I Am Ashamed of My Country

I explained that my intent was not to prove anything

Because you CAN'T prove any of the stupid shit you keep pulling out of your crazy ass. You are a fucking psycho insulting my nation and you need to get on your meds or get on your way out of my country, asshole.
You can also add that when KSM was asked why he planned 9/11 during his interrogations, one of the reasons he stated was our un-conditional support for Israel.

And if he had said one of the reasons was that we make it a crime to kill people with red hair, you would be leading a mob with torches and pitch-forks going neighborhood to neighborhood killing all the redheads you could find because that is how FUCKING COWARDS like you operate.
Just about the neatest thing regarding the U.S. is that there are an estimated 200 million privately owned firearms in this country. I know it's not cool when we kill each other, but if anyone tries to invade our shores- watch out.

If and when the chips are truly down and dirty, guns will rule. Yeah- like come on down to my boat baby. Let's play Capture the Flag.
You can also add that when KSM was asked why he planned 9/11 during his interrogations, one of the reasons he stated was our un-conditional support for Israel.

And if he had said one of the reasons was that we make it a crime to kill people with red hair, you would be leading a mob with torches and pitch-forks going neighborhood to neighborhood killing all the redheads you could find because that is how FUCKING COWARDS like you operate.
Hey, you were the ones who kept saying enhanced interrogation brought actionable intelligence, now you're saying it doesn't. This is just one more example of you not knowing what the fuck you're talking about.

I see you still haven't mustered up the balls to tell me what you disagree with. I don't think I've seen a post yet where you actually made a point. You just run around trying to act tough and get in peoples faces, when in reality you're more like a rodeo clown.

There is one thing you are not and that's an American. You don't embrace American values, you don't act like an American and you certainly don't talk like one. You're more like a German. Like those brownshirts who ran around shouting people down that said things they didn't like. You remind me of the boy who took his ball and went home because the other kids wouldn't play by his rules.

And why should they? You're just some punk-ass little bitch!
The United States of America today is a abomination and a pox on all of mankind for these reasons it is no longer the Country I am proud of. Please remember that our government has been overthrown three times during the past 100 years and this is not a good thing.

You'd better get your sorry ass the fuck out of my country, you worthless, unamerican piece of shit.
Shut up, bitch, he's not going anywhere.

You're the one who should leave. You got more in common with the folks in Wiemar, than you do here.
You can also add that when KSM was asked why he planned 9/11 during his interrogations, one of the reasons he stated was our un-conditional support for Israel.

And if he had said one of the reasons was that we make it a crime to kill people with red hair, you would be leading a mob with torches and pitch-forks going neighborhood to neighborhood killing all the redheads you could find because that is how FUCKING COWARDS like you operate.
Hey, you were the ones who kept saying enhanced interrogation brought actionable intelligence, now you're saying it doesn't. !

No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying we don't need to interrogate our own Vice President, YOU STUPID FUCK. You are just plain too dumb to even try to pull off your own very, very stupid argument.
There is one thing you are not and that's an American. You don't embrace American values, you don't act like an American and you certainly don't talk like one. You're more like a German. !

That line is really not working for ya either, moron. You'd better stick to nuthugging Crazyal, you pathetic fool.
No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying we don't need to interrogate our own Vice President, YOU STUPID FUCK.
And thus, the comparison with the German's of Weimar. They didn't see the need to interrogate their leader to and look what happened to them. You care so much about this country, that you'd let us go down the tubes because of your blind allegience to the flag. When our leaders do things to harm this country, when they act in un-American ways, when they shit on our American heritage, you keep quiet. You say nothing. You just follow the leader, instead of fighting for your country.

You are just plain too dumb to even try to pull off your own very, very stupid argument.
That makes me one up on you. Stupid or not, at least I have an argument and the stones to state it. You're too pussy even to do that. How big of a coward can you be, when conversations scare you to death?
The United States of America today is a abomination and a pox on all of mankind for these reasons it is no longer the Country I am proud of. Please remember that our government has been overthrown three times during the past 100 years and this is not a good thing.

You'd better get your sorry ass the fuck out of my country, you worthless, unamerican piece of shit.
Shut up, bitch, he's not going anywhere.

You're the one who should leave.

