I Am Ashamed of My Country


It's tough in this country to say anything about the disproportionate success of a certain ethnic/religious group, primarily because of that particular group's strangle hold on some very crucial aspects of our society (via their monopoly of media sources and an extremely well-financed lobby in DC). The minute you point out something that should be viewed as a sterile fact -- like the fact that more than half of our nation's billionaires come from a demographic that constitutes around 2% of the American population -- you're immediately tagged an "anti-Semite".

Just out of curiosity though, what do you propose as a ...final solution to the Zionists' agenda?
Watch out, Citizenal. You are getting set up here for a . . . final solution.

I've been exposed.

I guess the dramatic pause was an overkill. I should have stuck with just the italics...
My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

Get the fuck out you piece of shit. You are NOT an American.

You are both wrong. Liberal Americans did not ruin America. The filthy rich ruling elite did. Unkotare is wrong for three four reasons; using profanity, telling someone to "get get the fuck out" for posting their opinion, for calling a fellow member of this forum a piece of shit, and for accusing a fellow member of not being an American. Wow! That's quite an accomplishment for only 13 words. You have to give him credit for that.

I will say it again. No person has ever had their mind changes by disparagement. Name calling is like masturbation, it feels good when you do it, but accomplishes nothing.
My Dad was a real WWII hero. He died last April. Before he died he said that if he had known what was going to happen to this country he wouldn't have been so patriotic in wanting to defend it. I got a citation in the mail from the defense department commemorating his service. It was signed by presidebt obama. I threw it in a drawer. I don't even want to see it.

Who would you have preferred sign it? Senator McCain? How is the DoD to know your politics?

There is a certain amount of respect due the office at any given moment in time, in spite if its occupant.
Listen to the animals if you want to hear the truth... they got a quarter horse who ain't a puppet for the Jews...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtELmz-MVvU]Squidbillies: Listen to the Animals - YouTube[/ame]
The biggest problem the world faces today is over-population.

There is no such problem.

I understand why you think that this problem does not exist. You have been conditioned not to see what is obvious. However, ask every other living thing on planet if there is a problem and you will get a different answer. The adage, "People Are Pollution" aplies. Everyone of us is a pollution machine and it is the ecological system of this planet which must absorb this pollution and reverse its effect on our environment. The world we live in is finite and so is its ability to absorb the doings of mankind.

There are three stages in the in the health of any ecological system. The GREEN stage where the biological processes can absorb pollution and process it all. This, obviously is the safe stage. Next comes the YELLOW stage where pollution is introduced at such a rate where the biological functions continue, but cannot process the pollution fast enough so there is a net buildup of pollutants. The next stage is the RED stage. This is the stage where the pollutants have built up to such a degree that they destroy the biological processes which process them. In this last stage, death of the biological system is assured unless outside intervention occurs. This can happen with a lake, a river, a tree, or a person. But there can be no outside intervention for the world unless of course you are counting on the Zarcans to do something.

In any case, only a person with their head in the sand would claim that the world today is in the GREEN stage of pollution. No, the vast majority of thinking individuals would agree that we are in the YELLOW stage. I personally believe that at the present level of world population we are too close to the Red Stage for comfort. But no matter, if indeed we are in the YELLOW stage then there is a problem. Therefore, we do have a problem becasue of 6+ billion people being in the world. The 64,000 dollar question is as our population approaches 9 billion around the middle of this century, will we still be in the YELLOW stage or the RED? You know my answer. Can we afford to take a chance and not do anything today while there is still time. Even if we are wrong, getting trough an intersection with only one light change will certainly be a blessing.
Do you realize you are suffering from Schizophrenia? Treatment options are available.

Yes, I am suffering from Schizophrenia. Normally I am a carefree happy-go-lucky guy, but then when I think about what the Democrats and Republicans have done to us, I go into a deep depression. Anyone out here got and Qualudes left?
Citizenal still has offered us nothing but assertion.

Once he offers solid evidence, I will re-consider.

