I agree with Pelosi on potential Constitutional Crisis

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isn’t even a crime so I don’t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isn’t difficult to understand

Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

I’d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldn’t you? I’d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldn’t you?

Who is the "enemy"? We are not enemies with Russia despite all of your hype and hysteria. We are not currently in a state of war with Russia, nor have we been.
We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isn’t even a crime so I don’t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isn’t difficult to understand

Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

I’d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldn’t you? I’d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldn’t you?

So you've seen the FBI 302s and know exactly what the conflicting information entailed? You do know Comey said Flynn's inconsistencies were normal errors in memory and had no plans to pursue charges, right?

The FBI interviewers believed Flynn was cooperative and provided truthful answers. Although Flynn didn't remember all of what he talked about, they don't believe he was intentionally misleading them, the officials say.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

Imagine, that was less than a year ago.

Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....

Carelessness continues to not be a crime. Cooperating with nasty Russians to misinform the country might be. But Fox etc etc gets away with it...

"Cooperating with nasty Russians to misinform the country might be."

Is there some evidence that you can share?

Mueller, the Democrat high command, and various other simpletons have been unable to find any....

1. "Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last November’s presidential election.

TODD: Well, that’s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, that’s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything — that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: that’s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart

2. "While many Democrats frequently say Russia “hacked” the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror

3. Democrat Feinstein, too

4. Here is 'proud Hillary voter,' Alan Dershowitz, protesting that 'there is no crime.'

Dershowitz: 'There is no statute that has been violated....firing Comey is [Trump's] constitutional and statutory right...'

5. Democrat Joe Manchin: no evidence

6.Maxine Waters: no evidence

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

7. Comey Says He Was Never Pressured By Anyone To Stop Investigations

Comey Said He Had NOT Been Pressured To End Any Investigation, Debunks Leftist Media Narrative

Let's take a look at the score...

1. former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper

2. National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers

3. and former FBI Director James Comey

4. Democrat Feinstein

5. Hillary supporter and Professor of Law, Alan Dershowitz

6. Democrat Joe Manchin

7. Democrat Maxine Waters

8."Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: I’ve Seen No Evidence Of Collusion With Russia"
Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: I’ve Seen No Evidence of Collusion with Russia

....all indicate that poor eddie is being led around by a ring in is nose by the Left......

Yet....here you are squealing like a stuck pig: "Is toooooo, issssss toooooo!!!!"

So very, very sad.
Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....


He will not - too many public interviews where he pretty much confessed to obstruction of justice.

"Yep, I lied in my ass of in the firing letter to Comey, it was actually because of Russia investigation"

I'm gonna assume that you understand the meaning of quotation marks.

As there is no such quote by the President, you have revealed yourself to be the sort of lying scum that makes up the ones still supporting the attempt to unseat the legally elected President, the one doing such a good job that he makes Obama cringe.

“I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all,"
James Comey
We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isn’t even a crime so I don’t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isn’t difficult to understand

Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

I’d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldn’t you? I’d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldn’t you?

Obstruct how?

There is nothing wrong with looking into allegations even if they were all made up by the Democrat party. But using opposition research and not telling the court that it was compiled by a Trump hater and funded by a political opponent is a different story.
Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....


He will not - too many public interviews where he pretty much confessed to obstruction of justice.

"Yep, I lied in my ass of in the firing letter to Comey, it was actually because of Russia investigation"

I'm gonna assume that you understand the meaning of quotation marks.

As there is no such quote by the President,

It is EXACTLY the meaning of what he said in Lester Holt interview -Clinton excuse didn't matter, Trump said he was thinking about Russia investigation when he fired comey.

And if that's what he said in PUBLIC, his private obsessions with the investigation must be off the chart. Mueller has interviewed pretty much everyone surrounding Trump at the White House so he will have a pretty good account of the presidents thoughts and intent.
Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....


He will not - too many public interviews where he pretty much confessed to obstruction of justice.

