I Am Ashamed of My Country

I am 68 years old, secure in retirement, led a storybook life, was a Navy Fighter Pilot, live far better than most Americans, and consider myself a patriot, a loyal American, a Christian, and a solid citizen. Upon my retirement as a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale, the City Commission dedicated the day I retired to me in my honor. Despite all this something is very wrong. I am ashamed of my country and believe that, for the past 100 years, the true history of this nation is one of deception, shame, and dishonor. Compounding my problem is that fact that as a Christian I believe God is truth. Therefore, I cannot lie to myself even though I loathe thinking what I believe to be true.

I began my walk which led me to where I am when Congress enacted the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994. At the time, on my way to work I picked up a copy of the Sun-Sentinel and read these words; tossing sovereignty issues aside, Congress passed GATT. Upon so doing, I asked myself, “How the hell can Congress toss sovereignty issues aside? They are paid to protect our sovereignty.” Subsequently, I purchased a copy of the GATT accord and read it from cover to cover. I was shocked! Congress didn’t just toss sovereignty issues aside they tossed them in the shitter. What I learned was that a condition of our membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) was Congress had to agree to subordinate itself, our President, and our Supreme Court to the WTO’s Ruling Panels and take steps to ensure that all our laws, regulations, and procedures conformed with those of the WTO.

My anger motivated me to write a book entitled, “While We Sleep, A Story of Government Without Law”. I also took it upon myself to sue our President and Congress over GATT’s Constitutionality acting as attorney pro se for the voting citizens of this nation. I also hosted a website called the Constitution Forum and recently, I wrote an open letter to the citizens of the United States which I mistakenly posted on this message board as my first thread. I say mistakenly because entire articles should not be posted because of legitimate concerns about possible copyright infringements. In any case, the purpose of my letter was to lead Americans down a similar path to the one I had taken in the hope they would finally wake up.

If you are interested in learning more about these matters, please use the following links.

My Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States:
An open letter to the citizens of the United States of America « The PPJ Gazette

A free copy of my book, “While We Sleep”:
While We Sleep - A Story of Government Without Law by Alan R. Adaschik

A transcript of my Lawsuit against the Federal Government:
A Constitutional Challenge To The WTO

If you have any questions about anything I have written or would like clarifying information, just ask. If you find anything in this material that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention and provide me with the reasons for your disagreement. I sincerely hope one of you can demonstrate where I have gone wrong so I can sleep better at night.
Well. I can tell right away that I like you. that can not be changed. while you were writing books, I spent my time in thinking of the shortest possible way to get the message out. I've made attempt after attempt, speech after speech. my next speech will be only a minute. if people like you and me can not work together, then there is something seriously wrong with US, and not with them.
To me, there's nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to America.
There's plenty to be ashamed of. When we do things that are completely opposite from our core values and American heritage, like starting two wars of aggression, torturing people, indefinately detaining people without charges, etc, and half the country say's nothing, that's pretty bad.

There is plenty to be riled up about and plenty of values worth reclaiming, but no need to be ashamed. Like Churchill said, "Americans always do the right thing.....only after they exhaust every other option".
Our system of government is self-correcting, but that depends on a well-informed republic. And we're far from that.

I believe we're not the enlightened folks on the planet like we used to be, and I blame us for that, not so much our elected leaders, who are simply a reflection of our dumbassedness.
True statement!

I think that when, as a nation, we make a mistake, it is up to us to correct them and take responsibility for them. But no, we don't have to sit around being ashamed, it doesn't get us anywhere.

I think Gitmo's a shame on our principles, and political pressure will force our leaders to figure out what needs to be done with the remaining people down there so that they can then close it.

Nobody in the Congress cared to sign off on closing it and it let the President off the hook from his own pledge. I credit this administration for moving about a third or so of the people out there and getting great legal outcomes on those they prosecuted, but it just seems like the administration seems lazy about getting the job done with, maybe because Americans don't want these people shipped here.

But we don't have to be that country that accepts that. We can come to our senses and correct that mistake.
My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

It was a wonderful place filled with hope and promise.

Now our country is filled with authoritarians and has become a nanny state where adults are treated as helpless 12-year-olds.
I pointed out a few things to PP concerning you. Doubtful he will make the same mistake twice. Take a good hard look at this thread citizenal. Most everyone here is laughing AT you.

