I Am Ashamed of My Country

"My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story."

Oh god, here we go. Get out the pom poms and skirts. Lets all do a rah rah for america. We are a nation of people. Thats it and thats that. NO more, no less. america is a rat race. its about survival. holding on and barely making it. thats what america is all about. always has been.

No...not always, thanks to Reagan and the Bushes


There have always been rich and poor in America. The middle class is a more recent development. Our poor are more rich than many in the world. Please continue to whine though, its funny.
No, it's not funny, because our middle class (the health and wealth of this country) is very weak financially because of the stupid government kiss ass of the rich and wealthy the last thirty years.

Go to taking care of the middle class again, which will pull the poor up and not hurt the wealthy, and America will recover quickly.
Im not ashamed of my country or it's citizens. I do, however, think all of us can be extremely stupid from time to time. We make mistakes. We do good things and we do horribly bad things. We do things in between.

I believe in redemption though. And Im more than willing to overlook the faults of others if they do the same for me. Heck, Ill probably do so regardless of whether they do or not. But regardless, I have to fight for what's right. If i make mistakes, I need to correct myself. I need to be honest with myself and those around me even if they aren't.

Because that's the only way I can ensure that honesty, personal responsibility and charity are promoted in the world. I can only control me and can only influence others, including my family, to a limited degree.
No, it's not funny, because our middle class (the health and wealth of this country) is very weak financially because of the stupid government kiss ass of the rich and wealthy the last thirty years.

Go to taking care of the middle class again, which will pull the poor up and not hurt the wealthy, and America will recover quickly.

How about the government just gets the heck out of our lives and we let ourselves rise and fall on our own merits.
Because government has a positive role in our lives.

It only becomes destructive when We the People don't govern our elected representatives carefully.

Our party from 1994 to 2006 had the great opportunity to take our country in a 21st century of hope and promise, and we screwed it over to make the wealthy, the social conservatives, and the neo-cons happy.

What a collective mistake that still reverberates.
You believe your personal weaponry will protect your Constitutional rights. That is laughable in the face of the weaponry the state can bring to bear.

But continue your Rambo fantasies.
LOL....yeah, up to and including cruise missles and drones. Back when the Rev war was fought everybody had a horse and musket...if they were lucky

Come on guys, am I THAT big of a threat to you?
No - you're not a threat to anyone! That's my point.
Not real keen on the self promotion aspect of your OP.

Also, not a big fan of conspiracy theories, as they ultimately require too many to know too much without ever telling the public.

Bottomline, NO ONE can take anyway your Constitutional rights. At least as long as the second amendment stands.

Riiiight. Because your various peashooters will keep the SWAT teams at bay. :lol:

Actually keeping them at bay is the easiest part of it.

Just look at what a handful of non educated people have done to stymie our armed forces in Iraq and Afganny..
I don't think any of those folks are holed up in a house or out in the open, stymieing our military's attempts to kill them. They are blowing themselves up.

saveliberty is welcome to do that, but then his Constitutional rights won't do him much good.

If you don't mind me asking, what denomination of Christianity do you favor (if any)?

I do not favor any particular denomination of Christianty. I am kind of independent who considers himself to be a Soldier of Christ and if you go to the follow article, you will learn what I believe............and don't expect to find too many other Christians who agree with me. Many are called, few are chosen.

God, the Bible, and Christianity | The Federal Observer

Pretty militant language concerning the Prince of Peace.

Are you on a Crusade?

If you don't mind me asking, what denomination of Christianity do you favor (if any)?

I do not favor any particular denomination of Christianty. I am kind of independent who considers himself to be a Soldier of Christ and if you go to the follow article, you will learn what I believe............and don't expect to find too many other Christians who agree with me. Many are called, few are chosen.

God, the Bible, and Christianity | The Federal Observer

I support Your Fundamental Right to live Life through Your Own eyes.
You're doing that fine dance of wanting to agree with him while not also looking like an anti-semite.

Watch out for tempo changes.
Newt asked his fucking dying of cancer wife for an open marriage. Fact.

The bitch STILL isn't dead, so if the first sentence is a lie, the whole post is worthless.

Fucking parrot...
Why is she a bitch, and why don't you believe that someone who is dying from cancer can be cured and recover? It happens every day.

Oh - third question: why are you such a fucking moron?
It's hard for most to seperate the concept of zionism out from under anti semite Al

which really works like a charm if you happen to be a zionist

I disagree and I offer the following to separate the two; Judaism is a Religion. Zionism is a political movement within Judaism. The two really are two different things. The purpose of Judaism is to find favor with God. The purpose of Zionism is to create a nation.

To help your thinking further, go to these websites and what I have said will become perfectly clear to you.

True Torah Jews Against Zionism

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

I have no problem with the existence of Israel.

I have no problem with its existence either. I just don't think we should have fought WWI, WWII, and a War on Terror so it can exist. I also resent that we have lost our rights, constitution, heritage, and freedom so it can exist. In other what I deeply resent is that apparently in order for Israel to exist, the United States of America can't. If you do not have problems with this, then you have my sympathy.
misquote removed

Jake: Have you been following this thread. I have been offering, not proof, but valid and cogent substantiation that establishes what I have said. I also asked you to read what Benjamin Freedman said about these issues. He is a Jew and first hand witness.

Here's the substantiation and testimony. If you want proof, sue me.

