I am a democrat...should be mandatory reading

Perhaps you should take your own advice. You’re the one who’s clinging to the idea that Republicans are not in anyway to blame for the rampant racism at work in the USA today.
Perhaps you should listen to the race-baiting rhetoric that democrats use to further the racism that defines their Party of Hate.
It is kind of funny how the Republicans started as the Party of Lincoln, and was liberal, progressive, and leftist.
Republicans did not become the party of the corrupt wealthy elite until around 1880 or so.

But to be honest, there now is no difference between parties.
Neither have done a thing to bring down the outrageous price of health care, end illegal wars, end the illegal war on drugs, etc.
This is one of the clearesr looks at being a democrat...

Your ignorance is why I get credit for standing up for you, and protecting you from those who truly care, because I really don’t. I opposed those great moments, and like Joe Biden, I’ve been wrong on everything that mattered. I supported slavery, opposed civil rights, started the KKK, and administered Jim Crow’s segregation for 100 years. And to this day, the majority of Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters will still vote for me. Proof positive of two things -- I’m good at what I do, and you’re stupid to keep letting me do it.

Why I'm not a Republican...

It is kind of funny how the Republicans started as the Party of Lincoln, and was liberal, progressive, and leftist.
Republicans did not become the party of the corrupt wealthy elite until around 1880 or so.

But to be honest, there now is no difference between parties.
Neither have done a thing to bring down the outrageous price of health care, end illegal wars, end the illegal war on drugs, etc.
Here's the thing you historically atrophied Leftist waifs fail to understand. In a Republic, and that's what the US is, not a fucking democracy, our Federal Government was designed NOT to be the end all be all to society's problems. Unfortunately, because of your insane, sick, and diseased ideology, the Fed has morphed into something it should not be, not according to the Constitution.
This is one of the clearesr looks at being a democrat...

Your ignorance is why I get credit for standing up for you, and protecting you from those who truly care, because I really don’t. I opposed those great moments, and like Joe Biden, I’ve been wrong on everything that mattered. I supported slavery, opposed civil rights, started the KKK, and administered Jim Crow’s segregation for 100 years. And to this day, the majority of Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters will still vote for me. Proof positive of two things -- I’m good at what I do, and you’re stupid to keep letting me do it.

Black people vote Democrat
Here's the thing you historically atrophied Leftist waifs fail to understand. In a Republic, and that's what the US is, not a fucking democracy, our Federal Government was designed NOT to be the end all be all to society's problems. Unfortunately, because of your insane, sick, and diseased ideology, the Fed has morphed into something it should not be, not according to the Constitution.
Wow.........NOT a democracy?
Then what's up with all the elections, bills being passed, roads being built and investigations?
The majority voted.

The federal government is NOT designed for society's problems?

George Washington ordered smallpox inoculation for ...​

Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › history › 2021/08/29

Aug 26, 2021 — As commander of the Continental Army, Washington ordered his troops to be inoculated against smallpox during the Revolutionary War.

Federal disaster declaration for Broward approved, easing ...​

CBS News
https://www.cbsnews.com › CBS Miami › Local News

Apr 28, 2023 — Once the FEMA designation is made, flood victims may be able to get reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses like water removal, household items, ...


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Where are the editors for this column? Here, I will fix it.

I am a Democrat Donald J. Trump and I think you, as an average American, are an idiot. You let me get away with everything. I can tell you I’m going to do something unethical, criminal, unconstitutional, or unprecedent6ed, and you seldom try to stop me, or call me out on it. I control the news cycle and my loyal press puppets repeat whatever I say without question. Every time you get any attention complaining about me, I just do something else to distract and reset the news again.
Another F B I paid troll ,,,,,dont u fxcking guys ever get tired of spreading bs.
This is one of the clearest looks at being a democrat...

Your ignorance is why I get credit for standing up for you, and protecting you from those who truly care, because I really don’t. I opposed those great moments, and like Joe Biden, I’ve been wrong on everything that mattered. I supported slavery, opposed civil rights, started the KKK, and administered Jim Crow’s segregation for 100 years. And to this day, the majority of Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters will still vote for me. Proof positive of two things -- I’m good at what I do, and you’re stupid to keep letting me do it.

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. - Endymion, by John Keats


What is a Democrat?

By Donald N. Finley

I am a Democrat, and I think you, as an average American, are an idiot. You let me get away with everything. I can tell you I’m going to do something unethical, criminal, unconstitutional, or unprecedent6ed, and you seldom try to stop me, or call me out on it. I control the news cycle and my loyal press puppets repeat whatever I say without question. Every time you get any attention complaining about me, I just do something else to distract and reset the news again.