How do you know they are laughing at me? Please be specific.

Check my join date. I know these people. Your nothing more than a sideshow for our amusement. The only real question is how much abuse you'll take before you wake up. Hopefully its a very long time.



You made a very specific statement to me. You said, “Most everyone here is laughing AT you”. When I asked you how you know this, you responded that you know everyone is laughing at me because “I know these people”. In other words, you assume they are laughing and really have no idea what you are talking about. The only way you could make the revelation you did is if you have been in personal/private communication with most of the other members of this board. This is absurd. In other words, you have proven yourself to be a Liar. Furthermore, you have also proven that you are operating from a hidden agenda and not posting in good faith. As a result, you may be keeping others from learning the truth about how we are governed. From my perspective this behavior is un-American, un-Christian, and dishonorable.

May God have mercy on you!
In our last Zarcan Council meeting we learned that concurrent with the passage of GATT which made America a member of the World Trade Organization, the United States government was overthrown for a third time because it is impossible to reconcile its Constitution with having its President, Congress, and Supreme Court subservient to the Ruling Panels of a foreign trade organization. No Council member offered anything to demonstrate that this is not the case, therefore the conclusion stands.

The next magnificent event on our list is:

19. In 2001, the World Trade Center was destroyed by a terrorist attack.

Yes, it certainly was, but this leaves us with a few loose ends to deal the first of which is why the attack wasn’t foiled before it even got off the ground. Ample evidence exists that the impending disaster was known to numerous people and organizations both in and out of our government. For example, an FBI Field Agent had reported to his superiors in Washington that a bunch of Arab nationals were learning how to fly commercial aircraft but had no interest in learning how to land them. In light of the previous attack on the Twin Towers and the fact that using commercial aircraft as suicide bombs was high on the list of concerns of military think tanks and strategists, why was the FBI brass so indifferent to this agents report? What does it take to get highly intelligent and educated people to do what they are paid to do?

Secondly the attacks took place over a two-hour period of time. This being the case, why wasn’t it disrupted while in progress? Specifically, why wasn’t any of the hijacked airplanes intercepted by American fighters. Try to fly through the ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) in a Cessna 150 and you’ll have and F-14 or F-15 on your wing in minutes. NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) immediately scrambles jets whenever it becomes aware of any difficulties in the skies such as an aircraft being off course our out of communication. In a ten month period of time preceding 9/11, NORAD did this 67 times and a typical intercept time is 20 minutes from the time the FAA knows that an aircraft has a problem. I have personally intercepted ADIZ interlopers in this amount of time as a Navy Fighter Pilot while stationed, for that purpose, at Boca Chica Naval Air Station in the Florida Keys. Understanding this, please consider the following facts concerning 9/11.

At 8:20 AM, FAA Aircraft Controllers become aware that Flight 11 has been hijacked and 20 minutes later they finally notify NORAD.

At 8:46 AM, Flight 11 crashed into the WTC North Tower. This is 26 minutes after FAA Controllers knew it may have been hi-jacked.

At 8:52 AM, Two F-15’s which can fly at 2.5 times the speed of sound were scrambled and had a 9 minute window to catch Flight 175, which was a little over 100 miles away. These planes are specifically designed for low altitude, high-speed intercepts and could cover that distance in a little over 3 minutes. Despite this, they were unable to catch Flight 175 before it crashed into the WTC South Tower at 9:03 AM. Obviously, they must have flown in the wrong direction.

At 8:56 AM, Flight 77 was lost and the FAA, which had been which had been in active contact with the Pentagon about Flights 11 and 175, didn’t notify NORAD about Flight 77 until 9:24, 28 minutes later.

At 9:38 AM, Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, 42 minutes after it was known to have been hijacked.

At 10:10 AM, Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania, 42 minutes after it was known to have been hijacked.

In case you miss the point of all of the above, it is absurd that none of the four hi-jacked airplanes on 9/11 were intercepted by our military when all of them should have been because our military is specifically tasked and trained to deal with exactly what happened on 9/11 and normally does so on a routine bases. I have been there and done this personally as a Navy Fighter pilot. What this means is that none of the planes hi-jacked on 9/11 were intercepted because people at the highest levels in our government and the Pentagon did not want them to be intercepted.

