I Am Ashamed of My Country

citizenal, sorry for saying you sound a bit like a kook. I know where you are coming from but the problem I have with getting on board with the idea that there is some reason to be ashamed of our country NOW, as if there never was before, as if there is some new and special level of deceit, is that these things have LONG been going on. This stuff you are talking about with Israel goes back to WWI. What? It wasn't shameful then that some back door politics and influence pedaling was going on? How about the trail of tears and the Sand Creek massacre? How about wagon loads of small pox infested blankets... early biological warfare... genocide even? How about slavery, lynchings and witch trials?

Exactly WHEN was there NOT something terribly horrid going on man?

The answer is NEVER. There are always evil plots and sinister deeds going on. We do our best to rise above them, learn from them, raise our civil standards to discourage them. It's an ongoing struggle.

What it is not, is something new in our nation that suddenly we should be ashamed of. If so, then we were born of same and have never risen above it. But most of us chose to not be absolute in either direction. We take pride in the good things and strive to do more of them and yes, we take our dose of shame when we need to and try to learn not to repeat those things.

Sweet Willy: You are out of line. Our purpose here is to determine what is happening in and to the United States of America. Your emotional outburst is unacceptable. I am not an issue here althought I acknowledge that I am not a prerfect Zarcan. I need your help to complete our mission. Please cooperate or all of us will suffer the consequences. Our superiors expect perfection and if we provide them with anything less we will be terminated.
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I wouldn't expect any common direction to erupt from people who can't agree where they've been or come from Al

citizenal, sorry for saying you sound a bit like a kook. I know where you are coming from but the problem I have with getting on board with the idea that there is some reason to be ashamed of our country NOW, as if there never was before, as if there is some new and special level of deceit, is that these things have LONG been going on. This stuff you are talking about with Israel goes back to WWI. What? It wasn't shameful then that some back door politics and influence pedaling was going on? How about the trail of tears and the Sand Creek massacre? How about wagon loads of small pox infested blankets... early biological warfare... genocide even? How about slavery, lynchings and witch trials?

Exactly WHEN was there NOT something terribly horrid going on man?

The answer is NEVER. There are always evil plots and sinister deeds going on. We do our best to rise above them, learn from them, raise our civil standards to discourage them. It's an ongoing struggle.

What it is not, is something new in our nation that suddenly we should be ashamed of. If so, then we were born of same and have never risen above it. But most of us chose to not be absolute in either direction. We take pride in the good things and strive to do more of them and yes, we take our dose of shame when we need to and try to learn not to repeat those things.

Sweet Willy: You are out of line. Our purpose here is to determine what is happening in and to the United States of America. Your emotional outburst is unacceptable. I am not an issue here althought I acknowledge that I am not a prerfect Zarcan. I need your help to complete our mission. Please cooperate or all of us will suffer the consequences. Our superiors expect perfection and if we provide them with anything less we will be terminated.

There are several sure fire ways to get banned around here. Termination is such a harsh word. You don't really pose a threat to anyone, save yourself perhaps.
You lost me on that last one Al. I'm not on any mission besides the one to try and keep my two rivers here at a respectable water quality level. I tend to be results oriented and unfortunately, I have learned that I can't stop the Zionist anymore than I was able to stop 9 / 11. I can talk to others on this wonderful medium and hope that we all become better people and reach more understanding through communication.... but we aren't going to stop any global Zionist plots here Al.
Al is a weirdo, and we can approach it from that perspective in order to see whats/he is about more clearly.
I wouldn't expect any common direction to erupt from people who can't agree where they've been or come from Al


Sparky: You are 100% correct in your observation. However, I have taken it upon myself to try and teach the where they've been and come from. Admittedly, this is a difficult task and I will probably fail. But I want a shot at it and I will only have that shot if I have the cooperation of those here. Up till the thrust has been to get me to lose my temper and step on my dick. Hopefully, we are beyond this. I am trying to find the truth. Either our government has been overthrown or it hasn't. If it hasn't then I am a nutjob, but if I am right then as citizens of the United States each of us has a duty and obligation to know this and do something about it.

