yet all accomplished their goals without force of arms. There are alternatives.
Just another Communist Dog & Pony Show. We know what their Agenda is. Folks are gonna have to stand up to them to preserve their Constitutional Rights.

So, me boy, just wondered why you think the 2nd amendment protects your right to own an AK, dipshit. I have a number of guns, but do not get to keep a gun on my person without a permit from the State. I wanted a nice shinny new stationary machine gun to mount in my front lawn. But found the gov bans such buns. I can't buy one. Can't by a fully functional military tank, or a military cannon. So, what was it that made you believe that you have the right to own a assault rifle that can not be taken from you? Or is it simply that you are stupid?
Just another Communist Dog & Pony Show. We know what their Agenda is. Folks are gonna have to stand up to them to preserve their Constitutional Rights.

So, me boy, just wondered why you think the 2nd amendment protects your right to own an AK, dipshit. I have a number of guns, but do not get to keep a gun on my person without a permit from the State. I wanted a nice shinny new stationary machine gun to mount in my front lawn. But found the gov bans such buns. I can't buy one. Can't by a fully functional military tank, or a military cannon. So, what was it that made you believe that you have the right to own a assault rifle that can not be taken from you? Or is it simply that you are stupid?

Useful Idiot drivel. Lenin would be so proud of you.
Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.

Except common sense and independent thought. Republicans act as individuals not as a "group" and the matter is not a government issue to be solved by one more or even ten more gun laws. Your Congressman can no more stop people from wanting to take a gun to school to shoot their teacher than they can stop you liking ice cream. It is up to people to control themselves and what a sad day in America when "Americans" call for the taking away of their own liberty because they don't think they can be trusted with it anymore and run to the government to control their lives. And only a pinhead like you would use this sad incident as an excuse to criticize those that don't follow along.
Sure thing, let's just give up and not try anything. That seems to be working not at all.

Why don't we try something with a sunset provision and if it doesn't work it doesn't get renewed? Or are we afraid there are solutions?
Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.

Except common sense and independent thought. Republicans act as individuals not as a "group" and the matter is not a government issue to be solved by one more or even ten more gun laws. Your Congressman can no more stop people from wanting to take a gun to school to shoot their teacher than they can stop you liking ice cream. It is up to people to control themselves and what a sad day in America when "Americans" call for the taking away of their own liberty because they don't think they can be trusted with it anymore and run to the government to control their lives. And only a pinhead like you would use this sad incident as an excuse to criticize those that don't follow along.

Yes and No toobfreak
Conservatives and Republicans DO tend to enforce laws as a group, and that's how Bible scripture is used to invoke, enforce and check the church authority and Constitutional law is used when it comes to govt authority checks and limits.

Liberals tend not to invoke either one, but use party and govt as a substitute for enforcing laws directly, which has compelling power, instead of relying on other leaders to dictate for them.

You are right that Individuals still have to CHOOSE to invoke and enforce these laws ourselves. Nobody can choose for us or it doesn't have the authority of law as "consent of the governed" or free will of the people that makes us the authority behind laws and govt as "social contracts"'

Liberals are not taught they have this power, so they flail in victimhood as individuals fearing they cannot stop bigger oppressive groups from infringing on their rights and freedoms. They flock to party to fill this gap by bullying back.

Instead we as Constitutionalists who do have this knowledge of the laws and how to invoke authority equally and directly, as individuals and in groups, have a social and spiritual responsibility to share this knowledge of the laws with others for equal empowerment and protection.

It isn't fair to allow and enable untrained people with no experience in how to enforce laws for themselves to be bullied and exploited by corporate elitists who abuse this monopoly on laws through the legal and party systems without check because of citizens not knowing the laws and how to enforce them ourselves.

When Luther called for reformation of the Catholic church, he did so by teaching the people to follow the laws directly and to hold each other to these standards. and through that, we invoke church authority equally as any priest does with God's truth and laws through Christ.

Well Jesus as Justice also governs the secular state by the natural laws given in writing in our Constitution. So enforcing these natural laws directly liberates the people to be the govt as Lutheran and Protestant teachings liberated all people to be the church.

The same people make up both the church body and the state body, which are distinct by being governed under separate sets of laws. But Jesus as Equal Justice Under law governs BOTH realms.

Liberals are not taught this, but fear that Republicans Conservatives and Christians have unequal power they can only address by bullying back by party.

We have to set up a better way than that or else parties get abused to screw up govt which is supposed to represent include and protect ALL people of ALL beliefs including parties.

If we unite, left and right, around the Constitution we can protect all our rights freedoms and beliefs equally as the law is intended. If we continue to bully by party and push one belief over another, we violate our own First Amendment rights to keep beliefs out of govt and wonder why we fail. We must respect our own laws if we are going to teach others, and in this way we empower people to be our own govt.

Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.
These kids are being manipulated and used by Liberals, just like how the 'Dreamers' realized they were being manipulated and used by them.

