I am a democrat...should be mandatory reading

This is one of the clearesr looks at being a democrat...

Your ignorance is why I get credit for standing up for you, and protecting you from those who truly care, because I really don’t. I opposed those great moments, and like Joe Biden, I’ve been wrong on everything that mattered. I supported slavery, opposed civil rights, started the KKK, and administered Jim Crow’s segregation for 100 years. And to this day, the majority of Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters will still vote for me. Proof positive of two things -- I’m good at what I do, and you’re stupid to keep letting me do it.

What is the position of Republicans today? They oppose civil rights and seek the votes of white supremacists. They want to take away the right of free speech. They want to take away the rights of women, transgenders and gays. Minorities are 100% right for opposing Republicans.
Your propagandist deliberately left out one important word.

"I am a CONSERVATIVE Democrat."


Why should it hurt.

So far I have been able to laugh at all the “bombshell” reports that were supposed to be the end of Trump. Perhaps that will change but perhaps not.
Sure, bud. If it helps you sleep at night. :itsok:

Capitol cop led DC rioters away from open Senate ...

View attachment 780392
Fox News
https://www.foxnews.com › capitol-cop-led-dc-rioters-...
Jan 10, 2021 — The Capitol Police officer, identified by CNN as Eugene Goodman, went viral after he was caught on video stranded and being chased by a baying ...

Eugene Goodman, Capitol officer who led rioters away ...

View attachment 780391
CBS News
https://www.cbsnews.com › U.S.
Jan 20, 2021 — Capitol police officer Eugene Goodman, who risked his life to protect members of Congress when a mob of angry Trump supporters stormed the ...

Black officer seen risking his life to lead Capitol mob away ...

https://www.cbsnews.com › U.S.
Jan 12, 2021 — The Capitol Police officer has been identified as Eugene Goodman, who is being hailed as a hero for diverting the intimidating mob away from ...

21 Republicans vote against awarding medals to police ...

View attachment 780393
The Hill
https://thehill.com › homenews › house › 558620-21-...
Jun 15, 2021 — 21 Republicans vote against awarding medals to police who defended Capitol ... The House passed legislation on Tuesday to award Congressional Gold ...
I had never seen that

The riot under the Dome

Ari Fleischer interview on Fox before. That was a great one on FOX. Thanks for posting it.
The American Thinker is a republican right wing racist publication.

It was the Republican Party that authored the Corwin Amendment that would have protected slavery in a constitutional amendment. It was a Republican president that made the 1876 Compromise with the South that ended reconstruction. It was 4 republicans out of 7 votes cast in the affirmative for for Plessy v Ferguson that made Jim Crow federal law. Jim Crow lasted through 12 Republican presidents who didn't do a damn thing to end it. It was a republican presidential nominee who opposed the Civil Rights Act. It was republicans that filibustered the recent John Lewis voting rights bill. So all you republicans need to shut the hell up repeating these tired ass lies.
The American Thinker is a republican right wing racist publication.

It was the Republican Party that authored the Corwin Amendment that would have protected slavery in a constitutional amendment. It was a Republican president that made the 1876 Compromise with the South that ended reconstruction. It was 4 republicans out of 7 votes cast in the affirmative for for Plessy v Ferguson that made Jim Crow federal law. Jim Crow lasted through 12 Republican presidents who didn't do a damn thing to end it. It was a republican presidential nominee who opposed the Civil Rights Act. It was republicans that filibustered the recent John Lewis voting rights bill. So all you republicans need to shut the hell up repeating these tired ass lies.

The Corwin amendment was proposed by President James Buchanan as a way to prevent the Civil War. While never ratified, the Amendment would have prevented the federal government from abolishing slavery in the states where it existed at the time.

So where did slavery predominate at the time? Yes, in those states controlled by the “Party of Slavery”, the Democrat party.

Half truths and outright falsehoods. Typical for leftist hacks.
This is one of the clearesr looks at being a democrat...

Your ignorance is why I get credit for standing up for you, and protecting you from those who truly care, because I really don’t. I opposed those great moments, and like Joe Biden, I’ve been wrong on everything that mattered. I supported slavery, opposed civil rights, started the KKK, and administered Jim Crow’s segregation for 100 years. And to this day, the majority of Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters will still vote for me. Proof positive of two things -- I’m good at what I do, and you’re stupid to keep letting me do it.

Every accusation is a confession.
Vermin? Why is it that Republicans consistently use dehumanizing language when speaking about anyone who isn’t in their Party?

Why is it necessary to demonize and villainize everyone who doesn’t think like you? Do you think this is helpful to the nation at all?

It takes strong, confident people to discuss differences, a bit of opinion, rationally, unemotionally, and with respect for the opposing opinion. Weak and frightened people cannot tolerate disagreement, or any questioning of their closely held beliefs. Nor can they defend them.

Republicans attack Democratic policies, because they have none of their own.
Why is is necessary to Demonize using dehumanizing language?
WTF does homophobic and every other phobia you folks accuse the right of mean? Does it mean you're being nice?
Matter of fact, there isn't a nasty word or phrase you people haven't used to demonize the right.
You not only trash the right for their patriotism and their work ethic, but the fact that they're Christian is washed all over their collective faces as if believing Jesus means they're racists and homophobes.
The Corwin amendment was proposed by President James Buchanan as a way to prevent the Civil War. While never ratified, the Amendment would have prevented the federal government from abolishing slavery in the states where it existed at the time.

So where did slavery predominate at the time? Yes, in those states controlled by the “Party of Slavery”, the Democrat party.

Half truths and outright falsehoods. Typical for leftist hacks.

The lengths to which Republicans will go to, in order to distance themselves from the religion of white supremacy that they now embrace wholeheartedly.

Unless and until Republicans stop lying to themselves, and start facing the reality of the nation they have created with their segregation, gerrymandering, redlining, voter suppression, and “urban” versus “rural” political divide, your nation will continue down the path to self destruction.
  • Fact
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Where are the editors for this column? Here, I will fix it.

I am a Democrat Donald J. Trump and I think you, as an average American, are an idiot. You let me get away with everything. I can tell you I’m going to do something unethical, criminal, unconstitutional, or unprecedent6ed, and you seldom try to stop me, or call me out on it. I control the news cycle and my loyal press puppets repeat whatever I say without question. Every time you get any attention complaining about me, I just do something else to distract and reset the news again.
Hmmm, second post in before TRUMP! was invoked.
The lengths to which Republicans will go to, in order to distance themselves from the religion of white supremacy that they now embrace wholeheartedly.

Unless and until Republicans stop lying to themselves, and start facing the reality of the nation they have created with their segregation, gerrymandering, redlining, voter suppression, and “urban” versus “rural” political divide, your nation will continue down the path to self destruction.
Did you steal that from StormFront?
I don't blame you for getting upset. Who wants to be reminded about that orange douchebag, amIright?
So why remind everybody? I have to wonder at the mindset that can't allow a thread to exist without mentioning him. Seems obsessive to me, but here we are...
Did you steal that from StormFront?

Stormfront is a NAZI racist hate group. They’ve been backing the Republican Party for generations.

But thank you for proving my point. There is no limit to the depths that Republicans will sink to in order to deny and deflect from their affiliations with white supremacists.

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