I agree with Pelosi on potential Constitutional Crisis

Again I’ll say. Trumps appointed FBI director said that the memo was misleading and an incomplete representation of the facts.

Did they tell the FISC that the DNC paid for the dossier? No. Did they tell the FISC that Steele was paid to create the false dossier? No. Do you believe everything the LMSM tells you? Yes! Is that clear enough? or do you need it in a more elementary format?

He isn’t a dem.

How does this change anything? That's right it doesn't...

He said he had grave concerns and it could shake the FBI to the core.

I hope it does, based on the leadership or lack there of, it needs to be shaken...

Look up the definition of integrity, then get back to me...

He isnt a dem.

So if you repeat it again, like you have, nothing changes?

Care to explain?

The Obama Admin committed a crime, mislead the judge, lied, kept misleading the judge, lied some more, etc...

The Dems fought to keep the memo hidden because it was a bullshit partisan memo!

The only bullshit here is your lack of integrity, character and basic accountability, I think that covers it...
Are you really that dense? Do you really believe that the FBI only used the dossier to get the warrant? No follow up, no other sources, no corroborating intel to validate? Use your head. There is a reason why the fbi and Dems are calling bullshit on the memo. Because it paints a partisan narrative without disclosing all the facts. What do you think the missing facts are?

I pointed out that Wray is not a dem because you nitwits keep calling this a dem narrative and it clearly is not. I’ve seen a ton of republicans including Trumps fucking pick for director speak out against it. I don’t know what more you need to be convinced of the utter bullshit of what is going on. How is anybody supposed to take you people seriously?! What a joke
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference is that we have evidence of these illegal warrants. There is nothing on the collusion thing.
You dont have evidence... you have speculation being presented as evidence. You have the new Trump appointed director of the FBI plus a bunch of republican leaders calling out the dishonesty in this bullshit memo. It’s a joke. At this point the partisan hacks are only embarrassing themselves. Y’all look like fools

There is nothing dishonest about the memo. That was BS from the Dims to try and make it look like it was manipulated somehow. Other than punctuation, it wasn't altered at all. If there was anything false in this memo, why did the Democrats fight so hard to keep it hidden?

Furthermore is the fact that the dossier was used to obtain a warrant and everybody in the cabal knew it was going on including DumBama. Trump didn't appoint Muller, Rosenstein did. Then Muller set out to hire a bunch of pro-Hillary anti-Trump people to do the investigation. It stunk right from the beginning.
Again I’ll say. Trumps appointed FBI director said that the memo was misleading and an incomplete representation of the facts. He isn’t a dem. He said he had grave concerns and it could shake the FBI to the core. He isnt a dem. Care to explain?

The Dems fought to keep the memo hidden because it was a bullshit partisan memo!

No, they fought to keep it away from the public because it would expose them for what they are. Not a good thing before midterms.

It doesn't matter who is a dem or rep, the truth of the matter is there are Trump haters on both sides. Of course the head of the FBI doesn't want the FBI exposed as co-conspirators in this crime, especially since the head of the FBI is a Trump hater himself, and once exposed, it blows his whole Russia collusion investigation as it was orchestrated because of false info. So he's going to lie about it like all the other Trump haters.

Believe what you want if it makes you feel better, but there is just too much stench in this situation for it not to be true. Too many people upset and too many people wanting to hide things. If there was nothing to this, the Democrats would welcome it with open arms.
Hahaha, did you just call Christoper Wray a Trump hater? The guy Trump just picked as the director? Are fucking kidding me?!

If he is a Trump hater then Trump is a fucking idiot for naming a Trump hater as head of the FBI. Either way, it looks bad for Trump and his puppets
And although these things really happened, the MSM will give it one-tenth of the coverage that they gave the Russia collusion story which was not real.

And that makes the MSM an even bigger corruption story than even the FBI, then then, who is going to cover THAT story?
And although these things really happened, the MSM will give it one-tenth of the coverage that they gave the Russia collusion story which was not real.

