I Am Ashamed of My Country

Remember Republicans pretended to care about family values but then embraced Newt? They proved they don't care about that shit.

Remember Clinton enhailed but then they voted for Bush who did cocaine?

Obama didn't have experience but then they fell in love with Palin?

Took credit for Saddam but won't give Obama credit for Osama?

Defended the GOP when 7 million jobs were going overseas but now say Obama sucks because he's only adding 300,000 jobs a month?

Said they cared because Clinton lied under oath but then let Bush lie to us in his State of teh Union address when he said Saddam had something to do with Anthrax and 9-11?

Classic Projection.

It's just a shame that so much of what you say isn't at all true.

Newt asked his fucking dying of cancer wife for an open marriage. Fact.

Bush did cocaine. Everyone knows he did and he was a drunk. Didn't hear that on Fox? Go figure.

Palin wasn't over her head?

Bush didn't wear a fighter jacket on a ship with the bannor Mission Accomplished? That wasn't a publicity stunt? And imagine if Bush would have gotten Osama. It would have been made a holiday and we would have never heard the end of it. Remember they use to brag that "we haven't been hit since" because they hadn't got Bin Ladin? Well Obama did and they are trying to give the Generals credit.

Hey fuck face. Don't you ever tell me I'm wrong again without some back up information. Everything I said was fucking true. You are a low information right wing fool. Maybe you just don't realize it yet. Stop watching Fox and stop listening to Rush. Its rotting whats left of your brain.

Don't you ever waste my time without at least a little information calling me out. Show me some proof I'm wrong about one fucking thing I said. You can't, which is why you didn't. I'll neg rep you. Seems like pussies on USMB care about that and you seem like a pussy.

I don't really know what neg repping is, this is the first place I ever heard of it so I don't much care.

The allegation that Bush did cocaine came out of a book "Favorite Son" written by man while he was in prison and had never met Bush nor done any research into his background. obama, on the other hand has written extensively about his cocaine use in both of his autobiographies. Now that you bring it up, obama has been upfront about his cocaine use, but has never come out and said he stopped. From the look and behavior of the creature, he hasn't.

Sarah Palin had served as Mayor and Governor while obama never worked a day in his life.

Newt Gingrich's wife was not dying of cancer when she was served with divorce papers (at her request) as she and both of her daughters have said repeatedly.

Everyone but liberals knew that the banner Mission Accomplished referred to that ship who was heading home after a successful tour.

obama didn't get Bin Laden any more than Nixon landed on the moon. obama was merely following the plan formulated by Bush the same way Nixon followed the path set down by JFK.

7 million jobs went overseas because we had a democrat house and senate making the business climate in this country too hostile to business existence. I wish ALL jobs would go overseas. They need to keep going overseas until we are all cutting one anothers hair and making one another's burgers, or learn our lesson.
7 million jobs went overseas because we had a democrat house and senate making the business climate in this country too hostile to business existence. I wish ALL jobs would go overseas. They need to keep going overseas until we are all cutting one anothers hair and making one another's burgers, or learn our lesson.

We need more spanking from the invisible hand? Yikes! Maybe by the time it's done selfish Americans will not expect anything worth a damn in their lives and thankfully take the pittance they are given and quit bitching about things.
What scares me is that people don't understand who benefits from the GATT and WTO.

These organizations seek to give investment capital easier access to 3rd world markets.

People still don't understand the dynamics of capitalism. Capitalism is the most powerful economic force in history. It derives its power from not accepting limits. If there is cheaper labor and cheaper resources anywhere on the globe, than capitalism will find it. The whole point is to get capital a larger return on it's investment. Meaning: the point of capitalism is to gain access to the cheapest raw material and labor. . . so that investors gain higher returns. This is why a unitary set of laws is necessary to make all parts of the globe predictable and accessible to capital.

Reagan's brilliance was that he abandoned free market capitalism for militarized, coercive capitalism - which opened the globe forcibly to American capital... which resulted in higher returns for business, and cheaper prices for American consumers. Meaning: Reagan built military bases all over the 3rd world and supported brutal regimes who were willing to give American capital access to their resources.

Go into Walmart and read the labels on the things you buy. Where do you think these things come from? Many of these things come unstable regions that need to be policed.

Capital wants a predictable, unitary world so that it can access resources. Capital does not want diverse, autonomous nations who can deny it access to raw materials and labor. This is why it needs GATT and WTO, so that it can impose a unitary regime on the globe.

