I Am Ashamed of My Country

What's poverty? . . . SNIP

You have no idea what poverty means, do you?

You have no idea how companies exploit poverty, do you?

You and your kind will be the reason my GOP gets defeated badly this fall.

The American people are often distracted but in this election they are paying attention, and the American people will not fall for your nonsense this time.
[...] However, I think your position points to an interesting problem inside the Republican party - one that Jewish Republicans NEVER admit. The problem is this: there is a very real coalition inside of the Conservative Movement that wants to "solve" the American Jewish Problem. They believe that Jews are secretly controlling the United States (and the world) in ways that are doing great harm - and, worse, this small group of conservatives would like to solve that problem by some day "taking action". This is exactly what Hitler thought about the jews, i.e., Hitler believed they had sneakily risen to positions of power inside Germany, and they were slowly corrupting Germany. (More broadly, he thought that the multiculturalism and relativism of European Liberalism was corroding German tradition via tolerance of external peoples and languages - just like American Conservatives. For Hitler, the Jews were the perfect symbol of this larger problem. The parallels between the rise of Nazism and the rise of the New Right in the USA are similar in some ways - both groups believed that the Real Germany/America was/is being secretly destroyed by hidden domestic contagions. Hitler believed that the liberal Weimar Republic had given Jews too many positions of power inside political, cultural, and economic sectors. Similarly, there are American conservatives who believe the exact same thing is happening today. From Nixon's "Jew-run Liberal media" to the oft-repeated fear of Jews in banking and foreign policy, e.g., neocons)

I've never seen 'the establishment'/tea-bagger divide characterized quite that way, but now that you mention it...
Oh boy....

You just said that out loud... I'm going to take a few steps away from you now. :lol:

Sweet Willy:

Yes, I said it out loud because this is what I believe is true. Would you expect anything else from me? I never ask anyone to back the hand I play not even when I stopped the City I worked for from dumping raw sewage into the that river that I lived on and ran through the heart of downtown. Everybody I worked with knew it was happening, but I alone bore the brunt of making it stop. That's the way life is. Those who do us the most good are nailed to the cross.
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Oh boy....

You just said that out loud... I'm going to take a few steps away from you now. :lol:

Sweet Willy:

Yes, I said it out loud because this is what I believe is true. Would you expect anything else from me? I never ask anyone to back the hand I play not even when I stopped the City I worked for from dumping raw sewage into the that river that I lived on and ran through the heart of downtown. Everybody I worked with knew it was happening, but I alone bore the of making it stop. That's the way life is. Those who do us the most good are nailed to the cross.

Look man, I have been accused of being antisemitic because I am adverse to some tenants of Judaism as well as being adverse to our support of Israel. However, to go so far as to claim that powerful Jews backed the slaughter of millions of their own people in order to foster the formation of the Israeli state is pure lunacy.
I am 68 years old, secure in retirement, led a storybook life, was a Navy Fighter Pilot, live far better than most Americans, and consider myself a patriot, a loyal American, a Christian, and a solid citizen. Upon my retirement as a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale, the City Commission dedicated the day I retired to me in my honor. Despite all this something is very wrong. I am ashamed of my country and believe that, for the past 100 years, the true history of this nation is one of deception, shame, and dishonor. Compounding my problem is that fact that as a Christian I believe God is truth. Therefore, I cannot lie to myself even though I loathe thinking what I believe to be true.

I began my walk which led me to where I am when Congress enacted the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994. At the time, on my way to work I picked up a copy of the Sun-Sentinel and read these words; tossing sovereignty issues aside, Congress passed GATT. Upon so doing, I asked myself, “How the hell can Congress toss sovereignty issues aside? They are paid to protect our sovereignty.” Subsequently, I purchased a copy of the GATT accord and read it from cover to cover. I was shocked! Congress didn’t just toss sovereignty issues aside they tossed them in the shitter. What I learned was that a condition of our membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) was Congress had to agree to subordinate itself, our President, and our Supreme Court to the WTO’s Ruling Panels and take steps to ensure that all our laws, regulations, and procedures conformed with those of the WTO.

My anger motivated me to write a book entitled, “While We Sleep, A Story of Government Without Law”. I also took it upon myself to sue our President and Congress over GATT’s Constitutionality acting as attorney pro se for the voting citizens of this nation. I also hosted a website called the Constitution Forum and recently, I wrote an open letter to the citizens of the United States which I mistakenly posted on this message board as my first thread. I say mistakenly because entire articles should not be posted because of legitimate concerns about possible copyright infringements. In any case, the purpose of my letter was to lead Americans down a similar path to the one I had taken in the hope they would finally wake up.

If you are interested in learning more about these matters, please use the following links.

My Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States:
An open letter to the citizens of the United States of America « The PPJ Gazette

A free copy of my book, “While We Sleep”:
While We Sleep - A Story of Government Without Law by Alan R. Adaschik

A transcript of my Lawsuit against the Federal Government:
A Constitutional Challenge To The WTO

If you have any questions about anything I have written or would like clarifying information, just ask. If you find anything in this material that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention and provide me with the reasons for your disagreement. I sincerely hope one of you can demonstrate where I have gone wrong so I can sleep better at night.

You appear to be very intelligent, very perceptive and very much an American. I won't hold the Christian part against you unless you become a fundamentalist preacher trying to spread the word.
You shouldn't hold anything against him. Spreading the word is what Christians are supposed to do, but then you have no clue what being a real Christian means.
Toward this end the Zionists also financed Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and in 1933 engineered a declaration of total war against Germany by world Jewry.

I think what is going on in the west bank is despicable. I think the state of Israel's use of hard power is scary.

But I don't think the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of Jews was invented by Jews so that they could create the stare of Israel, and have a base to control the world.

However, I think your position points to an interesting problem inside the Republican party - one that Jewish Republicans NEVER admit. The problem is this: there is a very real coalition inside of the Conservative Movement that wants to "solve" the American Jewish Problem. They believe that Jews are secretly controlling the United States (and the world) in ways that are doing great harm - and, worse, this small group of conservatives would like to solve that problem by some day "taking action". This is exactly what Hitler thought about the jews, i.e., Hitler believed they had sneakily risen to positions of power inside Germany, and they were slowly corrupting Germany. (More broadly, he thought that the multiculturalism and relativism of European Liberalism was corroding German tradition via tolerance of external peoples and languages - just like American Conservatives. For Hitler, the Jews were the perfect symbol of this larger problem. The parallels between the rise of Nazism and the rise of the New Right in the USA are similar in some ways - both groups believed that the Real Germany/America was/is being secretly destroyed by hidden domestic contagions. Hitler believed that the liberal Weimar Republic had given Jews too many positions of power inside political, cultural, and economic sectors. Similarly, there are American conservatives who believe the exact same thing is happening today. From Nixon's "Jew-run Liberal media" to the oft-repeated fear of Jews in banking and foreign policy, e.g., neocons)

I realize that it's hard for you to be completely honest because you fear that people are not open to your views. You probably feel that they are victims of official history.

Are you sympathetic to Hitler? Do you think he was a victim of the Jews?


I am not at all sympathetic to Hitler and think he was insane. I also do not think he was a victim of the Jews. I think he was a victim of Zionist leaders who used him for their purposes. The murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazis is a fact. However, we do not blame the German people for what the Nazi's wrought. Similarly, we should not blame the Jewish people for what Zionist leaders have wrought. I do think that the Zionist leaders who got us involved in WWI and brought on WWII are not much better than the Nazis. They are cut from the same block of wood; amoral, criminals of the first order, and totally insane.

If you don't mind me asking, what denomination of Christianity do you favor (if any)?
I suggest reading a conservative critique of Capitalism: The Cultural Contradictions Of Capitalism, by Daniel Bell.

Blimey, old chap.

In order for your criticism to be valid you must know the difference between fascism and capitalism.

While our founding fathers wanted a capitalist country , during the 1860's the powers-that-be adopted fascism as the nation's socioeconomic system. The latter was confirmed during the FDR administration.

Sweet Willy:

Yes, I said it out loud because this is what I believe is true. Would you expect anything else from me? I never ask anyone to back the hand I play not even when I stopped the City I worked for from dumping raw sewage into the that river that I lived on and ran through the heart of downtown. Everybody I worked with knew it was happening, but I alone bore the of making it stop. That's the way life is. Those who do us the most good are nailed to the cross.

Look man, I have been accused of being antisemitic because I am adverse to some tenants of Judaism as well as being adverse to our support of Israel. However, to go so far as to claim that powerful Jews backed the slaughter of millions of their own people in order to foster the formation of the Israeli state is pure lunacy.

Dear Sweet Willy:

What is pure lunacy is that it actually happened.

There are three Jews that I admire as much as Thomas Jefferson. They are Albert Einstein, Leonard Cohen, and Benjamin Freedman. Einstein because he was so intelligent, Leonard Cohen because he sang about and exposed the people I have written about, and Benjamin Freedman because he dedicated his life and fortune to exposing these same people. Einstein you know about. To learn about Leonard Cohen go and listen to the CD "More of the best of Leonard Cohen". To learn about what Bejamin Feedman said, go to the following link:

The Amazing Warnings Of Benjamin Freedman
Romney never started obama isn't a Christian. That was around since CLINTON started obama isn't a Christian. Romney never mentions it. He prefers to keep to the issues.