Like the Warren Report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, there is much about the official version of the 9/11 attacks which does not add up up. Granted, a group of amateur Arab nationals pulled off the attack, but the fact remains that the attacks would never would have succeeded they way they did if high level officials in our government did their jobs properly. Furthermore, the situation is such that the lack of attention to the obvious and the failures to act are so blatant that the inescapable conclusion is that officials of our government deliberately shirked duty and by so doing aided and abetted the attacks. Why would they do this? To answer this question, look what happened next. The United States attacked Iraq on for contrived and surreptitious reasons and then followed up this abomination with a war in Afghanistan.

The deliberate attack on the USS Liberty by Israel was a ruse to get the United States into a war with the Arab Nations. This plot failed only because Israel military forces failed to sink the USS Liberty. However, on 9/11, the second attempt to bring the United States into war with the Arab world succeeded. This nation is still embroiled in that war and will be for many years to come. The problem evident for Americans with all this is that it is not our war and besides sacrificing our finest men and women for such a dubious cause, we also have given up our Freedom and the inalienable rights protected by our Constitution.


9/11 Facts Timeline

Comments and input please!
How do you know they are laughing at me? Please be specific.

Check my join date. I know these people. Your nothing more than a sideshow for our amusement. The only real question is how much abuse you'll take before you wake up. Hopefully its a very long time.



You made a very specific statement to me. You said, “Most everyone here is laughing AT you”. When I asked you how you know this, you responded that you know everyone is laughing at me because “I know these people”. In other words, you assume they are laughing and really have no idea what you are talking about. The only way you could make the revelation you did is if you have been in personal/private communication with most of the other members of this board. This is absurd. In other words, you have proven yourself to be a Liar. Furthermore, you have also proven that you are operating from a hidden agenda and not posting in good faith. As a result, you may be keeping others from learning the truth about how we are governed. From my perspective this behavior is un-American, un-Christian, and dishonorable.

May God have mercy on you!

Here again we see why everyone is laughing at you. If you ever experience a random moment of sanity somehow, you'll probably laugh at yourself too. Good luck.
Didn't want and honors bestowed on them by a draft-dodging individual who was on record as "loathing" the military.

Yeah, better to have them bestowed by a codpiece-wearing wannabe, whose Daddy pulled strings to spare him the danger of any legitimate service.

President Bush flew the F-102 Delta Dagger, it was called the Widow Maker for a reason. The first American supersonic interceptor and very unstable. The mere fact that he flew that aircraft, landed it and was able to walk away makes him a much better man than you could ever dream of being.

Well, at least it's all being kept to one thread. Click on it, you know what you're getting.

That condescending "may God have mercy on you", "I'll pray for you" stuff, yikes. The hard right practices it's own brand of elitism, and that's it, on full display.


In our last Zarcan Council meeting we learned that concurrent with the passage of GATT which made America a member of the World Trade Organization, the United States government was overthrown for a third time because it is impossible to reconcile its Constitution with having its President, Congress, and Supreme Court subservient to the Ruling Panels of a foreign trade organization. No Council member offered anything to demonstrate that this is not the case, therefore the conclusion stands.

The next magnificent event on our list is:

19. In 2001, the World Trade Center was destroyed by a terrorist attack.

Yes, it certainly was, but this leaves us with a few loose ends to deal the first of which is why the attack wasn’t foiled before it even got off the ground. Ample evidence exists that the impending disaster was known to numerous people and organizations both in and out of our government. For example, an FBI Field Agent had reported to his superiors in Washington that a bunch of Arab nationals were learning how to fly commercial aircraft but had no interest in learning how to land them. In light of the previous attack on the Twin Towers and the fact that using commercial aircraft as suicide bombs was high on the list of concerns of military think tanks and strategists, why was the FBI brass so indifferent to this agents report? What does it take to get highly intelligent and educated people to do what they are paid to do?

Secondly the attacks took place over a two-hour period of time. This being the case, why wasn’t it disrupted while in progress? Specifically, why wasn’t any of the hijacked airplanes intercepted by American fighters. Try to fly through the ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) in a Cessna 150 and you’ll have and F-14 or F-15 on your wing in minutes. NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) immediately scrambles jets whenever it becomes aware of any difficulties in the skies such as an aircraft being off course our out of communication. In a ten month period of time preceding 9/11, NORAD did this 67 times and a typical intercept time is 20 minutes from the time the FAA knows that an aircraft has a problem. I have personally intercepted ADIZ interlopers in this amount of time as a Navy Fighter Pilot while stationed, for that purpose, at Boca Chica Naval Air Station in the Florida Keys. Understanding this, please consider the following facts concerning 9/11.

