I agree w/ Olberman RE: McChrystal

I have a more likely scenerio for ya. The terrorists aren't getting any traction against Obama and thier lame ass butt bomber and the double parked guy were a real hoot. My guess is that they HAVE to do something they think is BIG and of course they will fail..but if it can be traced to a convenient country like ...say Pakistan.. and the target is say maybe the white house or a presidential something or other ....then we will see some mullatto fangs and the tactical nukes will be deployed. All it will take is Obams kids getting threatened and he will come out swnging with a deployment like the world hasn't seen in about 55 years and at that smelling like a fuckin rose. How many of you chicken hawks would love to see a small nuke go off on live TV and twenty or thirty countries immediatly doing some major house keeping so it doesn't happen in their FRONT YARD?

Huggster? I saw the words understood the context...and frankly don't see it happening unless you perceive another 9/11 or worse event...do you belive it will come to that? Is THAT the only thing to force Obama to do what he isn't doing NOW?

Kinda odd isn't it to be FORCED to do one's job isn't it?

I'm not all about Obama but unlike you I don't missunderestimate him. I know smart people and wether you want to admit it or not..he is very intelligent. Plus he wasn't brought up in a pussy environment like Bush. He has been on the streets and My guess is that he has actually had to fight once or twice.

Bush didn't really get threatened in 9/11. Lets say he was in the white house that day and a planeload full of jetA and people paid an unsheduled visit? OK Bush survives..ya think we send troups..Hell to the no-no...its nuke fuckin city.

BuggyHuggy, Your opinion's credibility re General McChrystal is simply a boatload of SHIT. This Obamarrhoidal idiot, BuggyHuggy even disengenuously throws in the latest batch of unsuccessful suicide bombers as Obama's ACCOMPLISHMENTS when in REALITY the ONLY reason they were caught was because these ragheads were HAPLESS IDIOTS and caught by BYSTANDERS. And, even when these Islamofascist fools were finally incarcerated....no thanks to Incompetano (or Holder's subsequent idiocies) these Obamarrhoidal Handpicked Morons botched things up with idiotic pronouncements and actions.

BuggyHuggy, you are a fanatical Obamarrhoidal fuck that would literally follow the Black Racist MARXIST Palestinian Guardian and Muslim PC Protector Obami Salaami, the EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD to hell singing hossanas accompanying his noxious farts.

This present scenario is nowhere close to the scenario of "MILITARY INSUBORDINATION" between Truman and MacArthur where there was a STRONG POSSIBILITY of China getting NUKED during the Korean War.

In the present case we probably have a "behind the scenes" distinct difference of opinion between a President of America who is a TOTAL FUCKUP.....and I mean "TOTAL" to the MAX.......and a brilliant General desperately trying to indicate that Our MONUMENTAL FRAUD is a MONUMENTAL FRAUD...... WITHOUT RESIGNING.

True, the proper MILITARY WAY, without upsetting the "CHAIN of COMMAND".....a VERY important precept in any Military Doctrine, is to have a General RESIGN before criticizing his Prez.

BUT.......as I stated there is SOME room for giving the issue another option since we DO HAVE A NATIONALLY EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD (67%? of Nation disapproving of Prez) at the controls as Prez.


It's NOT that McChrystal is a "COWARD", as many Obamarrhoidal Morons contend, but that McChrystal feels (rightly or wrongly) that it's HIS "ULTIMATE" Plan that is being fucked around with by a FLAGRANTLY INCOMPETENT NINCOMPOOP at the controls....and that he willfully rejects the Military Way of resigning because his (Gen McChrystal's) ULTIMATELY SUCCESSFUL PLAN depends on him (Gen McChrystal) to be carried out.

Thus, Gen McChrystal, rightly or wrongly, chose this particular way to bring the issue to a head.

Basically, this is probably a close call on which is the better option.

IMO, keeping Gen McChrystal is best for the Nation.

If BuggsyHuggy is correct then it is ONLY for the wrong reason.

