I Am Ashamed of My Country

You lost me here. You make outrageous claims. it's a good idea to back claims like this up. Let's see some credible links, in Context.

What I have revealed is outrageous, but as outrageous as it is, it is the truth. Just think about it! America entered WWI, fought WWII, and now is fighting a war on terrorism primarly due to Zionist duplicity and manipulation the purpose of which was to establish the state of Israel. All those American dead, all those other people dead including 6 million innocent Jews so Israel can exist. I guess the old saying is true; you have to break some eggs to make an omelet. Wasn't it some Jewish guy?

Here's some of the documentation you requested:

References and Supporting Documentation:

1. The designs and actions of the Zionists in our government – The Amazing Warnings of Benjamin Freedman; The Amazing Warnings Of Benjamin Freedman

2. The German 1916 Proposal for Peace – Total War and Peacemaking: http://www.hungarian-history.hu/lib.../www.hungarian-history.hu/lib/tria/tria03.htm

3. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Wikipedia.org: Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. The British Mandate for Palestine: Brief History of of Palestine, Israel and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict (Arab-Israeli conflict, Middle East Conflict) British Mandate

5. The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

If you don't mind me asking, what denomination of Christianity do you favor (if any)?

I do not favor any particular denomination of Christianty. I am kind of independent who considers himself to be a Soldier of Christ and if you go to the follow article, you will learn what I believe............and don't expect to find too many other Christians who agree with me. Many are called, few are chosen.

God, the Bible, and Christianity | The Federal Observer

I support Your Fundamental Right to live Life through Your Own eyes.
Sweet Willy: I did not say that powerful Jews backed the slaughter of millions of their own people to establish Israel. What I said is that Zionists (not Jews) backed Hitler's rise to power to create a hostile environment for Jews in Germany so they would be willing to immigarte to and live in a desert. When the Zionists did this, it was early in Hitler's rise to power and they had no idea or indication, at the time, that Hitler was a madman who would murder 6 million Jews. As horrible as the holocaust was, Zionist do not bear indirect responsibility for causeing it. However, they do bear sole responsibility for causing WWII and don't forget that these same bastards are the New World Order who now rule us and the rest of the world.

Always nice to have other people to blame for stuff huh?
Hey everybody! Do you want to learn something about Zionism while you learn something about yourself, then go to this link.

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

From another Perspective. ;)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb_qHP7VaZE]The People's Front - YouTube[/ame]
The People's Front

Funny video! Thanks, I got a good chuckle out of it. Maybe you'll get a few laughs out of this one:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dSHl3C9kgY&feature=player_embedded]Anti-Zionist Jewish Protestors attacked by an AIPAC attendee in Washington D.C - YouTube[/ame]
It's hard for most to seperate the concept of zionism out from under anti semite Al

which really works like a charm if you happen to be a zionist

I disagree and I offer the following to separate the two; Judaism is a Religion. Zionism is a political movement within Judaism. The two really are two different things. The purpose of Judaism is to find favor with God. The purpose of Zionism is to create a nation.

To help your thinking further, go to these websites and what I have said will become perfectly clear to you.

True Torah Jews Against Zionism

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism
It's hard for most to seperate the concept of zionism out from under anti semite Al

which really works like a charm if you happen to be a zionist

I disagree and I offer the following to separate the two; Judaism is a Religion. Zionism is a political movement within Judaism. The two really are two different things. The purpose of Judaism is to find favor with God. The purpose of Zionism is to create a nation.

To help your thinking further, go to these websites and what I have said will become perfectly clear to you.

True Torah Jews Against Zionism

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

I have no problem with the existence of Israel.
Sweet Willy: I did not say that powerful Jews backed the slaughter of millions of their own people to establish Israel. What I said is that Zionists (not Jews) backed Hitler's rise to power to create a hostile environment for Jews in Germany so they would be willing to immigarte to and live in a desert. When the Zionists did this, it was early in Hitler's rise to power and they had no idea or indication, at the time, that Hitler was a madman who would murder 6 million Jews. As horrible as the holocaust was, Zionist do not bear indirect responsibility for causeing it. However, they do bear sole responsibility for causing WWII and don't forget that these same bastards are the New World Order who now rule us and the rest of the world.

No verifiable, objec tive proof exists for this boondoggle of a theory.
but I'm definitely open to alternative visions for who is really in charge.

Londoner: Zionism is a politcal movement, not a religion and it happens to be a political movement embraced by the old line Jewish banking families that through the central banking systems, have come to rule the entire world including the United States. Everything I have written or presented here bears this out, but it takes only one quote to prove what I have said and here it is:

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a Nation and I care not who makes its laws." - Mayer Anselm Rothschild

Now, if you want to believe that Mr. Rothschild was adled brained and didn't know what he was talking about, then you certainly have that priveledge. There are many more quotes that I can provide that I have already provided but I am getting tired of repeating myself.

If you don't mind me asking, what denomination of Christianity do you favor (if any)?

I do not favor any particular denomination of Christianty. I am kind of independent who considers himself to be a Soldier of Christ and if you go to the follow article, you will learn what I believe............and don't expect to find too many other Christians who agree with me. Many are called, few are chosen.

God, the Bible, and Christianity | The Federal Observer

I support Your Fundamental Right to live Life through Your Own eyes.

Intense: Thank you for showing me respect and yes, very few Christians think like me, the problem being that the Old Testament and New Testament are both included in the Christian bible. This fact has led most Christians astry because they wrongfully believe they have to give equal credence to both books. From a rational point of view, this is impossible and for a Christian, it is a grave error because giving credence to the old testament flies in the face of the New Covenant. If it flies in the face of the New Covenant then those who so believe stand in violation of the New Covenant. Proof of the pudding is the follow quote by the Apostle Paul;

"When He (God) said a new covenant, He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear."

