I agree w/ Olberman RE: McChrystal

So when you can't debate you try to run by the "Liberal" card? What a fucking joke. Grow up or go back to Freeperville.

huh? I truly believe that what McChrystals people said was McChrystals responsibility and McChrystal is Obamas responsibility. Obama set himself up by taking on a General with little public exposure. It was Obamas responsibility.

And I will take you and your foul mouth on in any debate and I will win when you can not refute what I say and I will learn when you can.

You have an issue with that?

You tried to dismiss Geaux's post based on:

"But based on your posts, you are of liberal thinking and you have no idea of what "personal responsibility" is all about."

That is what I was responding to Mr. Lightspeed. If you don't like my choice of words......tough shit. Change your tampon and stop crying like a little bitch.

What I think of your choice of words should not concern you. Furthermore, I f you read my pist to him you would have understood why I said what I said.

If you did read my post and you still could not get it, then I was wrong. I cant learn anything from you as I likely already forgot more than you will ever know.

So have fun with your language skills and go beat your chest in someone elses face. I have little to no interest in you whatsoever.

And yes, I know....you couldnt give a crap. Good for you.
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Yes and no. He proposed three strategies to Obama. Obama picked one and then modified it. He of course picked the one McChrystal gave the least change of working, and then made it worse.
With McChrystal gone he can't be the scapegoat when it all goes to hell, which is coming in the next 9 months.

Welcome to concept of "Civilian Control of the Military". At least Obama had a good reason to fire McChrystal as opposed to Rumsfeld/Bush who fired all the Generals for simply trying to help them shape a strategy that would work in Iraq and telling them that their notions were fucking fairy tales.

Please refer to General Shinseki's firing and then the double insult of Rumsfeld not attending his retirement ceremony.

What in heck does George Bush have to do with this? Please enlighten me. Or was it merely a gratuitous slap to deflect attention.
Obama selected McChrystal, presumably for his expertise. While Obama is CnC and ultimately can make decisions, it shows bad judgment to overturn your hand picked expert's opinion. I am 100% certain that McChrystal has forgotten tons more about warfare than Obama ever knew.

Or ever wanted to.
Yep. And General Patreus will bear the brunt of the blame...and then the Obama and the Statists will have their revenge on 'Betrayus' whose strategy worked in Iraq...

They will deflect the blame when Obama is ultimately responsible.

Our enemies are no doubt laughing their asses off at this whole turn of events.

You are right Tank-Engine. The administration engineered this whole thing. They made General McChrystal and his staff say those bad things and then had their liberal media spy write it up in Rolling Stone so they could trick David Petraeus into taking a job simply to have their revenge on him and fire him.

Brilliant logic, there.

No it's Transparent Logic. Meaning the Statist mind is so predicatable they're transparent. It doesn't take much to know they're next move based on their history...their objectives, their intent.

How's it feel to be predictable? heck even Obama told us what he was going to do to the economy in his books, and during his campaign. He hasn't disappointed.

History is a great teacher if one pays attention.

You are right. It makes total sense. This was all a trick to really get Petreaus.

Tricky, statists.
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Officers serve at the pleasure of the President. Presidents serve at the pleasure of the people. That's the difference.

And you know it.

And STFU with you conservative "personal responsibility" claptrap.

If conservatives walked their own "personal responsibility" talk then the country wouldn't have been such a fucking mess and McCain would have two stepped to the White House.

You guys act like the last eight years never happened or that we weren't paying attention.

BTW, it is not disputable that McChrystal was responsible for the command climate. It's in the job description and one of those facets of officership and command that is drilled into your head for the totality of your career.

Learn about politics then see me.

Conservatives did not have anything to do with the last 8 years. Yes, the first 4. Then we learned that he was a charleton just as you are learning that Obama is a charleton.

Oh the famous "moving goalpost"/"no true scotsman" argument.

The irony is you refuse to own the eight years of the Bush Administration while lecturing me on "responsibility".

