Hypothetical.Imagine If Biden Was President Now?,Would We All Be Rushing To Wal Mart, Gas,Water,Etc.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
it already has become armegedden so far in some states where you cant find Toiler Paper/Water/Various bare neccessities. But can you imagine if Biden was President?
It would be like the movie "The Stand" {I thought it was called "The Strand}.
Oh yah, it would be an every man for himself scenario if we had Biden trying to solve the Corona Virus dilemma.
We'd all be running to the store to stockpile Depends, Metamucil, and tapioca pudding.
If Sanders win Coronavirus will be rationed out of existence but if Biden wins it will be like when Clinton, Bush and Obama held the Oval Office and no media mass hysteria...
it already has become armegedden so far in some states where you cant find Toiler Paper/Water/Various bare neccessities. But can you imagine if Biden was President?
It would be like the movie "The Stand" {I thought it was called "The Strand}.
Oh yah, it would be an every man for himself scenario if we had Biden trying to solve the Corona Virus dilemma.
it already has become armegedden so far in some states where you cant find Toiler Paper/Water/Various bare neccessities. But can you imagine if Biden was President?
It would be like the movie "The Stand" {I thought it was called "The Strand}.
Oh yah, it would be an every man for himself scenario if we had Biden trying to solve the Corona Virus dilemma.
we'd be rushing to wallmart if they were giving stuff away ...because unemployed people dont have money
it already has become armegedden so far in some states where you cant find Toiler Paper/Water/Various bare neccessities. But can you imagine if Biden was President?
It would be like the movie "The Stand" {I thought it was called "The Strand}.
Oh yah, it would be an every man for himself scenario if we had Biden trying to solve the Corona Virus dilemma.

Not sure what any of that means. But if we had elected Gore instead of Bush and Kerry instead of Bush and Hillary instead of the Blob....more people would likely know how to spell Armageddon correctly as well as the word "necessities" Liberals don't think being educated is a vice. Conservatives do.
This whole thing has become farce at this point! They're now talking about closing down every bar and restaurant in Florida? Are you kidding me? It's a FUCKING VIRUS people...it's not Ebola!

I'm waiting for the first person with enough balls and common sense to say ENOUGH...this has gone too far! If you're elderly or have a medical condition that weakens your immune system then by all means...stay away from other people who might get you sick! If you're a healthy person...carry on with your life!
it already has become armegedden so far in some states where you cant find Toiler Paper/Water/Various bare neccessities. But can you imagine if Biden was President?
It would be like the movie "The Stand" {I thought it was called "The Strand}.
Oh yah, it would be an every man for himself scenario if we had Biden trying to solve the Corona Virus dilemma.

To be honest, few would care as the media would hardly report on it, and when they did, it would be to advise you that "all is ok, do not fear, keep living your lives and keeping the economy strong".

The extreme bias from MSNBC and CNN is scary in it's bias. They are both China First, especially MSNBC, and it is not good for Western liberty that they are so docile in the face of the reality of the communist goals. They will help any of Trumps opponents,regardless of who it is.
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This whole thing has become farce at this point! They're now talking about closing down every bar and restaurant in Florida? Are you kidding me? It's a FUCKING VIRUS people...it's not Ebola!

I'm waiting for the first person with enough balls and common sense to say ENOUGH...this has gone too far! If you're elderly or have a medical condition that weakens your immune system then by all means...stay away from other people who might get you sick! If you're a healthy person...carry on with your life!
This whole thing has become farce at this point! They're now talking about closing down every bar and restaurant in Florida? Are you kidding me? It's a FUCKING VIRUS people...it's not Ebola!

I'm waiting for the first person with enough balls and common sense to say ENOUGH...this has gone too far! If you're elderly or have a medical condition that weakens your immune system then by all means...stay away from other people who might get you sick! If you're a healthy person...carry on with your life!
i think we can all vision "President Biden" go before the USA,like Trump did, and advise all 300 million of us to cut back on "Sniffing Hair" "Reaching For Breasts" and "Don't Touch Kids".
it already has become armegedden so far in some states where you cant find Toiler Paper/Water/Various bare neccessities. But can you imagine if Biden was President?
It would be like the movie "The Stand" {I thought it was called "The Strand}.
Oh yah, it would be an every man for himself scenario if we had Biden trying to solve the Corona Virus dilemma.

Shouldn't whatever you said be in Satire or Rubber Room? Just another NaziCon flame thread.
This whole thing has become farce at this point! They're now talking about closing down every bar and restaurant in Florida? Are you kidding me? It's a FUCKING VIRUS people...it's not Ebola!

I'm waiting for the first person with enough balls and common sense to say ENOUGH...this has gone too far! If you're elderly or have a medical condition that weakens your immune system then by all means...stay away from other people who might get you sick! If you're a healthy person...carry on with your life!
im in sarasota, i cant believe my wal mart was out of paper goods! i mean, no one here is dying of this corolla virus! and i need paper towels god dammit !!!
it already has become armegedden so far in some states where you cant find Toiler Paper/Water/Various bare neccessities. But can you imagine if Biden was President?
It would be like the movie "The Stand" {I thought it was called "The Strand}.
Oh yah, it would be an every man for himself scenario if we had Biden trying to solve the Corona Virus dilemma.

If Biden were President the media would act like they did during the Swine flue epidemic. They would just ignore it and not generate any hysteria, just like they turned a blind eye to Obama caging children at the border and then try to blame Trump for it.

Nothing new. They just finally found something people will buy into now is all.
i think Biden would bring up the fact that we now have corona cases in all 157 states
it already has become armegedden so far in some states where you cant find Toiler Paper/Water/Various bare neccessities. But can you imagine if Biden was President?
It would be like the movie "The Stand" {I thought it was called "The Strand}.
Oh yah, it would be an every man for himself scenario if we had Biden trying to solve the Corona Virus dilemma.

Not sure what any of that means. But if we had elected Gore instead of Bush and Kerry instead of Bush and Hillary instead of the Blob....more people would likely know how to spell Armageddon correctly as well as the word "necessities" Liberals don't think being educated is a vice. Conservatives do.

Still with that nonsense that liberals are smarter than conservatives, Candy? What's your education consist of?
it already has become armegedden so far in some states where you cant find Toiler Paper/Water/Various bare neccessities. But can you imagine if Biden was President?
It would be like the movie "The Stand" {I thought it was called "The Strand}.
Oh yah, it would be an every man for himself scenario if we had Biden trying to solve the Corona Virus dilemma.

Not sure what any of that means. But if we had elected Gore instead of Bush and Kerry instead of Bush and Hillary instead of the Blob....more people would likely know how to spell Armageddon correctly as well as the word "necessities" Liberals don't think being educated is a vice. Conservatives do.

Still with that nonsense that liberals are smarter than conservatives, Candy? What's your education consist of?

Taking this board as a measurement...its a fact. Or do you too buy into the Chinese weaponizing the virus, Hillary Clinton being a murderer, that the blob never lies...
i wonder how long biden would actually address the nation for,,,,we know he can only speak for about 35 seconds before the gaffes start shooting out.
now for those of you who were born in the 90's, just go look for the very first scene in The Stand series. thats pretty much how millions of us are reacting to this crisis.
it already has become armegedden so far in some states where you cant find Toiler Paper/Water/Various bare neccessities. But can you imagine if Biden was President?
It would be like the movie "The Stand" {I thought it was called "The Strand}.
Oh yah, it would be an every man for himself scenario if we had Biden trying to solve the Corona Virus dilemma.
If President Biden said something about the crisis I'd probably believe him. Trump says the crisis is under control and will be no big deal and I panic and run out and buy toilet paper.

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