Hypocrite President Tells Congress To Pass A Budget On Time LMAO!!!!


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YmLF9lVAGVc]Obama Warns GOP Of "Economic Shutdown" If Congress Defaults On Debt - YouTube[/ame]

Yesterday Obama said to another college crowd filled with low-information voters that he was willing to work out differences with Congress. Unfortunately that promise only lasted a few hours when he told the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, that he would not negotiate over the debt-ceiling. It also reminds me when the Dems refused to allow the GOP any right to any input during the drafting of the Affordable Health Care Act.

These libs' words are as phony and hollow as their way of governing. It seems that everything they accuse the GOP of they are doing themselves. It must be because they feel that the media will only report it that way. It seems the only ones talking about a shutdown are the Democrats yet they dare to accuse the GOP of attempting to do just that.

And they wonder why so many of us are angry as hell.

Obama slams Republican threats to 'burn the house down'
By Justin Sink - 09/27/13 05:03 PM ET

President Obama on Friday implored House Republicans to fund the government, criticizing them for threatening "to burn the house down (wait for it) simply because you haven't gotten 100 percent of your way." (Funny, that's exactly what Obama is doing)

In comments from the White House press briefing room, Obama reiterated he would not negotiate on the debt ceiling or relent to GOP demands to delay or defund his healthcare law in exchange for funding the government.

"My message to Congress is this: Do not shut down the government. Do not shut down the economy. Pass a budget on time. Pay our bills on time," Obama said. ( Too bad Obama can't say he's done this himself, because he hasn't signed a budget into law since taking office or submitted one anyone voted for)

In what appeared to be a reference to Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-Texas) 21-hour floor speech on the healthcare law this week, Obama accused Republicans of grandstanding.

"This grandstanding has real effects on real people," Obama said.

"It's not gonna happen," he declared of defunding or delaying ObamaCare.

A spokesman for Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) quickly responded that it was Obama who was grandstanding with the appearance, noting that the president had not attempted to call him all week.

Read more: Obama slams Republican threats to 'burn the house down' - The Hill's Video
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In a just universe, Boehner and Reid would jointly hold a news conference and say the following:

We've heard your rumblings on the lack of a budget. There is one thing to remember and that is this: Congress doesn't answer to the Presidency, Dickface. We'll let you know when your opinion on the subject is wanted. In the meantime, go play some golf and hope we don't slash the budget on one of your pet departments just out of spite.
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For everyone who doesn't want to watch the 11:45... I'll make it easy for you.

Blame Republicans for everything. It works really well for just over 50% of the population.
I can't stand to watch that son of a bitch any more, he's so full of shit.

At least with Clinton his lies were entertaining.

Indeed. I feel nostalgic for the days when the biggest lies our President told were about sex that's not sex in the Oval Office with a subnordinate employee.

Ah....those were the good old days, I tell ya!

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