Because, BuggsyHuggsy is NOT looking out for what's best for our Nation. BuggsyHuggsy is ONLY concerned that THE MONUMENTAL FRAUD i.e., the Black Racist MARXIST Palestinian Guardian Muslim PC Protector Obami Salaami's CATASTROPHIC AGENDA is protected.
T ..don't pee on yourself when after Obamas second term he is on every major board room table on the planet. You say stupid? Let's see what the big players do.

Obama hasn't a chance for term #2.

He'll be Impeached before then.

I swear, I am going to save this and rub it in your drunk face when he wins for the second time. :doubt: I am sure if I tried hard enough, I can find a post of yours that says, he wouldn't win the first time. You Were wrong then, what the fuck makes you think your drunk ass will be correct about the second term?

keep going Zoned. You're talking out of your as as usual.
Quite frankly, Obama is CinC, just as Bush before him, Clinton before him, Bush before him, Reagan before him....

He can over rule the military if he wants to. The military top brass wanted to invade Cuba and provoke WWIII under JFK. He told them no, and the world limped on, Armageddon averted.

The CinC has the Constitutionally mandated power to overrule the military, end of discussion.

Unfortunately for you, no one has said he doesn't. The question is why he did so. Does he know more about warfare than McChrystal? If McChrystal is unfit in some way, why did Obama appoint him in the first place?
And Kennedy was wrong, btw.

Do you not understand military rank? Who works for whom? McChrystal is not unfit, he is guilty of going against the UCMJ. He said what he wanted to say and had to pay for it.

Oh and see below for your daily crediblity check, you fucking racist. OH and God bless.

If he isn't unfit, then why was he relieved? WHat did he say that necessitated his removal?
And who's fault is it that the Afghan team can't get along? (Hint, it isn't Bush).
Unfortunately for you, no one has said he doesn't. The question is why he did so. Does he know more about warfare than McChrystal? If McChrystal is unfit in some way, why did Obama appoint him in the first place?
And Kennedy was wrong, btw.

Do you not understand military rank? Who works for whom? McChrystal is not unfit, he is guilty of going against the UCMJ. He said what he wanted to say and had to pay for it.

Oh and see below for your daily crediblity check, you fucking racist. OH and God bless.

If he isn't unfit, then why was he relieved? WHat did he say that necessitated his removal?
And who's fault is it that the Afghan team can't get along? (Hint, it isn't Bush).

I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't some adjustments with the Afghan team. I'd like to have been a fly on the wall during conversations between Obama and Peautrus.
Things have not been going well in Afghanistan. Petreus did some amazing things in Iraq. He surely surprised me. The situation is Iraq is still not good, but so much better than I would have thought possible. Petreus is a natural choice.
Unfortunately for you, no one has said he doesn't. The question is why he did so. Does he know more about warfare than McChrystal? If McChrystal is unfit in some way, why did Obama appoint him in the first place?
And Kennedy was wrong, btw.

Do you not understand military rank? Who works for whom? McChrystal is not unfit, he is guilty of going against the UCMJ. He said what he wanted to say and had to pay for it.

Oh and see below for your daily crediblity check, you fucking racist. OH and God bless.

If he isn't unfit, then why was he relieved? WHat did he say that necessitated his removal?
And who's fault is it that the Afghan team can't get along? (Hint, it isn't Bush).

Rabid Rabbi...your post reminds me of of another "brain" that didn't get it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukeHdiszZmE]YouTube - Stop Dave, I'm Afraid[/ame]
Things have not been going well in Afghanistan. Petreus did some amazing things in Iraq. He surely surprised me. The situation is Iraq is still not good, but so much better than I would have thought possible. Petreus is a natural choice.

Petreaus is highly unbelievably overrated and given way too much credit for the bowlshit in iraq. He's very competent but he's not the Charm people are swooning about because his placement in Iraq was lucky timing.
Things have not been going well in Afghanistan. Petreus did some amazing things in Iraq. He surely surprised me. The situation is Iraq is still not good, but so much better than I would have thought possible. Petreus is a natural choice.