Aw, you two are spooning right now, aren't you?
No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying we don't need to interrogate our own Vice President, YOU STUPID FUCK.
And thus, the comparison with the German's of Weimar. They didn't see the need to interrogate their leader to and look what happened to them. You care so much about this country, that you'd let us go down the tubes because of your blind allegience to the flag. When our leaders do things to harm this country, when they act in un-American ways, when they shit on our American heritage, you keep quiet. You say nothing. You just follow the leader, instead of fighting for your country.

You are just plain too dumb to even try to pull off your own very, very stupid argument.
That makes me one up on you.

It seems you have trouble with...words. Time for you to STFU and go play with your fingerpaints, numbskull.
Right about now it should be time for Sir Loin the Brainless to make another reference to the Nazis completely devoid of all context and meaning. He's probably in his mommy's basement wearing his SS cosplay gear as he struggles to find logic or reason.
Right about now it should be time for Sir Loin the Brainless to make another reference to the Nazis completely devoid of all context and meaning. He's probably in his mommy's basement wearing his SS cosplay gear as he struggles to find logic or reason.
Since you're too retarded to pony up your own argument, here's mine...

(we'll see about relevance)

Their leader (Hitler) used a national tragedy (Rheistag fire) by lying to the nation about it's cause, just so he could drum up support to launch an un-provoked war of aggression against a sovereign nation (Poland). And he blamed an entire race of people for all their problems.

Our leader (Bush) used a national tragedy (9/11) by lying to this nation about who's responsible, just so he could launch an un-provoked war of aggression against a sovereign nation (Iraq). And his party blames an entire race of people (muslims) for all our problems.

And while all this was going on, you said nothing. Not a peep. Homer or dumbshit, either way, you bought the lie. Nothing he said, raised an eyebrow with you. Not even when he tried to tell us that a country of goat-herders, with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, is a threat to a nation with the most technologically advanced military the world has ever seen. That didn't raise a flag with you. It didn't seem odd to you that a country that can only generate 9 hours of electricity a day, is a threat.

And because of skumbag American's like you, we spent a trillion dollars in someone else's god-damn country while our economy is going through a meltdown. And to top it off, we got nothing in return for that trillion dollars. And I bet that never crossed your mind, either. Or the fact that currently, we're paying $400 a gallon of gas to ship supplies to over 400 bases in Afghanistan. That kind of shit doesn't concern you.

You seem to be for everything that harms this country. You do more damage to us than al Qaeda. I'm sorry to break it to you skippy, life ain't like Walker, Texas Ranger.
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Right about now it should be time for Sir Loin the Brainless to make another reference to the Nazis completely devoid of all context and meaning. He's probably in his mommy's basement wearing his SS cosplay gear as he struggles to find logic or reason.
Since you're too retarded to pony up your own argument, here's mine...

(we'll see about relevance)

Their leader (Hitler) used a national tragedy (Rheistag fire) by lying to the nation about it's cause, just so he could drum up support to launch an un-provoked war of aggression against a sovereign nation (Poland). And he blamed an entire race of people for all their problems.

Our leader (Bush) used a national tragedy (9/11) by lying to this nation about who's responsible, just so he could launch an un-provoked war of aggression against a sovereign nation (Iraq). And his party blames an entire race of people (muslims) for all our problems.

And while all this was going on, you said nothing. Not a peep. Homer or dumbshit, either way, you bought the lie. Nothing he said, raised an eyebrow with you. Not even when he tried to tell us that a country of goat-herders, with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, is a threat to a nation with the most technologically advanced military the world has ever seen. That didn't raise a flag with you. It didn't seem odd to you that a country that can only generate 9 hours of electricity a day, is a threat.

And because of skumbag American's like you, we spent a trillion dollars in someone else's god-damn country while our economy is going through a meltdown. And to top it off, we got nothing in return for that trillion dollars. And I bet that never crossed your mind, either. Or the fact that currently, we're paying $400 a gallon of gas to ship supplies to over 400 bases in Afghanistan. That kind of shit doesn't concern you.

You seem to be for everything that harms this country. You do more damage to us than al Qaeda. I'm sorry to break it to you skippy, life ain't like Walker, Texas Ranger.

Internet bully says, "life ain't like Walker, Texas Ranger." :lol:

Get out of Mom's basement punk.
It seems you have trouble with...words. Time for you to STFU and go play with your fingerpaints, numbskull.
The only thing you know about words is that you don't have any. All your posts and all your comments are about other peoples words. You never post your own.

I still haven't seen you tell me what you disagree with. You log on to an internet debate site, then spend all your time avoiding debates.

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