I Am Ashamed of My Country

Very true, making it very difficult to know whether polls that ask whether people are Christians or not are anywhere near reliable. "Yeah, sure, I'm a Christian." Never goes to church, makes zero attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus, but says they're Christian anyway. Doubtful.

One just has to look at the posts on this board for vivid examples. Many of the most hateful, vile, vulgar words and messages are by those who claim to be "Christian Conservatives". No one actually believes that these people are actually Christians, of course, but it sure as hell (no pun intended) casts a negative shadow on religion in general.

That's a shame, because there are some wonderful, loving Christians out there. Too bad their religion is being so distorted by the phonies.
That is very true. There are right wing, Christian conservatives out there who can't stand Glenn Beck, Hannity or Limbaugh. I've known some who say, "They don't speak for me. That's not what I believe". Every once in a while you see that manifest. And that's good.

I'm a Catholic. I don't think I'm a very good one. But I spent 8 years in parochial school and got a good idea about what God is all about. I still go to mass, but I do it just to listen to the stories. I'm not that much into the dogma.

One of my favorite stories about Jesus was when he took some people into a room that had about a dozen or so inhabitants sitting around a big pot of stew in the middle of the room. There was enough stew to feed everyone. The problem was, they all had these forks that were too long for them to pluck the beef and still reach their mouth. The people in there were in agony. They were all starving and feeling miserable.

Then Jesus takes them into another room. Same number of people. Same pot of stew. Same long forks. But in this room, everyone was having a party. They were laughing and joking and just as happy as they could be.

Do you know what the difference was between the two rooms?
Very true, making it very difficult to know whether polls that ask whether people are Christians or not are anywhere near reliable. "Yeah, sure, I'm a Christian." Never goes to church, makes zero attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus, but says they're Christian anyway. Doubtful.

One just has to look at the posts on this board for vivid examples. Many of the most hateful, vile, vulgar words and messages are by those who claim to be "Christian Conservatives". No one actually believes that these people are actually Christians, of course, but it sure as hell (no pun intended) casts a negative shadow on religion in general.

That's a shame, because there are some wonderful, loving Christians out there. Too bad their religion is being so distorted by the phonies.
That is very true. There are right wing, Christian conservatives out there who can't stand Glenn Beck, Hannity or Limbaugh. I've known some who say, "They don't speak for me. That's not what I believe". Every once in a while you see that manifest. And that's good.

I'm a Catholic. I don't think I'm a very good one. But I spent 8 years in parochial school and got a good idea about what God is all about. I still go to mass, but I do it just to listen to the stories. I'm not that much into the dogma.

One of my favorite stories about Jesus was when he took some people into a room that had about a dozen or so inhabitants sitting around a big pot of stew in the middle of the room. There was enough stew to feed everyone. The problem was, they all had these forks that were too long for them to pluck the beef and still reach their mouth. The people in there were in agony. They were all starving and feeling miserable.

Then Jesus takes them into another room. Same number of people. Same pot of stew. Same long forks. But in this room, everyone was having a party. They were laughing and joking and just as happy as they could be.

Do you know what the difference was between the two rooms?

No one told me there'd be a TEST!!

Looking forward to the answer.

No, you are confusing the time when Clinton turned down an offer to hand him over.
How could Clinton turn it down when he wasn't even President at the time?

All the Taliban asked was that we provide some evidence that UBL was involved in the attacks and they would hand him over to a third party. Bush wouldn't do it.
You don't understand what "threat" means any more than you understand what we 'got in return' for defending our interests after the worst terrorist attack EVER on US soil.
What did we get in return? I'll bet the farm you don't have the balls to answer that.

I'll see your farm and raise you the Hoover Dam that you are too fucking stupid to understand it and too fucking block-headed to care.
It most certainly does matter who they harbor, and if they have the strength to back up such a decision.
That's like saying it was okay for Hitler to go into Poland.

All you need to attack another country is a good enough reason and a big stick. And that position is about as un-American as it gets.
I'll see your farm and raise you the Hoover Dam that you are too fucking stupid to understand it and too fucking block-headed to care.
I knew it. I won my bet. You were bluffing. You couldn't answer. When it gets to the point where you have to walk your talk, you puss out.
There's a lot of people in this country that say they're Christian's, but are for things that are polar opposite from the teachings of Christ.

