I Am Ashamed of My Country

Wrong again, idiot.
Then where's your answer, Einstein? Which post did you put it on? WTF do mean, "wrong"? You didn't give an answer, yet you claim I was wrong, by saying you didn't answer.

I think I know why you don't say anything of substance. Because whenever you try, you say something stupid like Clinton being the President on 9/11.

Let's face it, you ain't got the chops to debate anything. Because you don't know anything. All you do is yell at people that say things you don't like. Here we have freedom of speech and a constitutional right to address our greivances, but as soon as we do, you get in our face and tell us to get the fuck out of the country. And yet you claim you're an American. I guess that's all you can do, "claim". You certainly can't act like one.
Bullshit. He even admitted himself in the end that he was deliberately being misleading about his weapons and capabilities.
Doesn't matter if he was being misleading or not.

What a fucking joke. You make claims and then brush it off with a "whatever," when proven completely wrong and expect to be taken seriously? You are an ignorant, mouthy fool who values drama more than facts. You're a clown.
We had UN inspectors crawling all around that country looking for WMD's and every report Hans Blix turned into the UNSC (including the one in March 2003), said they had not found any. And you know what, after we came in and had un-fettered access to that country for the last 10 years, we didn't find any either.

The inspectors were jerked around for 12 years and NEVER had "unfetterd access," you ignorant piece of shit. Trying to revise history already, you irresponsible lefty fuck?
you say something stupid like Clinton being the President on 9/11.

When did I ever say that, you dishonest fuck? What did I tell you about putting words into my mouth, you dim-witted, emo pile of human waste? Maybe you're just too damn stupid to be honest.
My Heart bleeds for this nation and its people.

Great. A self-described 'bleeding heart'.

Seriously though, I think you've made a pretty good case for some vague hidden agenda, but the 'end game' hasn't really been broached. Israel's statehood has been a done deal for more than half a century, so what else do you believe is still on the to-do list? Are the powers that be deliberately trying to destroy the world economies as a means to an end? Something else? Understanding the ultimate goal of these evil Zionists seems like it might be helpful in the effort to derail their plans.

Capstone: A bleeding heart, if justified, is not a negative.

Before I start, let's get the record straight. Its not just Zionists although it is their goals and aspirations which have been predominate. What I am really talking about is the battle between good and evil; the battle, if you will, between the "Dark Side" and the "Light Side". As things stand, Zionism is essentially and evil political movement no better than Nazism. The parallels are striking even thought the Zionist did not gas 6 million Christians! Aryans – Master race better than everybody else. Zionism – Gods chosen people better than everybody else. Nazism – rule the world for our benefit and everyone else’s detriment. Zionism – rule the world for our benefit and everyone else’s detriment. Nazism – might makes right. Zionism – success makes right. Nazism – the ends justify the means. Zionism – the ends justify the means. Etc.

Our government the most powerful government in the world with the most powerful military machine ever devised by mankind, is subservient to the New World Order. This being the case, the United States which used to be on the “Light Side” is now on the “Dark Side” and is a force for evil in the world. Do I have to say why? Americans are better than everyone else. America should rule the world……for its own good; SURE! Might makes right! The ends justify the means, etc. America, today, is a reflection of Zionism and in the final analysis is its puppet. Not only our government is being twisted out of shape by these people, but so is Christianity to point that most Christians now think like Jews. Yes, we used to be a Christian nation, but his is no longer the case. How can it be otherwise when the prime operating imperatives of our government is deception, lies, and brute force. We are now a reflection of those who rule us and this is not a good thing.

Zionism is not deliberately trying to destroy the world economies per se. However, what they have done is hoodwinked the entire world into buying into central banking and a debt based monetary system. They have done this for two reasons; it allows them to siphon off the wealth and vitality of a nation for themselves and it also gives them control over a nation’s economy which allows them to dominate and control its government. The rub is that a debt based monetary system is incompatible with physical reality and doomed to fail. This is what is happening to the world to day. Stop and think about it. Has mankind progressed in the past 100 years under debt based monetary systems or have we gone down hill? How is possible, for us today, an intelligent and educated people, to be facing such a gargantuan economic crisis? This shouldn’t be happening, but it is because this is the inevitable result of the monetary system we were hoodwinked into adopting in 1913.

What is wrong with world today, is that evil men are in charge. This being true, they are the worst kinds of people to be leading the world at this critical time in our history. They are motivated by greed and the lust for complete and total control of everything. This being the case, the decisions being made are to our detriment and far worse than this, really important things are being ignored; the best example being the fact that the world is woefully over populated.