Our Constitution is not an agreement between us and our government. Instead it is an agreement between citizens as to the kind of goverment they agree to live under. If our government changes of its own accord, then that change must be done by amending our Constitution. If it is not, my fellow citizens do not have the luxury of saying, 'I like the change' so its okay. Its not okay because of our agreement. By saying its okay and letting it go at that a citizen is violating the agreement we had between us and thereby, facilitating tyranny.
There are several sure fire ways to get banned around here. Termination is such a harsh word. You don't really pose a threat to anyone, save yourself perhaps.

Holy shit! I am going to get banned because I said we are Zarcans on a mission by our superors and if we fail in that mission they will terminate us. Now I really am pissing in my pants. Okay, I soften it up a bit to something we all agree is benigh and harmless. If we do not complete our mission, instaed of being terminated, we will be water-boarded daily for the rest of our lives. Can't get banned for this. Our government tells us that water-boarding is good for us.
You lost me on that last one Al. I'm not on any mission besides the one to try and keep my two rivers here at a respectable water quality level. I tend to be results oriented and unfortunately, I have learned that I can't stop the Zionist anymore than I was able to stop 9 / 11. I can talk to others on this wonderful medium and hope that we all become better people and reach more understanding through communication.... but we aren't going to stop any global Zionist plots here Al.

Sweet Willy: Ironically, where I first got in trouble with government was when I stopped the City of Fort Lauderdale from deliberately dumping raw sewage into the river which ran through the heart of town. Having said this, I am sorry to hear you have given up fulfilling your responsibilites as an American Citizen. I understand your reasons. You are right, fighting these people is an impossible task. However, I will never give up. I am a Soldier of Jesus Christ and one day I hope to kneel at his feet and hear him say, "Welcome home my son; Well done". If I take your advice this will never happen.
There are several sure fire ways to get banned around here. Termination is such a harsh word. You don't really pose a threat to anyone, save yourself perhaps.

Holy shit! I am going to get banned because I said we are Zarcans on a mission by our superors and if we fail in that mission they will terminate us. Now I really am pissing in my pants. Okay, I soften it up a bit to something we all agree is benigh and harmless. If we do not complete our mission, instaed of being terminated, we will be water-boarded daily for the rest of our lives. Can't get banned for this. Our government tells us that water-boarding is good for us.

Adjust your meds ASAP. Your cheese is slipping.
As Facilitator, I now do hereby convene this Zarcan mini-council, the purpose of which, as directed by the Superior Council of the planet Zarcan, is to determine what has happened to the United States of America, the to be greatest nation in all of human history. I work here is highly important because the fate of mankind hangs in the balance. If our investigations determine that the United States is still the stepchild of its Founders, we will leave them in peace knowing that the world is in good hands. However, if we find that the United States is something other than what it is supposed to be, then our orders are to destroy the planet and all its inhabitants. Zarcans cannot and will not tolerate failure and if the United States of America has failed, there is no longer any hope for mankind and they must be removed from the Universe for the benefit of us all.
In order to establish that a government has been overthrown, two things are necessary; intent and action. The actions we are looking for are things which occurred concurrent with the overthrow attempt which substantially changed the nature and form of the government in question. The intent we are looking for is the willful knowledge that the actions taken were taken for the sole purpose of changing the nature and form of the government in question. Today, we will only deal with the latter issue and attempt to determine if in 1913 there was group of people who harbored the intent to overthrow the government of the United States.

During the Revolutionary War of the United States, one of their greatest leaders, Benjamin Franklin said, “The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of King George III and the international bankers was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War.” I bring this up because it indicates that colonist knew they were fighting a war to establish a government which was free of the international bankers who ruled the known world at the time. Conversely, if this was true, it follows that the international bankers were aware of this and this being the case, it was their intent to prevent the colonists from establishing a government which they didn’t control.

Secondly, one of the leading international bankers of the world is Mayer Anselm Rothschild and he said, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a Nation and I are not who makes its laws”. The legislative process, without question, is the prime function of government. If as Mr. Rothschild said, this prime functioned is trumped by a group of people who control and issue money, then it follows that it is well established knowledge among international bankers that by getting control of a nations money supply, they in fact also get control of the nation in question.

