I Am Ashamed of My Country

The Fed works well, Al is wrong, and let's move on.

Jake: Obviously, you can move on it you want, but I am going to complete what I started out to do.

The Fed works well? Yes it does work well for itself, but it is a horrible deal for us. Let's see now what does the Fed do:

It creates our own money out of thin air.
It raises and lowers interest rates.
and oh yes, it provides deposit insurance.

Now what do we pay and sacrifice for these services.

Contol of our government and the political processes of this nation.
All the money we borrow from the fed plus interest.
Depressions and recessions.
The loss of our Constitution.
The loss of all our inalienable rights.
Our well being and heritage.
Our freedom.

Yes, the Fed works real well. My question to you is who do you work for?

Nonsense, Al.

Al, I work for myself and the family business. We are small businessmen. You are an agitator with a silly cause.

Okay: you are an honest hard working American who refuses to see what is staring him right in the face. If you could just get past what you want see and open your eyes, you will begin to see what is really there. How you can ignore all the validation of what I contend to be true is mind boggling. The Quotes for example. How can you ignore the public statements of Benjamin Franklin, Woodrow Wilson, Rothschild, David Rockefeller? Are all these people idiots who had no idea what they are talking about. I am no talking about theory here, but instead the true history of the United States which fits the facts and make sense. What about Jekyll Island and the Biddleberger meetings. These are facts. Do you really think these peolple get together to play Tiddly Winks?

Jake, you are in denial.........BIG TIME. And because of your blind intransigence me and a lot of other people have to live in tyranny. Can't you wake and see not only how wrong you are, but how much harm you are doing becasue of your intransigence?
Why the heck would the people who started your master plan not implement the final results faster? All of them have died by now. Fail.
Jake: Obviously, you can move on it you want, but I am going to complete what I started out to do.

The Fed works well? Yes it does work well for itself, but it is a horrible deal for us. Let's see now what does the Fed do:

It creates our own money out of thin air.
It raises and lowers interest rates.
and oh yes, it provides deposit insurance.

Now what do we pay and sacrifice for these services.

Contol of our government and the political processes of this nation.
All the money we borrow from the fed plus interest.
Depressions and recessions.
The loss of our Constitution.
The loss of all our inalienable rights.
Our well being and heritage.
Our freedom.

Yes, the Fed works real well. My question to you is who do you work for?

Nonsense, Al.

Al, I work for myself and the family business. We are small businessmen. You are an agitator with a silly cause.

Okay: you are an honest hard working American who refuses to see what is staring him right in the face. If you could just get past what you want see and open your eyes, you will begin to see what is really there. How you can ignore all the validation of what I contend to be true is mind boggling. The Quotes for example. How can you ignore the public statements of Benjamin Franklin, Woodrow Wilson, Rothschild, David Rockefeller? Are all these people idiots who had no idea what they are talking about. I am no talking about theory here, but instead the true history of the United States which fits the facts and make sense. What about Jekyll Island and the Biddleberger meetings. These are facts. Do you really think these peolple get together to play Tiddly Winks?

Jake, you are in denial.........BIG TIME. And because of your blind intransigence me and a lot of other people have to live in tyranny. Can't you wake and see not only how wrong you are, but how much harm you are doing becasue of your intransigence?

If living together harmoniously in a society where laws are made by majoritarian consent while protecthing the minority rights is "tyranny", you are not very aware, Al.
Why the heck would the people who started your master plan not implement the final results faster? All of them have died by now. Fail.

NOT FAIL: These ruling families have been around for generations/centuries. There is continuity to what they do and when one gets old, they just pass the criminal enterprize to their progeny. What is so hard or complicated about understanding this. Didn't you ever watch the Godfather series?

You know I really feel sorry for you. It must be a terrible burden to keep denying what is intuitively obvious.
Okay: you are an honest hard working American who refuses to see what is staring him right in the face. If you could just get past what you want see and open your eyes, you will begin to see what is really there. How you can ignore all the validation of what I contend to be true is mind boggling. The Quotes for example. How can you ignore the public statements of Benjamin Franklin, Woodrow Wilson, Rothschild, David Rockefeller? Are all these people idiots who had no idea what they are talking about. I am no talking about theory here, but instead the true history of the United States which fits the facts and make sense. What about Jekyll Island and the Biddleberger meetings. These are facts. Do you really think these peolple get together to play Tiddly Winks?