At 8:20 AM, FAA Aircraft Controllers become aware that Flight 11 has been hijacked and 20 minutes later they finally notify NORAD.

At 8:46 AM, Flight 11 crashed into the WTC North Tower. This is 26 minutes after FAA Controllers knew it may have been hi-jacked.

At 8:52 AM, Two F-15’s which can fly at 2.5 times the speed of sound were scrambled and had a 9 minute window to catch Flight 175, which was a little over 100 miles away. These planes are specifically designed for low altitude, high-speed intercepts and could cover that distance in a little over 3 minutes. Despite this, they were unable to catch Flight 175 before it crashed into the WTC South Tower at 9:03 AM. Obviously, they must have flown in the wrong direction.

At 8:56 AM, Flight 77 was lost and the FAA, which had been which had been in active contact with the Pentagon about Flights 11 and 175, didn’t notify NORAD about Flight 77 until 9:24, 28 minutes later.

At 9:38 AM, Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, 42 minutes after it was known to have been hijacked.

At 10:10 AM, Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania, 42 minutes after it was known to have been hijacked.

In case you miss the point of all of the above, it is absurd that none of the four hi-jacked airplanes on 9/11 were intercepted by our military when all of them should have been because our military is specifically tasked and trained to deal with exactly what happened on 9/11 and normally does so on a routine bases. I have been there and done this personally as a Navy Fighter pilot. What this means is that none of the planes hi-jacked on 9/11 were intercepted because people at the highest levels in our government and the Pentagon did not want them to be intercepted.

Like the Warren Report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, there is much about the official version of the 9/11 attacks which does not add up up. Granted, a group of amateur Arab nationals pulled off the attack, but the fact remains that the attacks would never would have succeeded they way they did if high level officials in our government did their jobs properly. Furthermore, the situation is such that the lack of attention to the obvious and the failures to act are so blatant that the inescapable conclusion is that officials of our government deliberately shirked duty and by so doing aided and abetted the attacks. Why would they do this? To answer this question, look what happened next. The United States attacked Iraq on for contrived and surreptitious reasons and then followed up this abomination with a war in Afghanistan.

The deliberate attack on the USS Liberty by Israel was a ruse to get the United States into a war with the Arab Nations. This plot failed only because Israel military forces failed to sink the USS Liberty. However, on 9/11, the second attempt to bring the United States into war with the Arab world succeeded. This nation is still embroiled in that war and will be for many years to come. The problem evident for Americans with all this is that it is not our war and besides sacrificing our finest men and women for such a dubious cause, we also have given up our Freedom and the inalienable rights protected by our Constitution.


9/11 Facts Timeline

Comments and input please!

The F-14 has been retired from service since September of 2006.
Here again we see why everyone is laughing at you. If you ever experience a random moment of sanity somehow, you'll probably laugh at yourself too. Good luck.

Unkotard: I just conclusively proved that Saveliberty is a liar and that nobody save you who apparently are his partner in crime, is laughing. You can't get much more sane than this. Your own words expose you as operating from the same anti-Amercan and anti-Christian agenda; which is to do everything possible to prevent Americans from learning the truth. Now, why don't you crawl back under the same rock he crawled under.
Didn't want and honors bestowed on them by a draft-dodging individual who was on record as "loathing" the military.

Yeah, better to have them bestowed by a codpiece-wearing wannabe, whose Daddy pulled strings to spare him the danger of any legitimate service.

President Bush flew the F-102 Delta Dagger, it was called the Widow Maker for a reason. The first American supersonic interceptor and very unstable. The mere fact that he flew that aircraft, landed it and was able to walk away makes him a much better man than you could ever dream of being.

Do you mean to tell us that George Bush actually reported for duty?

You learn something new every day.
The F-14 has been retired from service since September of 2006.

Thank you. I stand corrected.

While in the Navy, I flew the F-4 Phantom and eventually cross qualified into the A-6 Intruder when I joined a ferry squadron out of NAS Norfolk. Upon leaving the service, I became a Flight Test Conductor for Grumman Aerospace working with Chuck Sewell, Grumman Chief Test Pilot. Finding out that the F-14 is now also retired, really makes me feel like the 'old fart' I am.