In order to defeat darkness, you need to turn on a light and that is what I am trying to do here. My book is entitled, “While We Sleep” and was written to wake people up. If we are ever going to defeat the Zionists, people must know the truth about them and what they have done to us. Unfortunately, Zionists control the media and entertainment industries of the Nation. This being the case, they control the biggest means available of waking people up. The only thing left is the internet and this is why I am here. However, the internet is rife with people like Unkotare and Saveliberty who do everything possible to confound, confuse, and throw people off track. Look what they have tried to do to me; call me every vile name possible and insult me at every turn in the hope that I would lose my temper and respond in kind. Had they succeeded, I would have been discredited and everything I accomplished so far would be tossed in the shitter; a great victory for the Dark Side.

In closing, I think things are too far gone for anything to be done about them. For example, Ron Paul is the only candidate running for President who is honest and sincere and is committed to righting what has gone wrong. And what do most Americans think about Ron Paul; he is a fluke, an oddball, and unelectable. Thank you, the men and women of our media and thank you Zionism. The only candidate committed to doing the right thing and he is not good enough for us.
I am 68 years old, secure in retirement, led a storybook life, was a Navy Fighter Pilot, live far better than most Americans, and consider myself a patriot, a loyal American, a Christian, and a solid citizen. Upon my retirement as a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale, the City Commission dedicated the day I retired to me in my honor. Despite all this something is very wrong. I am ashamed of my country and believe that, for the past 100 years, the true history of this nation is one of deception, shame, and dishonor. Compounding my problem is that fact that as a Christian I believe God is truth. Therefore, I cannot lie to myself even though I loathe thinking what I believe to be true.

I began my walk which led me to where I am when Congress enacted the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994. At the time, on my way to work I picked up a copy of the Sun-Sentinel and read these words; tossing sovereignty issues aside, Congress passed GATT. Upon so doing, I asked myself, “How the hell can Congress toss sovereignty issues aside? They are paid to protect our sovereignty.” Subsequently, I purchased a copy of the GATT accord and read it from cover to cover. I was shocked! Congress didn’t just toss sovereignty issues aside they tossed them in the shitter. What I learned was that a condition of our membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) was Congress had to agree to subordinate itself, our President, and our Supreme Court to the WTO’s Ruling Panels and take steps to ensure that all our laws, regulations, and procedures conformed with those of the WTO.

My anger motivated me to write a book entitled, “While We Sleep, A Story of Government Without Law”. I also took it upon myself to sue our President and Congress over GATT’s Constitutionality acting as attorney pro se for the voting citizens of this nation. I also hosted a website called the Constitution Forum and recently, I wrote an open letter to the citizens of the United States which I mistakenly posted on this message board as my first thread. I say mistakenly because entire articles should not be posted because of legitimate concerns about possible copyright infringements. In any case, the purpose of my letter was to lead Americans down a similar path to the one I had taken in the hope they would finally wake up.

If you are interested in learning more about these matters, please use the following links.

My Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States:
An open letter to the citizens of the United States of America « The PPJ Gazette

A free copy of my book, “While We Sleep”:
While We Sleep - A Story of Government Without Law by Alan R. Adaschik

A transcript of my Lawsuit against the Federal Government:
A Constitutional Challenge To The WTO

If you have any questions about anything I have written or would like clarifying information, just ask. If you find anything in this material that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention and provide me with the reasons for your disagreement. I sincerely hope one of you can demonstrate where I have gone wrong so I can sleep better at night.

You appear to be very intelligent, very perceptive and very much an American. I won't hold the Christian part against you unless you become a fundamentalist preacher trying to spread the word.

What words don't you want to hear?
Bullshit. He even admitted himself in the end that he was deliberately being misleading about his weapons and capabilities.
Doesn't matter if he was being misleading or not, that's not a reason to go to war. You shouldn't have been paying attention to anything he said anyway. We had UN inspectors crawling all around that country looking for WMD's and every report Hans Blix turned into the UNSC (including the one in March 2003), said they had not found any. And you know what, after we came in and had un-fettered access to that country for the last 10 years, we didn't find any either. So shut your fuckin' mouth, asshole! Everytime you open it, it does harm to this country.

I sure bet that you are pissed at these Democrats that voted for and influenced Bush's decision to enforce UN Res 1441 in Iraq.

