I Am Ashamed of My Country


Germany and Canada have voted for more right-wing leaders and have moved away from socialist ideas after getting a taste.

Obamination a capitalist. :cuckoo:

I'm not ashamed of my country because I understand the idiots currently in charge aren't really true Americans, they're just swine that weaseled their way into power.

When I was in Germany the week Obama took office, my German professor friend told me "You guys really screwed up." I just shrugged and said it will be over for him in 4 years or else the country could be doomed. He lived through the cold war in Germany and saw the socialists up close and realizes Obamination and his kind want to take us there.

My opinion is to fight it 100% but if they get their way and turn us into socialists, then just move to another country. Even Canada won't go that route ever, so they are a good option.

Germany has been socialist and will be again, and will remain a great place to live.

Canada has been socialist and will be again, and will remain a great place to live.

Obama is an uber-capitalist and Christian and American born, despite the lies about him, and American will remain a great place to live.
I do not favor any particular denomination of Christianty. I am kind of independent who considers himself to be a Soldier of Christ and if you go to the follow article, you will learn what I believe............and don't expect to find too many other Christians who agree with me. Many are called, few are chosen.

God, the Bible, and Christianity | The Federal Observer

Pretty militant language concerning the Prince of Peace.

Are you on a Crusade?

I know when I am being baited.

It is militant language because I take quite a beating when I try to show other Christians the error of their ways. Jesus Christ has put all of his followers on a Crusade. Don't you bear witness to your faith. Is that a Crusade?

Now please tell me what you are trying to accomplish with your questions? Maybe if you would be honest with me instead of playing games we could both learn something. Is this too much to ask?

It's not up to you to show Christians the error of their ways. In fact, it's not up to you to even judge other Christians, which you are obviously doing if you believe they are in error: "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

Hell, I'm not even religious and I know that much.

And I was honest with you, back in post #90, but you ignored it and chose not to reply.
Pretty militant language concerning the Prince of Peace.

Are you on a Crusade?

I know when I am being baited.

It is militant language because I take quite a beating when I try to show other Christians the error of their ways. Jesus Christ has put all of his followers on a Crusade. Don't you bear witness to your faith. Is that a Crusade?

Now please tell me what you are trying to accomplish with your questions? Maybe if you would be honest with me instead of playing games we could both learn something. Is this too much to ask?

It's not up to you to show Christians the error of their ways. In fact, it's not up to you to even judge other Christians, which you are obviously doing if you believe they are in error: "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

Hell, I'm not even religious and I know that much.

And I was honest with you, back in post #90, but you ignored it and chose not to reply.

As a Christian I have a duty and obligation, if I see something which I strongly believe is wrong and not Christian, to show that person the error of their ways. Every preacher in the world does this every day and you take me to task for this by wrongfully claiming I am judging others. WOW, I am really impressed.

Now it is my turn to be honest. I have not had time to read all of the 9 pages of this thread and respond to the comments made there. I fully intend to do this after the furor over my next post dies down. This one will be a doozy, but everything in is God's honest truth. To see this, all one has to do is open their minds and think. It all does really make a lot of sense. In fact it makes the most sense, but most Americans are not interested in truth. Instead, they are interested in feeling Good. False and misguided patriotism feels as good as real patriotism, so they bury their the sand and feel good not realizing that reality is about to give them a swift and very hard kick in the butt.
I am 68 years old, secure in retirement, led a storybook life, was a Navy Fighter Pilot, live far better than most Americans, and consider myself a patriot, a loyal American, a Christian, and a solid citizen. Upon my retirement as a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale, the City Commission dedicated the day I retired to me in my honor. Despite all this something is very wrong. I am ashamed of my country and believe that, for the past 100 years, the true history of this nation is one of deception, shame, and dishonor. Compounding my problem is that fact that as a Christian I believe God is truth. Therefore, I cannot lie to myself even though I loathe thinking what I believe to be true.

