I Am Ashamed of My Country

Bill Clinton has to be the worst President this Nation every had. The following quotes by him prove it.

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans..."
why not finish the quote?

FactCheck.org : Bill Clinton Quote Taken Out of Context

"When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans, it was assumed that the Americans who had that freedom would use it responsibly ... [Now] there's a lot of irresponsibility. And so a lot of people say there's too much freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it."
Ms. Soren. What's your question for the President?
Crime and Individual Freedom
[A participant discussed Singapore's sentencing of an American student to be caned and asked if a similar penal system that was not based on a strong belief in individual rights would be beneficial in combating U.S. crime.]

The President. Well, that's not where I thought you were going with the question. Good for you.
Ms. Soren. He's obviously talking about the caning in Singapore.

The President. Yes—the young man, Michael Fay, in Singapore. As you know, I have spoken out against his punishment for two reasons. One is, it's not entirely clear that his confession wasn't coerced from him. The second is that if he just were to serve 4 months in prison for what he did, that would be quite severe. But the caning may leave permanent scars, and some people who are caned, in the way they're caned, they go into shock. I mean, it's much more serious than it sounds. So, on the one hand, I don't approve of this punishment, particularly in this case.

Now, having said that, a lot of the Asian societies that are doing very well now have low crime rates and high economic growth rates, partly because they have very coherent societies with strong units where the unit is more important than the individual, whether it's the family unit or the work unit or the community unit.

My own view is that you can go to the extreme in either direction. And when we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans, it was assumed that the Americans who had that freedom would use it responsibly. That is, when we set up this country, abuse of people by Government was a big problem. So if you read the Constitution, it's rooted in the desire to limit the ability of—Government's ability to mess with you, because that was a huge problem. It can still be a huge problem. But it assumed that people would basically be raised in coherent families, in coherent communities, and they would work for the common good, as well as for the individual welfare.

What's happened in America today is too many people live in areas where there's no family structure, no community structure, and no work structure. And so there's a lot of irresponsibility. And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities. So that's my answer to you. We can have—the more personal freedom a society has, the more personal responsibility a society needs and the more strength you need out of your institutions, family, community, and work.

"If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government's ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees."
Got a legitimate (i.e. interview, speech transcript) source for that quote?

"You know the one thing that's wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to have their fair say."
A joke during a speech, while being heckled. http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/political-science/whitehouse-papers/1993/Jun/Philadelphia-Speach

"There is no reason for anyone in this country - anyone except a police officer or military person - to buy, to own, to have, to use a handgun. The only way to control handgun use in this country is to prohibit the guns."
Clinton didn't say this.

There is no reason for anyone in this country, anyone except a police officer or a military person, to buy, to own, to have, to use a handgun. I used to think handguns could be controlled by laws about registration, by laws requiring waiting periods for purchasers, by laws making sellers check out the past of buyers. I now think the only way to control handgun use in this country is to prohibit the guns. And the only way to do that is to change the Constitution.
Michael Gartner Glut of Guns: What Can We Do About Them?, USA Today, Jan. 16, 1992, at 9A

"The purpose of government is to rein in the rights of the people."
Has been attributed by the right to both the MTV interview and the speech I linked above. Please point out where in either this appears.

"I think the definition [of an impeachable offense] should include any criminal acts, plus a willful failure of the President to fulfill his duty to uphold and execute the laws of the United States. The third factor that I think constitutes an impeachable offense would be willful, reckless behavior in office, just totally incompetent conduct in the office and the disregard of the necessities that the office demands."
You're getting close.

The president himself, when he was a law professor in Arkansas, defined an impeachable offense this way: "I think that the definition should include any criminal acts, plus a willful failure of the president to fulfill his duty to uphold and execute the laws of the United States. Another factor that I think constitutes an impeachable offense would be willful reckless behavior in office."
Washingtonpost.com Special Report: Clinton Accused

"If a President of the United States ever lied to the American people he should resign." - Bill Clinton running for US Representative in 1974
Yay! You got one right! Congressional Record Vol. 145-Part 2: Proceedings and Debates of the 106th ... - Google Books

"It depends on what the meaning of the word is is. If the...if he...if is means is and never has been, that is not - that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement"
You're on a roll!
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To adequately discuss your message, one would have to acquaint themselves with the GATT and your book, which most messageboard members are not willing to do. Can you cut down your complaints into a paragraph or so that we can discuss? Sorry for the moronic head I'm carrying in this area.

