I almost snapped on my mom when we were Brunch at the diner

Sometime people just need a kind word and a smile to brighten their day.
If you gave her a nice tip, it may have made a difference...

Well she got a $2.00 tip which almost $0.00

You know, I think you gave her the tip because you didn't want to offend your mother, which was nice of you. I also think that you made a thread about this because it is on your mind and you feel troubled about it which is the sign of a healthy conscience! So why not give her a call and say, Hi Mom! I just wanted to let you know I felt bad about this afternoon and I'm sorry I became aggravated about the waitress. I hope you have a great evening. I love you. Bye now!

You'll feel 100% better. Trust me. I'm a mother. I know!

Another person who needs to familiarize herself with this person's post history.
... still not getting a thank you for my idea... sheesh.... :evil::mad-61:
ahhhhhhhh ... aahhhhhhhh ... I'm sorry ........ a thousand thank-yous ... from all of us ............ a slight oversight ...... we do apologize ............ kisses and hugs from all of us ........ thank you ...........
... still not getting a thank you for my idea... sheesh.... :evil::mad-61:
ahhhhhhhh ... aahhhhhhhh ... I'm sorry ........ a thousand thank-yous ... from all of us ............ a slight oversight ...... we do apologize ............ kisses and hugs from all of us ........ thank you ...........

What about my advice with the butt plug?
... still not getting a thank you for my idea... sheesh.... :evil::mad-61:
ahhhhhhhh ... aahhhhhhhh ... I'm sorry ........ a thousand thank-yous ... from all of us ............ a slight oversight ...... we do apologize ............ kisses and hugs from all of us ........ thank you ...........

What about my advice with the butt plug?
Thank you..... many kisses and tight hugs ........... again, a slight oversight ........ we'll try hard to not let it happen again ....... forgive us please ..... a thousand thanks .............. a great big thank you from all of us ......the butt plug was GOOD !!!!!! ......... you're GOOD !!!!!!
... still not getting a thank you for my idea... sheesh.... :evil::mad-61:
ahhhhhhhh ... aahhhhhhhh ... I'm sorry ........ a thousand thank-yous ... from all of us ............ a slight oversight ...... we do apologize ............ kisses and hugs from all of us ........ thank you ...........

What about my advice with the butt plug?
Thank you..... many kisses and tight hugs ........... again, a slight oversight ........ we'll try hard to not let it happen again ....... forgive us please ..... a thousand thanks .............. a great big thank you from all of us ......the butt plug was GOOD !!!!!! ......... you're GOOD !!!!!!

I think it is a great idea and that is what would be the most helpful thing. :D
I treated my mom to brunch because my job gave a thank you bonus so we went to a local diner, So the waitress that showed up looked like she didn't want to be there and had a "shitty demeanor" so I decided to no longer look her in the eyes. Then when she gave us our food I noticed my moms toast and my english muffin was on the same plate. So I asked the lady with a irritated look. "can you put this on another plate please"

So my mom was wondering why I was looking like that and I told her because I don't her attitude and she didn't separate the toast and english. Then my goes on to say that maybe the woman is going through something at home and I was like........"who cares this is her job"

So I felt myself about to explode on my mom at the diner over a stupid ass waitress and then I quickly had to change the topic lol But I cannot believe she was making excuses for a ignorant ass waitress who needs to quit.

BTW: I gave her a $2.00 tip

So, you were going to yell at your mom because the waitress was bad?
Strange... I don't support yelling but better to yell at the person you are angry with......

You should set up shop on the street, tell them you are trying to set a record for most people to sit on you in 1 day..... people love to be part of a world record... (you can thank me later for this fabulous idea...)
yeah, he just needs to make sure they have pants and underwear on so they don't leave any skid marks on his back...
... still not getting a thank you for my idea... sheesh.... :evil::mad-61:
ahhhhhhhh ... aahhhhhhhh ... I'm sorry ........ a thousand thank-yous ... from all of us ............ a slight oversight ...... we do apologize ............ kisses and hugs from all of us ........ thank you ...........

What about my advice with the butt plug?
Thank you..... many kisses and tight hugs ........... again, a slight oversight ........ we'll try hard to not let it happen again ....... forgive us please ..... a thousand thanks .............. a great big thank you from all of us ......the butt plug was GOOD !!!!!! ......... you're GOOD !!!!!!