That is a pretty accurate picture, as I understand it also. Capitalist use military and political force to set up and maintain conditions favorable to cheap labor and materials where possible. Of course this means better margins on goods sold in vastly different economic markets. If you only sold the materials and products in the same economy from which they are derived, there is much less to be gained. The result of this is that there is a vested interest in keeping people in relative poverty, keeping national progress, stable governments, industrialization and modernization stagnate in supply regions.

The reality of it all is that our wealth is generally derived from others poverty. We keep people and nations in poverty intentionally so that we have a supply of cheap labor and materials.

There is also an interesting debt component of this where struggling nations are offered loans, supposedly for infrastructure and social improvements. Usually however, this puts them into perpetual debt which can then be used as a tool for plundering their national wealth in the form of resources.

It's all quite dirty and disgusting when you look at the mechanics of how a capitalist economy functions. It requires that for every person living in relative wealth, several other humans somewhere, are exploited and as a result, live in poverty.
Do people understand the "Structural Adjustment Programs" that Reagan imposed on the 3rd world.

Turn off FOX News and please do research.

The economic powers in the north want access to the resources of developing nations. (Capitalism is the productive machine on earth, but this means it uses resources at an extremely high rate. So, when capitalism exhausts resources in one place, than it must go to another place to get those resources).

1) Reagan found a corruptible element in important resource-rich nations - a ruling block willing to do business with capital from the advanced, industrial north. (By corruptible, I only mean a group if interests which did not share the sorts of nationalism that prevented the intrusion of foreign capital)

2) Reagan then loaned money to this corruptible ruling block so they would make infrastructure improvements in the host country - usually in the form of no-bids to favored USA transnationals.

3) Predictably, the ruling block defaulted on the loan. In exchange for the money owed on the loan, the USA would gain increased control over assets, i.e., markets, raw material, and labor. To put it simply: the nation was completely opened to foreign capital; it became a reflex of the needs of investment capital.

In order to give American capital complete access to developing nations, there needed to be a unitary set of trade laws. Capital wants fewer regulations and laws; it does not want to jump through a different set of trade laws in every country. This would be too costly and inefficient.

Structural Adjustment Programs | FPIF
What's poverty?

When you answer that you'll know what happens when capitalist companies move into a poverty stricken area and pay a pittance.

What we consider a pittance and starvation wages is quite good wages. 35 cents an hour is a lot of money to someone like obama's brother who lives on a dollar a month.

The benefit to capitalist countries is that they get to have cheaper products. Everyone's life is improved, even the ones that were poor.

The Free Market: Kathie Lee's Children

Ten years ago, Honduras had virtually no assembly plants. But with a booming international market for clothing, factories have sprung up all over the country to offer a way out of poverty and disease. Today, the country has 160 assembly plants that employ some 75,000 people.

Those lucky enough to work in them are doing well in a country where per capita income is $600 a year and unemployment is 40 percent. Plants routinely subsidize lunch, offer free medical care to employees, and are air conditioned--benefits unheard of in other lines of employment.

As one worker told the New York Times, "This has been an enormous advance for me, and I give thanks to the maquila [factory] for it. My monthly income is seven times what I made in the countryside, and I've gained 30 pounds since I started working here."
To the OP, I'm with ya. According to leftists your problem is that Christianity thing. They probably dont get beyond that and they think you believe in magic and sorcery and not the almighty "objective" science. You know stuff like Global Warming (ooops Climate Change), Evolution, Big Bang Theory, most of psycology, or my favorite one, genetics causing behavioral issues you know proven hard science like that stuff.

The other day Romney was speaking to a large group of supporters and hinted that the president had a hidden agenda to do away with religion and make America secular. Guess what this reminds me of:

In the 2004 campaign the Bush people knew that Kerry was a decorated war hero who actually served in a combat area with life ammunition exploding all around him. They also knew that Bush used family politics to get into the elite TX national guard outfit with the Dallas Cowboys then failed to serve the last 14 months of his obligation by transferring to the AL guards. In other words...a draft dodger.

They hired a bunch of useless pricks who had the morals of a Bourbon St. whore to tell a crock of stretegically formulated bare faced lies about Kerry's service and overcame the draft dodger issue.

Romney has started this "Obama Isn't A Christian" bullschit for one reason. He's a Mormon. Mormonism is the newest religion in the world. It was set up by Joseph Smith less than 200 years ago and the fables in it put most other religions to shame. Joseph smith enacted a faith with polygamy at the center post and proceeded to have 48 wives before he died. Romney's campaign knows religion will be a weakness for him and they've already begun to "Swiftboat" him.