And that makes the MSM an even bigger corruption story than even the FBI, then then, who is going to cover THAT story?
Man, you both are just feeding on Trumps bullshit talking points aren’t ya. Do you have any inkling of an awareness that you are being played? The Fake News, corrupt intelligence game is the oldest trick in the book. If you can’t trust the news or our institutions then I guess that only leaves one person you can trust, right? Man you guys are suckers.

Yes the media sucks, they have always sucked, it’s a game of telephone, but in between the partisan narratives and poor sourced stories there is real news. It’s up to us to parse through it, that’s been the unfortunate state of it for long before trump. And yes there are bad apples in our intelligence agencies, we’ve had bad players in our politics and institutions since their inception. Oversight and accountability is fine. But don’t pretend like these are new things and don’t blow them out of proportion like y’all are doing. You’re just embarrassing yourselves!
So far the crooks have been "investigating" innocent people in this country.

This statement is brought to you by...a Russian poodle who's idea of non-crooked, civil liberties respecting governing is Putin's regime.
The left are trying to get Trump to fire Rosenstein.
That would give the left the advantage to try and impeach Trump.
Trump isn't falling into their attempts at a coup.

When Rosenstein shows up for work on Monday, his office should be empty except for a desk, chair, and, a phone.

And when none of it will be true will you quit your fantasies?
Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....


He will not - too many public interviews where he pretty much confessed to obstruction of justice.

"Yep, I lied in my ass of in the firing letter to Comey, it was actually because of Russia investigation"
And although these things really happened, the MSM will give it one-tenth of the coverage that they gave the Russia collusion story which was not real.

And that makes the MSM an even bigger corruption story than even the FBI, then then, who is going to cover THAT story?
Man, you both are just feeding on Trumps bullshit talking points aren’t ya. Do you have any inkling of an awareness that you are being played? The Fake News, corrupt intelligence game is the oldest trick in the book. If you can’t trust the news or our institutions then I guess that only leaves one person you can trust, right? Man you guys are suckers.

Yes the media sucks, they have always sucked, it’s a game of telephone, but in between the partisan narratives and poor sourced stories there is real news. It’s up to us to parse through it, that’s been the unfortunate state of it for long before trump. And yes there are bad apples in our intelligence agencies, we’ve had bad players in our politics and institutions since their inception. Oversight and accountability is fine. But don’t pretend like these are new things and don’t blow them out of proportion like y’all are doing. You’re just embarrassing yourselves!

Maybe you should take your own advice for once.
We'll see how this plays out, but as of right now, with Deep State Sessions as AG and the failed Plotters still walking free, we may have a genuine Constitutional Crisis.

We have an FBI that has allowed itself to be turned into the Democrat Secret Police.

Where would we be had Progressive Fascist Hillary had won?

We have the failed plotters continuing their slow motion coup d'etat.

I still have some small trust that the few good Americans in DC will police the wrongdoers and let the chips fall where they may, knowing that the penalty for treason is a firing squad.

We'll see. But Pelosi may be correct; if the traitors walk, we will have a Constitutional Crisis

I agree. The Constitutional crisis is in not rooting out the cancer in the sordid, unholy union of; DNC/CNN/FBI/former DOJ...!!!
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isn’t even a crime so I don’t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isn’t difficult to understand

You have 4 indictments, 2 (multiple yes, but not more than that!) guilty pleas to lying to the FBI, and absolutely no evidence of any collusion!
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference is that we have evidence of these illegal warrants. There is nothing on the collusion thing.
You dont have evidence... you have speculation being presented as evidence. You have the new Trump appointed director of the FBI plus a bunch of republican leaders calling out the dishonesty in this bullshit memo. It’s a joke. At this point the partisan hacks are only embarrassing themselves. Y’all look like fools

So you're saying McCabe didn't testify to congress that without the dossier there would have been no FISA warrant? A simple yes or no will do.