These kids should be in school, not egged on by the hypocrites who do not give a damn about them but who only want to use them to push their gun-grabbing agenda.

You're right. They just think they are fed up with kids being killed at school. Thanks for pointing that out.......idiot.

If kids being killed at school is the issue, how come the students are not protesting against the government not doing its job? It's not like they didn't know most of the mass shootings were inevitable given the shooters past history.

Laws are worthless unless the government takes steps to follow the laws. They wouldn't tolerate that kind of ignorance and incompetence from us.
Just another Communist Dog & Pony Show. We know what their Agenda is. Folks are gonna have to stand up to them to preserve their Constitutional Rights.

So, me boy, just wondered why you think the 2nd amendment protects your right to own an AK, dipshit. I have a number of guns, but do not get to keep a gun on my person without a permit from the State. I wanted a nice shinny new stationary machine gun to mount in my front lawn. But found the gov bans such buns. I can't buy one. Can't by a fully functional military tank, or a military cannon. So, what was it that made you believe that you have the right to own a assault rifle that can not be taken from you? Or is it simply that you are stupid?

Useful Idiot drivel. Lenin would be so proud of you.

Lenin, me boy, is long dead. Sorry you missed it.

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest
Republican motto. When students are being gunned down in their classrooms DO NOTHING until you check with your masters the NRA.

I applaud the Dems for marching with the students. Both groups are on the right side of history.
Just another Communist Dog & Pony Show. We know what their Agenda is. Folks are gonna have to stand up to them to preserve their Constitutional Rights.

So, me boy, just wondered why you think the 2nd amendment protects your right to own an AK, dipshit. I have a number of guns, but do not get to keep a gun on my person without a permit from the State. I wanted a nice shinny new stationary machine gun to mount in my front lawn. But found the gov bans such buns. I can't buy one. Can't by a fully functional military tank, or a military cannon. So, what was it that made you believe that you have the right to own a assault rifle that can not be taken from you? Or is it simply that you are stupid?

Useful Idiot drivel. Lenin would be so proud of you.

Lenin, me boy, is long dead. Sorry you missed it.

Yet you're still one of his Useful Idiots. You're the one missing it, kid.
Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.
These kids are being manipulated and used by Liberals, just like how the 'Dreamers' realized they were being manipulated and used by them.

These kids should be in school, not egged on by the hypocrites who do not give a damn about them but who only want to use them to push their gun-grabbing agenda.

You're right. They just think they are fed up with kids being killed at school. Thanks for pointing that out.......idiot.

If kids being killed at school is the issue, how come the students are not protesting against the government not doing its job? It's not like they didn't know most of the mass shootings were inevitable given the shooters past history.

Laws are worthless unless the government takes steps to follow the laws. They wouldn't tolerate that kind of ignorance and incompetence from us.
Have you forgotten what government you’re talking about? A government run by republicans run by the NRA.
Why didn't the dumb white liberals ever march for the hundreds of black kids who are killed every year in Chicago?
Are white liberals uncaring racist?
They're protesting "gun violence".
I guess they don't buy the idea that the only antidote to gun violence is more gun violence.

No alang1216
They can't grasp that the Christian prayers they've removed from schools is the key to effective methods of CURING the cause of mental illness in sick people abusing guns to commit crimes.

Too painful to think about!

Those prayers to stop the killing haven't worked any better than my prayers for a million dollars did.

that's NOT what I said and that's
NOT how prayer works. Quit insulting
me because of your own ignorance
that isn't my fault but your problem to fix.

Nikolas Cruz did NOT receive spiritual healing prayer help to address his depression and delusions.

You can have solutions to sickness, but if you don't go through the treatment, you cannot be magically cured because of other people praying. The sick person has to receive the therapy, and this WAS not done in any of the cases where sick people shot up churches or schools, a movie theatre or political gatherings.

The prayer therapy I'm referring to is
NOT the same as you praying externally for some outcome.
It's the opposite.
It's someone praying internally and NOT dictating the outcome.
Just praying to forgive and remove whatever is blocking them and praying to receive healing no matter what the outcome is.

Research what spiritual healing prayer
is and why it has worked to save people medicine alone could not help!

Do not insult me because you didn't do your
research and don't know the difference.

I posted the same resources before:
If you don't understand how this is the solution,
that means you are talking about something else
and not what I am referring to as spiritual healing!
Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.
These kids are being manipulated and used by Liberals, just like how the 'Dreamers' realized they were being manipulated and used by them.

These kids should be in school, not egged on by the hypocrites who do not give a damn about them but who only want to use them to push their gun-grabbing agenda.

You're right. They just think they are fed up with kids being killed at school. Thanks for pointing that out.......idiot.

If kids being killed at school is the issue, how come the students are not protesting against the government not doing its job? It's not like they didn't know most of the mass shootings were inevitable given the shooters past history.