How fast is your head spinning right now?

BTW, I supported Obama. I voted for him. I am not going to try and act like I didn't after the fact, even if it becomes embarrassing.

How's that for personal responsibility?

I admit I voted for him in 2000. I most certainly did not in 2004.
He proved to be a charleton to me.
I prefer a conservative over anyone. I despise one that runs as a conservative and isnt.
And yes, I actually considered Hillary over McCain as neither were conservatives, but I saw Hillary as one that would help unite the country at a time when uniting was of utmost importance.
And no,I refused to vote for Obama as I kinew he was not gong to be a uniter.
Yes and no. He proposed three strategies to Obama. Obama picked one and then modified it. He of course picked the one McChrystal gave the least change of working, and then made it worse.
With McChrystal gone he can't be the scapegoat when it all goes to hell, which is coming in the next 9 months.

Welcome to concept of "Civilian Control of the Military". At least Obama had a good reason to fire McChrystal as opposed to Rumsfeld/Bush who fired all the Generals for simply trying to help them shape a strategy that would work in Iraq and telling them that their notions were fucking fairy tales.

Please refer to General Shinseki's firing and then the double insult of Rumsfeld not attending his retirement ceremony.

What in heck does George Bush have to do with this? Please enlighten me. Or was it merely a gratuitous slap to deflect attention.
Obama selected McChrystal, presumably for his expertise. While Obama is CnC and ultimately can make decisions, it shows bad judgment to overturn your hand picked expert's opinion. I am 100% certain that McChrystal has forgotten tons more about warfare than Obama ever knew.

With this? Nothing. With what his administration did? Everything.

You see, I was making a contrast between a General being fired by the Bush administration versus the Obama administration.

I imagine you are sharp enough to figure that out (it wasn't really that hard), but you have your "liberals just blame Bush" talking point out and it's well worn so get down with your bad self.
Learn about politics then see me.

Conservatives did not have anything to do with the last 8 years. Yes, the first 4. Then we learned that he was a charleton just as you are learning that Obama is a charleton.

Oh the famous "moving goalpost"/"no true scotsman" argument.

The irony is you refuse to own the eight years of the Bush Administration while lecturing me on "responsibility".

How fast is your head spinning right now?

BTW, I supported Obama. I voted for him. I am not going to try and act like I didn't after the fact, even if it becomes embarrassing.

How's that for personal responsibility?

I admit I voted for him in 2000. I most certainly did not in 2004.
He proved to be a charleton to me.
I prefer a conservative over anyone. I despise one that runs as a conservative and isnt.
And yes, I actually considered Hillary over McCain as neither were conservatives, but I saw Hillary as one that would help unite the country at a time when uniting was of utmost importance.
And no,I refused to vote for Obama as I kinew he was not gong to be a uniter.

Well good luck in finding a "true conservative", because you just magically keep getting tricked by your own candidates.

But we are the problem here, right?
Welcome to concept of "Civilian Control of the Military". At least Obama had a good reason to fire McChrystal as opposed to Rumsfeld/Bush who fired all the Generals for simply trying to help them shape a strategy that would work in Iraq and telling them that their notions were fucking fairy tales.

Please refer to General Shinseki's firing and then the double insult of Rumsfeld not attending his retirement ceremony.

What in heck does George Bush have to do with this? Please enlighten me. Or was it merely a gratuitous slap to deflect attention.
Obama selected McChrystal, presumably for his expertise. While Obama is CnC and ultimately can make decisions, it shows bad judgment to overturn your hand picked expert's opinion. I am 100% certain that McChrystal has forgotten tons more about warfare than Obama ever knew.

Or ever wanted to.

You are both right and this has held sway since Eisenhower was in Office.

It's irrelevant. Again, civilian control of the military. Just as it has been since the beginning.
Oh the famous "moving goalpost"/"no true scotsman" argument.

The irony is you refuse to own the eight years of the Bush Administration while lecturing me on "responsibility".

