I Am Ashamed of My Country

Al offers only assertions but no substantiative evidence.

Many of my posts contain links and supportive evidence. I am not going to repeat myself just to make you happy.

Let me now say this you and save liberty are play mindfuck games with me. This is clear evidence that you both know I am right and almost every other reader who is following this thread will agree.

I have been called names and disparage by both of just because I want to seek the truth. Nothing more need be said.

Have a nice day.
Your links go to theory sites with assertions and questions but no solid evidence or reasons to go investigate further.

Best fortune to you, CitizenAl. You have been polite.
You are offering a theory of an immense conspiracy without empirical data for proof. I don't believe it exists, and you have given me no conclusive or consistent reason to investigate.

I just couldn't let this one slide. Not only have I not proved anything to you, I also have not given you a reason to look into my revelations. Well ain't that just ducky. You really tipped your hand on this one. If I gave you a conlusive or consistent reason to investigate, you wouldn't have to investigate. Arguing for the sake of argument? Of course not. Why would you say that?
I have tipped my hand in telling you that you have not provided any probable cause to investigate further.
One more time with feeling!

Jake and saveliberty keep harping on the fact that I haven’t proven what I am saying. There is no proof! Do you really think that the bastards we are talking about left around a lot of documentation about what they are doing. Instead of offering “proof” what I am offering is events, testimony, and my analysis of what those events and testimony signify. In other words, I am offering you an intelligence analysis of which there is no definitive proof.

Jake and saveliberty want to discredit what I am saying so they keep harping on proof. However, to disuss responsibly, it is incumbent upon them provide us with a more reasonable explanation for the events and testimony that I have offered. This they have failed to do and this they can’t do because my explanation is the one that fits best with the facts and information we have.

Now, no more bullshit about proof please! There is no definitive proof. All we see is what is happening in the world today and for the most part, it sucks. What I am trying to do is tell you what is behind what is happening so maybe we can find a way to do something about it. Kapish!
Sigh. You can talk all you want, Al, but giving us something to work with other than assertions supported by other assertions.

We have not failed in a thing, Al.

You are the one who has to provide the solid evidence.
Al, you have every right to protest your feelings. But your protest should be based on empircal data corroborated objective evidence.

You are unable to do that.

Jake, what I have done is offer you the most reasonable explanation for the events of this nation with supporting testimoney and documentation. What your are doing, essentially is asking me to prove God, or prove on line that I my sock has a hole in it and this is impossible. Tell you what, why don't you prove to all concerned that there is no New World Order. While your at, if you can't prove it doesen't exist, then conlusively prove that it plays no role in our lives and that I government just ignores what it tells us to do. Now don't give me the same bullshit I have been giving you. I want empiracal data.

Typically difficult to prove a negative. You on the other hand, should have tons of evidence to support an organization you claim has been around for decades running the country. Surely you have documents showing plans and orders.
Traditionally Al, this is where idiots like you go off and start another thread on the same topic.

Apparently you know a lot about what's typical. Tell me this, is it typical of you to call people names when you are unable to offer anything of value in regard to a cogent rebuttal.

You owe me an apology.

I owe you a swift kick in the ass. You got a rebuttal and was unable to reply with meaningful data, sources or evidence. You lost. You're a terrible debater and don't deserve as through or complete a response as I gave you.
Sigh. You can talk all you want, Al, but giving us something to work with other than assertions supported by other assertions.

We have not failed in a thing, Al.

You are the one who has to provide the solid evidence.

Jake, belying what you just said is the fact that 99.99% threads on this boards offer no proof what-so-ever about what the writers claim to be true. Someone throughts and event or happening on the table and every pipes in with their opinions and perceptions. This being true, which it most certainly is, do you and Savealiberty pipe on these threads and repeatedly demand proof from the other posters. No, of course not. They why are you both doing it to me? And I say again, no sane person wants to believe what I believe, but what if it is true? What if what I am saying, which you loathe to hear, is true. If what I am saying is true, then please tell me what can be said about yourself and Saveliberty?
Typically difficult to prove a negative. You on the other hand, should have tons of evidence to support an organization you claim has been around for decades running the country. Surely you have documents showing plans and orders.

