Hypothetically, shooting at Walmart... You're armed...

...so are many others because you live in free state.

You hear shots and screaming.

What do you do?
Unless you've been in combat or responded to a related situation, one cannot express how they will actually react in such a scenario. When bullets are flying at or near you, macho men often turn into cowards.
Bad Guys do not operate on your timing or where you expect .
Having said that, the efficacy of opportunistically leaving or hiding until doing so is highly recommended by the police. Engaging one or more shooters is a dangerous thing. Its actually better in a large store vs. a small restaurant or, heaven forbid a nightclub / movie theater / dinner theater. Of course surviving fires is almost identical. Many exits vs. few exits.
I'll be frank, once you've seen "people of Walmart" you quit going to Walmart.
For me, in any public space, my focus would be in making sure my safety and the safety of my party are maintained. That means getting away or finding safety are the priority. If doing that forces me into confrontation with the gunman, so be it; but that’s not what I’m looking for. It’s Walmart’s responsibility to secure its business and its customers, not mine.,
You resign yourself to understanding that it's too late to prevent the gun violence.
And if the shots are fired in rapid succession by an assault weapon, you run the other way with your handgun!
Trying to decide if this is ignorance laced with bigotry, or bigotry laced with ignorance.
...so are many others because you live in free state.

You hear shots and screaming.

What do you do?
At a fucking Walmart ? I'd ask the shooter "which ones ? " and assist :omg:. Fuck Walmart and anyone dumb enough to shadow their door.:mad:
Next stop ?
SuperX drug dealerz, then off to McD for lunch fun.
Finish the afternoon events at an Apple store.:stir:

Then head over to Rays for a nice homemade pizza and beer brewed right there. :cool::yes_text12:

Wait for the PoPo and tell'em it was them thar Russians that dunned it ! :flameth:

Y'all enjoy your demise. You voted for it...with your wallet
First, while I do own guns I do not carry them into a Walmart or any other store. In my house or in my car is okay but even though in Texas I don't need a carry permit I don't carry. That said, if I'm in a Walmart or anywhere else and I hear shooting and screaming then I head for the door unless that's where the shooting is. In which case I hide; if I'm carrying I do not go looking for trouble, I hunker down and wait for the cops to show up. I will draw my carry gun if I'm carrying to defend myself should it become necessary, but frankly I'm not a hero and was not trained to be one. But if the bad guy comes at me then I shoot his ass.
There was this woman in texas who carried but the day she and her family and others were the target of a crazy person shooting up a lubys...in texas......she couldn't get to her car..and her parents paid the price. I am not willing to take that chance. Susanna Hupt i think her name was.
At a fucking Walmart ? I'd ask the shooter "which ones ? " and assist :omg:. Fuck Walmart and anyone dumb enough to shadow their door.:mad:
While I appreciate the sentiment... I'm not driving 70 miles round trip for groceries when there's a Walmart five miles away

Hell...folks have to drive up to 50 miles round trip to get here to go to the WallyWorld.

They'd have to drive 120 miles round trip.

So don't go joinin' no crazy persons shootin' up the Walmart.
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There was this woman in texas who carried but the day she and her family and others were the target of a crazy person shooting up a lubys...in texas......she couldn't get to her car..and her parents paid the price. I am not willing to take that chance. Susanna Hupt i think her name was.

Just to be clear, I have no problem with those who carry. Anywhere and anytime they want to, fine by me. And I don't have family with me when I go out, and haven't been in a restaurant in years. I know that the crazies can pop up anywhere, but my situation is such that the chances of that happening to me are rare indeed. So, different strokes for different folks. I got no problem with anyone else doing whatever they feel they need to, to protect themselves of their loved ones.
There was this woman in texas who carried but the day she and her family and others were the target of a crazy person shooting up a lubys...in texas......she couldn't get to her car..and her parents paid the price. I am not willing to take that chance. Susanna Hupt i think her name was.
That's a sad video...her testimony.
I'll be frank, once you've seen "people of Walmart" you quit going to Walmart.
You don't get out much, do ya.

It seems like half the population looks like they just crawled out of the rag-bag.

Bones in their noses, tattooed foreheads, holes to clip carbineers in their ears, hair in every color of the rainbow.
...so are many others because you live in free state.

You hear shots and screaming.

What do you do?
You find the nearest exit as possible and help as many folks out as you can. The absolute best way to survive a gunfight is to get away from it as quickly as possible. Only use your weapon if you get cornered or are in the immediate area of the shooting right off the bat.
You find the nearest exit as possible and help as many folks out as you can. The absolute best way to survive a gunfight is to get away from it as quickly as possible. Only use your weapon if you get cornered or are in the immediate area of the shooting right off the bat.
Right. The gun humpers read too many gun humping magazines and watch too much TV.

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