Although it seems pretty clear from what obama does say that he intends for the country to be less religious and more secular. It might be an agenda, but it's not hidden.

He did say it...I saw a video of it and the discussion which ensued lasted about ten minutes.
I have been asked to tell you specifically why I am ashamed of my country. I will now do so. First a disclaimer! What I am about to reveal is highly controversial because it involves Judaism. Let me state for the record that my Christianity precludes me from being anti-Semitic. Beyond this, I sincerely believe that Jews are no different from the rest of us and that there religion is not inherently bad or evil. Having said this, let me also state that I believe that Judaism happens to be cursed by far too many people in positions of leadership who are misguided and do evil because they think that their despicable behavior is sanctioned by God. This is especially true of Zionist leaders. Please be careful not to conclude that these statements apply to adherents to Zionism or Judaism, but instead, solely to some of their leaders in key positions of leadership.

In 1913, our government was overtaken by Zionist elements in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. A key agenda of these people was the establishment of the State of Israel. For the sake of achieving this goal, the Zionist induced America to enter WWI on the side of the allies who as a result, won the war they were losing before America became involved. This development planted the seeds of anti-Semitism in Germany which were further galvanized by the Zionist inspired harsh peace terms imposed by the treaty of Versailles. The Zionist took these steps to deliberately instill hostility to the Jews in the German people because they needed to create a hostile environment in Europe so as to garner immigrants for the soon to be created state of Israel. Toward this end the Zionists also financed Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and in 1933 engineered a declaration of total war against Germany by world Jewry.

There you have it. This is only a small part of this horrific story but it essentially is why I am ashamed to be an American. Like Germany, the United States is a victim and stooge to the Zionists. We entered WWI because of their duplicity and intrigue and the Zionists also bear direct and sole responsibility for bringing on WWII. Now, on their behalf we are aiding and abetting them in victimizing the Palestinian people. The real tragedy is that in this cause we are sacrificing our rights, our resources, our young men and women, our Constitution, and our heritage. We think we are trying to rid the world of terrorism, but what we are really doing is ridding the world of ourselves.

You lost me here. You make outrageous claims. it's a good idea to back claims like this up. Let's see some credible links, in Context.
Toward this end the Zionists also financed Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and in 1933 engineered a declaration of total war against Germany by world Jewry.

I think what is going on in the west bank is despicable. I think the state of Israel's use of hard power is scary.

But I don't think the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of Jews was invented by Jews so that they could create the stare of Israel, and have a base to control the world.

However, I think your position points to an interesting problem inside the Republican party - one that Jewish Republicans NEVER admit. The problem is this: there is a very real coalition inside of the Conservative Movement that wants to "solve" the American Jewish Problem. They believe that Jews are secretly controlling the United States (and the world) in ways that are doing great harm - and, worse, this small group of conservatives would like to solve that problem by some day "taking action". This is exactly what Hitler thought about the jews, i.e., Hitler believed they had sneakily risen to positions of power inside Germany, and they were slowly corrupting Germany. (More broadly, he thought that the multiculturalism and relativism of European Liberalism was corroding German tradition via tolerance of external peoples and languages - just like American Conservatives. For Hitler, the Jews were the perfect symbol of this larger problem. The parallels between the rise of Nazism and the rise of the New Right in the USA are similar in some ways - both groups believed that the Real Germany/America was/is being secretly destroyed by hidden domestic contagions. Hitler believed that the liberal Weimar Republic had given Jews too many positions of power inside political, cultural, and economic sectors. Similarly, there are American conservatives who believe the exact same thing is happening today. From Nixon's "Jew-run Liberal media" to the oft-repeated fear of Jews in banking and foreign policy, e.g., neocons)

I realize that it's hard for you to be completely honest because you fear that people are not open to your views. You probably feel that they are victims of official history.

Are you sympathetic to Hitler? Do you think he was a victim of the Jews?

Spoken like a True Statist Propagandist. Fuck Off.
Every single contract any person, organization or country signs is a loss of sovereignty. Every single one. A contract restricts your actions and rights based upon the terms of the contract, and in turn one receives specified benefits.

A contract signed by nations is called a "treaty." Countries sign treaties because they believe it is in their benefit to do so. In turn, the country gives up some sovereignty because this is the nature of a contract. Thus, every contract the United States has ever signed in some way a loss of sovereignty, which restricts the actions of the US government.

The adjudicating panels of the GATT and WTO are, for the most part, paper tigers. They don't force the US to change its laws or its actions. Rather, they set the penalties which are levied against violators. The United States routinely violates international trade agreements - whether it is tariffs on steel, or tariffs softwood lumber from Canada, or restricting truckers from Mexico, or allowing gaming from Antigua. The US has a long history of violating trade agreements it has signed. The United States has repeatedly lost in international trade courts on softwood lumber for decades, yet it hasn't changed the way the US has behaved.