Have a great day.
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In our last Zarcan Council meeting we learned that concurrent with the passage of GATT which made America a member of the World Trade Organization, the United States government was overthrown for a third time because it is impossible to reconcile its Constitution with having its President, Congress, and Supreme Court subservient to the Ruling Panels of a foreign trade organization. No Council member offered anything to demonstrate that this is not the case, therefore the conclusion stands.

The next magnificent event on our list is:

19. In 2001, the World Trade Center was destroyed by a terrorist attack.

Yes, it certainly was, but this leaves us with a few loose ends to deal the first of which is why the attack wasn’t foiled before it even got off the ground. Ample evidence exists that the impending disaster was known to numerous people and organizations both in and out of our government. For example, an FBI Field Agent had reported to his superiors in Washington that a bunch of Arab nationals were learning how to fly commercial aircraft but had no interest in learning how to land them. In light of the previous attack on the Twin Towers and the fact that using commercial aircraft as suicide bombs was high on the list of concerns of military think tanks and strategists, why was the FBI brass so indifferent to this agents report? What does it take to get highly intelligent and educated people to do what they are paid to do?

Secondly the attacks took place over a two-hour period of time. This being the case, why wasn’t it disrupted while in progress? Specifically, why wasn’t any of the hijacked airplanes intercepted by American fighters. Try to fly through the ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) in a Cessna 150 and you’ll have and F-14 or F-15 on your wing in minutes. NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) immediately scrambles jets whenever it becomes aware of any difficulties in the skies such as an aircraft being off course our out of communication. In a ten month period of time preceding 9/11, NORAD did this 67 times and a typical intercept time is 20 minutes from the time the FAA knows that an aircraft has a problem. I have personally intercepted ADIZ interlopers in this amount of time as a Navy Fighter Pilot while stationed, for that purpose, at Boca Chica Naval Air Station in the Florida Keys. Understanding this, please consider the following facts concerning 9/11.

At 8:20 AM, FAA Aircraft Controllers become aware that Flight 11 has been hijacked and 20 minutes later they finally notify NORAD.

At 8:46 AM, Flight 11 crashed into the WTC North Tower. This is 26 minutes after FAA Controllers knew it may have been hi-jacked.

At 8:52 AM, Two F-15’s which can fly at 2.5 times the speed of sound were scrambled and had a 9 minute window to catch Flight 175, which was a little over 100 miles away. These planes are specifically designed for low altitude, high-speed intercepts and could cover that distance in a little over 3 minutes. Despite this, they were unable to catch Flight 175 before it crashed into the WTC South Tower at 9:03 AM. Obviously, they must have flown in the wrong direction.

At 8:56 AM, Flight 77 was lost and the FAA, which had been which had been in active contact with the Pentagon about Flights 11 and 175, didn’t notify NORAD about Flight 77 until 9:24, 28 minutes later.

At 9:38 AM, Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, 42 minutes after it was known to have been hijacked.

At 10:10 AM, Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania, 42 minutes after it was known to have been hijacked.

In case you miss the point of all of the above, it is absurd that none of the four hi-jacked airplanes on 9/11 were intercepted by our military when all of them should have been because our military is specifically tasked and trained to deal with exactly what happened on 9/11 and normally does so on a routine bases. I have been there and done this personally as a Navy Fighter pilot. What this means is that none of the planes hi-jacked on 9/11 were intercepted because people at the highest levels in our government and the Pentagon did not want them to be intercepted.

Like the Warren Report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, there is much about the official version of the 9/11 attacks which does not add up up. Granted, a group of amateur Arab nationals pulled off the attack, but the fact remains that the attacks would never would have succeeded they way they did if high level officials in our government did their jobs properly. Furthermore, the situation is such that the lack of attention to the obvious and the failures to act are so blatant that the inescapable conclusion is that officials of our government deliberately shirked duty and by so doing aided and abetted the attacks. Why would they do this? To answer this question, look what happened next. The United States attacked Iraq on for contrived and surreptitious reasons and then followed up this abomination with a war in Afghanistan.