Saveliberty: How does one get the plans and orders of a secret organization? Do your really think they exist somewhere in the Federal Reserve building in Washington? Benjamin Freedman gave us first hand testimony about what the Fed has been doing. I assume Mr. Freedman is not a liar. He put is life and fortune at stake to bring us the knowledge he had. What I am doing is going over events which have deeply affected this nation over the past 100 and seeing if what Mr. Freedman said makes more sense than what we have been told. In most instances, it does and when you add up for the 20 incidents I have identified, the results are awesome and overwhelming. Do now understand what is happening and will no stop demanding proof.

I'll now ask you something similar to what I just asked Jake. What if I am right. Your post handle is Saveliberty. If I am right, in consideration of what you have been posting in the thread, what does this about how you are living up to the handle you chose?

You have heard nothing yet. Wait until you hear me explain my reasons for believing the Zionists ordered President Johnson to nuke Cairo. Perhaps instead of playing the naysayer, you should be a little indulgent for awhile.
Traditionally Al, this is where idiots like you go off and start another thread on the same topic.

Apparently you know a lot about what's typical. Tell me this, is it typical of you to call people names when you are unable to offer anything of value in regard to a cogent rebuttal.

You owe me an apology.

I owe you a swift kick in the ass. You got a rebuttal and was unable to reply with meaningful data, sources or evidence. You lost. You're a terrible debater and don't deserve as through or complete a response as I gave you.

Saveliberty: You sport the handle Saveliberty and then you meet someone who is really trying to save our liberty and what do you do? You call that person a moron and say you owe them a swift kick in the ass. Is this how a patriot behaves? Is this how a true American behaves? In Nazi Germany, when a voice of reason spoke out, it was ridiculed and shouted down. Do you have a latent touch of stormtrooper in you? If you truly love this nation and its people, then you will stop prejudging me and give me a chance to say what I have to say.
Despite the protestations and objections of Jake and Saveliberty, at this point it has been established, not proven, that the conspirators who met on Jekyll Island knew that they were plotting the takeover of the United States Government and that the events of 1913 constituted a significant change in how our government functioned and operated such that it can reasonably be concluded that it had been overthrown.
Now we will discuss the 5th and 6th items in my list of the Magnificent 20 events which changed the world.

5. Sometime prior to America’s entry into WWI, Zionist leaders cut a deal with Great Brittan which, at the time was losing WWI, such that if England supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, they would bring the United States into the war on the side of the allies.


6. In 1917, four months after the United States entered WWI, England issued its Balfour Declaration which stated it supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.

Item #5, above, was revealed to us by Benjamin Freedman, a Jew who decided to tell the world about what the Zionists were up to. Unfortunately, other than Mr. Freedman’s sincere honesty, we have nothing which directly corroborates his revelations. However, despite this shortcoming we do have several other things that we know which makes it highly plausible.

First of all, prior to WWI, the United States was an isolationist nation which followed George Washington’s advice to us to have as little to do with the nations of Europe as possible. President Woodrow Wilson was elected to a second term of office in November 1916 on the campaign slogan, “He kept us out of the war”. Yet just 5 months later in 1917, America entered the war on the side of the allies and Woodrow Wilson, our isolationist president championed this “war to end all wars” and this “war to make the world safe for democracy”. What changed Mr. Wilsons mind so quickly?

It has been said that the reasons the United States entered WWI was because of Germany’s commitment to unrestricted submarine warfare which resulted in the sinking Lusitania were 153 American lives were lost. Another reason offered is the Germany apparently had approached Mexico to become its ally if America entered the war. While the drums of war were definitely beating within the United States over these incidents, the question is who was beating those drums; the media? Who owned the media? Furthermore, does an “if America entered the war” amount to a declaration of war on the United States by Germany? I do not mean to trivialize this loss of life, but does the loss of 153 Americans who were foolish enough to sail on a British liner after Germany had declared unrestricted warfare on England, justify turning what was essentially a European war into a world war inconsideration that this war cost this nation 22 billion dollars and the lives of 137,000 of our finest men and women? Does this make sense in consideration of the fact that Germany had issued a peace proclamation prior to Americas entry into the war on behalf of the Allies. No, there was more to our entry into WWI than meets the eye.

