I Am Ashamed of My Country

To me, there's nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to America.
There's plenty to be ashamed of. When we do things that are completely opposite from our core values and American heritage, like starting two wars of aggression, torturing people, indefinately detaining people without charges, etc, and half the country say's nothing, that's pretty bad.

You are "ashamed" that not everyone agrees with YOU? Fuck you.
You are "ashamed" that not everyone agrees with YOU? Fuck you.
I'm ashamed there are dumbass American's, such as yourself, who make stupid, emotional, baseless accusations, because they don't have the balls to think for themselves.

It has nothing to do with agreeing (or disagreeing), it's about you shitting on our American heritage. If you think we're about aggression, torture and tyranny, then maybe you should move to Weimar, where you'll find folks who think the way you do?
[...]The phrase was used in a general sense. [...]

No, it wasn't.


Has anybody noticed that when I present something, I provide reasons, arguments, and documentation (not proof because there is none) which supports what I claim to be true. Everyone else either calls me names or offers some kind of lame disparaging remark [...] [emphasis Capstone's]

Maybe you meant it generally; but you used it universally and thereby circumvented the generality of the phrase.

Overlooking your poor choice of language and granting that you probably didn't mean "everyone else", it's still perfectly clear as to which posters you were referring, if only from your very specific description of their shared MO.

How 'bout retaining the intellectual honesty, Citizenal?

Trust me, you can't afford to lose another ounce of credibility in here.
My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

I am not going to point figures and say its liberals fault, or anyone Groups Fault, But I agree 100%, I love this country, But sometimes the American People as a whole can be down right idiotic and shameful.
Bullshit, you fucking liar. Go read your own post, you self-centered little son of a bitch.
I don't have to read it, I wrote it. I know what my point was; I also know you don't. Here's what you need to do...

Go down to your local sporting goods store, go over to aisle 5, pick yourself up a set of balls, then come back here and argue like a man.
My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

I am not going to point figures and say its liberals fault, or anyone Groups Fault, But I agree 100%, I love this country, But sometimes the American People as a whole can be down right idiotic and shameful.

Americans ARE America, so tread lightly.
Well, it looks like nobody is going to come up with a better explanation of what happened to Germany because of Zionist duplicity and manipulation. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that the German people suffered terribly at the hands of the Zionists and lost two wars because of them. Comments please!

Take your anti-Semitic mental illness to the damn Conspiracy Forum where it belongs, you fuckwit.

Unkotare: I am not your enemy. .

No, you're not. You don't rise to anything like that level of significance. You are just a mentally ill POS filling this forum with your bullshit.
What did I lie about?

Forgot already, moron? Time to take a break from the weed.

You said "There's plenty to be ashamed of" about the US, but you only cited subjective political views. Therefore, what you are "ashamed of" is just that not everyone in the country agrees with your self-centered ass. That makes you - - - a douchebag.
What did I lie about?

Forgot already, moron? Time to take a break from the weed.

You said "There's plenty to be ashamed of" about the US, but you only cited subjective political views. Therefore, what you are "ashamed of" is just that not everyone in the country agrees with your self-centered ass. That makes you - - - a douchebag.
Wrong, bitch-boy! American's do not support torture! Our laws are set up to protect the innocent! And we illegally invaded two country's! We're a nation based on the rule of law. So it is un-American to advocate lawlessness. Which is what you're attempting with your "subjective" garbage. Violating laws is not subjective, it's pretty cut and dry.

You don't have a fucking clue what it means to be an American, but you do make a mighty fine German!
What did I lie about?

Forgot already, moron? Time to take a break from the weed.

You said "There's plenty to be ashamed of" about the US, but you only cited subjective political views. Therefore, what you are "ashamed of" is just that not everyone in the country agrees with your self-centered ass. That makes you - - - a douchebag.
Wrong, bitch-boy! American's do not support torture! Our laws are set up to protect the innocent! And we illegally invaded two country's! We're a nation based on the rule of law. So it is un-American to advocate lawlessness. Which is what you're attempting with your "subjective" garbage. Violating laws is not subjective, it's pretty cut and dry.