In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was passed by Congress and this Act gave the international bankers the power to issue the money of the United States. The people who received this power knew full well what they were getting. In fact, they held a secret meeting just prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act on Jekyll Island, Georgia where the plotted and developed the strategy to get the Federal Reserve Act passed.

In conclusion, the conspirators involved knew that passage of the Federal Reserve Act would give them the power to control the government of the United States. Thus, it has been clearly established that these conspirators had the intention to overthrowing the government of the United States and their vehicle for doing this was the Federal Reserve Act which they themselves created for specifically for this intended purpose.

Is there any disagreement with this conclusion? If so, then please provide this council with the reasons why you disagree.
I suppose creating a system that gave depositors more faith placing their money in banks had nothing to do with it moron.
moron? I'm a moron? Okay, your out of line, but I can live with that.

Let's see now, people had more faith in placing their money in a bank they thought was part of government, because prior to this all banks were privately held, so govenment officials intentionally misled citizens into think the Fed was part of our government when it really wasn't. Wait, its gets better than this. The Fed is not a bank. They do not take deposits. Only their subsideary banks do and all these are private banks.

Have a nice day.
moron? I'm a moron? Okay, your out of line, but I can live with that.

Let's see now, people had more faith in placing their money in a bank they thought was part of government, because prior to this all banks were privately held, so govenment officials intentionally misled citizens into think the Fed was part of our government when it really wasn't. Wait, its gets better than this. The Fed is not a bank. They do not take deposits. Only their subsideary banks do and all these are private banks.

Have a nice day.

They provide deposit insurance and have made good on it ever since. Now you're just deflecting.
moron? I'm a moron? Okay, your out of line, but I can live with that.

Let's see now, people had more faith in placing their money in a bank they thought was part of government, because prior to this all banks were privately held, so govenment officials intentionally misled citizens into think the Fed was part of our government when it really wasn't. Wait, its gets better than this. The Fed is not a bank. They do not take deposits. Only their subsideary banks do and all these are private banks.

Have a nice day.

They provide deposit insurance and have made good on it ever since. Now you're just deflecting.

saveliberty: I am incredelous that you said what you just said. So the Fed provides deposit insurance, something that could just as easily be provided by Congress if it issued our currency instead of the Fed. You are going to have to do a lot better than this. Oh my God! Let's have the Fed drive us into bankruptcy and insolvency so we can have deposit insurance. Now there is a really good deal for the American people.
The Fed works well, Al is wrong, and let's move on.

Jake: Obviously, you can move on it you want, but I am going to complete what I started out to do.

The Fed works well? Yes it does work well for itself, but it is a horrible deal for us. Let's see now what does the Fed do:

It creates our own money out of thin air.
It raises and lowers interest rates.
and oh yes, it provides deposit insurance.

Now what do we pay and sacrifice for these services.

Contol of our government and the political processes of this nation.
All the money we borrow from the fed plus interest.
Depressions and recessions.
The loss of our Constitution.
The loss of all our inalienable rights.
Our well being and heritage.
Our freedom.

Yes, the Fed works real well. My question to you is who do you work for?
From the responses offered and the answers to those responses, it is clearly evident that the Jekyll Island conspirators, being members of banking families which had pulled the strings which made the nations dance for centuries. This being the case their intent was not to just provide money creation and economy management service to our nation, but instead, to undo our Revolutionary War by using the great wealth gained from loaning us our own money at interest to corrupt and control the major institutions of our society. Their ill gotten gains would not only allow them to control our Congress and President. Eventually, both political parties, and the news media and entertainment industries would fall under their influence. Thus they would hold sway not only who runs for office but more importantly, the news and media coverage such candidates receive (remember nut job Perot and now out-of-touch Paul). Eventually, all this would lead to a new kind of thinking for Americans called ‘politically correct’ thought’, which is nothing more than the publics acceptance and adoption of modes of thought and kinds of thinking pre-approved by our government controllers. In the cold war such a state of affairs was all brain-washing.
As concluded in my previous post, the intent to dominate and control our government was the motivation behind the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, but for an overthrow to have occurred a significant change to the form and nature must also have taken place. Did this happen?

