I Am Ashamed of My Country

Take your stupid anti-Semitic ass to the damn Conspiracy Forum, ass breath.

Thank you for your kind words.

I am not an anti-Semite. What am doing is providing my best perception of what the truth is. If by circumstance, this is derogatory to the Zionists, this does not make me anit-Semitic for two reasons:

1. Not all Jews are Zionists. I am only critical of Zionists and this being the case, you may call me anti-Zionist but not Anti-Semitic.

2. If what I am saying is true, and I am only provideing you with the truth, then this cannot be an anti-Semitic act because to make it one you must establish that I am acitng out of Hatred. This no one is able to do because I am acting out of concern for my country, not out of hatred for anybody.

In closing, the only that I can say is that when somebody talks to people like you do, they are displaying ignorance and a lack of proper upbringing. I am sure you are an intelligent person. This being the case, why are doing what you are doing? Please do not leave us to conclude that your actions and words are what your really are all about.
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How truly heartwarming to have to wade through the profanity and gross attacks of Loinboy and Unkotare to learn what is really happening to our nation and its people. I guess they think they are making some kind of contribution to our understanding of these matters by forcing us to read through this crap. Yes, we see a lot of this on these boards and this is unfortunate, but it goes with the territory.
At least I gave my reasons for my position and tried to have a debate. If you go back and read these posts again, you will see one person who gave 3 examples to support his claim and the other person just launched immediately into personal attacks, innuendo's and strawman arguments. Look, I gave him a chance to have a conversation, but after several instances of his foul mouth, he got what he gave.

I'm willing to have a respectful conversation with anyone, but if you're going to play the asshole game, I'm a lot better at it than most.

Okay! Your are a better person than him are hurling insults and profanity. I am gratified to see that you take pride in this. However, have you stopped to consider that by playing the game you have lowered yourself to his level and demonstrated that he can get a rise out of you anytime he wants. How about just ignoring him and give a little more thought to the subject matter of this thread. That's really why were here........I hope.

citizenal, from what I can tell, you're pushing your book and trying to create some kind of foundational credibility for yourself, which is all fine and good, free country, but your voluminous posts just aren't worth wading through to find the beef. I think the point you're trying to make is that we should all vote for Ron Paul because he'll save us from The New World Order.

Is that correct?


No you are patly correct.

I wrote my book many years ago and no longer push it, but yes, the reason I posted its link was to establish credibility on these boards in the hope that people would take me seriously and read my posts with this way. My book is free to all. Upon first self-publilshing, I sold only two copies; both of them to the City of Fort Lauderdale when I still was a city emplyee. Imagine what a thrill it was hand carrying these copies to the City Attorney's office.

What I am trying to say is that we should vote for Ron Paul because he is the only candidate who:

Does not lie to us.
Honors his oath of office.
Will work for us instead of them.
Is committed to restoring our Republic.

For these reasons alone, Ron Paul deserves the vote of every citizen who loves his country and truly is an American. Everyone else is an American in name only because by voting for any other candidate, they are voting for and sanctioning this nation's takeover by the New World Order. You cannot be an American and a globalist at the same time because the basis of the globalism as it stand today is criminality, fraud, and deception. If you can reconcile these deplorable things with Americanism, then you are a far better writer than me. I am all for globalism but not the kind that is being rammed down our throats by the NWO.

As far as Ron Paul saving us from the NWO goes, that is not a very difficult task. John Kennedy did it in 1963 by printing US Treasury notes. All Ron Paul has to do follow John Kennedy's lead but not make the same mistake as Kennedy. He should tell us what he is doing and why he is doing before he acts. This way when they kill him someone else will pick up the ball and run with him. If the NWO realizes this, it may even saves Ron Pauls life. Why kill him if it won't accomplish anything. These people are demented criminals, but they are not crazy.
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Are you JewStoneds sock puppet ?

Was the U.S. government's war on racism due to some newly found concern for black people? Nothing could be further from the truth. Contrary to popular opinion, the U.S. government has been — and is — one of the most bigoted governments in history. For example, prior to America's entry into World War 11, Adolf Hitler offered to send Germany's Jews to any nation which was willing to take them. The U.S. government's response? America was not going to be a haven for Jews. Thus, immigration restrictions against Jews were raised, not lowered, despite the fact that American governmental officials knew that Hitler was sending them to German concentration camps.

Race, Power, and Repatriation
Are you JewStoneds sock puppet ?

