I agree w/ Olberman RE: McChrystal

YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton

Dissent is the highest form of pat...SHUT THE FUCK UP OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!

It's only OK when a Republican or Conservative sits in the WH...or controls the Congress. We'll have a replay of their distain after 2010 elections in November.

Are you talking about normal American citizens or commissioned officers in t military?

There is a difference.

Words mean things. Figure it out.
It's only OK when a Republican or Conservative sits in the WH...or controls the Congress. We'll have a replay of their distain after 2010 elections in November.

Are you talking about normal American citizens or commissioned officers in t military?

There is a difference.

Words mean things. Figure it out.

Actually, you are incorrect. Some words mean things and others are useless.

Your word's fall under the latter category.
Who pulled your chain you useless whiny ****?

i believe it was you, junior.

i took a pass on your pseudomystical sounding board bullshit, but i couldn't let your little *strawman* attempt slide by. maineman was 100% right and you, little boy, were 100% wrong. calling me names doesn't increase your intelligence nor does it make you less wrong.

sucks to be you, again. :lol:

You cherry pick and hope to slide in easy jabs because you are fucking clueless. I called you a useless whiny **** because it's what your ass-kissing dick sucking agenda proves on a regular basis.

Maineman appears to be almost as clueless because he doesn't respond to what I actually post. He puts up strawmen then predictable punks like you lick it up because it looks like easy pickings.

It's not that difficult to comprehend: It's fucking reetawrded to ask Americans to give their lives to defend something like Freedom of Speech but prohibit them from exercising what they are fucking dying to defend. It's almost as stoopid as giving 18 year olds automatic guns and sending them thousands of miles from home to kill people they've never met and who has done nothing to them while sending other 18 year olds to jail for having a fucking beer. Are you so fucking thick headed you cannot grasp basic concepts of consistency you fucking whiner?

hey, i'm sorry you're too young to buy beer, and i'm sure it's very frustrating to have the intelligence of a radish.

really. now scoot on back to the kiddie table and we'll put a spongebob video on for you, otay?
YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton

Dissent is the highest form of pat...SHUT THE FUCK UP OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!

Public dissent against the commander in chief is not a privileged that officers have.

It never has.

If you want your first amendment rights to be fully intact, you need to resign you commission.

It's a shame that this incident played out this way.
Funny...General McChrystal Resigned his post...and I'm sure will retire shortly...then the Book writing will begin shortly after...and funnier still? He voted for Obama...:eusa_whistle:

What a silly goose he was...eh?:eusa_eh:

He didn't have a choice but to resign his post. General McChrystal allowed a perception of a rift between his staff and the President of the United States. It put Obama in an untenable position. I wonder if McChrystal would have chosen to remain if given the chance. He's astute enough to know that the article did irreparable harm to his ability to command in Afghanistan.

I am not sure how he voted, but it's irrelevant.
Public dissent against the commander in chief is not a privileged that officers have.

It never has.

If you want your first amendment rights to be fully intact, you need to resign you commission.

It's a shame that this incident played out this way.
Funny...General McChrystal Resigned his post...and I'm sure will retire shortly...then the Book writing will begin shortly after...and funnier still? He voted for Obama...:eusa_whistle:

What a silly goose he was...eh?:eusa_eh:

He didn't have a choice but to resign his post. General McChrystal allowed a perception of a rift between his staff and the President of the United States. It put Obama in an untenable position. I wonder if McChrystal would have chosen to remain if given the chance. He's astute enough to know that the article did irreparable harm to his ability to command in Afghanistan.

I am not sure how he voted, but it's irrelevant.

And one aptly deserved. Obama is in over his proverbial head.
Welcome to concept of "Civilian Control of the Military". At least Obama had a good reason to fire McChrystal as opposed to Rumsfeld/Bush who fired all the Generals for simply trying to help them shape a strategy that would work in Iraq and telling them that their notions were fucking fairy tales.

Please refer to General Shinseki's firing and then the double insult of Rumsfeld not attending his retirement ceremony.

What in heck does George Bush have to do with this? Please enlighten me. Or was it merely a gratuitous slap to deflect attention.
Obama selected McChrystal, presumably for his expertise. While Obama is CnC and ultimately can make decisions, it shows bad judgment to overturn your hand picked expert's opinion. I am 100% certain that McChrystal has forgotten tons more about warfare than Obama ever knew.

With this? Nothing. With what his administration did? Everything.

You see, I was making a contrast between a General being fired by the Bush administration versus the Obama administration.

I imagine you are sharp enough to figure that out (it wasn't really that hard), but you have your "liberals just blame Bush" talking point out and it's well worn so get down with your bad self.

No, I read through the exchange and your post was a complete non-sequitur. Most of your posts seem to be going that way inf fact. We're discussing why Obama fired McChrystal and how the whole thing unfolded and you chime in with "BUT BOOOSHHH".
It made no sense.
And repeating that Obama is CinC doesn't really answer the question as to why he over-ruled his own handpicked expert. Does Obama know more about warfare than McChrystal?
And repeating that Obama is CinC doesn't really answer the question as to why he over-ruled his own handpicked expert. Does Obama know more about warfare than McChrystal?