In 1913 three major changes occurred to our government:

1. The Federal Reserve act was passed creating the Federal Reserve Bank which now had the authority to create our money and loan it back to us at interest and also the authority to set interest rates. According to our Constitution Congress was supposed to coin our money and regulate its value by controlling the amount of money in circulation, not by charging interest for that money. Furthermore, when money is placed in circulation by Congress, it is paid back to Congress and can be used over and over again. In contrast, we have to pay interest on money we borrow from the Federal Reserve and they keep every dollar we pay back to them. They own by virtue of the fact they created it out of thin air. The problem is they are paid back with dollars earned through the sweat and blood of hard working Americans. Thus the Federal Reserve bank and all the other national backs throughout the world are akin to super Ponzi schemes. I say super because in a real Ponzi scheme a person only loses the money he invested. With the Fed, our government forces to be in the game and eventually, we will lose everything we have and own. We see that unfolding before us today as we enter the second Great Depression.

2. Our Constitution was changed to allow for a tax on the wages earned by working Americans. Prior to passage of the Federal Reserve Act, our government earned all the money it needed to operate through duties, tariffs and other charges for services. However, after passage of the Federal Reserve act a new source of revenue was needed to pay back to the Fed the money it created for us plus interest. Thus, a tax on income and the wages of working Americans was instituted by our government for this purpose. If Congress printed this money instead of the Fed, the principle would be paid back to Congress and interest would not enter the equation. With Congress receiving back the money it created, the amount of money needed by our government would be far less than it is today. Our national debt is so huge because the Fed gets our money instead of our government.

3. Our Constitution was changed to allow for the direct election of Senators by citizens instead of their being appointed by the state Legislators. What this amendment did was change the Government of the United States from being a federal government into a national government; the difference being that a federal government is a federation of state governments which have an element of control over the federal government. In contrast, a national government is when the states exercise no control over the national government and are inferior to it. The fact that state legislators appointed representatives to the Federal Government was the most important check and balance incorporated into our Constitution by the Founders and it was the only way the states had of keeping the federal government under control.

There you have it; three major changes to how our government functions and operates and they all occurred in 1913 as a result of actions taken by the Jekyll Island conspirators.

Before the changes in 1913:

• Our government was a federation of State governments.
• Congress, the Supreme Court, and President acted independently of each other.
• Congress coined our money and regulated its value.
• No tax on income or wages was needed.
• No interest was paid on the national debt.
• State legislator appointed Senators to Congress.

After the changes in 1913:

• Our government was a National government.
• Congress, the Supreme Court, and Present deferred to the Fed.
• The Fed, a private foreign corporation, created our money and loaned it to us at interest.
• A tax on income and wages was created.
• We now had to pay interest on the national debt.
• Senators were voted into office directly by citizens.

The above changes when considered together constitute a major and significant change to how Americans are governed and therefore constitute and overthrow of that government.

In conclusion, in 1910 a group of conspirators met on Jekyll Island, Georgia to plan the overthrow of the government of the United States of America. The changes they engineered, which occurred 1913, are significant changes to how we are governed and how our government functions. Therefore, it is logical and reasonable to conclude that an overthrow occurred. The irony of this situation is that if you visit Jekyll Island, the room where these people met is still their and is Identified by a plaque commemorating this historic meeting. Imagine that! These people are so brazen and sure of their power that they actually publically brag about what they did.

Zarcan Council Members may now provided their objections and criticisms to what has just been presented.
The Fed works well, Al is wrong, and let's move on.

Jake: Obviously, you can move on it you want, but I am going to complete what I started out to do.

The Fed works well? Yes it does work well for itself, but it is a horrible deal for us. Let's see now what does the Fed do:

It creates our own money out of thin air.
It raises and lowers interest rates.
and oh yes, it provides deposit insurance.

Now what do we pay and sacrifice for these services.

Contol of our government and the political processes of this nation.
All the money we borrow from the fed plus interest.
Depressions and recessions.
The loss of our Constitution.
The loss of all our inalienable rights.
Our well being and heritage.
Our freedom.

Yes, the Fed works real well. My question to you is who do you work for?

Nonsense, Al.

Al, I work for myself and the family business. We are small businessmen. You are an agitator with a silly cause.

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