Laws are worthless unless the government takes steps to follow the laws. They wouldn't tolerate that kind of ignorance and incompetence from us.

This will be too complex for you, but let's give it a try anyway:
1. We have more deaths resulting from mass shootings than any other country by a long shot.
2. Other countries have had mass shootings, and reacted to them, unlike the US.
3. Other countries have had near zero to zero mass killings, but we continue to have thousands.
4. Other countries stopped the sale of assault rifles.
5. If we eliminated the sale of assault rifles, based on 1 thru 4, we would eliminate mass shooting deaths over time.

So, my bet is that I have more guns than most that post here. I have hunted for over 50 years. And I see no need for an assault rifle. What I see is that if you think you do need an assault rifle for hunting, you should try a new hobby. Because 2 shots at max are all you should ever need, unless you are simply inept.
View attachment 182618
Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.
These kids are being manipulated and used by Liberals, just like how the 'Dreamers' realized they were being manipulated and used by them.

These kids should be in school, not egged on by the hypocrites who do not give a damn about them but who only want to use them to push their gun-grabbing agenda.

You're right. They just think they are fed up with kids being killed at school. Thanks for pointing that out.......idiot.

If kids being killed at school is the issue, how come the students are not protesting against the government not doing its job? It's not like they didn't know most of the mass shootings were inevitable given the shooters past history.

Laws are worthless unless the government takes steps to follow the laws. They wouldn't tolerate that kind of ignorance and incompetence from us.
Have you forgotten what government you’re talking about? A government run by republicans run by the NRA.
and for 8 years a very liberal president and had the power to force changes.

but they didn't so now we blame the republicans. as usual.
Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.
These kids are being manipulated and used by Liberals, just like how the 'Dreamers' realized they were being manipulated and used by them.

These kids should be in school, not egged on by the hypocrites who do not give a damn about them but who only want to use them to push their gun-grabbing agenda.

You're right. They just think they are fed up with kids being killed at school. Thanks for pointing that out.......idiot.

If kids being killed at school is the issue, how come the students are not protesting against the government not doing its job? It's not like they didn't know most of the mass shootings were inevitable given the shooters past history.

Laws are worthless unless the government takes steps to follow the laws. They wouldn't tolerate that kind of ignorance and incompetence from us.

This will be too complex for you, but let's give it a try anyway:
1. We have more deaths resulting from mass shootings than any other country by a long shot.
2. Other countries have had mass shootings, and reacted to them, unlike the US.
3. Other countries have had near zero to zero mass killings, but we continue to have thousands.
4. Other countries stopped the sale of assault rifles.
5. If we eliminated the sale of assault rifles, based on 1 thru 4, we would eliminate mass shooting deaths over time.

So, my bet is that I have more guns than most that post here. I have hunted for over 50 years. And I see no need for an assault rifle. What I see is that if you think you do need an assault rifle for hunting, you should try a new hobby. Because 2 shots at max are all you should ever need, unless you are simply inept.

You'd be hard pressed to buy an assault rifle. It costs a lot of money and jumping through hoops. However you can go buy an AR 15 fairly easy but alas that is not an assault rifle
Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.
These kids are being manipulated and used by Liberals, just like how the 'Dreamers' realized they were being manipulated and used by them.

These kids should be in school, not egged on by the hypocrites who do not give a damn about them but who only want to use them to push their gun-grabbing agenda.

You're right. They just think they are fed up with kids being killed at school. Thanks for pointing that out.......idiot.

If kids being killed at school is the issue, how come the students are not protesting against the government not doing its job? It's not like they didn't know most of the mass shootings were inevitable given the shooters past history.

Laws are worthless unless the government takes steps to follow the laws. They wouldn't tolerate that kind of ignorance and incompetence from us.

This will be too complex for you, but let's give it a try anyway:
1. We have more deaths resulting from mass shootings than any other country by a long shot.
2. Other countries have had mass shootings, and reacted to them, unlike the US.
3. Other countries have had near zero to zero mass killings, but we continue to have thousands.
4. Other countries stopped the sale of assault rifles.
5. If we eliminated the sale of assault rifles, based on 1 thru 4, we would eliminate mass shooting deaths over time.

So, my bet is that I have more guns than most that post here. I have hunted for over 50 years. And I see no need for an assault rifle. What I see is that if you think you do need an assault rifle for hunting, you should try a new hobby. Because 2 shots at max are all you should ever need, unless you are simply inept.

You'd be hard pressed to buy an assault rifle. It costs a lot of money and jumping through hoops. However you can go buy an AR 15 fairly easy but alas that is not an assault rifle
so when that argument failed, they now just call the mean looking AR an "assault" rifle so they can be right.

when they can't say what the differences are we need to ban vs. a semi-automatic hunting rifle, they decide to ban all semi-automatics now.

then any gun with a removable mag. which is about all of them except revolvers. even my 1942 moisen nagant has a mag.

they can't define what they want to ban so they go nuts and ban it all.

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