"Yep, I lied in my ass of in the firing letter to Comey, it was actually because of Russia investigation"

I'm gonna assume that you understand the meaning of quotation marks.

As there is no such quote by the President,

It is EXACTLY the meaning of what he said in Lester Holt interview -Clinton excuse didn't matter, Trump said he was thinking about Russia investigation when he fired comey.

And if that's what he said in PUBLIC, his private obsessions with the investigation must be off the chart. Mueller has interviewed pretty much everyone surrounding Trump at the White House so he will have a pretty good account of the presidents thoughts.

Are you here to provide proof of the supposed quote that you provided, or to prove what I stated that you are the sort of lying scum that makes up the ones still supporting the attempt to unseat the legally elected President, the one doing such a good job that he makes Obama cringe?

It's one or the other.
Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....


He will not - too many public interviews where he pretty much confessed to obstruction of justice.

"Yep, I lied in my ass of in the firing letter to Comey, it was actually because of Russia investigation"

I'm gonna assume that you understand the meaning of quotation marks.

As there is no such quote by the President,

It is EXACTLY the meaning of what he said in Lester Holt interview -Clinton excuse didn't matter, Trump said he was thinking about Russia investigation when he fired comey.

And if that's what he said in PUBLIC, his private obsessions with the investigation must be off the chart. Mueller has interviewed pretty much everyone surrounding Trump at the White House so he will have a pretty good account of the presidents thoughts and intent.

You mean that's how you chose to interpret what he said. How do you know he wasn't referring to getting into the public domain that he wasn't personally under investigation?

Again I’ll say. Trumps appointed FBI director said that the memo was misleading and an incomplete representation of the facts. He isn’t a dem. He said he had grave concerns and it could shake the FBI to the core. He isnt a dem. Care to explain?

The Dems fought to keep the memo hidden because it was a bullshit partisan memo!

You have to understand that you are arguing people who think Obama was born in Kenya.

Not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed, if you know what I mean.
A federal judge ruled Friday that memos written by former FBI Director James Comey, detailing his “conversations” with President Donald Trump, will not be made public.

Releasing the Comey memos would “likely interfere with special counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation into the 2016 presidential race,” U.S. District Judge James Boasberg wrote.

Comey memos will stay with Mueller, not be released, judge rules

Still covering each others asses.
Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....


He will not - too many public interviews where he pretty much confessed to obstruction of justice.

"Yep, I lied in my ass of in the firing letter to Comey, it was actually because of Russia investigation"

I'm gonna assume that you understand the meaning of quotation marks.

As there is no such quote by the President,

It is EXACTLY the meaning of what he said in Lester Holt interview -Clinton excuse didn't matter, Trump said he was thinking about Russia investigation when he fired comey.

And if that's what he said in PUBLIC, his private obsessions with the investigation must be off the chart. Mueller has interviewed pretty much everyone surrounding Trump at the White House so he will have a pretty good account of the presidents thoughts and intent.

You mean that's how you chose to interpret what he said. How do you know he wasn't referring to getting into the public domain that he wasn't personally under investigation?

??? Nothing about "was thinking about Russia thing when I fired Comey" has to do with Trump himself not being under investigation at the time supposedly.

Trump knew of investigation into Russian interferences and was pissed that Comey refused to "let Flynn go" as part of that investigation, probably because at very least Trump knew it was him that OKed Flynn to discuss sanctions with Kislyak and sooner or later Flynn will be forced to testify to that.
Last edited:
Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....


He will not - too many public interviews where he pretty much confessed to obstruction of justice.

"Yep, I lied in my ass of in the firing letter to Comey, it was actually because of Russia investigation"

I'm gonna assume that you understand the meaning of quotation marks.

As there is no such quote by the President,

It is EXACTLY the meaning of what he said in Lester Holt interview -Clinton excuse didn't matter, Trump said he was thinking about Russia investigation when he fired comey.