I began my walk which led me to where I am when Congress enacted the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994. At the time, on my way to work I picked up a copy of the Sun-Sentinel and read these words; tossing sovereignty issues aside, Congress passed GATT. Upon so doing, I asked myself, “How the hell can Congress toss sovereignty issues aside? They are paid to protect our sovereignty.” Subsequently, I purchased a copy of the GATT accord and read it from cover to cover. I was shocked! Congress didn’t just toss sovereignty issues aside they tossed them in the shitter. What I learned was that a condition of our membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) was Congress had to agree to subordinate itself, our President, and our Supreme Court to the WTO’s Ruling Panels and take steps to ensure that all our laws, regulations, and procedures conformed with those of the WTO.

My anger motivated me to write a book entitled, “While We Sleep, A Story of Government Without Law”. I also took it upon myself to sue our President and Congress over GATT’s Constitutionality acting as attorney pro se for the voting citizens of this nation. I also hosted a website called the Constitution Forum and recently, I wrote an open letter to the citizens of the United States which I mistakenly posted on this message board as my first thread. I say mistakenly because entire articles should not be posted because of legitimate concerns about possible copyright infringements. In any case, the purpose of my letter was to lead Americans down a similar path to the one I had taken in the hope they would finally wake up.

If you are interested in learning more about these matters, please use the following links.

My Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States:
An open letter to the citizens of the United States of America « The PPJ Gazette

A free copy of my book, “While We Sleep”:
While We Sleep - A Story of Government Without Law by Alan R. Adaschik

A transcript of my Lawsuit against the Federal Government:
A Constitutional Challenge To The WTO

If you have any questions about anything I have written or would like clarifying information, just ask. If you find anything in this material that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention and provide me with the reasons for your disagreement. I sincerely hope one of you can demonstrate where I have gone wrong so I can sleep better at night.

One of the many reasons to be proud of your country is that you have the freedom to write this sort of stuff.
In order to fully comprehend what the Zionists have done and are doing to us, it is best to look at all the events which transpired which bear their fingerprints, but please understand that I cannot write and post what can be construed as an article. So this will be a list as I see things and I will not provide any analysis and/or explanation concerning the significance or the reasons behind these events. It will be up to you, the board participants who take me to task and make me substantiate and explain the claims I am making.

We must start by going back to the time of the Revolution War which according to Benjamin Franklin was not so much a war to rid us of Great Brittan, but instead, a war to rid us of the International Bankers who controlled that nation. Who were these people? The old line rich Jewish Families which controlled banking throughout the world for centuries. It is the descendents of these people, drunk with the power of pulling the strings which made nations dance for centuries, which would eventually embrace Zionism and hatch a plot to rule the world as a New World Order. In order to accomplish this, it was essential to bring the United States under their thumb and this is where our list of Zionist inspired events begins.

1. In 1910, a meeting was held at Jekyll Island, Georgia, to map out a strategy for getting Congress to pass legislation making their banking cartel the central bank of the United States.

2. In 1913, Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act.

3. In 1913, Our Constitution was amended to allow a tax on income.

4. In 1913, Our Constitution was amended to provide for the election of Senators by popular vote instead of being appointed by their respective state legislatures.

The above three acts when examined in concert constitute the first overthrow of the government of the United States of America.

5. Sometime prior to America’s entry into WWI, Zionist leaders cut a deal with Great Brittan which, at the time was losing WWI, such that if England supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, they would bring the United States into the war on the side of the allies.

6. In 1917, four months after the United States entered WWI, England issued its Balfour Declaration which stated it supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.

7. Upon being defeated by the allies, the Treaty of Versailles severely punished Germany.

8. Subsequent to WWI, the Zionists financed the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany.

9. In 1929, the entire world went into a major depression.

10. In 1933, the Zionist played a key role in getting world Jewry to declare total war on Germany.

11. In 1939, WWII broke out in Europe.

12. In 1948, the State of Israel was established in Palestine.

13. In 1963, President Kennedy by Executive Order 11110, initiated the printing of United States Treasury notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes.