Jake, you are in denial.........BIG TIME. And because of your blind intransigence me and a lot of other people have to live in tyranny. Can't you wake and see not only how wrong you are, but how much harm you are doing becasue of your intransigence?

Please give specifics on the tyranny you are currently suffering and how it is directly caused by The Fed.
citizenal said:
Jake, you are in denial.........BIG TIME. And because of your blind intransigence me and a lot of other people have to live in tyranny. Can't you wake and see not only how wrong you are, but how much harm you are doing becasue of your intransigence?

If living together harmoniously in a society where laws are made by majoritarian consent while protecthing the minority rights is "tyranny", you are not very aware, Al.[/QUOTE]

Tyranny is when those impower operate from a hidden agenda and use it to take away your rights and impose undeed draconian laws upon. It is a fact that the United States has become a lind of tyranny. Every single one of our rights have been comprimised including our inalienable ones. And you posture that we have all consented to this tragic and lamentable state of affairs. What planet do you live on? Zarcan? It sure isn't planet earth.

Yes, we protect minority rights in this country. We are pretty good at that. But what we are not good at protecting is the rights given to us by God and enshrined within our Constitution by the Founders. God bless America, both whites and blacks can go to an airport and like the brothers we are stand in the same line get our balls rubbed by some goon looking for explosives. I guess the TSA is for Gay rights also.
Please give specifics on the tyranny you are currently suffering and how it is directly caused by The Fed..

Well sakes alive, you finally asked a good question.

1. I pay income taxes becasue I am forced to. This tax money goes enitrly to the Fed. If my government did its job like its supposed to, I would not have to pay any income taxes. Our government is like Robin Hood, only it robs from us to give to the filthy rich.

2. I have relatives who died in the war on terror and in WWII. They probably would not have died the horrible deaths they did if it weren't for the Fed.

3. I pledge allegance to our Flag and to the Repbulic for which it stands. Everytime I do, my heart bleeds beause I know our Republic is dead and it was murderd by a bunch of demented criminals who put money and power ahead of all other things.

4. As an American I have a right to my heritage and the government bequeethed me by the Founders. This right has been taken away from me and instead I live under a goverment which is beholden to group of criminals and this being the case, the goverment we live under is a criminal enterprise.

Is this enough for you, or would you like me to go on? How you can be in such denial is beyond comprension. We are slowly being fed to the lions and you think we are on an outing visiting a zoo. Kind of like the Jews lining up for their showers. No, no one could possibly be that evil. Can't be happening.
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Al, you have every right to protest your feelings. But your protest should be based on empircal data corroborated objective evidence.

You are unable to do that.
1. Paying income taxes is not tyranny, Al, as it was ratified by Congress and 2/3ds of the states.

2. My father and his family served in the war, and it was not caused by the Fed.

3. Politicians always put money before honor and our rights, Al. As Madison stated, civic virtue is necessary to limit this weakness of human nature. I honor your speaking out even as I disagree with most of your points.

4. You have a right to your opinion, but your opinion is not mandatory on the rest of the citizens.

You are passionate but illogical, Al.
Jake, you are in denial.........BIG TIME. And because of your blind intransigence me and a lot of other people have to live in tyranny. Can't you wake and see not only how wrong you are, but how much harm you are doing becasue of your intransigence?

Please give specifics on the tyranny you are currently suffering and how it is directly caused by The Fed.

Well sakes alive, you finally asked a good question.

1. I pay income taxes becasue I am forced to. This tax money goes enitrly to the Fed. If my government did its job like its supposed to, I would not have to pay any income taxes. Our government is like Robin Hood, only it robs from us to give to the filthy rich.

Fail. The Treasury collects taxes, not The Fed. The people passes the Constitutional Amendment which allows for the tax to be levied and collected.