I have a more likely scenerio for ya. The terrorists aren't getting any traction against Obama and thier lame ass butt bomber and the double parked guy were a real hoot. My guess is that they HAVE to do something they think is BIG and of course they will fail..but if it can be traced to a convenient country like ...say Pakistan.. and the target is say maybe the white house or a presidential something or other ....then we will see some mullatto fangs and the tactical nukes will be deployed. All it will take is Obams kids getting threatened and he will come out swnging with a deployment like the world hasn't seen in about 55 years and at that smelling like a fuckin rose. How many of you chicken hawks would love to see a small nuke go off on live TV and twenty or thirty countries immediatly doing some major house keeping so it doesn't happen in their FRONT YARD?

Huggster? I saw the words understood the context...and frankly don't see it happening unless you perceive another 9/11 or worse event...do you belive it will come to that? Is THAT the only thing to force Obama to do what he isn't doing NOW?

Kinda odd isn't it to be FORCED to do one's job isn't it?

I'm not all about Obama but unlike you I don't missunderestimate him. I know smart people and wether you want to admit it or not..he is very intelligent. Plus he wasn't brought up in a pussy environment like Bush. He has been on the streets and My guess is that he has actually had to fight once or twice.

Bush didn't really get threatened in 9/11. Lets say he was in the white house that day and a planeload full of jetA and people paid an unsheduled visit? OK Bush survives..ya think we send troups..Hell to the no-no...its nuke fuckin city.

Yep. Obushama sure had it rough growing up. Do you have any idea how hard it is to go to school when beautiful Hawaiin beaches are within walking distance? Poor fella.
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i believe it was you, junior.

i took a pass on your pseudomystical sounding board bullshit, but i couldn't let your little *strawman* attempt slide by. maineman was 100% right and you, little boy, were 100% wrong. calling me names doesn't increase your intelligence nor does it make you less wrong.

sucks to be you, again. :lol:

You cherry pick and hope to slide in easy jabs because you are fucking clueless. I called you a useless whiny **** because it's what your ass-kissing dick sucking agenda proves on a regular basis.

Maineman appears to be almost as clueless because he doesn't respond to what I actually post. He puts up strawmen then predictable punks like you lick it up because it looks like easy pickings.

It's not that difficult to comprehend: It's fucking reetawrded to ask Americans to give their lives to defend something like Freedom of Speech but prohibit them from exercising what they are fucking dying to defend. It's almost as stoopid as giving 18 year olds automatic guns and sending them thousands of miles from home to kill people they've never met and who has done nothing to them while sending other 18 year olds to jail for having a fucking beer. Are you so fucking thick headed you cannot grasp basic concepts of consistency you fucking whiner?

hey, i'm sorry you're too young to buy beer, and i'm sure it's very frustrating to have the intelligence of a radish.

really. now scoot on back to the kiddie table and we'll put a spongebob video on for you, otay?

Thank you for proving my point.
Create sufficient economic and governmental structure and stability to allow us to withdrawl and prevent the Taliban from coming back into power.

Whether we can do that will remain to be seen.

As the Taliban says:

"You have all the watched, but we have all the time."

What is a sufficient economic and governmental structure? What if they hold nationwide elections and the people elect the Taliban back in power? You have not defined victory at all. What you've done is thrown out ambiguous talking points. Why are our Troops dying to build other nations when our own Nation needs schools and roads and hospitals?

Enough to keep the Taliban from coming back into power. I also have never thought the traditional notion of "victory" was possible in Afghanistan. I didn't think it in 2001, I didn't think it after being there for a year in 2005, and I don't think it now.

The best we can do is stabilize it.

How do you justify US troops dying to "stabilize" a foreign nation that never attacked us? You also ignored the question about the Taliban being voted in.
huh? I truly believe that what McChrystals people said was McChrystals responsibility and McChrystal is Obamas responsibility. Obama set himself up by taking on a General with little public exposure. It was Obamas responsibility.