14. In 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated.

The assassination of President Kennedy by the Fed constituted the second overthrow of the Government of the United States of America.

15. Prior to the Six Day war between Israel and Egypt, a plot was hatched and President Johnson was ordered to nuke Cairo upon the sinking of an American spy ship, the USS Liberty, which would provide President Johnson with the excuse he needed to follow his orders.

16. In 1994, the United States joined the World Trade Organization.

Our joining the World Trade Organization constituted the third overthrow of the government of the United States of America. Upon consummation of this final overthrow, the process is complete and Americans now live under a government with a shell that looks like the one we used to have, but this is all that is left.

17. In 1994, Congress enacted NAFTA.

18. In 2004, Congress enacted CAFTA.

19. In 2001, the World Trade Center was destroyed by a terrorist attack.

20. Following the turn of the Century a real estate boom bubbled and then collapsed which brought about our present economic downturn and our second Great Depression.

There you have it! Twenty major events engineered by the Fed solely for their benefit and not ours. I like to call them the Magnificent 20. It should be understood that none of these events would have happened if Congress had not passed the Federal Reserve act in 1913. I am sure that most you will not agree with me. This being the case, will you discuss these matters with me as thinking and dignified human beings or will a bunch of immature pea brains who have no idea what they are doing garbage up this thread with a bunch of bullshit that no intelligent human being could ever possibly care about or want to read? Only time will tell.
Try answering the comment, not the voices in your head. First, you ignored Denmark and Sweden as active socialist states. Canada and France have been, and will, in the future, be socialist again. Obama is a christian born in America and is an uber-capitalist.

Reply to the comments, please.


Germany and Canada have voted for more right-wing leaders and have moved away from socialist ideas after getting a taste.

Obamination a capitalist. :cuckoo:

I'm not ashamed of my country because I understand the idiots currently in charge aren't really true Americans, they're just swine that weaseled their way into power.

When I was in Germany the week Obama took office, my German professor friend told me "You guys really screwed up." I just shrugged and said it will be over for him in 4 years or else the country could be doomed. He lived through the cold war in Germany and saw the socialists up close and realizes Obamination and his kind want to take us there.

My opinion is to fight it 100% but if they get their way and turn us into socialists, then just move to another country. Even Canada won't go that route ever, so they are a good option.

Germany has been socialist and will be again, and will remain a great place to live.

Canada has been socialist and will be again, and will remain a great place to live.

Obama is an uber-capitalist and Christian and American born, despite the lies about him, and American will remain a great place to live.
No, it's not funny, because our middle class (the health and wealth of this country) is very weak financially because of the stupid government kiss ass of the rich and wealthy the last thirty years.

Go to taking care of the middle class again, which will pull the poor up and not hurt the wealthy, and America will recover quickly.

How about the government just gets the heck out of our lives and we let ourselves rise and fall on our own merits.

I wish that you had been around in the late 1930's. You take so goddam much for granted that it's a shame. The people today think everybody can take care of themseves. The Republicans would like to take us back to county poor farms, soup lines and fix it so that the only ones who could get a thorough education would be rich enough to afford one. Come to think of it....with the cost of college at the level it has reached and the upper 1% continuing with low tax rates and higher earnings we're about there.

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Go to taking care of the middle class again, which will pull the poor up and not hurt the wealthy, and America will recover quickly.

How about the government just gets the heck out of our lives and we let ourselves rise and fall on our own merits.

Why don't you move to Tehran, asswipe.
Go to taking care of the middle class again, which will pull the poor up and not hurt the wealthy, and America will recover quickly.

How about the government just gets the heck out of our lives and we let ourselves rise and fall on our own merits.

Why don't you move to Tehran, asswipe.

You would be very happy there, Warrior, where the leadership does your thinking for you.
I know when I am being baited.