The designs and actions of the Zionists in our government – The Amazing Warnings of Benjamin Freedman; The Amazing Warnings Of Benjamin Freedman

The German 1916 Proposal for Peace – Total War and Peacemaking: http://www.hungarian-history.hu/lib.../www.hungarian-history.hu/lib/tria/tria03.htm

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Wikipedia.org: Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The British Mandate for Palestine: Brief History of of Palestine, Israel and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict (Arab-Israeli conflict, Middle East Conflict) British Mandate

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.
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If you don't mind me asking, what denomination of Christianity do you favor (if any)?

I do not favor any particular denomination of Christianty. I am kind of independent who considers himself to be a Soldier of Christ and if you go to the follow article, you will learn what I believe............and don't expect to find too many other Christians who agree with me. Many are called, few are chosen.

God, the Bible, and Christianity | The Federal Observer

Pretty militant language concerning the Prince of Peace.

Are you on a Crusade?

I know when I am being baited.

It is militant language because I take quite a beating when I try to show other Christians the error of their ways. Jesus Christ has put all of his followers on a Crusade. Don't you bear witness to your faith. Is that a Crusade?

Now please tell me what you are trying to accomplish with your questions? Maybe if you would be honest with me instead of playing games we could both learn something. Is this too much to ask?
Jake: Have you been following this thread. I have been offering, not proof, but valid and cogent substantiation that establishes what I have said. I also asked you to read what Benjamin Freedman said about these issues. He is a Jew and first hand witness.

Here's the substantiation and testimony. If you want proof, sue me.

The designs and actions of the Zionists in our government – The Amazing Warnings of Benjamin Freedman; The Amazing Warnings Of Benjamin Freedman

The German 1916 Proposal for Peace – Total War and Peacemaking: http://www.hungarian-history.hu/lib.../www.hungarian-history.hu/lib/tria/tria03.htm

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Wikipedia.org: Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The British Mandate for Palestine: Brief History of of Palestine, Israel and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict (Arab-Israeli conflict, Middle East Conflict) British Mandate

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

You are a common example of birthright envy: you are not, even as Hitler was not and hated the fact, one of the Chosen People.

So, repeated assertions that become proof?

So, forgeries of supposed events or documents?

So,outright lies and machinations of diseased minds, such as yours?

You must be Julius Streicher reborn.
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I'm not ashamed of my country because I understand the idiots currently in charge aren't really true Americans, they're just swine that weaseled their way into power.

When I was in Germany the week Obama took office, my German professor friend told me "You guys really screwed up." I just shrugged and said it will be over for him in 4 years or else the country could be doomed. He lived through the cold war in Germany and saw the socialists up close and realizes Obamination and his kind want to take us there.

My opinion is to fight it 100% but if they get their way and turn us into socialists, then just move to another country. Even Canada won't go that route ever, so they are a good option.
Jake: Have you been following this thread. I have been offering, not proof, but valid and cogent substantiation that establishes what I have said. I also asked you to read what Benjamin Freedman said about these issues. He is a Jew and first hand witness.

Here's the substantiation and testimony. If you want proof, sue me.

The designs and actions of the Zionists in our government – The Amazing Warnings of Benjamin Freedman; The Amazing Warnings Of Benjamin Freedman

The German 1916 Proposal for Peace – Total War and Peacemaking: http://www.hungarian-history.hu/lib.../www.hungarian-history.hu/lib/tria/tria03.htm

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Wikipedia.org: Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The British Mandate for Palestine: Brief History of of Palestine, Israel and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict (Arab-Israeli conflict, Middle East Conflict) British Mandate

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

Hey now.... I don't know how I got dragged back into this conversation but that IS NOT my quote up there attributed to me. How about you edit that and credit the person who said it?
Far as the rest of this stuff about the Jews, the way I see it, there is one problem with Judaism: it's racist. The entire thing is based on the Jewish blood line, how you are treated according to Jewish and Israeli law is all according to how you descended and to whom you belong. Take away the racial component and all this matters not. Never mind the details of what they did or how they did it.... the root of the problem is WHY they do what they do. They hold their own in favor due to an ethnic, racial determination. If you're born a certain way, you get special consideration. It's called racism, in modern terminology.
I'm not ashamed of my country because I understand the idiots currently in charge aren't really true Americans, they're just swine that weaseled their way into power.

When I was in Germany the week Obama took office, my German professor friend told me "You guys really screwed up." I just shrugged and said it will be over for him in 4 years or else the country could be doomed. He lived through the cold war in Germany and saw the socialists up close and realizes Obamination and his kind want to take us there.

My opinion is to fight it 100% but if they get their way and turn us into socialists, then just move to another country. Even Canada won't go that route ever, so they are a good option.

Germany has been socialist and will be again, and will remain a great place to live.

Canada has been socialist and will be again, and will remain a great place to live.

Obama is an uber-capitalist and Christian and American born, despite the lies about him, and American will remain a great place to live.
Far as the rest of this stuff about the Jews, the way I see it, there is one problem with Judaism: it's racist. The entire thing is based on the Jewish blood line, how you are treated according to Jewish and Israeli law is all according to how you descended and to whom you belong. Take away the racial component and all this matters not. Never mind the details of what they did or how they did it.... the root of the problem is WHY they do what they do. They hold their own in favor due to an ethnic, racial determination. If you're born a certain way, you get special consideration. It's called racism, in modern terminology.

That makes sense when your racial cousins all around you want to exterminate you.

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