You don't have a fucking clue what it means to be an American, but you do make a mighty fine German!

All of the above is your limp-wristed lefty subjective view and nothing more. You have the right to your fucking stupid opinion about enhanced interrogation techniques and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (go read the endless theads here about them if you want to), but your fucking stupid opinion will never be more than just your fucking stupid opinion. If you are "ashamed" that not all Americans share your fucking stupid opinion that means that you are a self-centered little pissant who doesn't appreciate this country enough to be allowed to stay.
All of the above is your limp-wristed lefty subjective view and nothing more. You have the right to your fucking stupid opinion about enhanced interrogation techniques and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (go read the endless theads here about them if you want to), but your fucking stupid opinion will never be more than just your fucking stupid opinion. If you are "ashamed" that not all Americans share your fucking stupid opinion that means that you are a self-centered little pissant who doesn't appreciate this country enough to be allowed to stay.
You are a perfect example of a bad American and a microcosm of what is wrong with this country. BTW, thanks for proving you're actually the one having issues with disagreement. Going off on emotional rants and personal attacks without ever attempting to have a rational conversation, shows your true colors.
All of the above is your limp-wristed lefty subjective view and nothing more. You have the right to your fucking stupid opinion about enhanced interrogation techniques and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (go read the endless theads here about them if you want to), but your fucking stupid opinion will never be more than just your fucking stupid opinion. If you are "ashamed" that not all Americans share your fucking stupid opinion that means that you are a self-centered little pissant who doesn't appreciate this country enough to be allowed to stay.
You are a perfect example of a bad American and a microcosm of what is wrong with this country.

That not everyone agrees with your subjective views? Yeah, that's what I said in the first place, fuckwit. If you're "ashamed" of the country because of that, then get the fuck out already because it's not going to change.
That not everyone agrees with your subjective views? Yeah, that's what I said in the first place, fuckwit. If you're "ashamed" of the country because of that, then get the fuck out already because it's not going to change.
Wipe your ass with that strawman argument.
That not everyone agrees with your subjective views? Yeah, that's what I said in the first place, fuckwit. If you're "ashamed" of the country because of that, then get the fuck out already because it's not going to change.
Wipe your ass with that strawman argument.

If you don't like what your own words mean, choose them more carefully.
How truly heartwarming to have to wade through the profanity and gross attacks of Loinboy and Unkotare to learn what is really happening to our nation and its people. I guess they think they are making some kind of contribution to our understanding of these matters by forcing us to read through this crap. Yes, we see a lot of this on these boards and this is unfortunate, but it goes with the territory.
In our last Zarcon Council meeting we learned that the Federal Reserve, aka the New World Order, aka the old world order brought about the Great Depression which brought abject misery and suffering to the entire world and the government of the United States which people mistakenly think is their government was powerless to do anything about it because it is not. Think about it! When our government passed the Federal Reserve Act, it was actually voting to turn the citizens of this one great nation into subjects while subordinating itself to an organization where Zionist elements ruled the day. Furthermore, in the final analysis, it was voting to bring on WWI and WWII. And yet so many Americans are so clueless about this that they call upon God to bless this state of affairs.

The next magnificent event on our list is:

12. In 1948, the State of Israel was established in Palestine.

All of us should understand, at this point, exactly how the state of Israel was created by the Zionists and there is nothing left to say other than that supporting the creation of this religious state, second only to adoption of the Federal Reserve Act, was the one of the biggest blunders made in our history not only because it brought on WWII, but also because it brought on our present permanent war on terror which is being used by our NWO masters as an excuse to trash our Bill of Rights and put the final nails into the coffin which holds our Constitution. The United States of America is overseen by a puppet government with leaders who take their oath of office with fingers crossed while its citizens solemnly pledge allegiance to a republic which no longer exists. And most Americans have been so cleverly brainwashed that they take pride in this state of affairs. That’s right, there’s a chicken in our pot and this makes us greatest nation in the world even though we have no clue as to how we are really governed.