Quite frankly, Obama is CinC, just as Bush before him, Clinton before him, Bush before him, Reagan before him....

He can over rule the military if he wants to. The military top brass wanted to invade Cuba and provoke WWIII under JFK. He told them no, and the world limped on, Armageddon averted.

The CinC has the Constitutionally mandated power to overrule the military, end of discussion.
And repeating that Obama is CinC doesn't really answer the question as to why he over-ruled his own handpicked expert. Does Obama know more about warfare than McChrystal?

Quite frankly, Obama is CinC, just as Bush before him, Clinton before him, Bush before him, Reagan before him....

He can over rule the military if he wants to. The military top brass wanted to invade Cuba and provoke WWIII under JFK. He told them no, and the world limped on, Armageddon averted.

The CinC has the Constitutionally mandated power to overrule the military, end of discussion.

Unfortunately for you, no one has said he doesn't. The question is why he did so. Does he know more about warfare than McChrystal? If McChrystal is unfit in some way, why did Obama appoint him in the first place?
And Kennedy was wrong, btw.
I agree with Olberman, there is too much that needs to be done. The General and Obama need to sit down, work it out, and then come up with a new game plan.

I disagree. What this man did was against the ucmj and this is not an isolated incident. I do admire the gen for not backing down to what he said, but now he has to pay for it.

Civilians, this is not Judge Judy, this is the military and there are consequences for actions like this.

Obama stood strong and got rid of this big mouth. (To do this wrong, but to do it during a war is unconscionable!) I served under Bush and never, not once, ever said a negative word against him. (Not publically. My wife got tired of my bitching though).
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And repeating that Obama is CinC doesn't really answer the question as to why he over-ruled his own handpicked expert. Does Obama know more about warfare than McChrystal?

Quite frankly, Obama is CinC, just as Bush before him, Clinton before him, Bush before him, Reagan before him....

He can over rule the military if he wants to. The military top brass wanted to invade Cuba and provoke WWIII under JFK. He told them no, and the world limped on, Armageddon averted.

The CinC has the Constitutionally mandated power to overrule the military, end of discussion.

Unfortunately for you, no one has said he doesn't. The question is why he did so. Does he know more about warfare than McChrystal? If McChrystal is unfit in some way, why did Obama appoint him in the first place?
And Kennedy was wrong, btw.

Do you not understand military rank? Who works for whom? McChrystal is not unfit, he is guilty of going against the UCMJ. He said what he wanted to say and had to pay for it.

Oh and see below for your daily crediblity check, you fucking racist. OH and God bless.
Funny...General McChrystal Resigned his post...and I'm sure will retire shortly...then the Book writing will begin shortly after...and funnier still? He voted for Obama...:eusa_whistle:

What a silly goose he was...eh?:eusa_eh:

He didn't have a choice but to resign his post. General McChrystal allowed a perception of a rift between his staff and the President of the United States. It put Obama in an untenable position. I wonder if McChrystal would have chosen to remain if given the chance. He's astute enough to know that the article did irreparable harm to his ability to command in Afghanistan.

I am not sure how he voted, but it's irrelevant.

And one aptly deserved. Obama is in over his proverbial head.

T ..don't pee on yourself when after Obamas second term he is on every major board room table on the planet. You say stupid? Let's see what the big players do.
He didn't have a choice but to resign his post. General McChrystal allowed a perception of a rift between his staff and the President of the United States. It put Obama in an untenable position. I wonder if McChrystal would have chosen to remain if given the chance. He's astute enough to know that the article did irreparable harm to his ability to command in Afghanistan.

I am not sure how he voted, but it's irrelevant.

And one aptly deserved. Obama is in over his proverbial head.

T ..don't pee on yourself when after Obamas second term he is on every major board room table on the planet. You say stupid? Let's see what the big players do.

Obama hasn't a chance for term #2.

He'll be Impeached before then.
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And one aptly deserved. Obama is in over his proverbial head.

T ..don't pee on yourself when after Obamas second term he is on every major board room table on the planet. You say stupid? Let's see what the big players do.

Obama hasn't a chance for term #2.

He'll be Impeached before then.

That is wishful thinking. On what grounds?

They couldn't remove Clinton from office and they didn't impeach Bush, I can't begin to imagine that they will impeach Obama despite the fact that I don't like much that he has done.

And one aptly deserved. Obama is in over his proverbial head.

T ..don't pee on yourself when after Obamas second term he is on every major board room table on the planet. You say stupid? Let's see what the big players do.

Obama hasn't a chance for term #2.

He'll be Impeached before then.