Shut your draft dodging Goddamned mouth

I was in the army 1957-58 and served in the TN national guards till June of 1964. Read your history books....I served between the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. I was a tank commander on an M-48 med Patton tank when I was discharged. I wish I had that 90mm main gun and .50 cal turret mounted machine gun with me and you were around.
Romney never started obama isn't a Christian. That was around since CLINTON started obama isn't a Christian. Romney never mentions it. He prefers to keep to the issues.

Although it seems pretty clear from what obama does say that he intends for the country to be less religious and more secular. It might be an agenda, but it's not hidden.
Exploiting people's relative poverty is not a virtuous thing, no matter how many shades of rose colored glasses you put on. If your margin is 1,000 % it doesn't really matter that your workers earned 75 cents for milk. You still ripped them off and sucked a massive profit out of their community and nation.
My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

Fuck your beloved imaginary land. This is America, it's a great(but not perfect) land that isn't owned by you in your dreams where you get your way on everything.

This country is still great, and is not reduced on any level because of "liberal Americans", as you say.
(FYI: thanks to the OP for this thread)

I suggest reading a conservative critique of Capitalism: The Cultural Contradictions Of Capitalism, by Daniel Bell.

Here is the kind of thing the book tries to explain.

1) Conservatives want cultural integrity and autonomy - they don't want their great traditions to be destroyed by foreign influences. "Borders, Language, and Culture".

Conservatives generally want closed borders.

2) BUT, Capital wants open borders. It wants unrestricted access to all the world's labor and raw materials. It wants a unitary set of laws that merge all countries into one predictable territory. It doesn't want to waste money as it crosses national borders and global territorial zones trying to accommodate different trade laws and environmental regulations and labor laws. The efficiency requirements of capitalism mandates the unrestricted flow of capital and resources. To have a different set of trade laws at every border requires huge costs.

Capitalism doesn't see illegal Mexican labor as a cultural problem; rather, it sees a higher return on investment.

The Republican Party embodies this contradiction by blending Conservatives and Libertarians. (FYI: Reagan managed this contradiction brilliantly because he wasn't intellectually deep enough to see or struggle with the contradiction. The point of Talk Radio was to "dumb-down" conservative voters to the point where they too didn't see the contradiction)

The Republican Party is owned by Capital. (the Democratic Party under Clinton is too)

Capital is not patriotic. If it can make more money by sending jobs to dictator-run sweat shop countries, than it will sell American labor down river. If it can make a higher return by opening borders to illegal labor, than it will do it. If it can get a higher return by imposing a unitary set of trade trade laws (thus making it easier for capital to flow freely to all the worlds investment opportunities), than it will absolutely do it.

The original poster should look no further than The Father of his Party - Ronald Reagan.

Capitalism has no need of juridically complex, culturally diverse nation states. It requires the most immediate, efficient, predictable access to all the world's markets. It requires not a diverse world of autonomous nations, but a single world run by one set of laws.

(I am begging Republicans to turn off FOX News and study Free Market Capitalism. Markets are not free when they are sliced up by a hundred different sets of trade, labor, and environmental laws. They are not free if they must obey a different set of cultural standards at every border. Capitalism does not want a diverse world of autonomous cultures and traditions and languages. It wants ONE world of raw material and labor - it wants immediate access to these things. Why do you think Reagan was so soft on illegal immigration? Why do you think he passed the largest amnesty bill in this country's history? Because capital wants access to Mexican labor and resources. Capitalism is the most powerful force in history. Why do you morons think it could ever be hedged in by silly man made borders?)

If you want to understand GATT and the WTO, than look at your party.

Look in the mirror.

Look at your blessed free market capitalism.

(Listen, I'm fine with it. I've been given a good life by virtue of living in the global north, paying pennies for 3rd world labor and raw materials. I'm not the one in the sweat shop. I don't have a foreign military base in my back yard, making sure my country is playing ball with outside interests. I'm not the one drinking polluted water so that corporations have cheaper operating costs. But I don't celebrate the leveling affect of capital. I'm just glad I understand it, rather than living in a Glen Beck bubble where I would never see the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism)
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Every single contract any person, organization or country signs is a loss of sovereignty. Every single one. A contract restricts your actions and rights based upon the terms of the contract, and in turn one receives specified benefits.

A contract signed by nations is called a "treaty." Countries sign treaties because they believe it is in their benefit to do so. In turn, the country gives up some sovereignty because this is the nature of a contract. Thus, every contract the United States has ever signed in some way a loss of sovereignty, which restricts the actions of the US government.