I write most of the news by feeding the talking points to my puppets. Haven’t you seen the video proof? I also rewrite history by simple repetition. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” That’s what I do. I lie big, loud, often and repeatedly to accuse you of any variety of unspeakable things, most of which I’m doing myself. If you challenge me, I’ll ruin you. I’ll make up a lie, then release the puppets. Maybe I’ll make a call to your employer, or your local prosecutor’s office. Either way, you’ll be too busy to bother me again. Just ask Michael Flynn how it works.
Whenever I screw up, I just blame someone else, distribute the talking points, and let the puppets do the work. I also take credit for great historical moments by claiming the follow-on accomplishments as my own, and I milk the good will your ignorance provides me. Your ignorance is why I get credit for standing up for you, and protecting you from those who truly care, because I really don’t. I opposed those great moments, and like Joe Biden, I’ve been wrong on everything that mattered. I supported slavery, opposed civil rights, started the KKK, and administered Jim Crow’s segregation for 100 years. And to this day, the majority of Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters will still vote for me. Proof positive of two things -- I’m good at what I do, and you’re stupid to keep letting me do it.
I also have my minions, which you know as teachers, or professors. They spent half of every waking day during your formative years indoctrinating you, making sure you would grow up learning and believing my lies. They stripped you of most of your critical thinking skills. They helped you pick your identity, and ensured you would pigeonhole yourself into an oppressed group, and thereby develop a hatred for your country and a deep resentment toward other groups. I’ve planted the seeds for decades now for you to feel victimized by unrealized entitlements, and have a clear vector to those you find at fault. By design, my minions haven’t taught you to succeed in life; they’ve taught you to hate, then sent you into real life short of tools and skills, but well-primed with a burning fuse.

Over those same decades, I built the infrastructure to disincentivize hard work, and create dependence on government and social welfare programs. I love to create dependence. I enable it, nurture it, and keep supporting it until it’s an addiction.


In addition to the addicts I’ve created, some of my best work has been with women. Once proud housewives, mothers, and teachers, look at what I have them doing today. They march in the streets chanting obscenities and declaring their right to kill their babies. As teachers, they groom young children into alternative lifestyles by teaching gender is not a fact, but rather a choice. They distort American history, turn the founders into little more than greedy slaveholders, and cast America as systemically evil, built as such by white, racist, intolerant men.
Women believe I’m all in for them. After all, I’ve supported abortion for decades, and they’ve been a reliable voting bloc. But I use them in ways they never think about. When they vote for me because I support abortion, they also support my killing of women’s athletics. It doesn’t matter that only .5% of the population is transgender, official U.S. policy is to allow biological men to compete against biological women. Are women looking out for other women? They must be focused on something else… just as they should be. I plan to destroy all of women’s competitive sports, and I’ll do so with the help of women.

You just don’t get my hypocrisy. I pretend to tell the truth when I spin my lies. I tell you every day. You don’t listen. I talk about Republicans supporting policies that will destroy democracy. I preach about the lawlessness of January 6 insurrectionists while nearly every major Democrat-run city has skyrocketing crime, progressive district attorneys who won’t prosecute slam-dunk violent crimes, and no-bail policies that release offenders over and over again. And during the riots of 2020, not only did I not complain about Black Lives Matter or Antifa causing $2B in damages, I raised money to pay for their bail. After the Covenant School shooting in Nashville by a transgender murderer, I virtually ignored the victims, who included three nine-year-old children, but I got three Tennessee House members who participated in the gun control protests that shut down the Tennessee House invited to the White House. No parallels to January 6; nope, nothing to see there. Oh, and I forgot to tell the President to call the victims’ families.

See the political trending I’ve put in place? I’m dismantling American society at an ever-increasing rate. It’s my crowning achievement. They say with military recruits, you have to break them down to build them back up the way you need them to be. That’s my plan for America. I’m breaking it down now faster than ever. Don’t see it? The pandemic, election fraud, crime, inflation, failing banks, military incompetence and embarrassments one after another, millions of illegals flowing across an invisible border sowing societal chaos and exponentially increasing government dependence, kids graduating from high school unable to read or do basic math, and increased numbers of mass shootings to include more children. I tell you the latter is all about guns, as if guns alone do the shootings, and a shocking number of you buy into it. I get you wound up and afraid because I need your guns. I work hard to take away your Second Amendment right to bear arms. I’m not talking about those arms that protect me, or the arms I’ll use against you after you no longer have any. I’m only talking about those arms you use to protect yourselves. In short order, I’ll get them, or I’ll make them impossible to use by regulating magazines and ammunition. I already nearly have your right to free speech.
Caught on yet? I don’t care about governing. I don’t care about fixing, improving, building, growing, developing, or any other word related to progress, other than the word ‘progressive’. I care about power, control, personal comfort, and money. And none of those in any way includes you.
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