How fast is your head spinning right now?

BTW, I supported Obama. I voted for him. I am not going to try and act like I didn't after the fact, even if it becomes embarrassing.

How's that for personal responsibility?

I admit I voted for him in 2000. I most certainly did not in 2004.
He proved to be a charleton to me.
I prefer a conservative over anyone. I despise one that runs as a conservative and isnt.
And yes, I actually considered Hillary over McCain as neither were conservatives, but I saw Hillary as one that would help unite the country at a time when uniting was of utmost importance.
And no,I refused to vote for Obama as I kinew he was not gong to be a uniter.

Well good luck in finding a "true conservative", because you just magically keep getting tricked by your own candidates.

But we are the problem here, right?

Nope. Never said you were the problem.

Conservatism is nearly dead. I am a true conservative...a real one.

For example, I do not agree with abortion but I will always vote for right to decide as we are all responsible for ourselves, and we should keep it that way.

I do not agree with gay marriage, but I will always vote for it as it is not my right to decide how others should live just as it is not their right to decide how I live.

I am a true believer in personal responsibility. But I have no rigtht to decide that others should believe in it.

That is who I am and it works for me.
I admit I voted for him in 2000. I most certainly did not in 2004.
He proved to be a charleton to me.
I prefer a conservative over anyone. I despise one that runs as a conservative and isnt.
And yes, I actually considered Hillary over McCain as neither were conservatives, but I saw Hillary as one that would help unite the country at a time when uniting was of utmost importance.
And no,I refused to vote for Obama as I kinew he was not gong to be a uniter.

Well good luck in finding a "true conservative", because you just magically keep getting tricked by your own candidates.

But we are the problem here, right?

Nope. Never said you were the problem.

Conservatism is nearly dead. I am a true conservative...a real one.

For example, I do not agree with abortion but I will always vote for right to decide as we are all responsible for ourselves, and we should keep it that way.

I do not agree with gay marriage, but I will always vote for it as it is not my right to decide how others should live just as it is not their right to decide how I live.

I am a true believer in personal responsibility. But I have no rigtht to decide that others should believe in it.

That is who I am and it works for me.

I generally agree with you on all of your points. So let's concede that broad brushes are silly.
I admit I voted for him in 2000. I most certainly did not in 2004.
He proved to be a charleton to me.
I prefer a conservative over anyone. I despise one that runs as a conservative and isnt.
And yes, I actually considered Hillary over McCain as neither were conservatives, but I saw Hillary as one that would help unite the country at a time when uniting was of utmost importance.
And no,I refused to vote for Obama as I kinew he was not gong to be a uniter.

Well good luck in finding a "true conservative", because you just magically keep getting tricked by your own candidates.

But we are the problem here, right?

Nope. Never said you were the problem.

Conservatism is nearly dead. I am a true conservative...a real one.

For example, I do not agree with abortion but I will always vote for right to decide as we are all responsible for ourselves, and we should keep it that way.

I do not agree with gay marriage, but I will always vote for it as it is not my right to decide how others should live just as it is not their right to decide how I live.

I am a true believer in personal responsibility. But I have no rigtht to decide that others should believe in it.

That is who I am and it works for me.

not bad


not bad at all.
Well good luck in finding a "true conservative", because you just magically keep getting tricked by your own candidates.

But we are the problem here, right?

Nope. Never said you were the problem.

Conservatism is nearly dead. I am a true conservative...a real one.

For example, I do not agree with abortion but I will always vote for right to decide as we are all responsible for ourselves, and we should keep it that way.

I do not agree with gay marriage, but I will always vote for it as it is not my right to decide how others should live just as it is not their right to decide how I live.

I am a true believer in personal responsibility. But I have no rigtht to decide that others should believe in it.

That is who I am and it works for me.

I generally agree with you on all of your points. So let's concede that broad brushes are silly.

Yep. And I am guilty as I get caught up in the bantering on here just as everyone else does. And I have no one to blame but myself.