And this is how our country has been sold out from underneath us...No offense Jackson, but you are like many americans and my self before I got my degree in economics. I was 26 when the crash happened back in 08'. I decided to go back to school and study economics because I wanted to understand the world throughout the lens of "following the money trail." What I discovered was shocking. I don't have the time to get into on this thread, but the government gets away with just about anything it want by virtue of the ignorance of the american people. And who can blame the american people, they don't all have the luxury to go back to school and study how this great nation is being poisoned, therefore their opinions will always be subjected to the extremely efficient propaganda machine that is our media system. This is not a politically partisan stance I am making either. Both democrats and republicans feed from the same trough.[/QUOTE]

Think Critically: How right you are. It is apathy that is killing us, but it is also is because the modern world has trained people to function on sound bites and partial sentences. When you put together a long treatsie about anything which is absolutely necessary to understand the past 100 years of our history, people become lost and confused; too much information. What I have written thus far is the best example of this. It is God's truth about where this nation is today is today and how it got here, but in order to see this your brain has to pull together a number of complex ideas and concepts which most people are not able to do.

My intentions are to present and distill down this these concepts and ideas in future posts. It still probably won't do much good because see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe and reason, logic, and common sense has nothing to do with it. This is why our government wins every time and why we continue to elect traitors to positions of authority in our government.
Shouldn't this be in the conspiracy forum?

Perhaps, but this is the mother of all conspiracy theories which also happens to be true because it is the only explanation for the series of events that makes sense an fits, From this perspective it is not a theory, instead, it is the history of this nation that is being hidden from us by our government. Being this important, in my opinion, justifies posting it under politics.

On your list of 20, you mentioned the 9/11 attacks.

Who do you think attacked us? Who was behind those attacks?

I certainly am not a 9/11 expert, but I know enough about to know some things are very wrong about the official version of what happened. The fall of tower #7, the fact that the terrorist airplane were in the air so long without being intercepted, the mysterious plane over Washington during the attacks, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

What I think happened is that a bunch of amateur Arab terrorists of Saudi extraction planed and executed the attack which could have been and should have been foiled before it even got off the ground because both Israeli and American intelligence agencies knew everything they needed to stop. Instead of stopping it, they sat back and did nothing which in effect was aiding and abetting it. The reason they did this is because letting the attack happen and succeed would provide George Bush the excuse he needed to attack an Arab nation, any Arab nation provided it was a defenseless one. This in turn would allow us to begin fighting Israel's battles in the Far East.

This is a time worn story and the same strategies have been used over and over again by the Zionists to get the United States to fight their battles. We are dupes and suckers to the Zionists time and time again and the armchair patriots of this nation sit back and think what a great nation we have going here. They want to see us kick ass and they don't care whose ass we kick even if it is the wrong one. The best example of this is our invasion of Irag; the wrong country justified by lies and deception; and most Americans have no problem with this (crank up another Toby Keith song). I am appalled that we have become a nation which invades and murders at the drop of hat all to the cheers of clueless morons who think killing and fighting is the best way to run a world. In fact, killing and fighting is now our premier national pass time eclisping both baseball, football, and car racing.
Perhaps, but this is the mother of all conspiracy theories which also happens to be true because it is the only explanation for the series of events that makes sense an fits, From this perspective it is not a theory, instead, it is the history of this nation that is being hidden from us by our government. Being this important, in my opinion, justifies posting it under politics.

On your list of 20, you mentioned the 9/11 attacks.

Who do you think attacked us? Who was behind those attacks?

I certainly am not a 9/11 expert, but I know enough about to know some things are very wrong about the official version of what happened. The fall of tower #7, the fact that the terrorist airplane were in the air so long without being intercepted, the mysterious plane over Washington during the attacks, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

What I think happened is that a bunch of amateur Arab terrorists of Saudi extraction planed and executed the attack which could have been and should have been foiled before it even got off the ground because both Israeli and American intelligence agencies knew everything they needed to stop. Instead of stopping it, they sat back and did nothing which in effect was aiding and abetting it. The reason they did this is because letting the attack happen and succeed would provide George Bush the excuse he needed to attack an Arab nation, any Arab nation provided it was a defenseless one. This in turn would allow us to begin fighting Israel's battles in the Far East.