And I will take you and your foul mouth on in any debate and I will win when you can not refute what I say and I will learn when you can.

You have an issue with that?

You tried to dismiss Geaux's post based on:

"But based on your posts, you are of liberal thinking and you have no idea of what "personal responsibility" is all about."

That is what I was responding to Mr. Lightspeed. If you don't like my choice of words......tough shit. Change your tampon and stop crying like a little bitch.

What I think of your choice of words should not concern you. Furthermore, I f you read my pist to him you would have understood why I said what I said.

If you did read my post and you still could not get it, then I was wrong. I cant learn anything from you as I likely already forgot more than you will ever know.

So have fun with your language skills and go beat your chest in someone elses face. I have little to no interest in you whatsoever.

And yes, I know....you couldnt give a crap. Good for you.

Holy shit. Another fucking whiner so you'll fit in very well. I doubt you will learn anything from me or anyone else because you have an affinity for digressing from the topic to focus on useless personal bullshit.

Like it or not Conservatives have largely sold out from the average voter to the White House and yes all of us Conservatives have some responsibility. I never voted for Dubya but that doesn't mean I have no responsibility because I should have been more active in revealing the Neocon/Christian Right invasion of my Party. But you go on with your fantasy Conservatives are not responsible for the Bush years.
You guys are just plain fucking stupid, there's no other explanation.
McCrystal just destroyed Obama for his "First do no harm" rules of engagement.

:lol::lol::lol: From one of the most uninformed people I've ever seen.

Think of it like propaganda with the only purpose to obscure and miss direct opposition to whatever entity Frankie is working for on any particular day.

If you think the major blogs and message boards are free from professional interference then you are naive. Frankie doesn't care..to him it is a joke.and a job.
You guys are just plain fucking stupid, there's no other explanation.
McCrystal just destroyed Obama for his "First do no harm" rules of engagement.

:lol::lol::lol: From one of the most uninformed people I've ever seen.

Think of it like propaganda with the only purpose to obscure and miss direct opposition to whatever entity Frankie is working for on any particular day.

If you think the major blogs and message boards are free from professional interference then you are naive. Frankie doesn't care..to him it is a joke.and a job.

No, I've known that for a while. :)
I know people are going to go nuts since Olberman said it, but he stated Obama should not accept General McChrystal's resignation.

GEN McChrystal has set a poor example and this will be a stain on his record and will keep him from being Chief Of The Staff of the Army or CJCOS.

However, he's been given virtually carte blanche to craft his Afghanistan strategy. Time is too limited and A-stan is too complicated to put a new guy in there.

More importantly, it will turn into a giant political football and will (once again) put the White House at odds with the senior rank and file (before people go nuts on this, keep in mind how many people Rumsfeld fired and Bush brought in a retired General to run the Army) and hand ammunition to the people that want to create the perception that Obama is soft.

In the meantime, Admiral Mullen needs to screw down the officer corps. It's pretty sad when the Generals have to be told to behave.

Disagree. If he's resigning because he can't use HIS strategy and tactics, then so be it. You can't tie one hand behind his back them expect him to produce.

The Taliban is playing the same game the VC/NVA did, running across borders and crying foul when we don't follow the Christ-like rules of combat while they adhere to a policy of sneak-thievery and murder.

They're just waiting us out like the Vietnamese did.
You guys are just plain fucking stupid, there's no other explanation.
McCrystal just destroyed Obama for his "First do no harm" rules of engagement.

:lol::lol::lol: From one of the most uninformed people I've ever seen.

Frankie isn't misinformed. He knows exactly what he is doing. His misinformation is entirely intentional.

While he likes to embellish, he is technically correct. Political rules of engagement make it impossible to accomplish a mission.

The left needs to learn to live up to the Christ-like morals in this nation they hold our troops on the battlefield to.

Besides, Frankie probably worked all night on that response.:lol:

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