Hypocritical Maxine Waters: 'My Greatest Desire Is To Impeach Trump' - 'No Evidence is Necessary'!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Waters called an attempt to Impeach the President a 'coup d’etat' 'driven by “raw, unmasked, unbridled hatred and meanness'. She also said the political attempt by a political party to get rid of the President based on hatred and political bias after the American people elected him President an “unapologetic disregard for the voice of the people.”

The Left began their 'coup d'etat' against Trump since before the 2016 election. They paid millions to a foreign spy working with Russians to produce a Russian-Propaganda-filled report they used against him in a PR campaign against Trump but also illegally used to obtain illegal warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his campaign team during an election - 'Illegal Collusion', 'Campaign Law Violation'....'Watergate on Steroids'.

The problem is they have failed to produce any evidence that a crime was committed warranting an investigation to begin with. let alone evidence that the President committed any crimes. According to Waters, EVIDENCE OF A CRIME IS NOT NEEDED TO GET RID OF / IMPEACH A PRESIDENT. 'HATE' is more important than 'Evidence'.

Waters defending her desire to Impeach Trump based on no evidence of crimes but instead out of hatred:
--- ‘Impeachment IS Whatever Congress Says IT IS.’

In the very 1st paragraph of this thread, Hypocrite Waters is not talking about President Donald Trump, though. She was talking about President Bill Clinton and his Impeachment.

Bill Clinton was sued for sexual harassment and taken to court. Bill became the 1st President in US history to have to testify in a court case while sitting as President. During his testimony he engaged in deception in an attempt to win the case against him. The Judge in the case berated Clinton for his lack of honesty and for his deception. The Judge charged him with Contempt of Court for attempting to strip an American citizen of her Constitutional Right to a Fair Trial. In the end in this case, the case was thrown out, for his violation of professional ethics Bill Clinton was stripped of his ability to practice law in his home state where he got his license to practice law, and the Clintons paid Bill's accuser, Paula Jones, a large sum of money to go away and not file another law suit against him.

Republicans argued CORRECTLY that the President of the United States, who had sworn an oath to protect and defend the American people's Constitutional Rights, had just attempted to violate a citizen's right in court, that he had lied to the American people / the world, that he had engaged in unethical professional behavior, had lost his credibility and trust, and therefore had forfeited his ability to carry out his responsibilities as President. (What world leader would believe anything he said after this?)

This was before we have now found out that Democrats were engaging in sexual criminal misconduct so often that they created a committee and a process where Democrats stole citizen's hard earned tax dollars and used that money to pay off the victims of their sexual misconduct, paying them for their silence.

Instead of holding their members accountable for their crimes (as they have been forced to do now when pressured to do so after their crimes become public), Democrats defended Bill Clinton by arguing that his personal sex life was no one else's business. Adultery, sexual misconduct, harassment - was 'PRIVATE', and engaging in such behavior had NO IMPACT ON THE PRESIDENT'S ABILITY TO CARRY OUT HIS DUTIES AS PRESIDENT - THAT HE SHOULD NOT BE IMPEACHED FOR IT.

Yeah, that was THEN, and that was THEIR President. Waters explains it is all different now when a Republican is involved:

“If for some reason Mueller does not get him, Stormy will.


As Waters admitted in a moment of honesty, Evidence is not needed for Impeachment....which is good because Mueller / Democrats have none against Trump. It is all about 'HATE" and having the political Numbers - enough politicians in the House and Senate to ram Impeachment through.
--- "Waters went on to say ‘
it was her “greatest desire” to lead Trump into impeachment."

According to Waters, once Mueller officially fails to execute his 'political assassination' against the President the Democrats will move on to attacking him for 'sexual misconduct' - 'having an affair'...a private-life personal act the President may / may not have engaged in, an act Bill Clinton engaged in repeatedly throughout his political career, one her and fellow Democrats said was no one's business and had no impact on a President's ability to fulfill his Presidential responsibilities...

Hypocrisy aside, Waters is right - It's all about HATE and numbers to carry out the 'political hit'. To hell with their “unapologetic disregard for the voice of the people". It's not like Democrats give a damn about the American people or try to hide it. They openly declared they would obstruct all success for this country under the GOP and Trump for their own party benefit, openly declared they would reverse the Trump tax reform and take back the financial benefit the Middle Class / Citizens have reaped as a result, and stood with illegals against Americans to shut down the government. It's all about taking back power, making citizens subservient again, and doing and getting away with whatever they want again. Waters does not even try to hide her / the DNC's hate-driven goal of taking control of Congress again, making the Impeachment of Trump, based on nothing else but political hatred and 'revenge' their top priority.

'Impeachment is whatever DEMOCRATS say it is.' Arguably, such talk and open planning / collusion / collaborating in the removal of the President of the United States based on no evidence / no crime could be seen as 'sedition' / 'treason'.

All the world knows now: Maxine Waters (and her liberal buddy Pelosi) are low IQ individuals.

Thank you, President Trump, for calling the things as they are.

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