I Am Ashamed of My Country

If you believe that all Germans were Nazis, then you believe that all Jews are Zionists and this means that nothing I say or write will ever make any sense to you. You flunk basic logic and this is why logic is no longer taught in our schools. The Zionist hope we will all flunk so they can have their way with us.

It's hard for most to seperate the concept of zionism out from under anti semite Al

which really works like a charm if you happen to be a zionist

as to you letter here>>

An open letter to the citizens of the United States of America « The PPJ Gazette

each Q you pose is , initself a worthy thread/debate
If you believe that all Germans were Nazis, then you believe that all Jews are Zionists and this means that nothing I say or write will ever make any sense to you.

That's not even close to what I said. I said that the Nazis were made up of German people.

You flunk basic logic and this is why logic is no longer taught in our schools. The Zionist hope we will all flunk so they can have their way with us.

It looks like you flunk basic reading comprehension.
If you believe that all Germans were Nazis, then you believe that all Jews are Zionists and this means that nothing I say or write will ever make any sense to you. .

I am against Zionism. I believe that Israelis ought to abolish the Jewish State and restore Palestinian sovereignty.

Having said that , the Germans TACITLY approved the Jewish Holocaust by failing or refusing to intervene in order to prevent the massacre.

Just like Americans failed or refused to prevent the Davidians Holocaust.


I am not at all sympathetic to Hitler and think he was insane. I also do not think he was a victim of the Jews. I think he was a victim of Zionist leaders who used him for their purposes. The murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazis is a fact. However, we do not blame the German people for what the Nazi's wrought. Similarly, we should not blame the Jewish people for what Zionist leaders have wrought. I do think that the Zionist leaders who got us involved in WWI and brought on WWII are not much better than the Nazis. They are cut from the same block of wood; amoral, criminals of the first order, and totally insane.

I appreciate your sincerity and well considered thoughts. Though I don't share your views, I bet we have similar worries about all state power. I actually have huge problems with the aggression displayed by the state of Israel, especially on the west bank. I think the leadership is insane. I see the US/Israeli partnership as murky and dangerous - and I am weary of government military power in both its US and Israeli variants. I think the US has stood in the way of a two state solution in ways that have greatly harmed regional stability. We probably disagree about why the US has prevented a solution, or which powers inside the US have prevented a solution, but I'm definitely open to alternative visions for who is really in charge.
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Not real keen on the self promotion aspect of your OP.

Also, not a big fan of conspiracy theories, as they ultimately require too many to know too much without ever telling the public.

Bottomline, NO ONE can take anyway your Constitutional rights. At least as long as the second amendment stands.
The only thing standing in the way of a two State solution is Palestinian refusal to accept Israel as a State at all. Who are you trying to kid, other than yourselves.
Not real keen on the self promotion aspect of your OP.

Also, not a big fan of conspiracy theories, as they ultimately require too many to know too much without ever telling the public.

Bottomline, NO ONE can take anyway your Constitutional rights. At least as long as the second amendment stands.

Riiiight. Because your various peashooters will keep the SWAT teams at bay. :lol:
Not real keen on the self promotion aspect of your OP.

Also, not a big fan of conspiracy theories, as they ultimately require too many to know too much without ever telling the public.

Bottomline, NO ONE can take anyway your Constitutional rights. At least as long as the second amendment stands.

Riiiight. Because your various peashooters will keep the SWAT teams at bay. :lol:

Why? Because the WTO police are on the way? :lol:
Not real keen on the self promotion aspect of your OP.

Also, not a big fan of conspiracy theories, as they ultimately require too many to know too much without ever telling the public.

Bottomline, NO ONE can take anyway your Constitutional rights. At least as long as the second amendment stands.

Bottom line, No One can take away for long, what you are willing to fight for. There is no Principle worth surrendering to the misguided collective.
Not real keen on the self promotion aspect of your OP.

Also, not a big fan of conspiracy theories, as they ultimately require too many to know too much without ever telling the public.

Bottomline, NO ONE can take anyway your Constitutional rights. At least as long as the second amendment stands.