I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isn’t even a crime so I don’t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isn’t difficult to understand

Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

The Obama Gestapo used shoddy DNC opposition research obtained from a foreign spy to spy on the GOP candidate and his team

The justice dept. colluded with obama and the democratic party to spare hillary from indictment....now the chickens are coming home to roost. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love it. hehheh
And although these things really happened, the MSM will give it one-tenth of the coverage that they gave the Russia collusion story which was not real.

And that makes the MSM an even bigger corruption story than even the FBI, then then, who is going to cover THAT story?
Man, you both are just feeding on Trumps bullshit talking points aren’t ya. Do you have any inkling of an awareness that you are being played? The Fake News, corrupt intelligence game is the oldest trick in the book. If you can’t trust the news or our institutions then I guess that only leaves one person you can trust, right? Man you guys are suckers.

Yes the media sucks, they have always sucked, it’s a game of telephone, but in between the partisan narratives and poor sourced stories there is real news. It’s up to us to parse through it, that’s been the unfortunate state of it for long before trump. And yes there are bad apples in our intelligence agencies, we’ve had bad players in our politics and institutions since their inception. Oversight and accountability is fine. But don’t pretend like these are new things and don’t blow them out of proportion like y’all are doing. You’re just embarrassing yourselves!

Maybe you should take your own advice for once.
Nice one
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isn’t even a crime so I don’t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isn’t difficult to understand

You have 4 indictments, 2 (multiple yes, but not more than that!) guilty pleas to lying to the FBI, and absolutely no evidence of any collusion!
Collusion isn’t a crime. Lying to the FBI is a crime. It also begs the question. Why are they lying? Usually when people commit a crime by lying to the fbi it is to cover something up. Don’t ya think? Or are you just assuming these guys where idiots and didn’t know they were lying? Either way, it isn’t Nothing
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference is that we have evidence of these illegal warrants. There is nothing on the collusion thing.
You dont have evidence... you have speculation being presented as evidence. You have the new Trump appointed director of the FBI plus a bunch of republican leaders calling out the dishonesty in this bullshit memo. It’s a joke. At this point the partisan hacks are only embarrassing themselves. Y’all look like fools

So you're saying McCabe didn't testify to congress that without the dossier there would have been no FISA warrant? A simple yes or no will do.

No I’m not saying that at all. Where did you see that in my statement? What are you reading?
I see the majority of you have taken the bait... hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of dupes!

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isn’t even a crime so I don’t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isn’t difficult to understand

Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

I’d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldn’t you? I’d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldn’t you?
We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference is that we have evidence of these illegal warrants. There is nothing on the collusion thing.
You dont have evidence... you have speculation being presented as evidence. You have the new Trump appointed director of the FBI plus a bunch of republican leaders calling out the dishonesty in this bullshit memo. It’s a joke. At this point the partisan hacks are only embarrassing themselves. Y’all look like fools

So you're saying McCabe didn't testify to congress that without the dossier there would have been no FISA warrant? A simple yes or no will do.

No I’m not saying that at all. Where did you see that in my statement? What are you reading?

You can't have it both ways, either it's a bullshit memo and the FBI had much more to justify the FISA warrant, or McCabe told the truth about the dossier being the lynch pen of the governments request for the warrant and without it there would have been no warrant request.

Personally I have a problem when the director of the FBI tells a president elect about a salacious and unverified dossier, knowing that dossier was used two weeks earlier to get a warrant in a FISA court. There is something very wrong with that picture.

We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes you’ve been dogging on for the past year, don’t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isn’t even a crime so I don’t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isn’t difficult to understand

You have 4 indictments, 2 (multiple yes, but not more than that!) guilty pleas to lying to the FBI, and absolutely no evidence of any collusion!
Collusion isn’t a crime. Lying to the FBI is a crime. It also begs the question. Why are they lying? Usually when people commit a crime by lying to the fbi it is to cover something up. Don’t ya think? Or are you just assuming these guys where idiots and didn’t know they were lying? Either way, it isn’t Nothing

What does that have to do with Trump colluding with Russia? Not a damn thing!

THAT is the point you libtards keep missing. There is nothing there!

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