So the OP is a canard.
You could have just thanked my post #98 and saved yourself some typing.
Toward this end the Zionists also financed Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and in 1933 engineered a declaration of total war against Germany by world Jewry.

I think what is going on in the west bank is despicable. I think the state of Israel's use of hard power is scary.

But I don't think the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of Jews was invented by Jews so that they could create the stare of Israel, and have a base to control the world.

However, I think your position points to an interesting problem inside the Republican party - one that Jewish Republicans NEVER admit. The problem is this: there is a very real coalition inside of the Conservative Movement that wants to "solve" the American Jewish Problem. They believe that Jews are secretly controlling the United States (and the world) in ways that are doing great harm - and, worse, this small group of conservatives would like to solve that problem by some day "taking action". This is exactly what Hitler thought about the jews, i.e., Hitler believed they had sneakily risen to positions of power inside Germany, and they were slowly corrupting Germany. (More broadly, he thought that the multiculturalism and relativism of European Liberalism was corroding German tradition via tolerance of external peoples and languages - just like American Conservatives. For Hitler, the Jews were the perfect symbol of this larger problem. The parallels between the rise of Nazism and the rise of the New Right in the USA are similar in some ways - both groups believed that the Real Germany/America was/is being secretly destroyed by hidden domestic contagions. Hitler believed that the liberal Weimar Republic had given Jews too many positions of power inside political, cultural, and economic sectors. Similarly, there are American conservatives who believe the exact same thing is happening today. From Nixon's "Jew-run Liberal media" to the oft-repeated fear of Jews in banking and foreign policy, e.g., neocons)

I realize that it's hard for you to be completely honest because you fear that people are not open to your views. You probably feel that they are victims of official history.

Are you sympathetic to Hitler? Do you think he was a victim of the Jews?


I am not at all sympathetic to Hitler and think he was insane. I also do not think he was a victim of the Jews. I think he was a victim of Zionist leaders who used him for their purposes. The murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazis is a fact.

Uber-Conservative Pat Buchanan disagrees with you.

However, we do not blame the German people for what the Nazi's wrought. Similarly, we should not blame the Jewish people for what Zionist leaders have wrought. I do think that the Zionist leaders who got us involved in WWI and brought on WWII are not much better than the Nazis. They are cut from the same block of wood; amoral, criminals of the first order, and totally insane.

We certainly do. The German people made up the ranks of the Nazis.
However, we do not blame the German people for what the Nazi's wrought. Similarly, we should not blame the Jewish people for what Zionist leaders have wrought. I do think that the Zionist leaders who got us involved in WWI and brought on WWII are not much better than the Nazis. They are cut from the same block of wood; amoral, criminals of the first order, and totally insane.

We certainly do. The German people made up the ranks of the Nazis.

If you believe that all Germans were Nazis, then you believe that all Jews are Zionists and this means that nothing I say or write will ever make any sense to you. You flunk basic logic and this is why logic is no longer taught in our schools. The Zionist hope we will all flunk so they can have their way with us.

Excerpt: Our choice is clear. Vote for Ron Paul who stands for a government defined by and subservient to our Constitution or vote for a candidate who secretly swears allegiance to the New World Order.

Okie doke!


There are signs. Recently, SCYTL took over SOE. Our votes used to be counted here in the states and will now be counted by a global company in Spain. Some say it will be impossible to have a recount because there is no chain of custody and no permanent record of the electronic votes. Whatever SCYTL says, goes. It is also rumored that Soros owns some stock in SCTYL, though don't know if it's confirmed.

Why are we letting others count votes for our presidential elections and we have to accept their final tally without challenge? If one is worried about millions of illegal aliens voting, they won't have any recourse when wanting to validate votes. The sanctity of our voting system is already compromised. Who was it that said, "Those who vote do not have the power, those who count the votes do."

We also have the U.N. wanting to control guns in the U.S., as well as have authority over our energy. A lot of America's money will be redistributed throughout the world because of cap and trade policies being sneaked through by Obama's EPA chief.

Obama also promised a better world because he got elected. He didn't say 'country.'

Those who laugh at the New World Order plan are eerily similar to those who scoffed at the though of Hitler wanting to rule the world. Ridicule anyone who believes that some are so power hungry and narcissistic that they believe they are worthy of the title 'King of the World."
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If you believe that all Germans were Nazis, then you believe that all Jews are Zionists and this means that nothing I say or write will ever make any sense to you. .

I am against Zionism. I believe that Israelis ought to abolish the Jewish State and restore Palestinian sovereignty.

Having said that , the Germans TACITLY approved the Jewish Holocaust by failing or refusing to intervene in order to prevent the massacre.

Just like Americans failed or refused to prevent the Davidians Holocaust.



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