Jake: Thanks for the consideration. It is clear you are a stand-up guy. However, all I can offer you is facts and my analysis of what those facts indicate and mean. It is up to you the reader, to decide if what I offer makes the most sense. My contention is that if you take each individual event of the Magnificent 20 events alone, nothing is conclusive. However, taken all together, they make a compelling and overwhelming case.

Somewhere in this thread I called what I was addressing the mother of all conspiracy theories. If you take a series of events over a 100 period of time and every time you do, the most reasonable explanation for what you see points to one group of people, then you can be pretty darn sure that the group identified is, indeed, the prime reason for the events.

Thanks again for your indulgence in this regard.

It's tough in this country to say anything about the disproportionate success of a certain ethnic/religious group, primarily because of that particular group's strangle hold on some very crucial aspects of our society (via their monopoly of media sources and an extremely well-financed lobby in DC). The minute you point out something that should be viewed as a sterile fact -- like the fact that more than half of our nation's billionaires come from a demographic that constitutes around 2% of the American population -- you're immediately tagged an "anti-Semite".

Just out of curiosity though, what do you propose as a ...final solution to the Zionists' agenda?

Thanks for the insight and the question. Form my perspective one solution is Ron Paul and electing others like him. "The Final Solution", oh how I hate using that phrase, is to dump the Fed and restore our Republic.

Incidentally, I am getting ahead of myself here and I will not explain this further untill I get to it, but John Kennedy tried to dump the Fed by printing US Treasury Notes instead of borrowing Federal Reserve Notes........and you know what happened to John F. Kennedy. Strange that his Vice-President, Lyndon Baines Johnson didn't continue the practice and neither did any of the Presidents after him even though it would have save the people of this natiion huge amounts of interest on the national debt and eliminated the need for our income tax.

Hey, if you want someone to regulate this nation's economy, I'll do it for free or if you prefer, I'll train a monkey to do it for us. Dah! Let's see now; economy speeding up - raise interest rates; economy slowing down - lower interest rates. Of course, if we dump the Fed, we won't have to worry about the prime rate because there won't be one.
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Apparently you know a lot about what's typical. Tell me this, is it typical of you to call people names when you are unable to offer anything of value in regard to a cogent rebuttal.

You owe me an apology.

I owe you a swift kick in the ass. You got a rebuttal and was unable to reply with meaningful data, sources or evidence. You lost. You're a terrible debater and don't deserve as through or complete a response as I gave you.

Saveliberty: You sport the handle Saveliberty and then you meet someone who is really trying to save our liberty and what do you do? You call that person a moron and say you owe them a swift kick in the ass. Is this how a patriot behaves? Is this how a true American behaves? In Nazi Germany, when a voice of reason spoke out, it was ridiculed and shouted down. Do you have a latent touch of stormtrooper in you? If you truly love this nation and its people, then you will stop prejudging me and give me a chance to say what I have to say.

You're not the first to write about this issue. Your wasting valuable time and space for a nonexiting problem. The funny part is, you just called me unpatriotic and a Nazi. Thanks for the hypocracy. Oh, and just how will I keep you from posting?

See what I did was set you up. I acted in a manner that exposed you as someone who preceives threats where none exist.
If you folks want to know more about the man who should be our next President then click on the follow link to read his latest speech. I mean this in all sincerety; if Ron Paul is not our next President, Americans will have lost what just may very well be our last chance to save our nation. This speech says it all.

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America

Isn't Dr. Paul 76 years old? That's too old to assume the office of President Of The United States. Maybe he shouldn't have wasted all those years in the GOP being the lone 'No' vote on things like 9/11 memorials.
My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

Get the fuck out you piece of shit. You are NOT an American.

You are both wrong. Liberal Americans did not ruin America. The filthy rich ruling elite did. Unkotare is wrong for three four reasons; using profanity, telling someone to "get get the fuck out" for posting their opinion, for calling a fellow member of this forum a piece of shit, and for accusing a fellow member of not being an American. Wow! That's quite an accomplishment for only 13 words. You have to give him credit for that.

I will say it again. No person has ever had their mind changes by disparagement. Name calling is like masturbation, it feels good when you do it, but accomplishes nothing.

You are mentally ill. Stop typing and start seeking help.

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