Was the U.S. government's war on racism due to some newly found concern for black people? Nothing could be further from the truth. Contrary to popular opinion, the U.S. government has been — and is — one of the most bigoted governments in history. For example, prior to America's entry into World War 11, Adolf Hitler offered to send Germany's Jews to any nation which was willing to take them. The U.S. government's response? America was not going to be a haven for Jews. Thus, immigration restrictions against Jews were raised, not lowered, despite the fact that American governmental officials knew that Hitler was sending them to German concentration camps.

Race, Power, and Repatriation

It is actually a lot more complex than that and you are throwing together several different periods of the Nazi persecution of the Jews.
I am not ashamed of the country, it is a great country but I am ashamed of some very ungrateful people that are completely negative in everything they say. Consider we are lucky to live in a country like ours, look out in the world and if some people think there are better places to live, well let them have a go at it........:)
I am not ashamed of the country, it is a great country but I am ashamed of some very ungrateful people that are completely negative in everything they say. Consider we are lucky to live in a country like ours, look out in the world and if some people think there are better places to live, well let them have a go at it........:)

I agree. Considering how many millions of people seek to come and live in the US it's fairly safe to conclude that it is still a much better place than most of the rest of the world.
Take your stupid anti-Semitic ass to the damn Conspiracy Forum, dick breath.

Interesting comment....... is pUnkotard a Jew or just a Jew worshiper ?

Whoa Douger!

Most Jews I know would be very upset where this thread has gone so far. The fact that they have given me the benefit of the doubt and not lauched a massive frontal attack speaks very well of them. Before I am through, I intend to build some bridges in the hope that they realize that its not about them and solely about Zionism.

Please, I beseech you; no Jew baiting. All that will do is make things more difficult for me and it is the very thing that Zionists are masters at using against us. Look what they accomplished through the greatest Jew Baiter of all time; Adolph Hitler.

Let's leave Judaism, the religion out of this and focus on Zionism, the political movement. This is the only way there is any hope of ever accomplishing anything with this thread.

Let me thank you ahead of time for your cooperation.
Take your stupid anti-Semitic ass to the damn Conspiracy Forum, dick breath.
Interesting comment....... is pUnkotard a Jew or just a Jew worshiper ?

Which one do you need, Adolph?

I asked douger who started this to stop it. Now I ask you to stop it. Its bad enough to call each other asshole, pukehead, moron, fuck nuts, etc., but when missles we hurl become racial or religous in nature all sanity is lost.

I beseech you to please stop this.
I am not ashamed of the country, it is a great country but I am ashamed of some very ungrateful people that are completely negative in everything they say. Consider we are lucky to live in a country like ours, look out in the world and if some people think there are better places to live, well let them have a go at it........:)

Ah, to have you here warms the chuckles of my heart.......whatever that means.

I am a Florida Boy and live in Ormond-by-the-Sea just north of Daytona Beach.

I hear where you are coming from, but in order for the NWO to work and function, all of us throughout the world must become the same. it is impossible for everyone else to become like us. Therefore, it is necessary for us to become like everyone else. And there's the rub. When they have made us just like everyone else, you won't be so proud of our country and there will be no place else to go because we will all be in the same boat; disenfranchised, sturggling to make ends meet, and cattle for our NWO masters who will be living far better than any king or emperor ever did..........and this includes Caligula.
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citizenal, from what I can tell, you're pushing your book and trying to create some kind of foundational credibility for yourself, which is all fine and good, free country, but your voluminous posts just aren't worth wading through to find the beef. I think the point you're trying to make is that we should all vote for Ron Paul because he'll save us from The New World Order.

Is that correct?


No you are patly correct.

I wrote my book many years ago and no longer push it, but yes, the reason I posted its link was to establish credibility on these boards in the hope that people would take me seriously and read my posts with this way. My book is free to all. Upon first self-publilshing, I sold only two copies; both of them to the City of Fort Lauderdale when I still was a city emplyee. Imagine what a thrill it was hand carrying these copies to the City Attorney's office.

What I am trying to say is that we should vote for Ron Paul because he is the only candidate who:

Does not lie to us.
Honors his oath of office.
Will work for us instead of them.
Is committed to restoring our Republic.

For these reasons alone, Ron Paul deserves the vote of every citizen who loves his country and truly is an American. Everyone else is an American in name only because by voting for any other candidate, they are voting for and sanctioning this nation's takeover by the New World Order. You cannot be an American and a globalist at the same time because the basis of the globalism as it stand today is criminality, fraud, and deception. If you can reconcile these deplorable things with Americanism, then you are a far better writer than me. I am all for globalism but not the kind that is being rammed down our throats by the NWO.