It is militant language because I take quite a beating when I try to show other Christians the error of their ways. Jesus Christ has put all of his followers on a Crusade. Don't you bear witness to your faith. Is that a Crusade?

Now please tell me what you are trying to accomplish with your questions? Maybe if you would be honest with me instead of playing games we could both learn something. Is this too much to ask?

It's not up to you to show Christians the error of their ways. In fact, it's not up to you to even judge other Christians, which you are obviously doing if you believe they are in error: "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

Hell, I'm not even religious and I know that much.

And I was honest with you, back in post #90, but you ignored it and chose not to reply.

As a Christian I have a duty and obligation, if I see something which I strongly believe is wrong and not Christian, to show that person the error of their ways.

Wrong. As a Christian, you have an obligation to live your life according to Christ's teachings. Nothing more. You do not have a duty to inform others that they are not living up to the standards that you have decided meet Christ's goals.

Every preacher in the world does this every day and you take me to task for this by wrongfully claiming I am judging others. WOW, I am really impressed.

If you are deciding that others are not living up to those ideals, then you are making a judgement; about that person, and those standards of conduct. Please tell me, then, what Jesus meant by "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

Was it just a throwaway line?

Now it is my turn to be honest.

Better late than never.

I have not had time to read all of the 9 pages of this thread and respond to the comments made there.

Yet, you have found time to answer many posts that have come afterward, including this one, that you replied to.

I fully intend to do this after the furor over my next post dies down. This one will be a doozy, but everything in is God's honest truth. To see this, all one has to do is open their minds and think. It all does really make a lot of sense. In fact it makes the most sense, but most Americans are not interested in truth. Instead, they are interested in feeling Good. False and misguided patriotism feels as good as real patriotism, so they bury their the sand and feel good not realizing that reality is about to give them a swift and very hard kick in the butt.

In your very narrow worldview, coupled with your bigotry, coupled with yet another judgement about what 'god' wants. Which god? Oh yeah - the one that you have decided is the one who lines up with your narrow worldview. Got it!
Far as the rest of this stuff about the Jews, the way I see it, there is one problem with Judaism: it's racist. The entire thing is based on the Jewish blood line, how you are treated according to Jewish and Israeli law is all according to how you descended and to whom you belong. Take away the racial component and all this matters not. Never mind the details of what they did or how they did it.... the root of the problem is WHY they do what they do. They hold their own in favor due to an ethnic, racial determination. If you're born a certain way, you get special consideration. It's called racism, in modern terminology.

That makes sense when your racial cousins all around you want to exterminate you.

No, it doesn't make sense in this century, there is no place for it. Not for the Jews or anyone else. Birth rights to something God supposedly gave you? Can't imagine why that's a problem eh?

Take a hike, Willy.

You can't define your belief clearly.

That is your problem not ours.
Take a hike, Willy.

You can't define your belief clearly.

That is your problem not ours.

It is crystal clear. Judaism uses a centuries old line of maternal descent as it's primary determinant of race. If you are born to this, you have a separate set of rules on this Earth from everyone else. Hell, Jews don't even bother giving consideration to anyone else ethnicity, they have a word to lump everyone else together as equally unworthy to the Jew...the Gentile... or even the "goyim". Nice... the ULTIMATE racism. Not going after any one particular group as being lesser, but openly and loudly declaring EVERYONE to be lesser.

Judaism is probably the birth of modern racism.
Take a hike, Willy.

You can't define your belief clearly.

That is your problem not ours.

It is crystal clear. Judaism uses a centuries old line of maternal descent as it's primary determinant of race. If you are born to this, you have a separate set of rules on this Earth from everyone else. Hell, Jews don't even bother giving consideration to anyone else ethnicity, they have a word to lump everyone else together as equally unworthy to the Jew...the Gentile... or even the "goyim". Nice... the ULTIMATE racism. Not going after any one particular group as being lesser, but openly and loudly declaring EVERYONE to be lesser.