Riiiight. Because your various peashooters will keep the SWAT teams at bay. :lol:

Why? Because the WTO police are on the way? :lol:
You believe your personal weaponry will protect your Constitutional rights. That is laughable in the face of the weaponry the state can bring to bear.

But continue your Rambo fantasies.
Riiiight. Because your various peashooters will keep the SWAT teams at bay. :lol:

Why? Because the WTO police are on the way? :lol:
You believe your personal weaponry will protect your Constitutional rights. That is laughable in the face of the weaponry the state can bring to bear.

But continue your Rambo fantasies.

I have way better chances of YOU and your liberal friends taking my rights than WTO. Since you failed to address that, I presume you have no real point to make here. SWAT hasn't shown yet. Did they give you a timeline?
Riiiight. Because your various peashooters will keep the SWAT teams at bay. :lol:

Why? Because the WTO police are on the way? :lol:
You believe your personal weaponry will protect your Constitutional rights. That is laughable in the face of the weaponry the state can bring to bear.

But continue your Rambo fantasies.
LOL....yeah, up to and including cruise missles and drones. Back when the Rev war was fought everybody had a horse and musket...if they were lucky
Pura Vida. Concern yourselves with nonsense. I have a buddy of mine ( employee) who's wife is here as I type, She just dropped rennet in the bucket. I'll have killer farmers cheese before the sun comes up. You guys have fun....................Remember ! Gawd Blast murka !
Look man, I have been accused of being antisemitic because I am adverse to some tenants of Judaism as well as being adverse to our support of Israel. However, to go so far as to claim that powerful Jews backed the slaughter of millions of their own people in order to foster the formation of the Israeli state is pure lunacy.

Sweet Willy: I did not say that powerful Jews backed the slaughter of millions of their own people to establish Israel. What I said is that Zionists (not Jews) backed Hitler's rise to power to create a hostile environment for Jews in Germany so they would be willing to immigarte to and live in a desert. When the Zionists did this, it was early in Hitler's rise to power and they had no idea or indication, at the time, that Hitler was a madman who would murder 6 million Jews. As horrible as the holocaust was, Zionist do not bear indirect responsibility for causeing it. However, they do bear sole responsibility for causing WWII and don't forget that these same bastards are the New World Order who now rule us and the rest of the world.
Why? Because the WTO police are on the way? :lol:
You believe your personal weaponry will protect your Constitutional rights. That is laughable in the face of the weaponry the state can bring to bear.

But continue your Rambo fantasies.
LOL....yeah, up to and including cruise missles and drones. Back when the Rev war was fought everybody had a horse and musket...if they were lucky

Come on guys, am I THAT big of a threat to you?
You shouldn't hold anything against him. Spreading the word is what Christians are supposed to do, but then you have no clue what being a real Christian means.

America First: I know what being a real Christian means. The question is do you? I'll wager $10.00 that you don't. Here's the deal; go to the following link and if you tell me you generally agree with the major points of the article, then you truly are a real Christian and I will send you the $10.00.

God, the Bible, and Christianity | The Federal Observer
Not real keen on the self promotion aspect of your OP.

Also, not a big fan of conspiracy theories, as they ultimately require too many to know too much without ever telling the public.

Bottomline, NO ONE can take anyway your Constitutional rights. At least as long as the second amendment stands.

Riiiight. Because your various peashooters will keep the SWAT teams at bay. :lol:

Actually keeping them at bay is the easiest part of it.

Just look at what a handful of non educated people have done to stymie our armed forces in Iraq and Afganny..
You believe your personal weaponry will protect your Constitutional rights. That is laughable in the face of the weaponry the state can bring to bear.

But continue your Rambo fantasies.
LOL....yeah, up to and including cruise missles and drones. Back when the Rev war was fought everybody had a horse and musket...if they were lucky

Come on guys, am I THAT big of a threat to you?

Rational Free thought, Original Thought, is the threat to them. They both love you and hate you for it.

If you don't mind me asking, what denomination of Christianity do you favor (if any)?

I do not favor any particular denomination of Christianty. I am kind of independent who considers himself to be a Soldier of Christ and if you go to the follow article, you will learn what I believe............and don't expect to find too many other Christians who agree with me. Many are called, few are chosen.

God, the Bible, and Christianity | The Federal Observer

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