The adjudicating panels of the GATT and WTO are, for the most part, paper tigers. They don't force the US to change its laws or its actions. Rather, they set the penalties which are levied against violators. The United States routinely violates international trade agreements - whether it is tariffs on steel, or tariffs softwood lumber from Canada, or restricting truckers from Mexico, or allowing gaming from Antigua. The US has a long history of violating trade agreements it has signed. The United States has repeatedly lost in international trade courts on softwood lumber for decades, yet it hasn't changed the way the US has behaved.

So the OP is a canard.
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Exploiting people's relative poverty is not a virtuous thing, no matter how many shades of rose colored glasses you put on. If your margin is 1,000 % it doesn't really matter that your workers earned 75 cents for milk. You still ripped them off and sucked a massive profit out of their community and nation.

If the alternative is to leave them mired in the kind of grinding poverty they are in, yes exploiting relative poverty is a wonderful thing. It is a humanitarian thing.

India is an emerging nation, it will be a world economic power in a few years. This would never have happened if their poor had not been exploted by making their lives better in the first place.
The other day Romney was speaking to a large group of supporters and hinted that the president had a hidden agenda to do away with religion and make America secular. Guess what this reminds me of:

In the 2004 campaign the Bush people knew that Kerry was a decorated war hero who actually served in a combat area with life ammunition exploding all around him. They also knew that Bush used family politics to get into the elite TX national guard outfit with the Dallas Cowboys then failed to serve the last 14 months of his obligation by transferring to the AL guards. In other words...a draft dodger.

They hired a bunch of useless pricks who had the morals of a Bourbon St. whore to tell a crock of stretegically formulated bare faced lies about Kerry's service and overcame the draft dodger issue.

Romney has started this "Obama Isn't A Christian" bullschit for one reason. He's a Mormon. Mormonism is the newest religion in the world. It was set up by Joseph Smith less than 200 years ago and the fables in it put most other religions to shame. Joseph smith enacted a faith with polygamy at the center post and proceeded to have 48 wives before he died. Romney's campaign knows religion will be a weakness for him and they've already begun to "Swiftboat" him.

Shut your draft dodging Goddamned mouth

I was in the army 1957-58 and served in the TN national guards till June of 1964. Read your history books....I served between the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. I was a tank commander on an M-48 med Patton tank when I was discharged. I wish I had that 90mm main gun and .50 cal turret mounted machine gun with me and you were around.

Yes you certainly are the internet tough guy and blowhard. :lol:
Exploiting people's relative poverty is not a virtuous thing, no matter how many shades of rose colored glasses you put on. If your margin is 1,000 % it doesn't really matter that your workers earned 75 cents for milk. You still ripped them off and sucked a massive profit out of their community and nation.

If the alternative is to leave them mired in the kind of grinding poverty they are in, yes exploiting relative poverty is a wonderful thing. It is a humanitarian thing.

India is an emerging nation, it will be a world economic power in a few years. This would never have happened if their poor had not been exploted by making their lives better in the first place.

No, it's not a humanitarian thing. Exploiting poverty for personal gain is despicable. Period. Decent people do not adopt these moral rationalizations you present. If you profit 100 pieces from a mans labor and give him only one piece for his work, you can not morally justify this by saying that otherwise, he would have none. You still took an unfair share of his labor and justified it by quoting the man's poverty. This is a tool of evil.
I have been asked to tell you specifically why I am ashamed of my country. I will now do so. First a disclaimer! What I am about to reveal is highly controversial because it involves Judaism. Let me state for the record that my Christianity precludes me from being anti-Semitic. Beyond this, I sincerely believe that Jews are no different from the rest of us and that there religion is not inherently bad or evil. Having said this, let me also state that I believe that Judaism happens to be cursed by far too many people in positions of leadership who are misguided and do evil because they think that their despicable behavior is sanctioned by God. This is especially true of Zionist leaders. Please be careful not to conclude that these statements apply to adherents to Zionism or Judaism, but instead, solely to some of their leaders in key positions of leadership.

In 1913, our government was overtaken by Zionist elements in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. A key agenda of these people was the establishment of the State of Israel. For the sake of achieving this goal, the Zionist induced America to enter WWI on the side of the allies who as a result, won the war they were losing before America became involved. This development planted the seeds of anti-Semitism in Germany which were further galvanized by the Zionist inspired harsh peace terms imposed by the treaty of Versailles. The Zionist took these steps to deliberately instill hostility to the Jews in the German people because they needed to create a hostile environment in Europe so as to garner immigrants for the soon to be created state of Israel. Toward this end the Zionists also financed Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and in 1933 engineered a declaration of total war against Germany by world Jewry.