Judaism is probably the birth of modern racism.

And we have no doubts that the other big trouble makers are Muslim. Maybe everybody has decided to pay the Christians back for the Crusades, the Witch Hunts, the Inquisitions, the corruption, etc.
Take a hike, Willy.

You can't define your belief clearly.

That is your problem not ours.

It is crystal clear. Judaism uses a centuries old line of maternal descent as it's primary determinant of race. If you are born to this, you have a separate set of rules on this Earth from everyone else. Hell, Jews don't even bother giving consideration to anyone else ethnicity, they have a word to lump everyone else together as equally unworthy to the Jew...the Gentile... or even the "goyim". Nice... the ULTIMATE racism. Not going after any one particular group as being lesser, but openly and loudly declaring EVERYONE to be lesser.

Judaism is probably the birth of modern racism.

And we have no doubts that the other big trouble makers are Muslim. Maybe everybody has decided to pay the Christians back for the Crusades, the Witch Hunts, the Inquisitions, the corruption, etc.

Well.... we all can make trouble. We all have. But a fundamental component of change is CHOICE. Judaism removes choice and inserts ethnic and racial components. You are BORN to it and can't opt out. Even if you insist you don't want to be Jewish, they still count you in and think that in order for their Messiah to be proven, even the athiest and agnostic Jews will have to become observant and return to Israel.

But yes.... pretty much all of our religions can and have been awful to our fellow man at one time or another.
One of the many reasons to be proud of your country is that you have the freedom to write this sort of stuff.

That's a good point, but not entirely true. I am free to write this stuff because I am retired. The only other people who are free to write it are employed people or anyone else not working for a governmental agencey or major cooperation. If you do work for the government or a major cooperation and you wrote such stuff, if they didn't find a way to get rid of you, your career potential would be non-existent. Therefore, if a significant portion of our population is not free to speak freely, then how really free is our speech?
Shouldn't this be in the conspiracy forum?

Perhaps, but this is the mother of all conspiracy theories which also happens to be true because it is the only explanation for the series of events that makes sense an fits, From this perspective it is not a theory, instead, it is the history of this nation that is being hidden from us by our government. Being this important, in my opinion, justifies posting it under politics.
It's not up to you to show Christians the error of their ways. In fact, it's not up to you to even judge other Christians, which you are obviously doing if you believe they are in error: "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

Hell, I'm not even religious and I know that much.

And I was honest with you, back in post #90, but you ignored it and chose not to reply.

As a Christian I have a duty and obligation, if I see something which I strongly believe is wrong and not Christian, to show that person the error of their ways.

Wrong. As a Christian, you have an obligation to live your life according to Christ's teachings. Nothing more. You do not have a duty to inform others that they are not living up to the standards that you have decided meet Christ's goals.

If you are deciding that others are not living up to those ideals, then you are making a judgement; about that person, and those standards of conduct. Please tell me, then, what Jesus meant by "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

Was it just a throwaway line?

Better late than never.

I have not had time to read all of the 9 pages of this thread and respond to the comments made there.

Yet, you have found time to answer many posts that have come afterward, including this one, that you replied to.

I fully intend to do this after the furor over my next post dies down. This one will be a doozy, but everything in is God's honest truth. To see this, all one has to do is open their minds and think. It all does really make a lot of sense. In fact it makes the most sense, but most Americans are not interested in truth. Instead, they are interested in feeling Good. False and misguided patriotism feels as good as real patriotism, so they bury their the sand and feel good not realizing that reality is about to give them a swift and very hard kick in the butt.

In your very narrow worldview, coupled with your bigotry, coupled with yet another judgement about what 'god' wants. Which god? Oh yeah - the one that you have decided is the one who lines up with your narrow worldview. Got it!

I stand by my previous replies to you and do not wish to continue this discussion any further on this thread. Its about who is governing us and not about me and my religous beliefs.

Thank you for your cooperation with this and have a nice day.

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