I think it is a great idea and that is what would be the most helpful thing. :D
Only the inflatable ones...
I wonder what you would've done in a situation like this;
Years ago, the wife and I were traveling and stopped by at a small Alabama diner. The waitress shuffled out after a while (we were the only customers in the small place) dropping off the menu. I started to laugh when she left to bring our sweet tea while we were reading the menu. I said "what a laid back, no hurry world," laughing. She brings the tea, sets it on the table and takes our order. I noticed that the cheap hard plastic cup was severely chipped. Before she left I said: "sweetheart this glass is chipped" She looks at my with a look - what he fuck is wrong with that? - and calmly answered: "I know.." then she left for the kitchen to put our order in. I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt. Needless to say she never brought another cup. I tipped her well, it was a great experience.
That's what you get for putting down their best China. But at least you found out why it was a small diner.

I've been ignored in empty restaurants while the waitress was doing God knows what. Even had one leave the food I ordered on the kitchen counter. I was all alone and I hope they enjoyed the meal.

I don't take my problems out on my customers, that's not what they are there for.
I've never received REALLY bad service.
Bad food, that is another story.

We went to a Cracker Barrel in Georgia once and the meat (sausage?) they served looked unrecognizable!
I think they ran out and were serving up rats from the alley!
I've never received REALLY bad service.
Bad food, that is another story.

We went to a Cracker Barrel in Georgia once and the meat (sausage?) they served looked unrecognizable!
I think they ran out and were serving up rats from the alley!
What did they call it?
I've received bad service but I certainly don't make a scene or take it out on my mom.
The poster who started this thread is very much like a spoiled child, IMO.
I almost snapped on my mom when we were Brunch at the diner

Yeah, well, you're a fucking douchebag...

You prove this with every GOD damned post.

Your best bet at this point is to stop posting. Forever.
I treated my mom to brunch because my job gave a thank you bonus so we went to a local diner, So the waitress that showed up looked like she didn't want to be there and had a "shitty demeanor" so I decided to no longer look her in the eyes. Then when she gave us our food I noticed my moms toast and my english muffin was on the same plate. So I asked the lady with a irritated look. "can you put this on another plate please"

So my mom was wondering why I was looking like that and I told her because I don't her attitude and she didn't separate the toast and english. Then my goes on to say that maybe the woman is going through something at home and I was like........"who cares this is her job"

So I felt myself about to explode on my mom at the diner over a stupid ass waitress and then I quickly had to change the topic lol But I cannot believe she was making excuses for a ignorant ass waitress who needs to quit.

BTW: I gave her a $2.00 tip

This is all a symptom of the current society we live in.
People feel that they have no future.

I don't think anyone today feels good about America.

Who do you think caused that?

Her dead end job?
She's not forced against her will to stay there. Being a waitress is usually a job one gets before the job they wanted. Not everyone is cut out for it. Chris Pratt who is the most sought after male lead star in films today, used to be one when he was discovered in a restaurant in Maui. He had a great personality and obviously he won over his customers. He had a infectious personality. Sometime you get waitresses that you really like and sometimes they just piss you off.

Taking that into account......I feel, personally, that being rude to a waiter or waitress is terrible. My wife used to be one, and she often voices her displeasure with a waitress. This makes me feel uncomfortable. Exploding over poor service to me shows a lack of class.
I've never complained to a waiter or waitress. I know what the public can be like and I know I wouldn't last long. I won't be the recipient of abuse either way.
I've never received REALLY bad service.
Bad food, that is another story.

We went to a Cracker Barrel in Georgia once and the meat (sausage?) they served looked unrecognizable!
I think they ran out and were serving up rats from the alley!

I was at a restaurant once, and the wait staff was just hanging out chatting while we were sitting there waiting for a menu. We waited for a little while longer, and then we were like, screw it, let's go, and we just got up and left. No scene, no blame, no "snapping" on someone. :dunno:
I treated my mom to brunch because my job gave a thank you bonus so we went to a local diner, So the waitress that showed up looked like she didn't want to be there and had a "shitty demeanor" so I decided to no longer look her in the eyes. Then when she gave us our food I noticed my moms toast and my english muffin was on the same plate. So I asked the lady with a irritated look. "can you put this on another plate please"

So my mom was wondering why I was looking like that and I told her because I don't her attitude and she didn't separate the toast and english. Then my goes on to say that maybe the woman is going through something at home and I was like........"who cares this is her job"

So I felt myself about to explode on my mom at the diner over a stupid ass waitress and then I quickly had to change the topic lol But I cannot believe she was making excuses for a ignorant ass waitress who needs to quit.

BTW: I gave her a $2.00 tip
Maybe your career path should include something other than making up various scenarios of things that supposedly happen in your life to use as subject matter for countless threads on the internet that portray your as a bit of a jackass. Just a suggestion.

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