"I will be voting to give the president of the United States the authority to use force - if necessary - to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." -- John F. Kerry, Oct 2002

"Whether one agrees or disagrees with the Administration’s policy towards Iraq, I don’t think there can be any question about Saddam’s conduct. He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do. He lies and cheats; he snubs the mandate and authority of international weapons inspectors; and he games the system to keep buying time against enforcement of the just and legitimate demands of the United Nations, the Security Council, the United States and our allies. Those are simply the facts." -- Henry Waxman, Oct 10, 2002

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandates of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them." -- Carl Levin, Sept 19, 2002

I do have a few dozen more if you are interested.
I sure bet that you are pissed at these Democrats that voted for and influenced Bush's decision to enforce UN Res 1441 in Iraq.

I do have a few dozen more if you are interested.
I'm aware of all those comments as well as HR114. And you're right, they pissed me off. 1441 wasn't Bush's call to make. It was the UNSC's. At the time we attacked, Hussein was in compliance the all the provisions of the resolution. There were obviously some things he needed to do better, but he was not in violation of it.

There is one thing that is an absolute, un-debatable fact, that there was no reason to rush into war. We should have let UN inspectors "stay their coarse" and finish their mission. But instead, we had to go spend a trillion dollars in that country (and Afghanistan), with no direct benefit for average American's. No return for that investment. All we got was a trashed economy and millions of American's out of work.

My, how that war was worth it!
I sure bet that you are pissed at these Democrats that voted for and influenced Bush's decision to enforce UN Res 1441 in Iraq.

I do have a few dozen more if you are interested.
I'm aware of all those comments as well as HR114. And you're right, they pissed me off. 1441 wasn't Bush's call to make. It was the UNSC's. At the time we attacked, Hussein was in compliance the all the provisions of the resolution. There were obviously some things he needed to do better, but he was not in violation of it.

That is absolutely not true, and the UN recognized several times that saddam was in violation of several resolutions. As for "rushing to war," if 12 years is a "rush" to you then you must work at the DMV or something. You are not only stupid but, I believe, deliberately lying to promote your agenda.

Go ahead, brush off/ignore yet another set of facts you dishonest fuck.
Before I start, let's get the record straight. Its not just Zionists although it is their goals and aspirations which have been predominate. What I am really talking about is the battle between good and evil; the battle, if you will, between the "Dark Side" and the "Light Side". As things stand, Zionism is essentially and evil political movement no better than Nazism. The parallels are striking even thought the Zionist did not gas 6 million Christians! Aryans – Master race better than everybody else. Zionism – Gods chosen people better than everybody else. Nazism – rule the world for our benefit and everyone else’s detriment. Zionism – rule the world for our benefit and everyone else’s detriment. Nazism – might makes right. Zionism – success makes right. Nazism – the ends justify the means. Zionism – the ends justify the means. Etc.

Our government the most powerful government in the world with the most powerful military machine ever devised by mankind, is subservient to the New World Order. This being the case, the United States which used to be on the “Light Side” is now on the “Dark Side” and is a force for evil in the world. Do I have to say why? Americans are better than everyone else. America should rule the world……for its own good; SURE! Might makes right! The ends justify the means, etc. America, today, is a reflection of Zionism and in the final analysis is its puppet. Not only our government is being twisted out of shape by these people, but so is Christianity to point that most Christians now think like Jews. Yes, we used to be a Christian nation, but his is no longer the case. How can it be otherwise when the prime operating imperatives of our government is deception, lies, and brute force. We are now a reflection of those who rule us and this is not a good thing.

Zionism is not deliberately trying to destroy the world economies per se. However, what they have done is hoodwinked the entire world into buying into central banking and a debt based monetary system. They have done this for two reasons; it allows them to siphon off the wealth and vitality of a nation for themselves and it also gives them control over a nation’s economy which allows them to dominate and control its government. The rub is that a debt based monetary system is incompatible with physical reality and doomed to fail. This is what is happening to the world to day. Stop and think about it. Has mankind progressed in the past 100 years under debt based monetary systems or have we gone down hill? How is possible, for us today, an intelligent and educated people, to be facing such a gargantuan economic crisis? This shouldn’t be happening, but it is because this is the inevitable result of the monetary system we were hoodwinked into adopting in 1913.

What is wrong with world today, is that evil men are in charge. This being true, they are the worst kinds of people to be leading the world at this critical time in our history. They are motivated by greed and the lust for complete and total control of everything. This being the case, the decisions being made are to our detriment and far worse than this, really important things are being ignored; the best example being the fact that the world is woefully over populated.