This is a time worn story and the same strategies have been used over and over again by the Zionists to get the United States to fight their battles. We are dupes and suckers to the Zionists time and time again and the armchair patriots of this nation sit back and think what a great nation we have going here. They want to see us kick ass and they don't care whose ass we kick even if it is the wrong one. The best example of this is our invasion of Irag; the wrong country justified by lies and deception; and most Americans have no problem with this (crank up another Toby Keith song). I am appalled that we have become a nation which invades and murders at the drop of hat all to the cheers of clueless morons who think killing and fighting is the best way to run a world. In fact, killing and fighting is now our premier national pass time eclisping both baseball, football, and car racing.

So to clarify, you believe the US government allowed the 9/11 attacks to take place in order to appease the Zionists.
Why not finish the quote?

Bill Clinton Quote Taken Out of Context.

Got a legitimate (i.e. interview, speech transcript) source for that quote?

A joke during a speech, while being heckled.

Clinton didn't say this.

Has been attributed by the right to both the MTV interview and the speech I linked above. Please point out where in either this appears.

You're getting close.

You're on a roll!

Emma: You make some very good points about these quotes. I obtained them from my files and despite the problems you bring up, I think they still are very telling about how Bill Thinks.........and that is not in keeping with how the Founders thought and that's the point which still stands despite your inputs.

I am sorry I do not have the time to research your input further and also believe that doing so will not add much to the major premise of this thread. If it makes you feel any better, I will concede that maybe Bill Clinton was not the worst president we ever had, instead, he is among the worst and these include both Bush's and our present usurper president. What was his name again?
Why not finish the quote?

Bill Clinton Quote Taken Out of Context.

Got a legitimate (i.e. interview, speech transcript) source for that quote?

A joke during a speech, while being heckled.

Clinton didn't say this.

Has been attributed by the right to both the MTV interview and the speech I linked above. Please point out where in either this appears.

You're getting close.

You're on a roll!

Emma: You make some very good points about these quotes. I obtained them from my files and despite the problems you bring up, I think they still are very telling about how Bill Thinks.........and that is not in keeping with how the Founders thought and that's the point which still stands despite your inputs.

I am sorry I do not have the time to research your input further and also believe that doing so will not add much to the major premise of this thread.

Fair enough.
Perhaps, but this is the mother of all conspiracy theories which also happens to be true because it is the only explanation for the series of events that makes sense an fits, From this perspective it is not a theory, instead, it is the history of this nation that is being hidden from us by our government. Being this important, in my opinion, justifies posting it under politics.

On your list of 20, you mentioned the 9/11 attacks.

Who do you think attacked us? Who was behind those attacks?

I certainly am not a 9/11 expert, but I know enough about to know some things are very wrong about the official version of what happened. The fall of tower #7, the fact that the terrorist airplane were in the air so long without being intercepted, the mysterious plane over Washington during the attacks, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

What I think happened is that a bunch of amateur Arab terrorists of Saudi extraction planed and executed the attack which could have been and should have been foiled before it even got off the ground because both Israeli and American intelligence agencies knew everything they needed to stop. Instead of stopping it, they sat back and did nothing which in effect was aiding and abetting it. The reason they did this is because letting the attack happen and succeed would provide George Bush the excuse he needed to attack an Arab nation, any Arab nation provided it was a defenseless one. This in turn would allow us to begin fighting Israel's battles in the Far East.

This is a time worn story and the same strategies have been used over and over again by the Zionists to get the United States to fight their battles. We are dupes and suckers to the Zionists time and time again and the armchair patriots of this nation sit back and think what a great nation we have going here. They want to see us kick ass and they don't care whose ass we kick even if it is the wrong one. The best example of this is our invasion of Irag; the wrong country justified by lies and deception; and most Americans have no problem with this (crank up another Toby Keith song). I am appalled that we have become a nation which invades and murders at the drop of hat all to the cheers of clueless morons who think killing and fighting is the best way to run a world. In fact, killing and fighting is now our premier national pass time eclisping both baseball, football, and car racing.