2. I have relatives who did in the war on terror and in WWII. They probably would not have died the horrible deaths they did if it weren't for the Fed.

The President and Congress have the power to wage war, not The Fed. Fail

3. I pledge allegance to our Flag and to the Repbulic for which it stands. Everytime I do, my heart bleds beause I know our Republic is dead and it was murderd by a bunch of demented criminals who put money and power ahead of all other things.

Claiming emotional damage? Really? The Republic is still here, no change in your voting rights at all. Fail4.

As an American I have a right to my heritage and the government bequeethed me by the Founders. This right has been taken away from me and instead I live under a goverment which is beholden to group of criminals and this being the case, the goverment we live under is a criminal enterprise.

Your heritage can't be taken by anyone. You are not showing how that causes tyranny directly to you or how The Fed is responsible.

Is this enough for you, or would you like me to go on? How you can be in such denial is beyond comprension. We are slowly being fed to the lions and you think we are on an outing visiting a zoo. Kind of like the Jews lining up for their showers. No, no one could possibly be that evil. Can't be happening.[/QUOTE]

My comments in blue. You totally failed to show any of the relationships you claimed. You just want a scapegoat for all your personal failings or medical conditions which cause the paranoia.
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I am out of rep power at the moment, but everyone reading saveliberty's comment above should rep it positively. Great answers.
Traditionally Al, this is where idiots like you go off and start another thread on the same topic.
Yeah, really good answers, let's pick up that football and run with it. Sorry Charlie, but the shit presented just doesn't roll at all. The answers suck and to respond to them is a waste of my time. But I will do it anyway just so you can't say that I copped out.

1. I didn't say the Fed collected the taxes. What I said is that it got them.

2. I didn't say that the president and Congress didn't retain the power to wage war. What I said they do it at the Feds instigation.

3. I didn't say my voting rights changed. The Republic is not here because our government no longer abides by our Constitution and if you think it does, send me your address, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.

4. My Heritage no longer exists because the government that the Founders bequeathed to me no longer exist. The Fed took it away. That's the central theme of this entire Thread.

The only thing that I an say at this point is that both you Jake and you saveliberty grab at things which support your cherished preconceived notions, throw in a few things which you make up yourself, and then ignore all the other supporting information which serves to make your statements and positions rediculous.

Pardon me, but I have had enough of this today. See you later morning. I hope the respite does you some good.

Have a good day.
Hmmm... absolutely no evidence presented by Al. Got called on bs and repeated the initial whine. Gee Al, this is your big cause, surely you have lots of documentation and links?
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Al, you have every right to protest your feelings. But your protest should be based on empircal data corroborated objective evidence.

You are unable to do that.

Jake, what I have done is offer you the most reasonable explanation for the events of this nation with supporting testimoney and documentation. What your are doing, essentially is asking me to prove God, or prove on line that I my sock has a hole in it and this is impossible. Tell you what, why don't you prove to all concerned that there is no New World Order. While your at, if you can't prove it doesen't exist, then conlusively prove that it plays no role in our lives and that I government just ignores what it tells us to do. Now don't give me the same bullshit I have been giving you. I want empiracal data.
Traditionally Al, this is where idiots like you go off and start another thread on the same topic.

Apparently you know a lot about what's typical. Tell me this, is it typical of you to call people names when you are unable to offer anything of value in regard to a cogent rebuttal.

You owe me an apology.
Al, you have every right to protest your feelings. But your protest should be based on empircal data corroborated objective evidence.

You are unable to do that.

Jake, what I have done is offer you the most reasonable explanation for the events of this nation with supporting testimoney and documentation. What your are doing, essentially is asking me to prove God, or prove on line that I my sock has a hole in it and this is impossible. Tell you what, why don't you prove to all concerned that there is no New World Order. While your at, if you can't prove it doesen't exist, then conlusively prove that it plays no role in our lives and that I government just ignores what it tells us to do. Now don't give me the same bullshit I have been giving you. I want empiracal data.

You are offering a theory of an immense conspiracy without empirical data for proof. I don't believe it exists, and you have given me no conclusive or consistent reason to investigate.

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