I will say this...I have more progressive friends than I do conservative friends as most conservatives to me are hypocrites. I respect my liberal friends and for whatever reason they respect me. Those that claim to be conservative get angry when I argue for the right to asbortion if one chooses. I dont get it. Would they like someone to tell them that they must have an abortion? I just dont get it.

Anyway, I will still disagree with you on many topics. It does not mean I dont respect your views. And by no means does it mean that I am right.
Nope. Never said you were the problem.

Conservatism is nearly dead. I am a true conservative...a real one.

For example, I do not agree with abortion but I will always vote for right to decide as we are all responsible for ourselves, and we should keep it that way.

I do not agree with gay marriage, but I will always vote for it as it is not my right to decide how others should live just as it is not their right to decide how I live.

I am a true believer in personal responsibility. But I have no rigtht to decide that others should believe in it.

That is who I am and it works for me.

I generally agree with you on all of your points. So let's concede that broad brushes are silly.

Yep. And I am guilty as I get caught up in the bantering on here just as everyone else does. And I have no one to blame but myself.

I will say this...I have more progressive friends than I do conservative friends as most conservatives to me are hypocrites. I respect my liberal friends and for whatever reason they respect me. Those that claim to be conservative get angry when I argue for the right to asbortion if one chooses. I dont get it. Would they like someone to tell them that they must have an abortion? I just dont get it.

Anyway, I will still disagree with you on many topics. It does not mean I dont respect your views. And by no means does it mean that I am right.

And likewise. Thanks.
The general should stand at a full court for his actions.
Is he really indespensable in Afganistan?
Says a lot lot those under him and his leadership skills doesn't it if he cannot leave without it falling apart.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJxmpTMGhU0]YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton[/ame]

Dissent is the highest form of pat...SHUT THE FUCK UP OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!
The general should stand at a full court for his actions.
Is he really indespensable in Afganistan?
Says a lot lot those under him and his leadership skills doesn't it if he cannot leave without it falling apart.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJxmpTMGhU0]YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton[/ame]

Dissent is the highest form of pat...SHUT THE FUCK UP OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!

Public dissent against the commander in chief is not a privileged that officers have.

It never has.

If you want your first amendment rights to be fully intact, you need to resign you commission.

It's a shame that this incident played out this way.
The general should stand at a full court for his actions.
Is he really indespensable in Afganistan?
Says a lot lot those under him and his leadership skills doesn't it if he cannot leave without it falling apart.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJxmpTMGhU0"]YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton[/ame]

Dissent is the highest form of pat...SHUT THE FUCK UP OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!

It's only OK when a Republican or Conservative sits in the WH...or controls the Congress. We'll have a replay of their distain after 2010 elections in November.
The general should stand at a full court for his actions.
Is he really indespensable in Afganistan?
Says a lot lot those under him and his leadership skills doesn't it if he cannot leave without it falling apart.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJxmpTMGhU0"]YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton[/ame]

Dissent is the highest form of pat...SHUT THE FUCK UP OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!

It's only OK when a Republican or Conservative sits in the WH...or controls the Congress. We'll have a replay of their distain after 2010 elections in November.

Are you talking about normal American citizens or commissioned officers in t military?

There is a difference.
The general should stand at a full court for his actions.
Is he really indespensable in Afganistan?
Says a lot lot those under him and his leadership skills doesn't it if he cannot leave without it falling apart.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJxmpTMGhU0"]YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton[/ame]

Dissent is the highest form of pat...SHUT THE FUCK UP OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!

Public dissent against the commander in chief is not a privileged that officers have.

It never has.

If you want your first amendment rights to be fully intact, you need to resign you commission.

It's a shame that this incident played out this way.
Funny...General McChrystal Resigned his post...and I'm sure will retire shortly...then the Book writing will begin shortly after...and funnier still? He voted for Obama...:eusa_whistle:

What a silly goose he was...eh?:eusa_eh:

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