I Am A Republican And Would Vote For Liz Cheney As An Independent Or Libertarian

Would You Vote For Liz Cheney In The General To Take Votes Away From Trump?

  • Yes, I am a Republican and would vote for her to take votes away from Trump

  • No, I am a Republican and would not vote for her to take votes away from Trump

  • I'd have to think on that

  • Other

  • I'm actually a Democrat and would vote for her, taking votes away from Biden

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Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Well, not me but I was curious as to how many Republicans would vote for her as an Independent or a Libertarian in order to take votes away from Trump , especially since Biden appears to have his own spoilers. I was going to make the poll so that you couldn't see who voted what but was afraid lefties would abuse the intent of the poll to skew the results. Are there any Republicans out there who would vote for Liz?
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Well, not me but I was curious as to how many Republicans would vote for her as an Independent or a Libertarian in order to take votes away from Trump , especially since Biden appears to have his own spoilers. I was going to make the poll so that you couldn't see who voted what but was afraid lefties would abuse the intent of the poll to skew the results. Are there any Republicans out there who would vote for Liz?
I don't think I can ever call myself a Republican ever again considering what they are today but I would never vote for Liz.

Let's just say I will never vote for another Democrat the rest of my life and leave it at that. Who knows, if the GOP gets too bad maybe I stop voting altogether.

They are a as a group disgusting and beyond hope.
Well, not me but I was curious as to how many Republicans would vote for her as an Independent or a Libertarian in order to take votes away from Trump , especially since Biden appears to have his own spoilers. I was going to make the poll so that you couldn't see who voted what but was afraid lefties would abuse the intent of the poll to skew the results. Are there any Republicans out there who would vote for Liz?
It's a great idea for people who just can't vote for Biden because they are too conservative and to show the GOP Nazi branch of the party they can never be in charge.
This board has a bunch of proud Never-Trumpers (yet actually claiming not to agree with Obiden policy? strange ain't it?) and the BlackGaterMack DEM phony lying bunch. Then there are the closeted Obiden backers living off GOVT paychecks too ashamed to actually admit it (Unkotare). We have the undecided wing of your Harry Dresden etc. Weird they are willing to allow Obiden to continue on destroying the country out of some sort of pride? WTH good is that going to do for 200million decent Americans who pay taxes. Almost forgot, we have the complete idiot wing (those who think they are smart Care4all sealybobo) who just want to hurt others as they think it is the cool thing to do (they learned that in public school).
This board has a bunch of proud Never-Trumpers (yet actually claiming not to agree with Obiden policy? strange ain't it?) and the BlackGaterMack DEM phony lying bunch. Then there are the closeted Obiden backers living off GOVT paychecks too ashamed to actually admit it (Unkotare). We have the undecided wing of your Harry Dresden etc. Weird they are willing to allow Obiden to continue on destroying the country out of some sort of pride? WTH good is that going to do for 200million decent Americans who pay taxes.
I checked OTHER appropriately. I'm a proud Biden supporter. I don't recall America being "GREAT AGAIN" when Trump was president. I just remember he was a horribly corrupt president. Right from the start and right till the end. The fact you don't see it is crazy. You're a nazi.

Donald Trump’s team defended his authoritarian comments over the weekend by doubling down on dictatorial language, a frightening preview of what could happen if Trump wins the presidency.

During a Veterans Day speech on Saturday, Trump called his political opponents and critics “vermin” and accused them of being a bigger threat to the U.S. than countries such as Russia, China, and North Korea. Historians and researchers were quick to warn that his language was reminiscent of authoritarian leaders including Hitler and Mussolini.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung defended the former president’s comments

“Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House,”
I checked OTHER appropriately. I'm a proud Biden supporter. I don't recall America being "GREAT AGAIN" when Trump was president. I just remember he was a horribly corrupt president. Right from the start and right till the end. The fact you don't see it is crazy. You're a nazi.

Donald Trump’s team defended his authoritarian comments over the weekend by doubling down on dictatorial language, a frightening preview of what could happen if Trump wins the presidency.

