Hypocrite-N-Chief:Obama Silent Over Calls to Denounce 'Piss Christ' Artwork

Obama Silent Over Calls to Denounce 'Piss Christ' Artwork - War On Religion - Fox Nation

Hussein Obama spends taxpayer money to apologize to muslims over a 20 minute video but remains silent when pressed to denounce artwork set to appear in NYC of a crucifix submerged in the Artists's urine. This same President who claimed to be a christian supports the systemic slaughter of babies even going as far as voting to shelf any baby born alive after an abortion, not allowing medical intervention to save that child's life, instead to let it die. This President despises Israel .. Directly had the platform at the Democrat Convention to remove God completely.. Christ said you would know a man by ghis fruit.. Hussein Obama's fruit IS PLASTIC.

Denounce "artwork" from the 80's?

But Boosh?
Obama Silent Over Calls to Denounce 'Piss Christ' Artwork - War On Religion - Fox Nation

Hussein Obama spends taxpayer money to apologize to muslims over a 20 minute video but remains silent when pressed to denounce artwork set to appear in NYC of a crucifix submerged in the Artists's urine. This same President who claimed to be a christian supports the systemic slaughter of babies even going as far as voting to shelf any baby born alive after an abortion, not allowing medical intervention to save that child's life, instead to let it die. This President despises Israel .. Directly had the platform at the Democrat Convention to remove God completely.. Christ said you would know a man by ghis fruit.. Hussein Obama's fruit IS PLASTIC.

And what would you like him to say about someone's art? When does it stop? How many people have to "call" before you want Obama to say something? Based on your link, only a few religious nutjobs are concerned about someone's rights to free speech in America?

Right there ^^^^^ The true LEFT on display.. Support and cower to America's enemies..Apologize profusely.. call it respect of religion... LIES, PROPAGANDA.. The face of the Extreme Left of today.

Weren't you the one bitching yesterday about continued American soldier deaths in Afghanistan and placing the blame for such, squarely on Obama's shoulders?
Actually, she ismaking a point and I think you know it...but I may be wrong.

The left applauded Obamas condemnation of the film...and said it was not his admitting the US was at fault and it was not an apology.

I understand.

However, if he were doing exactly what the claim is....condemning actions against ANY religion....why was he silent over the crucifix in a jar of urine?

Exactly.. HYPOCRISY and LIES.. It never ends.. Where is the condemnation and outrage of Leftists, of this Administration?? After all, Obama stated NO RELIGION should be subject to be disrespected?

Maybe because our POTUS is smarter than you and these nutty religious types? Obama knows how radical some in Muslim countries can be. We have Iraq and Aghanistan to prove it. So, Obama apologizing was him attempting to save lives. How many people are going to get killed because of this artwork?

You are correct.

So it was appeasement.

I agree.

I do not think it saves lives however.

Instead it further attaches ALL Americans to the "artwork"
Obama Silent Over Calls to Denounce 'Piss Christ' Artwork - War On Religion - Fox Nation

Hussein Obama spends taxpayer money to apologize to muslims over a 20 minute video but remains silent when pressed to denounce artwork set to appear in NYC of a crucifix submerged in the Artists's urine. This same President who claimed to be a christian supports the systemic slaughter of babies even going as far as voting to shelf any baby born alive after an abortion, not allowing medical intervention to save that child's life, instead to let it die. This President despises Israel .. Directly had the platform at the Democrat Convention to remove God completely.. Christ said you would know a man by ghis fruit.. Hussein Obama's fruit IS PLASTIC.

Denounce "artwork" from the 80's?

But Boosh?

Perhaps if you actually read the article you would note it's being showcased in NYC this week.. NOT IN THE 80'S.. Get a clue..

Actually, she ismaking a point and I think you know it...but I may be wrong.

The left applauded Obamas condemnation of the film...and said it was not his admitting the US was at fault and it was not an apology.

I understand.

However, if he were doing exactly what the claim is....condemning actions against ANY religion....why was he silent over the crucifix in a jar of urine?

well if you want us to treat every religion like a baby, then we can do that. I thought christians where more "grown up"..?

Even though the OP smacks that question in face.