In other words, if we have a New Covenant with God, it replacing the Old in its entirety. This being the case, true Christians have on need of the Old Covenant and it is irrelvant for them.

Now I have a question for you; I see you are a Mitt man. How is it possible for guys like you and me to embrace a candidate for President who makes 10 million dollars a year?
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My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

Yes, you are what I consider a typical Far Right Winger...you love your country while hating most of the people in it.
I do not favor any particular denomination of Christianty. I am kind of independent who considers himself to be a Soldier of Christ and if you go to the follow article, you will learn what I believe............and don't expect to find too many other Christians who agree with me. Many are called, few are chosen.

God, the Bible, and Christianity | The Federal Observer

I support Your Fundamental Right to live Life through Your Own eyes.

Intense: Thank you for showing me respect and yes, very few Christians think like me, the problem being that the Old Testament and New Testament are both included in the Christian bible. This fact has led most Christians astry because they wrongfully believe they have to give equal credence to both books. From a rational point of view, this is impossible and for a Christian, it is a grave error because giving credence to the old testament flies in the face of the New Covenant. If it flies in the face of the New Covenant then those who so believe stand in violation of the New Covenant. Proof of the pudding is the follow quote by the Apostle Paul;

"When He (God) said a new covenant, He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear."

In other words, if we have a New Covenant with God, it replacing the Old in its entirety. This being the case, true Christians have on need of the Old Covenant and it is irrelvant for them.

Now I have a question for you; I see you are a Mitt man. How is it possible for guys like you and me to embrace a candidate for President who makes 10 million dollars a year?

We worship God, not the Bible. It's a tool, with Pitfalls, and misdirection, by design. Many hidden meanings, for a reason. Everything in it's time. I seriously doubt that you have issues with putting God First in All things, or Being Fruitful, Multiplying, and Replenishing the Earth, Loving God with All the Strength of Your Being, or Loving Your Brother as Yourself. The Old Testament does teach Positive Direction, Right Action, Principle, that doesn't change. The New Testament teaches Us to pick Ourselves up when We fall, that Our Reason for Being is of more significance than the Tangents and Misdirections that We create. Salvation, the Prize for hanging in there, regardless of what's on our plate. Right? So we put Our Confidence, in things beyond reason, in relation to God, and Trust. Remember that This World is Not the Prize, but the Test. ;)
My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

Yes, you are what I consider a typical Far Right Winger...you love your country while hating most of the people in it.

I would prefer to see the Union remain intact.
Always nice to have other people to blame for stuff huh?

saveliberty: I am not blaming. Yes, there is enough blame to go around here, but what I am doing is trying to establish the truth. Once this is done is someone's mind, then we can down to "blaming" or more importantly, get around to making things write.

I hate to be negative, but what you are saying is, this guy is 'just' a finger pointer so there is no point in listening to him. This being the case, I ask you how you intend to "save liberty" if you do not know what the hell is going on?

It is unfortunate the we cannot publish entire articles on boards like this, because to do this subject justice takes more than a paragraph or two. If you take each element of concern, I will be the first person to admit that the documentation is lacking. However, if you take all the very important things that have happened in the past 100 years, each with the same but, admittedly, weak documentation. Then a clear picture of what is going on comes into focus and the documentation in its entirety becomes undeniable.

Do you get my point? As isolated events the actions of the Zionists is hard to connect to a particular event, but when every event bears the hallmark of Zionists plans and intentions, then to deny their role is not only unreasonable, it is self-defeating and foolish.
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You believe your personal weaponry will protect your Constitutional rights. That is laughable in the face of the weaponry the state can bring to bear.

But continue your Rambo fantasies.
LOL....yeah, up to and including cruise missles and drones. Back when the Rev war was fought everybody had a horse and musket...if they were lucky

Come on guys, am I THAT big of a threat to you?

I'm not saying anybody is a threat to anyone but folks who believe going armed will do anything about a rebellion against the government of the United States is not the least bit familiar with all the ways the branches of service would be able to put a stop to it. It would require most of the members of the military to at least stand down when a conflict began. Short of that millions of rebels might be killed. Let's see........over 150 years ago over 600,000 bit the dust during the civil war.
Newt asked his fucking dying of cancer wife for an open marriage. Fact.

The bitch STILL isn't dead, so if the first sentence is a lie, the whole post is worthless.

Fucking parrot...

Well, he asked his second wife for an open marriage. Marianne, who had been diagnosed with MS. I can understand how you all would get this confused, since he tosses away 'defective' spouses as he has another waiting in the wings. Wonder how he'll dump Callista when she comes down with a serious chronic condition. Of course, she's 22 years younger than Newt, so he may just keep her around to change his depends and wipe the drool from his chin.
Newt asked his fucking dying of cancer wife for an open marriage. Fact.

The bitch STILL isn't dead, so if the first sentence is a lie, the whole post is worthless.

Fucking parrot...

Well, he asked his second wife for an open marriage. Marianne, who had been diagnosed with MS. I can understand how you all would get this confused, since he tosses away 'defective' spouses as he has another waiting in the wings. Wonder how he'll dump Callista when she comes down with a serious chronic condition. Of course, she's 22 years younger than Newt, so he may just keep her around to change his depends and wipe the drool from his chin.

Newt has the morals of an alley cat and the ego of Napoleon Bonaparte. He has the political philosophy of the Rothschild's and the ambition of Thomas the Train.

He's a S L U T... (tell Rush)
"My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story."

Oh god, here we go. Get out the pom poms and skirts. Lets all do a rah rah for america. We are a nation of people. Thats it and thats that. NO more, no less. america is a rat race. its about survival. holding on and barely making it. thats what america is all about. always has been.

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