There you have it. This is only a small part of this horrific story but it essentially is why I am ashamed to be an American. Like Germany, the United States is a victim and stooge to the Zionists. We entered WWI because of their duplicity and intrigue and the Zionists also bear direct and sole responsibility for bringing on WWII. Now, on their behalf we are aiding and abetting them in victimizing the Palestinian people. The real tragedy is that in this cause we are sacrificing our rights, our resources, our young men and women, our Constitution, and our heritage. We think we are trying to rid the world of terrorism, but what we are really doing is ridding the world of ourselves.
Shut your draft dodging Goddamned mouth

I was in the army 1957-58 and served in the TN national guards till June of 1964. Read your history books....I served between the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. I was a tank commander on an M-48 med Patton tank when I was discharged. I wish I had that 90mm main gun and .50 cal turret mounted machine gun with me and you were around.

Yes you certainly are the internet tough guy and blowhard. :lol:

Jeebus what a stupid a-hole. And you're projecting again, moron.
I have been asked to tell you specifically why I am ashamed of my country. I will now do so. First a disclaimer! What I am about to reveal is highly controversial because it involves Judaism. Let me state for the record that my Christianity precludes me from being anti-Semitic. Beyond this, I sincerely believe that Jews are no different from the rest of us and that there religion is not inherently bad or evil. Having said this, let me also state that I believe that Judaism happens to be cursed by far too many people in positions of leadership who are misguided and do evil because they think that their despicable behavior is sanctioned by God. This is especially true of Zionist leaders. Please be careful not to conclude that these statements apply to adherents to Zionism or Judaism, but instead, solely to some of their leaders in key positions of leadership.

In 1913, our government was overtaken by Zionist elements in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. A key agenda of these people was the establishment of the State of Israel. For the sake of achieving this goal, the Zionist induced America to enter WWI on the side of the allies who as a result, won the war they were losing before America became involved. This development planted the seeds of anti-Semitism in Germany which were further galvanized by the Zionist inspired harsh peace terms imposed by the treaty of Versailles. The Zionist took these steps to deliberately instill hostility to the Jews in the German people because they needed to create a hostile environment in Europe so as to garner immigrants for the soon to be created state of Israel. Toward this end the Zionists also financed Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and in 1933 engineered a declaration of total war against Germany by world Jewry.

There you have it. This is only a small part of this horrific story but it essentially is why I am ashamed to be an American. Like Germany, the United States is a victim and stooge to the Zionists. We entered WWI because of their duplicity and intrigue and the Zionists also bear direct and sole responsibility for bringing on WWII. Now, on their behalf we are aiding and abetting them in victimizing the Palestinian people. The real tragedy is that in this cause we are sacrificing our rights, our resources, our young men and women, our Constitution, and our heritage. We think we are trying to rid the world of terrorism, but what we are really doing is ridding the world of ourselves.

Oh boy....

You just said that out loud... I'm going to take a few steps away from you now. :lol:
Toward this end the Zionists also financed Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and in 1933 engineered a declaration of total war against Germany by world Jewry.

I think what is going on in the west bank is despicable. I think the state of Israel's use of hard power is scary.

But I don't think the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of Jews was invented by Jews so that they could create the stare of Israel, and have a base to control the world.

However, I think your position points to an interesting problem inside the Republican party - one that Jewish Republicans NEVER admit. The problem is this: there is a very real coalition inside of the Conservative Movement that wants to "solve" the American Jewish Problem. They believe that Jews are secretly controlling the United States (and the world) in ways that are doing great harm - and, worse, this small group of conservatives would like to solve that problem by some day "taking action". This is exactly what Hitler thought about the jews, i.e., Hitler believed they had sneakily risen to positions of power inside Germany, and they were slowly corrupting Germany. (More broadly, he thought that the multiculturalism and relativism of European Liberalism was corroding German tradition via tolerance of external peoples and languages - just like American Conservatives. For Hitler, the Jews were the perfect symbol of this larger problem. The parallels between the rise of Nazism and the rise of the New Right in the USA are similar in some ways - both groups believed that the Real Germany/America was/is being secretly destroyed by hidden domestic contagions. Hitler believed that the liberal Weimar Republic had given Jews too many positions of power inside political, cultural, and economic sectors. Similarly, there are American conservatives who believe the exact same thing is happening today. From Nixon's "Jew-run Liberal media" to the oft-repeated fear of Jews in banking and foreign policy, e.g., neocons)

I realize that it's hard for you to be completely honest because you fear that people are not open to your views. You probably feel that they are victims of official history.

Are you sympathetic to Hitler? Do you think he was a victim of the Jews?
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