I have a more likely scenerio for ya. The terrorists aren't getting any traction against Obama and thier lame ass butt bomber and the double parked guy were a real hoot. My guess is that they HAVE to do something they think is BIG and of course they will fail..but if it can be traced to a convenient country like ...say Pakistan.. and the target is say maybe the white house or a presidential something or other ....then we will see some mullatto fangs and the tactical nukes will be deployed. All it will take is Obams kids getting threatened and he will come out swnging with a deployment like the world hasn't seen in about 55 years and at that smelling like a fuckin rose. How many of you chicken hawks would love to see a small nuke go off on live TV and twenty or thirty countries immediatly doing some major house keeping so it doesn't happen in their FRONT YARD?
T ..don't pee on yourself when after Obamas second term he is on every major board room table on the planet. You say stupid? Let's see what the big players do.

Obama hasn't a chance for term #2.

He'll be Impeached before then.

I have a more likely scenerio for ya. The terrorists aren't getting any traction against Obama and thier lame ass butt bomber and the double parked guy were a real hoot. My guess is that they HAVE to do something they think is BIG and of course they will fail..but if it can be traced to a convenient country like ...say Pakistan.. and the target is say maybe the white house or a presidential something or other ....then we will see some mullatto fangs and the tactical nukes will be deployed. All it will take is Obams kids getting threatened and he will come out swnging with a deployment like the world hasn't seen in about 55 years and at that smelling like a fuckin rose. How many of you chicken hawks would love to see a small nuke go off on live TV and twenty or thirty countries immediatly doing some major house keeping so it doesn't happen in their FRONT YARD?

Huggster? I saw the words understood the context...and frankly don't see it happening unless you perceive another 9/11 or worse event...do you belive it will come to that? Is THAT the only thing to force Obama to do what he isn't doing NOW?

Kinda odd isn't it to be FORCED to do one's job isn't it?
Obama hasn't a chance for term #2.

He'll be Impeached before then.

I have a more likely scenerio for ya. The terrorists aren't getting any traction against Obama and thier lame ass butt bomber and the double parked guy were a real hoot. My guess is that they HAVE to do something they think is BIG and of course they will fail..but if it can be traced to a convenient country like ...say Pakistan.. and the target is say maybe the white house or a presidential something or other ....then we will see some mullatto fangs and the tactical nukes will be deployed. All it will take is Obams kids getting threatened and he will come out swnging with a deployment like the world hasn't seen in about 55 years and at that smelling like a fuckin rose. How many of you chicken hawks would love to see a small nuke go off on live TV and twenty or thirty countries immediatly doing some major house keeping so it doesn't happen in their FRONT YARD?

Huggster? I saw the words understood the context...and frankly don't see it happening unless you perceive another 9/11 or worse event...do you belive it will come to that? Is THAT the only thing to force Obama to do what he isn't doing NOW?

Kinda odd isn't it to be FORCED to do one's job isn't it?

I'm not all about Obama but unlike you I don't missunderestimate him. I know smart people and wether you want to admit it or not..he is very intelligent. Plus he wasn't brought up in a pussy environment like Bush. He has been on the streets and My guess is that he has actually had to fight once or twice.

Bush didn't really get threatened in 9/11. Lets say he was in the white house that day and a planeload full of jetA and people paid an unsheduled visit? OK Bush survives..ya think we send troups..Hell to the no-no...its nuke fuckin city.
l listened to the NPR analysis on my way home from work today, as well as Obama's remarks.

I think he was entirely correct to attribute this to an important breech of the role of the military, and the importance of the military to be subordinate to the civilian sector and it's elected officials.

I also think McChrystal made it clear that he doesn't think much or get along well with the other players on the Afghanistan strategy team.

I think Obama made a wise choice in Petraeus as a replacement, rather than choosing McChrystal's second in command, Lt Gen Rodriguez. Better to pick someone outside of McChrystal's immediate circle.
And one aptly deserved. Obama is in over his proverbial head.

T ..don't pee on yourself when after Obamas second term he is on every major board room table on the planet. You say stupid? Let's see what the big players do.

Obama hasn't a chance for term #2.

He'll be Impeached before then.

I swear, I am going to save this and rub it in your drunk face when he wins for the second time. :doubt: I am sure if I tried hard enough, I can find a post of yours that says, he wouldn't win the first time. You Were wrong then, what the fuck makes you think your drunk ass will be correct about the second term?
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T ..don't pee on yourself when after Obamas second term he is on every major board room table on the planet. You say stupid? Let's see what the big players do.

Obama hasn't a chance for term #2.

He'll be Impeached before then.

That is wishful thinking. On what grounds?

They couldn't remove Clinton from office and they didn't impeach Bush, I can't begin to imagine that they will impeach Obama despite the fact that I don't like much that he has done.


Stop sounding like a resonable republican, its confusing. T, continue please. :doubt:
Obama hasn't a chance for term #2.

He'll be Impeached before then.

That is wishful thinking. On what grounds?

They couldn't remove Clinton from office and they didn't impeach Bush, I can't begin to imagine that they will impeach Obama despite the fact that I don't like much that he has done.


Stop sounding like a resonable republican, its confusing. T, continue please. :doubt:


I'm not a Republican and I doubt I am reasonable either. :D

The Republicans (in Washington) are no better than the Democrats (in Washington). As for people not owned by either party, but affiliated with one or the other, there are some good ones on both sides and then there are some that are piss poor as well.


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