Very true, making it very difficult to know whether polls that ask whether people are Christians or not are anywhere near reliable. "Yeah, sure, I'm a Christian." Never goes to church, makes zero attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus, but says they're Christian anyway. Doubtful.

One just has to look at the posts on this board for vivid examples. Many of the most hateful, vile, vulgar words and messages are by those who claim to be "Christian Conservatives". No one actually believes that these people are actually Christians, of course, but it sure as hell (no pun intended) casts a negative shadow on religion in general.

That's a shame, because there are some wonderful, loving Christians out there. Too bad their religion is being so distorted by the phonies.


Mac: I couldn't agree with you more. In order to be a Christian you have to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. That's the easy part. Next, you have to know Jesus and the message he brought to mankind. This is where most Christians fail the test. They accept Jesus and think they know Him, but prove they do not by how they behave and what comes out of their mouths. Finally, to truly be a Christian you have to make your life a reflection of His. This where almost all of us fail, including me. We are all sinners and He was not. No one can meaure up to His standards but as Christians we have an obligation to try as best we can. This is where the worm turns on salvation.
The Iraq War was most certainly NOT "unprovoked." Saddam was in long time violation of several UN resolutions and agreements pertaining to the end of hostilities from the Gulf War.

Absolutely astonishing that people are still trying to defend the Iraq War.

Yes, Saddam was a bad guy. A twisted, cold-blooded murderer. Yes, he thumbed his nose at the international community. Yes, he ignored the UN (which I thought conservatives have zero respect for - interesting).

So we made him pay with his life.

But it doesn't stop there. Nope.

According to the government document below, as of April 20, 2012, 10:00am EDT, 4,422 soldiers and DoD civilians have died there. 31,023 soldiers have been wounded, many of them in a terrible and life-altering way. Dozens of thousands more have come home with significant emotional/mental disorders from which they will probably never fully recover. Thousands and thousands of young American families have been destroyed. Thousands of young children will never see Dad again. And, oh yeah, at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars that we don't have.

All that to kill Saddam. Who was being honest about his WMD. Congratulations on that. Those who defend this are very brave with the lives and limbs and minds and families of others. I hope it was worth it to you. How ironic that Saddam's death tipped the relative balance of power in the Middle East to Iran, Saddam's mortal enemy. But who cares.

This was worth it to you folks? Absolutely incredible.



My Heart bleeds for this nation and its people.
I think I understand your feelings, but take care of that citation. It may mean something to your kids (if you got 'em) or grandkids. I've got one signed by Johnson that my family received in '67. It's framed and on my wall. I'm proud of it.

Seeing obama's name on the same paper as my Dads is insulting and offensive. I haven't even told my son, he'd rip it up and send it back.

I have thought of waiting until obama is out of office and returning it to ask for another signed by a president, instead of a presidebt.

Yeah....besides being the president of the most powerful country in the history of the world he graduated magna cum laude wth a law degree from Harvard. Take that schit to your son...or stick it up your arse.

Oh please, he got shoved through by the color of his skin, nothing more.:eusa_boohoo:
My Heart bleeds for this nation and its people.

Great. A self-described 'bleeding heart'.

Seriously though, I think you've made a pretty good case for some vague hidden agenda, but the 'end game' hasn't really been broached. Israel's statehood has been a done deal for more than half a century, so what else do you believe is still on the to-do list? Are the powers that be deliberately trying to destroy the world economies as a means to an end? Something else? Understanding the ultimate goal of these evil Zionists seems like it might be helpful in the effort to derail their plans.
Bullshit. He even admitted himself in the end that he was deliberately being misleading about his weapons and capabilities.
Doesn't matter if he was being misleading or not, that's not a reason to go to war. You shouldn't have been paying attention to anything he said anyway. We had UN inspectors crawling all around that country looking for WMD's and every report Hans Blix turned into the UNSC (including the one in March 2003), said they had not found any. And you know what, after we came in and had un-fettered access to that country for the last 10 years, we didn't find any either. So shut your fuckin' mouth, asshole! Everytime you open it, it does harm to this country.

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