As far as Ron Paul saving us from the NWO goes, that is not a very difficult task. John Kennedy did it in 1963 by printing US Treasury notes. All Ron Paul has to do follow John Kennedy's lead but not make the same mistake as Kennedy. He should tell us what he is doing and why he is doing before he acts. This way when they kill him someone else will pick up the ball and run with him. If the NWO realizes this, it may even saves Ron Pauls life. Why kill him if it won't accomplish anything. These people are demented criminals, but they are not crazy.

Okay, two more questions:

1. A President can't act unilaterally on this, can he?

2. Who would you say is the New World Order?

Okay, two more questions:

1. A President can't act unilaterally on this, can he?

2. Who would you say is the New World Order?


Question #1. A President is the Chief Executive of our government and all its departments report him including the Treasury Department, so the the answer to your question is yes, he can act unilaterally on this just as John Kennedy did. An executive order requires no confirmation from Congress.

Question #2. I repeat myself here. The New World Order is really the old world order any they are the only line ruling families with few newly rich bazillionaires thrown in. They are mostly bankers and they own and control all of the world's central banks, including our Federal Reserve. It is these banks which have provided them with unfathomable riches through the creation of the worlds money supply out of thin air. The have used this money to corrupt and dominate the key institutions throughout the nations of the world and the international institutions as well. Deny them their money pump they will go away. However, once this is done, the next step is formerly charge them with the innumeralble crimes they have committed and bring them to justice. Once convicted, they should be forced to surrender all the assets they gained from their crimes and all debts and monies owed them declared null and void.

Boy, when this comes to pass, what a party I willl throw.

P.S. There is a strong Zionist influence withing the New World Order and this has nothing to do with Judaism. It is these people who have really screwed up the world with wars and other abomination for the past 100 years. The other members who are not Zionists go along with this because they could care less about what happens to us so long as they are making lots and lots and lots and lots of money.
Okay! Your are a better person than him are hurling insults and profanity. I am gratified to see that you take pride in this. However, have you stopped to consider that by playing the game you have lowered yourself to his level and demonstrated that he can get a rise out of you anytime he wants. How about just ignoring him and give a little more thought to the subject matter of this thread. That's really why were here........I hope.
I don't ignore anyone and why do you think I haven't given more thought to the subject matter, when I listed 3 perfectly good examples of what we should be ashamed of? Just because some foul-mouth loser goes off on some incoherent rant because he didn't like what I said, doesn't mean I can't go more deeply into those 3 points and explain them in detail. I stated my position, but I have to have something of substance to respond to. And U-boy bitching about me not liking disagreement, while never saying what that disagreement is, is not really saying anything at all. If someone cannot even state what their point is, they're obviously not here to debate. They're here to troll.
In our last Zarcan Council meeting we learned that facts are such the President Kennedy was not killed by a sole deranged gunman. This being true, it follows that others were involved in his assassination and this means there was a conspiracy to kill him. Kennedy had just begun to print US Treasury Notes in lieu of Federal Reserve Note cutting the Fed out of the pattern and taking away their rice bowl. This action would destroy all they had accomplished for the past 50 years and destroy their plans for a New World Order. For these reasons, they had to kill President Kennedy and had no choice in the matter.

The next magnificent event on our list is a doozy:

15. Prior to the Six Day war between Israel and Egypt, a plot was hatched and President Johnson was ordered to nuke Cairo upon the sinking of an American spy ship, the USS Liberty, which would provide President Johnson with the excuse he needed to follow his orders.

Before proceeding I wish to inform everyone that I am not a party to any kind of classified information. True, I was a Navy Fighter pilot with a secret clearance, but during all my time in the service never even heard about the USS Liberty. All my information in this regard comes for the BBC video, “Dead in the Water” which must be watched in order to understand this present topic. The video is 108 minutes long and is a real spell binder so you will not regret taking the time to watch it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSLBcV7MiD0]The USS Liberty Cover Up Dead In the Water - Full Movie - YouTube[/ame]

The first bit of mind boggling information we learn about the USS liberty is that it was an intelligence ship designed to intercept and listen in on radio communications, yet it was the only ship in the US fleet to not get the order to stay 100 miles off the coast of Egypt during the 6 Days War. Well, you say it was a spy ship it had to go in close (12 miles) to do its job and why risk any of the other ships in the fleet. Getting in close may have had its advantages, but these were dubious at best. However, the real issue is why the Liberty was ordered into a war zone and not given a Destroyer escort as it should have been. The Liberty was lightly armed and could not defend itself against a real warship and the mission she was on was not just an exercise. Instead it was a real mission into a real war zone. To not give it protection for such a mission is absurd.