First, we have a conspiracy section. It takes a pretty large fool to believe the World Trade Center Towers were rigged with explosives and all the other complete fantasies created by people who don't understand science. You're letting your fear and prejudice of others be an excuse for all your failures.
Amazing amazing stuff on this page. It boils down to citizenal was told "no" by someon in authority and he can't abide.
So to clarify, you believe the US government allowed the 9/11 attacks to take place in order to appease the Zionists.

Yes, that is pretty much it. An FBI filed agent reported to Washington that a bunch of Arabs were taking flight lessons but were not interest in learning how to land. The FBI did nothing and these Arabs were the ones who conducted the attacks. There is also a wealth of information out there about Israeli's acting as if they new the attacks were forthcoming.
First, we have a conspiracy section. It takes a pretty large fool to believe the World Trade Center Towers were rigged with explosives and all the other complete fantasies created by people who don't understand science. You're letting your fear and prejudice of others be an excuse for all your failures.

I did not say that I believed that the twin towers were rigged with explosives. What I said was that building 7's collapse was suspicious and not in keeping with the facts. The the point is that there are a plethora of legimate reservations about the facts surrounding 9/11 and most of the them cannot be explained away. The point is there is ample evidence available to indicate that our and the Israeli intelligence services were in the know.
First, we have a conspiracy section. It takes a pretty large fool to believe the World Trade Center Towers were rigged with explosives and all the other complete fantasies created by people who don't understand science. You're letting your fear and prejudice of others be an excuse for all your failures.

I did not say that I believed that the twin towers were rigged with explosives. What I said was that building 7's collapse was suspicious and not in keeping with the facts. The the point is that there are a plethora of legimate reservations about the facts surrounding 9/11 and most of the them cannot be explained away. The point is there is ample evidence available to indicate that our and the Israeli intelligence services were in the know.

No there isn't. But that won't stople people like you.
First, we have a conspiracy section. It takes a pretty large fool to believe the World Trade Center Towers were rigged with explosives and all the other complete fantasies created by people who don't understand science. You're letting your fear and prejudice of others be an excuse for all your failures.

I did not say that I believed that the twin towers were rigged with explosives. What I said was that building 7's collapse was suspicious and not in keeping with the facts. The the point is that there are a plethora of legimate reservations about the facts surrounding 9/11 and most of the them cannot be explained away. The point is there is ample evidence available to indicate that our and the Israeli intelligence services were in the know.

No there isn't. But that won't stople people like you.

Building 7 had issues before 9/11. Remember The City Command Center was also located there. Allot of wasted money. Foundation damage on 9/11 left it in-salvageable. It was a total loss.
Amazing amazing stuff on this page. It boils down to citizenal was told "no" by someon in authority and he can't abide.

Jake: You are not being fair to trivilize what I am trying to accomplish here. Oh sure, citizenal is sour grapes, so everthing he is saying is fantasy and not worth considering. Sorry Jake, this is dirty pool and not a responsible way of discussing things.
No there isn't. But that won't stople people like you.

People like me? I have the same comment to you as I had for Jake. Disparagement is not a legitimate tool of debate. I am a "people like you" so there is not further point in listening to me. End of story, go to another post. Thanks Artevelede! You really have made a contribution to understanding the world we live in.
Amazing amazing stuff on this page. It boils down to citizenal was told "no" by someon in authority and he can't abide.

Jake: You are not being fair to trivilize what I am trying to accomplish here. Oh sure, citizenal is sour grapes, so everthing he is saying is fantasy and not worth considering. Sorry Jake, this is dirty pool and not a responsible way of discussing things.

You got called on bs. Unwad your panties and move on. You could just sit here and whine. I sort of like watching that some days.
citizenal, you have to offer responsible and reasonaly supported assertions.

Do that, and I will gladly respond in the same way.
No there isn't. But that won't stople people like you.

People like me? I have the same comment to you as I had for Jake. Disparagement is not a legitimate tool of debate. I am a "people like you" so there is not further point in listening to me. End of story, go to another post. Thanks Artevelede! You really have made a contribution to understanding the world we live in.

Hatemongering does not equal understanding.
No there isn't. But that won't stople people like you.

People like me? I have the same comment to you as I had for Jake. Disparagement is not a legitimate tool of debate. I am a "people like you" so there is not further point in listening to me. End of story, go to another post. Thanks Artevelede! You really have made a contribution to understanding the world we live in.

In order to understand the world you have to be able to seperate fact from fiction. You fail on that score. Your problem, not mine.

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