The deliberate attack on the USS Liberty by Israel was a ruse to get the United States into a war with the Arab Nations. This plot failed only because Israel military forces failed to sink the USS Liberty. However, on 9/11, the second attempt to bring the United States into war with the Arab world succeeded. This nation is still embroiled in that war and will be for many years to come. The problem evident for Americans with all this is that it is not our war and besides sacrificing our finest men and women for such a dubious cause, we also have given up our Freedom and the inalienable rights protected by our Constitution.


9/11 Facts Timeline

Comments and input please!

And he's a twoofer.

Surprise, surprise.
Here again we see why everyone is laughing at you. If you ever experience a random moment of sanity somehow, you'll probably laugh at yourself too. Good luck.

Unkotard: I just conclusively proved that Saveliberty is a liar and that nobody save you who apparently are his partner in crime, is laughing. You can't get much more sane than this. Your own words expose you as operating from the same anti-Amercan and anti-Christian agenda; which is to do everything possible to prevent Americans from learning the truth. Now, why don't you crawl back under the same rock he crawled under.

"proved" :rolleyes:

Here's more laughing at you, ya damn crazy old feak: hahahahHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHhahahhaaaaaaa!!!!
How do you know they are laughing at me? Please be specific.

Check my join date. I know these people. Your nothing more than a sideshow for our amusement. The only real question is how much abuse you'll take before you wake up. Hopefully its a very long time.



You made a very specific statement to me. You said, “Most everyone here is laughing AT you”. When I asked you how you know this, you responded that you know everyone is laughing at me because “I know these people”. In other words, you assume they are laughing and really have no idea what you are talking about. The only way you could make the revelation you did is if you have been in personal/private communication with most of the other members of this board. This is absurd. In other words, you have proven yourself to be a Liar. Furthermore, you have also proven that you are operating from a hidden agenda and not posting in good faith. As a result, you may be keeping others from learning the truth about how we are governed. From my perspective this behavior is un-American, un-Christian, and dishonorable.

May God have mercy on you!

Interesting how you assume there is only one way that things can occur and your way is the only plausable explanation. Probably how you got yourself in this mess to begin with. Clearly your medication is not effective, you are not taking it or the doseage needs to be higher. You are clueless as to my character, although there are volumes of posts on this site you could read to determine a more accurate view. I seriously doubt you have accomplished any of the things you report. An ex aviator would NEVER be so out of the loop as to be unaware of the F 14's retirement.

You sir are a fraud and of no consequence. By the way, probably not your smartest move to venture into another conspiracy in the middle of losing your argument on the first one. Funny stuff. We all continue to laugh at you. Oh, and your lilttle buddy there? He's got massive amounts of red rep. You might want to ask someone what that means.

Well, at least it's all being kept to one thread. Click on it, you know what you're getting.

That condescending "may God have mercy on you", "I'll pray for you" stuff, yikes. The hard right practices it's own brand of elitism, and that's it, on full display.



Mac: I am not an elitist or a hard rightist. What I am is a Constitutionalist and a Christian....just like most of the Founding Fathers. I apologize if I have shown my Christian side in this thread, but it is what my Savior, Jesus, has asked me to do. Is Jesus "hard right" and an elitist? If so, then I guess I am.
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Here's more laughing at you, ya damn crazy old feak: hahahahHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHhahahhaaaaaaa!!!!


This is the last time I will respond to your post unless you stop this nonsense and tell why you playing the role of spoiler. Which of the following are you:

Are you a card carrying Zionist?
Are you a Zionist sympathizer?
Are you a government agent provocateur?
Are you a government employee who thinks the truth is too much to bear?
Are you a spoiled brat who will do anything for attention?
Are you a misguided Republican or Democrat) who believes the party line?
Are you someone who thinks patriotism means shouting and putting down others?
Are you a person who gets his rocks off annoying other people?

Come on now be honest stop this nonsense. If you are not and do not, from this point forward I will ignore you.
You sir are a fraud and of no consequence. By the way, probably not your smartest move to venture into another conspiracy in the middle of losing your argument on the first one. Funny stuff. We all continue to laugh at you. Oh, and your lilttle buddy there? He's got massive amounts of red rep. You might want to ask someone what that means.


You have the balls to come back here and attack me after I have clearly demonstrated that you are a liar. No shame, no honor, and no integrity. I will not longer have anythng to do with you. From my perspective you are a non-person who is not worthy of being given any futher consideration. You will not get a response from me again.

Have a nice life.
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