Are you sayinmg that those that follow Islam are whimps and need to be coddled?

emotionally yes.
I mean so are Christians to a degree, but they dont tend to murder for a sneeze.
Notice how every single liberal floods the thread and yet cannot or will not honestly answer the question??!! Once more, the left exposed. Coddle our enemies..
some busy bodies in here didn't watch the video airing in Pakistan.....where he rejects denigrating ANY faiths.


"the united states has been a nation that respects all faiths. we reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others." Barack Obama

Covers the jesus piss jar art nicely.
well if you want us to treat every religion like a baby, then we can do that. I thought christians where more "grown up"..?

Even though the OP smacks that question in face.

Are you sayinmg that those that follow Islam are whimps and need to be coddled?

emotionally yes.
I mean so are Christians to a degree, but they dont tend to murder for a sneeze.

When you appease a grpoup of people, you may be displaying maturity....but they are seeing weekness.

Bear in mind. The radicals do not necessarily think rationally.
some busy bodies in here didn't watch the video airing in Pakistan.....where he rejects denigrating ANY faiths.


"the united states has been a nation that respects all faiths. we reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others." Barack Obama

Covers the jesus piss jar art nicely.

No it doesnt. It was not aired on US TV....except the news....and not even in its entirety.

It was a direct repsonse to the film and aimed at the people that claim to be upset about it.

What did he do for the Christians of the world?
Notice how every single liberal floods the thread and yet cannot or will not honestly answer the question??!! Once more, the left exposed. Coddle our enemies..

What a moron. No wonder you think Romney has a good foreign policy strategy....
Are you sayinmg that those that follow Islam are whimps and need to be coddled?

emotionally yes.
I mean so are Christians to a degree, but they dont tend to murder for a sneeze.

When you appease a grpoup of people, you may be displaying maturity....but they are seeing weekness.

Bear in mind. The radicals do not necessarily think rationally.

who says the video was for radicals?
Notice how every single liberal floods the thread and yet cannot or will not honestly answer the question??!! Once more, the left exposed. Coddle our enemies..

What a moron. No wonder you think Romney has a good foreign policy strategy....

yet yoiu wont give a rational response to my question.

You said his "ad" addressed ALL religions.

Yes, he said "all religions"...but you know what he was addressing....you are a bright man.

so when Obama rejects denigration of all Religions, after the deaths of 4 human beings in the name of allah allah yalla yalla yalla (does indian dance)

it's not good enough, he has to then respond to every non story he probably doesn't have one fucking clue even exists, because fucktard busy bodies on teh internets get their sensibilities hurt every time he farts burps or coughs.

oh giggley day
emotionally yes.
I mean so are Christians to a degree, but they dont tend to murder for a sneeze.

When you appease a grpoup of people, you may be displaying maturity....but they are seeing weekness.

Bear in mind. The radicals do not necessarily think rationally.

who says the video was for radicals?

Becuase oinly the radicals kill people.

Normal Muslims protest...they dont kill people.
This Administration: We support, apologize and coddle the religion of Islam even as they spill American blood. We remove and boo any mention of the Christian God in our platform. We remain silent as disrespect is shown for Christianity and Christians.

These are the FACTS.. Absolute.

so when Obama rejects denigration of all Religions, after the deaths of 4 human beings in the name of allah allah yalla yalla yalla (does indian dance)

it's not good enough, he has to then respond to every non story he probably doesn't have one fucking clue even exists, because fucktard busy bodies on teh internets get their sensibilities hurt every time he farts burps or coughs.

oh giggley day

I give up.

Obama can rape a three year old and you would support it and say we have faux outrage.
Notice how every single liberal floods the thread and yet cannot or will not honestly answer the question??!! Once more, the left exposed. Coddle our enemies..

What a moron. No wonder you think Romney has a good foreign policy strategy....

yet yoiu wont give a rational response to my question.

You said his "ad" addressed ALL religions.

Yes, he said "all religions"...but you know what he was addressing....you are a bright man.

Slow down there, Jarhead....I think you are confusing me with another poster. I never said anything of the sort...you righties and your damn broad brushes....
"the united states has been a nation that respects all faiths. we reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others." Barack Obama

"not good enough sir, now you must re-state this every time someone makes fun of someone, or ELSE"


What a great Friday.

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