When I was serving on the USS Forestall in the Med. a year or so after the Liberty affair took place, the only real mission I ever flew was to escort an A-5 Vigilante on a side-look photo recon mission along Egypt’s Mediterranean coast. My point is that A-5 Vigilante was important enough to have an F-4 Phantom Fighter escort but a spy ship with hundreds of souls on board was not. No, this does not make sense and it is reasonable to conclude that the Liberty and its crew were being set up as sacrificial lambs for a sinister purpose and that President Johnson and the top Navy Brass were in on it. Additional evidence for this assertion is that fact that the Liberty was attack around mid-afternoon, and throughout the day had been frequently over-flown by Israeli aircraft. Surely, this was known to the 6th Fleet commanders who were steaming just one hundred miles away and should have been monitoring the situation on their Radar. And this raises another curious issue about what happened to the USS Liberty. When the USS Liberty reported she was under attack, it was assumed that the aircraft attacking were Egyptian and for this reason two attack groups were launched from the sixth fleet carriers; one to save and rescue the Liberty and one to attack and nuke Cairo. The ruse being that the planes attacking the Liberty were really Israeli and the whole affair was a trick to get the United States into the 6 Days War on Israel’s side. The rub is that if the carriers were monitoring the situation with their radars which they should have been, there would be no doubt where the offending planes came from.

Yes, the Liberty affair has a real rotten stench to it and this smell is coming directly from President Johnson and his staff.

A third very curios thing about the Liberty Affair is that a nuclear strike on Cairo was launched at all. In order to launch a nuclear strike against anyone, approval for such an act would have to come directly from the President. In other words, for the liberty affair to make sense, we have to believe that one of our ships being attacked by Egyptian planes was sufficient reason in President Johnson’s mind to drop a nuclear bomb on Cairo thus obliterating that City and killing all its residents. What kind of president would take this kind of extreme action? What kind of person would take it at all? I’ll tell what kind of people would; Zionists who were drunk with the knowledge they just successfully murdered and got away with killing the President of the United States and now with President Johnson cowering under their thumb, had the opportunity to strike a death blow to all those Arabs who opposed the state of Israel.

In other worlds, the only thing which makes sense out of the Liberty Affair was a set up right form the beginning and the Liberty and all her crew were going to be sacrificed so the United States could initiate nuclear war against Egypt and the other Arab nations. President Johnson was a reluctant participant in this plot because he believed he had no choice other than to knuckle under to his Zionist handlers and do their bidding. The only reason the plot failed was because an Israeli torpedo which was supposed to be the final death blow to the liberty, instead of penetrating the hull bounced off a supporting rib and exploded outside the Liberty’s hull.

Despite the failure of the USS Liberty plot our Zionist friends were not perturbed in the least because they were eventually able to accomplish their goals and purposes through destruction of the Twin Towers on 9-11. Both events have the same outcome. We are at war with Arab peoples on Arab land all to the the benefit of the state of Israel.

Don’t you just love it!
Can someone read that sucker and break it down into a couple of focused sentences for me?



Zionists control our government. They killed Kennedy because he was a threat to their control and they clearly demonstrated their power over us when they ordered President Johnson to nuke Cairo. Although that plot failed, in 1967 they finally succeed in accomplishing their goal on 09/11/2001.

Is this clear enough or do you want it in three words or less?
Can someone read that sucker and break it down into a couple of focused sentences for me?



Zionists control our government. They killed Kennedy because he was a threat to their control and they clearly demonstrated their power over us when they ordered President Johnson to nuke Cairo. Although that plot failed, in 1967 they finally succeed in accomplishing their goal on 09/11/2001.

Is this clear enough or do you want it in three words or less?
Sufficient summary of reality. pUnkotard is going to be so upset he throws water at his neighbors poodle.
Can someone read that sucker and break it down into a couple of focused sentences for me?



Zionists control our government. They killed Kennedy because he was a threat to their control and they clearly demonstrated their power over us when they ordered President Johnson to nuke Cairo. Although that plot failed, in 1967 they finally succeed in accomplishing their goal on 09/11/2001.

Is this clear enough or do you want it in three words or less?

I think your trailer needs a/c. Do me a favor. Don't buy any guns and sell the ones you own. Report for a mental health evaluation and listen to their recommendations. TIA

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