During a Veterans Day speech on Saturday, Trump called his political opponents and critics “vermin” and accused them of being a bigger threat to the U.S. than countries such as Russia, China, and North Korea. Historians and researchers were quick to warn that his language was reminiscent of authoritarian leaders including Hitler and Mussolini.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung defended the former president’s comments

“Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House,”

WORDS? A WORD? You stupid OX. You had Kathy Griffin holding a Bloodied Trump head, Paul Ryan pushing old ladies off a cliff in a wheelchair. Yet you choose to get drummed up over a word? Street Vermin. Yes I said it. Verminous Criminals lying in the weeds. Vermin in the GOVT. Yes sorry but the truth hurts you sensitive little small brain.
WORDS? A WORD? You stupid OX. You had Kathy Griffin holding a Bloodied Trump head, Paul Ryan pushing old ladies off a cliff in a wheelchair. Yet you choose to get drummed up over a word? Street Vermin. Yes I said it. Verminous Criminals lying in the weeds. Vermin in the GOVT. Yes sorry but the truth hurts you sensitive little small brain.
Kathy Griffin doesn't speak for anyone but Kathy Griffin. Trump's running for POTUS you stupid bitch.
Well, not me but I was curious as to how many Republicans would vote for her as an Independent or a Libertarian in order to take votes away from Trump , especially since Biden appears to have his own spoilers. I was going to make the poll so that you couldn't see who voted what but was afraid lefties would abuse the intent of the poll to skew the results. Are there any Republicans out there who would vote for Liz?
A vote for Liz in the general election is a vote for Joe Biden
Kathy Griffin doesn't speak for anyone but Kathy Griffin. Trump's running for POTUS you stupid bitch.

Again, unable to think for themselves. Only able to regurgitate LW talking points from Home O like those fags on MSLSD. Like I said, the wing of the idiots. Embarrassing much?
I won't waste time replying to the lowIQ parrot club of NAZI LW talking points buffoonery.
Again, unable to think for themselves. Only able to regurgitate LW talking points from Home O like those fags on MSLSD. Like I said, the wing of the idiots. Embarrassing much?
I won't waste time replying to the lowIQ parrot club of NAZI LW talking points buffoonery.
When I tell you Trump, your leader is a Nazi, please don't respond that Kathy Griffin is a Nazi too. Certainly you see why you shouldn't do that right moron?
Well, not me but I was curious as to how many Republicans would vote for her as an Independent or a Libertarian in order to take votes away from Trump , especially since Biden appears to have his own spoilers. I was going to make the poll so that you couldn't see who voted what but was afraid lefties would abuse the intent of the poll to skew the results. Are there any Republicans out there who would vote for Liz?
I was a republican until we invaded Iraq . I would vote for Liz Cheney in s heartbeat.
This board has a bunch of proud Never-Trumpers (yet actually claiming not to agree with Obiden policy? strange ain't it?) and the BlackGaterMack DEM phony lying bunch. Then there are the closeted Obiden backers living off GOVT paychecks too ashamed to actually admit it (Unkotare). ......
You are a liar.
Liz Cheney is a Bush bootlicker and as such was used as a tool by the Democrats to attack Trump. She is the worst example of what we have in politics: Privileged, stupid and personally biased.
All bullshit, of course.

You despise her because she spoke out against your orange God. Nothing more.
I was a republican until we invaded Iraq . I would vote for Liz Cheney in s heartbeat.
That's because you aren't a Republican. There was an option on the poll for lefties to vote for Cheney to take a vote away from Biden. Did you vote that?
Again, unable to think for themselves. Only able to regurgitate LW talking points from Home O like those fags on MSLSD. Like I said, the wing of the idiots. Embarrassing much?
I won't waste time replying to the lowIQ parrot club of NAZI LW talking points buffoonery.
With 80% of Americans saying they are worse off under Biden and 70% of Americans saying the country is going in the wrong direction, he claims he is a proud Biden supporter. If I were a Biden supporter I would be in the closet and not admit to being a proud Biden supporter.

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