The next magnificent event on our list is:

13. In 1963, President Kennedy by Executive Order 11110, initiated the printing of United States Treasury notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes.

As usual most Americans are totally unaware that Kennedy did such a thing and what it meant to this Nation and its people. I wonder why this is the case? Do I have to spell it out for you or can you or have you learned enough at this point to figure this one out for yourself. Kennedy was the greatest President in the past 100 years because what he did by executive order was undo the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. By printing United States Treasury Notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes he was cutting the Federal Reserve Bank out of the pattern and taking away its rice bowl. In other words Kennedy was attempting to restore our Republic by undoing the Fed engineered overthrow of our government in 1913. Wow, this truly is stupendous news and not a peep about in the newspapers at the time. I guess they did not report this earth shaking event to the American people because they knew it wouldn’t last.

The next magnificent event on our list is:

14. In 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated and this constituted the second overthrow of the government of the United States by the Fed.

Whoa, hold on there bucko, we got you now. If our government was overthrown in 1913 as you claim, why did it have to be overthrown again and where is the “proof” that the Fed assassinated Kennedy?

The answer to the first part of this question is simple. As already stated, by printing United States Treasury notes in lieu of Federal Reserve Notes President Kennedy literally undid the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and this essentially undid the first overthrow of our government. Obviously, the Fed could not let this happen so they had to re-overthrow our government by killing Kennedy. What Kennedy did was make the deadly mistake of being our president instead of theirs and this resulted in his assassination. Stop and think what a great incentive this was for our future presidents not to make the same mistake. Maybe this is why none of them printed anymore Treasury Notes.

Proving this is impossible, but it is the only thing which makes sense. First of all, we all know that the Warren Commission report, with its magic bullet theory was a whitewash. Oswald did not act alone and was part of a wider conspiracy. Once you accept this fact, it is now incumbent to figure out who was a party to this conspiracy and to do this we have to ask ourselves who had an axe to grind and/or benefited from Kennedy’s demise. First on our list is the Mafia which helped get Kennedy elected and believed they were stabbed in the back when Kennedy unleashed his Attorney General Brother Robert on them. Then there is all those Cubans who Kennedy abandoned on the beaches of Cuba when he withheld the promised air support for their invasion.

Certainly, both the mafia and the Cubans had a motive for wanting to see Kennedy dead, but this motive was based solely upon revenge. In contrast, the Fed had the best motive for wanting Kennedy dead because he was throwing a monkey wrench into their accomplishments over the past 50 years and by so doing was also destroying their plans for a so called New World Order. In other words, the Fed had no other choice but to kill Kennedy. If Lee Harvey Oswald truly acted alone, then this would make his assassination of Kennedy the most ironic event in the history of our nation because this would mean he beat the Fed to the punch. And if you believe this, then you must also believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Great Pumpkin.

Comments and rebuttals please!
How truly heartwarming to have to wade through the profanity and gross attacks of Loinboy and Unkotare to learn what is really happening to our nation and its people. I guess they think they are making some kind of contribution to our understanding of these matters by forcing us to read through this crap. Yes, we see a lot of this on these boards and this is unfortunate, but it goes with the territory.
At least I gave my reasons for my position and tried to have a debate. If you go back and read these posts again, you will see one person who gave 3 examples to support his claim and the other person just launched immediately into personal attacks, innuendo's and strawman arguments. Look, I gave him a chance to have a conversation, but after several instances of his foul mouth, he got what he gave.

I'm willing to have a respectful conversation with anyone, but if you're going to play the asshole game, I'm a lot better at it than most.

citizenal, from what I can tell, you're pushing your book and trying to create some kind of foundational credibility for yourself, which is all fine and good, free country, but your voluminous posts just aren't worth wading through to find the beef. I think the point you're trying to make is that we should all vote for Ron Paul because he'll save us from The New World Order.

Is that correct?


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