I agree with Pelosi on potential Constitutional Crisis

Is there a single Democrat in Congress who cares enough about their country and the rule of law to admit that this kind of corruption threatens the foundations of our form of government?

We'll see how this plays out, but as of right now, with Deep State Sessions as AG and the failed Plotters still walking free, we may have a genuine Constitutional Crisis.

We have an FBI that has allowed itself to be turned into the Democrat Secret Police.

Where would we be had Progressive Fascist Hillary had won?

We have the failed plotters continuing their slow motion coup d'etat.

I still have some small trust that the few good Americans in DC will police the wrongdoers and let the chips fall where they may, knowing that the penalty for treason is a firing squad.

We'll see. But Pelosi may be correct; if the traitors walk, we will have a Constitutional Crisis

the moment the democrats weaponized the fbi and doj and irs to go after the opposition

it became a constitutional crisis
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference is that we have evidence of these illegal warrants. There is nothing on the collusion thing.
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Pelosi and Dem's are just mad that their dirty laundry has been made public. I suspect this crap goes on all the time in both parties and nobody will be held accountable for anything. That's how things work in DC everyone has so much dirt on everyone else its quite rare that any of these party leaders are held accountable. Peons yeah they are sent to prison, people like Hillary they are untouchable.
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference is that we have evidence of these illegal warrants. There is nothing on the collusion thing.
You dont have evidence... you have speculation being presented as evidence. You have the new Trump appointed director of the FBI plus a bunch of republican leaders calling out the dishonesty in this bullshit memo. It’s a joke. At this point the partisan hacks are only embarrassing themselves. Y’all look like fools
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isn’t even a crime so I don’t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isn’t difficult to understand
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isn’t even a crime so I don’t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isn’t difficult to understand

I'll just put this here.
Collusion is most definitely a crime when it involves a soft coup.
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference is that we have evidence of these illegal warrants. There is nothing on the collusion thing.
You dont have evidence... you have speculation being presented as evidence. You have the new Trump appointed director of the FBI plus a bunch of republican leaders calling out the dishonesty in this bullshit memo. It’s a joke. At this point the partisan hacks are only embarrassing themselves. Y’all look like fools

There is nothing dishonest about the memo. That was BS from the Dims to try and make it look like it was manipulated somehow. Other than punctuation, it wasn't altered at all. If there was anything false in this memo, why did the Democrats fight so hard to keep it hidden?

Furthermore is the fact that the dossier was used to obtain a warrant and everybody in the cabal knew it was going on including DumBama. Trump didn't appoint Muller, Rosenstein did. Then Muller set out to hire a bunch of pro-Hillary anti-Trump people to do the investigation. It stunk right from the beginning.
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isn’t even a crime so I don’t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isn’t difficult to understand

I'll just put this here.
Collusion is most definitely a crime when it involves a soft coup.
No shit, being an accomplice or having complicity with a crime is a crime.
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference is that we have evidence of these illegal warrants. There is nothing on the collusion thing.
You dont have evidence... you have speculation being presented as evidence. You have the new Trump appointed director of the FBI plus a bunch of republican leaders calling out the dishonesty in this bullshit memo. It’s a joke. At this point the partisan hacks are only embarrassing themselves. Y’all look like fools

There is nothing dishonest about the memo. That was BS from the Dims to try and make it look like it was manipulated somehow. Other than punctuation, it wasn't altered at all. If there was anything false in this memo, why did the Democrats fight so hard to keep it hidden?

Furthermore is the fact that the dossier was used to obtain a warrant and everybody in the cabal knew it was going on including DumBama. Trump didn't appoint Muller, Rosenstein did. Then Muller set out to hire a bunch of pro-Hillary anti-Trump people to do the investigation. It stunk right from the beginning.
Again I’ll say. Trumps appointed FBI director said that the memo was misleading and an incomplete representation of the facts. He isn’t a dem. He said he had grave concerns and it could shake the FBI to the core. He isnt a dem. Care to explain?

The Dems fought to keep the memo hidden because it was a bullshit partisan memo!
Again I’ll say. Trumps appointed FBI director said that the memo was misleading and an incomplete representation of the facts.

Did they tell the FISC that the DNC paid for the dossier? No. Did they tell the FISC that Steele was paid to create the false dossier? No. Do you believe everything the LMSM tells you? Yes! Is that clear enough? or do you need it in a more elementary format?

He isn’t a dem.

How does this change anything? That's right it doesn't...

He said he had grave concerns and it could shake the FBI to the core.

I hope it does, based on the leadership or lack there of, it needs to be shaken...

Look up the definition of integrity, then get back to me...

He isnt a dem.

So if you repeat it again, like you have, nothing changes?

Care to explain?

The Obama Admin committed a crime, mislead the judge, lied, kept misleading the judge, lied some more, etc...

The Dems fought to keep the memo hidden because it was a bullshit partisan memo!

The only bullshit here is your lack of integrity, character and basic accountability, I think that covers it...
Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....

Carelessness continues to not be a crime. Cooperating with nasty Russians to misinform the country might be. But Fox etc etc gets away with it...
We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference is that we have evidence of these illegal warrants. There is nothing on the collusion thing.
You dont have evidence... you have speculation being presented as evidence. You have the new Trump appointed director of the FBI plus a bunch of republican leaders calling out the dishonesty in this bullshit memo. It’s a joke. At this point the partisan hacks are only embarrassing themselves. Y’all look like fools

There is nothing dishonest about the memo. That was BS from the Dims to try and make it look like it was manipulated somehow. Other than punctuation, it wasn't altered at all. If there was anything false in this memo, why did the Democrats fight so hard to keep it hidden?

Furthermore is the fact that the dossier was used to obtain a warrant and everybody in the cabal knew it was going on including DumBama. Trump didn't appoint Muller, Rosenstein did. Then Muller set out to hire a bunch of pro-Hillary anti-Trump people to do the investigation. It stunk right from the beginning.
Again I’ll say. Trumps appointed FBI director said that the memo was misleading and an incomplete representation of the facts. He isn’t a dem. He said he had grave concerns and it could shake the FBI to the core. He isnt a dem. Care to explain?

The Dems fought to keep the memo hidden because it was a bullshit partisan memo!

No, they fought to keep it away from the public because it would expose them for what they are. Not a good thing before midterms.

It doesn't matter who is a dem or rep, the truth of the matter is there are Trump haters on both sides. Of course the head of the FBI doesn't want the FBI exposed as co-conspirators in this crime, especially since the head of the FBI is a Trump hater himself, and once exposed, it blows his whole Russia collusion investigation as it was orchestrated because of false info. So he's going to lie about it like all the other Trump haters.

Believe what you want if it makes you feel better, but there is just too much stench in this situation for it not to be true. Too many people upset and too many people wanting to hide things. If there was nothing to this, the Democrats would welcome it with open arms.

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