I Am Ashamed of My Country

In the previous Zarcan Council meeting we learned that the attempted sinking of the USS Liberty and the intended murder of its entire crew was not an accidental attack as claimed by the Israelis, but instead a bazaar plot by Zionist leaders to give President Johnson a flimsy excuse to nuke Cairo and bring the United States into war with the Arab world. No one on the Council has offered an alternative or more reasonable explanation for what transpired on that day in 1967, therefore, the foregoing conclusion stands.

The next magnificent events on our list are:

16. In 1994, the United States joined the World Trade Organization.

17. In 1994, Congress enacted NAFTA.

18. In 2004, Congress enacted CAFTA.

Our joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) constituted the third overthrow of the government of the United States of America. Upon consummation of this final overthrow along with its companion so called trade agreements, the process is complete and Americans now live under a totally transformed government instead of the one envisioned by the Founders. The name and framework is still there, but how our government functions and operates has been changed. For example, under GATT as members of the WTO, the following provisions apply:

Article XVI, Paragraph 4. Each Member shall ensure the conformity of its laws, regulations and administrative procedures with its obligations as provided in the annexed Agreements.

Article XVI, Paragraph 5. No reservations may be made in respect of any provision of this Agreement.

In other words, according to the above WTO, as a condition of our membership in that organization, our Government, without reservation, has pre-agreed to ensure that all our laws, regulations, and administrative procedures conform to those of the WTO. What this means that if Congress wants to pass a law, and it is contrary to a provision or ruling of the WTO, it cannot do it. Furthermore, if our President wants to issue an Executive Order which is contrary to a provision or ruling of the WTO, he cannot do it. And finally, if our government is sued over a law that is in keeping with a WTO provision or ruling, our Supreme Court cannot rule in favor of the Plaintiffs, but must necessarily rule in favor of our government even if the law in question is unconstitutional.

The end result of all of the above, that in matters concerning world trade, the WTO is a governing body superior to our President, Congress, and our Supreme Court and this means is that the United States is no longer a sovereign nation. If by joining the WTO the United States surrendered any part of its sovereignty, then our government has been overthrown for the third time even if this only applies to matters of world trade. Sovereignty is absolute. If a nation is not sovereign in anyway, then it is not sovereign.

Comments please!

And should therefore be in the Conspiracy Forum where it can be ignored as it deserves.
Thank you for making this post. Its is encouraging to know there are still americans around fighting for what I think has made this country great in the past.

Pilgrim: Thank you so much for your support.

Yes, I guess I am a dionsaur. But I do believe in what I am doing, because accepting the status quo is unacceptable. I cannot live with the fact what the Founders gave us was a flash in the pan of history and the future of mankind is to be ruled by a bunch of amoral criminals whose first order of business is to take care of themselves first and make sure we have no idea what is being done to us so they can have their was with us. I think it was Marlon Brando who said it best; The horror, the horror.
Fuck you, brownshirt, you're just like a nazi. And a pretty dumb one too. You said I didn't like disagreement, but you couldn't state what those disagreements are. So you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're just some punk-ass retard who takes it up the ass.

Loinboy, Unkotare, and Saveliberty. What you are doing here is being intentionally disruptive and provacative as possible in the hope you wll drive away as many people as possible away from this thread as you can. All I can say about this is the three of you better hope that their is no such as a God in heaven, because if there is you folks are in deep and serious trouble.
Fuck you, brownshirt, you're just like a nazi. And a pretty dumb one too. You said I didn't like disagreement, but you couldn't state what those disagreements are. So you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're just some punk-ass retard who takes it up the ass.

Loinboy, Unkotare, and Saveliberty. What you are doing here is being intentionally disruptive and provacative as possible in the hope you wll drive away as many people as possible away from this thread as you can. All I can say about this is the three of you better hope that their is no such as a God in heaven, because if there is you folks are in deep and serious trouble.

God doesn't condone your hate citizenal.
Thank you for making this post. Its is encouraging to know there are still americans around fighting for what I think has made this country great in the past.

Pilgrim: Thank you so much for your support.

Yes, I guess I am a dionsaur. But I do believe in what I am doing, because accepting the status quo is unacceptable. I cannot live with the fact what the Founders gave us was a flash in the pan of history and the future of mankind is to be ruled by a bunch of amoral criminals whose first order of business is to take care of themselves first and make sure we have no idea what is being done to us so they can have their was with us. I think it was Marlon Brando who said it best; The horror, the horror.

I pointed out a few things to PP concerning you. Doubtful he will make the same mistake twice. Take a good hard look at this thread citizenal. Most everyone here is laughing AT you.
Fuck you, brownshirt, you're just like a nazi. And a pretty dumb one too. You said I didn't like disagreement, but you couldn't state what those disagreements are. So you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're just some punk-ass retard who takes it up the ass.

Loinboy, Unkotare, and Saveliberty. What you are doing here is being intentionally disruptive and provacative as possible in the hope you wll drive away as many people as possible away from this thread as you can. All I can say about this is the three of you better hope that their is no such as a God in heaven, because if there is you folks are in deep and serious trouble.

As if you hadn't come across as bat-shit crazy enough...
I pointed out a few things to PP concerning you. Doubtful he will make the same mistake twice. Take a good hard look at this thread citizenal. Most everyone here is laughing AT you.

How do you know they are laughing at me? Please be specific.

Check my join date. I know these people. Your nothing more than a sideshow for our amusement. The only real question is how much abuse you'll take before you wake up. Hopefully its a very long time.
As if you hadn't come across as bat-shit crazy enough...
That's the big lie you tell yourself. citizenal is actually quite normal and an obviously good-hearted person. citizenal is showing by example, the way people should communicate with each other. Unfortunately, I don't think you're interested in communication. I don't see you even trying to debate a topic. No effort. Nada. Zip. Donut, babe. No effort, means no interest. I'd say I'm about half-way in between you two. I'm willing to debate a topic, but when you start being a dick, it's not my nature to turn the other cheek. And that's my problem. I enjoy confrontation with assholes a little too much. Come to think about it, "enjoy" is not the word I really want to use, it's my Disneyland! Telling fuckin' assholes, just how fucked they are, is quite a high. But that's something I need to work on.

I will say this about my posts, most of them are in direct proportion to the tome of the post I am responding to. You want to have a respectful conversation, I will reciprocate. But if you want to be a dick, well, that door swings both ways.
My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

You'd better be ashamed and scared about what conservatives want to do to this country. Take us back to the 1950's.

As for your post??? A bunch of crap. :eusa_boohoo:
And that's my problem. I enjoy confrontation with assholes a little too much.

Yes, I'm sure you have all manner of intercourse with assholes. For all I know it's how you make your living.

Be sure to use protection...

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