And if that's what he said in PUBLIC, his private obsessions with the investigation must be off the chart. Mueller has interviewed pretty much everyone surrounding Trump at the White House so he will have a pretty good account of the presidents thoughts.

Are you here to provide proof of the supposed quote that you provided, or to prove what I stated that you are the sort of lying scum that makes up the ones still supporting the attempt to unseat the legally elected President, the one doing such a good job that he makes Obama cringe?

It's one or the other.

Idiot, STFU and watch the interview. It is the exact meaning of what he said.
A federal judge ruled Friday that memos written by former FBI Director James Comey, detailing his “conversations” with President Donald Trump, will not be made public.

Releasing the Comey memos would “likely interfere with special counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation into the 2016 presidential race,” U.S. District Judge James Boasberg wrote.

Comey memos will stay with Mueller, not be released, judge rules

Still covering each others asses.


Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....


He will not - too many public interviews where he pretty much confessed to obstruction of justice.

"Yep, I lied in my ass of in the firing letter to Comey, it was actually because of Russia investigation"

I'm gonna assume that you understand the meaning of quotation marks.

As there is no such quote by the President,

It is EXACTLY the meaning of what he said in Lester Holt interview -Clinton excuse didn't matter, Trump said he was thinking about Russia investigation when he fired comey.

And if that's what he said in PUBLIC, his private obsessions with the investigation must be off the chart. Mueller has interviewed pretty much everyone surrounding Trump at the White House so he will have a pretty good account of the presidents thoughts and intent.

You mean that's how you chose to interpret what he said. How do you know he wasn't referring to getting into the public domain that he wasn't personally under investigation?

??? Nothing about "was thinking about Russia thing when I fired Comey" has to do with Trump himself not being under investigation at the time supposedly.

Trump knew of investigation into Russian interferences and was pissed that Comey refused to "let Flynn go" as part of that investigation, probably because at very least Trump knew it was him that OKed Flynn to discuss sanctions with Kislyak and sooner or later Flynn will be forced to testify to that.

Comey had already said there would be no charges against Flynn, oops, there goes that BS line.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

Again I’ll say. Trumps appointed FBI director said that the memo was misleading and an incomplete representation of the facts. He isn’t a dem. He said he had grave concerns and it could shake the FBI to the core. He isnt a dem. Care to explain?

The Dems fought to keep the memo hidden because it was a bullshit partisan memo!

You have to understand that you are arguing people who think Obama was born in Kenya.

Not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed, if you know what I mean.

Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya
A federal judge ruled Friday that memos written by former FBI Director James Comey, detailing his “conversations” with President Donald Trump, will not be made public.

Releasing the Comey memos would “likely interfere with special counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation into the 2016 presidential race,” U.S. District Judge James Boasberg wrote.

Comey memos will stay with Mueller, not be released, judge rules

Still covering each others asses.

Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....


He will not - too many public interviews where he pretty much confessed to obstruction of justice.

"Yep, I lied in my ass of in the firing letter to Comey, it was actually because of Russia investigation"

I'm gonna assume that you understand the meaning of quotation marks.

As there is no such quote by the President,

It is EXACTLY the meaning of what he said in Lester Holt interview -Clinton excuse didn't matter, Trump said he was thinking about Russia investigation when he fired comey.

And if that's what he said in PUBLIC, his private obsessions with the investigation must be off the chart. Mueller has interviewed pretty much everyone surrounding Trump at the White House so he will have a pretty good account of the presidents thoughts.

Are you here to provide proof of the supposed quote that you provided, or to prove what I stated that you are the sort of lying scum that makes up the ones still supporting the attempt to unseat the legally elected President, the one doing such a good job that he makes Obama cringe?

It's one or the other.

Idiot, STFU and watch the interview. It is the exact meaning of what he said.

Did Trump ever say what you lied and used quotation marks to foist off as truth?

a. He never said it
b. You've been revealed as low-life lying scum.

You can prove it by writing back, trying to dig your way out of your hole.

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