However, where the worm really turns on this one is revealed by Item #6, above. England issued its Balfour Declaration four months after the United States Entered WWI. Why? This is truly an astounding declaration. In the middle of a world war which had nothing to do with the Jews nor anything to do with Palestine and the Palestinians, why would England, all of sudden, issue a declaration which gave Palestine to the Jews? What motivated or gave England the right to do this? Benjamin Freedman answered this question for us and his revelation is the only thing which makes sense. England issued its Balfour Declaration because it had, indeed, cut a deal with the Zionists. The Zionists upheld their part of the bargain by bringing the United States into the war and the British demonstrated that they would honor their part of the bargain by issuing the Balfour Declaration. Is there anything else which makes sense given the facts we know to be true?

All that is necessary to find the truth about what I am saying is to access the following references:

The Amazing Warnings of Benjamin Freedman; The Amazing Warnings Of Benjamin Freedman

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Wikipedia.org: Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zarcan Council Members may now provide their objections and criticisms to what has just been presented. Hopefully, Jake and Saveliberty will refrain from wasting more of our time by demanding proof or calling me names. What is called for is an explanation for what has happened which fits the facts better than what Mr. Freedman has offered. Hopefully, Jake and Saveliberty have finally learned something. Only time will tell.
To put it simply, you're afraid of a world economic agreement? I'd reconsider.

Wowhogs: How refreshing to see someone else offer something on this thread. Thank you.

No, I am not afraid of a world economic agreement. What I fear most is what the future holds for this nation and the other people in the world. I have written many articles on this subject, but what it boils down to is that the people who run and manage the New World Order are not statesmen and are not interested in the welfare and well-being of mankind. What they are is a bunch of meglo-maniac demented criminals who think they are better than everyone else in the world. Greed is their only attribute and money and power is all they care about.

For example, the economic system forced upon humanity becasue of these criminals is doomed to fail. A debt based monetary system is only healthy when the worlds economy is expanding quadraticly. This means it can only remain healthy in world with and infinite population and infinite resources. We live in finite world with finite resources so the economic system we have in the world today because of our monetary system is doomed to collapse which we see the beginnings of as I write. These amoral Cretans who did this to us knew it and they did it anyway because they knew we would be enslaved by such a system and when the shit hit the fan, their vast wealth stolen from us would allow them to weather the storm.

Second example. The biggest problem the world faces today is over-population. Beyond question, 6 billion plus people on this planet is not sustainable as things stand today. This being the case, Governments, especially a world government should be doing everything within reason to slow and reverse population growth. Is that happening? No! Why not! Because the slime that runs the NWO does not give a damn about people and only cares about money and power. Expanding populations are necessary for the health and well being of their economic system, so they let population expand.

The NWO is a dictatorial Oligharchy of the rich and powerful. It is not a Democracy or a Republic. It is the destroyer of our Republic and enemy of democracy. It also is a detroyer of everything that is good and worthwhile in life. And this is what the Republicans and Democrats think is good for America and the World.

No I am not afraid of a world economic agreement. What I am afraid of is that it will be engineered by greedy criminals who make sure we come out on the short end of the stick.

Hopefully, I have answered your question to your satisfaction and would now like to get back to the topic on hand.

Have a nice day.
My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

Get the fuck out you piece of shit. You are NOT an American.
One more time with feeling!

Jake and saveliberty keep harping on the fact that I haven’t proven what I am saying. There is no proof! Do you really think that the bastards we are talking about left around a lot of documentation about what they are doing. Instead of offering “proof” what I am offering is events, testimony, and my analysis of what those events and testimony signify. In other words, I am offering you an intelligence analysis of which there is no definitive proof.

Jake and saveliberty want to discredit what I am saying so they keep harping on proof. However, to disuss responsibly, it is incumbent upon them provide us with a more reasonable explanation for the events and testimony that I have offered. This they have failed to do and this they can’t do because my explanation is the one that fits best with the facts and information we have.

Now, no more bullshit about proof please! There is no definitive proof. All we see is what is happening in the world today and for the most part, it sucks. What I am trying to do is tell you what is behind what is happening so maybe we can find a way to do something about it. Kapish!

Do you realize you are suffering from Schizophrenia? Treatment options are available.
Citizenal still has offered us nothing but assertion.

Once he offers solid evidence, I will re-consider.

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