In order to defeat darkness, you need to turn on a light and that is what I am trying to do here. My book is entitled, “While We Sleep” and was written to wake people up. If we are ever going to defeat the Zionists, people must know the truth about them and what they have done to us. Unfortunately, Zionists control the media and entertainment industries of the Nation. This being the case, they control the biggest means available of waking people up. The only thing left is the internet and this is why I am here. However, the internet is rife with people like Unkotare and Saveliberty who do everything possible to confound, confuse, and throw people off track. Look what they have tried to do to me; call me every vile name possible and insult me at every turn in the hope that I would lose my temper and respond in kind. Had they succeeded, I would have been discredited and everything I accomplished so far would be tossed in the shitter; a great victory for the Dark Side.

In closing, I think things are too far gone for anything to be done about them. For example, Ron Paul is the only candidate running for President who is honest and sincere and is committed to righting what has gone wrong. And what do most Americans think about Ron Paul; he is a fluke, an oddball, and unelectable. Thank you, the men and women of our media and thank you Zionism. The only candidate committed to doing the right thing and he is not good enough for us.
I will tell you exactly what the "BIG EVIL" is, which is above zionisn, neoconservatism, our US military, al Qaeda, the GWOT, SCOTUS, US Constitution and everything else affects this planet, for it is the greatest threat to peace on earth and it is the men behind the curtain (so to speak), that are calling the shots and eliminating the concept (and sovereignty) of nation-states and it is called CORPORATISM.

Corporatism and it's basturd off-spring neo-liberalism, are at the root of every policy decision our government is making. That's why we've been at war for the last 10 years, even though 70% of American's are against it. That's why the Citizen's United verdict came in the way it did. That's why we had the change in the Eminant Domain law that now allows it's invoction on commercial reasons. That's why the "public option" was not included in the healthcare bill. That's why we got the Patriot and Military Commission's Acts.

Multi-national corporations not even based in this country, are running our government and writing our laws. They are using our military to rape the planet of it's resources for profit and gain. They have stripped us of our representation in government and are turning us into a 3rd world country.

Our only hope and way out of this mess, is to vote out all incumbants in every single local, state and federal election. And keep voting them out until we get the people in there that represent us, not them. Corporations should have absolutely no say whatsoever in government. This is a country for We the People, not We the People, Inc.
That is absolutely not true, and the UN recognized several times that saddam was in violation of several resolutions. As for "rushing to war," if 12 years is a "rush" to you then you must work at the DMV or something. You are not only stupid but, I believe, deliberately lying to promote your agenda.

Go ahead, brush off/ignore yet another set of facts you dishonest fuck.
I will give you a $1000 if you can show me one UN resolution on Iraq that contains the words "regime change". Just one. I'll write the check right now. That's all you gotta do. In addition, you cannot produce one report from Hans Blix that say's catagorically they were in violation of 1441. And it was not Bush's call to unilaterally decide for the UNSC about what to do. Any perceived violation needed to be refered back to the security counsel for review.

You go to war because you have to, not because you want to. Wars of choice are wars of aggression. And wars of aggression are crimes against humanity. And if you support these wars, then you do not embrace American values.
I sure bet that you are pissed at these Democrats that voted for and influenced Bush's decision to enforce UN Res 1441 in Iraq.

I do have a few dozen more if you are interested.
I'm aware of all those comments as well as HR114. And you're right, they pissed me off. 1441 wasn't Bush's call to make. It was the UNSC's. At the time we attacked, Hussein was in compliance the all the provisions of the resolution. There were obviously some things he needed to do better, but he was not in violation of it.

There is one thing that is an absolute, un-debatable fact, that there was no reason to rush into war. We should have let UN inspectors "stay their coarse" and finish their mission. But instead, we had to go spend a trillion dollars in that country (and Afghanistan), with no direct benefit for average American's. No return for that investment. All we got was a trashed economy and millions of American's out of work.

My, how that war was worth it!

Hussein was in compliance the all the provisions of the resolution. There were obviously some things he needed to do better, but he was not in violation of it.

So you have nothing to say.......Just lie about events.

I suggest you review Blix'S remarks and restate your rant........LIAR.............
"UNSCR 678 - November 29, 1990

•Iraq must comply fully with UNSCR 660 (regarding Iraq's illegal invasion of Kuwait) "and all subsequent relevant resolutions."

•Authorizes UN Member States "to use all necessary means to uphold and implement resolution 660 and all subsequent relevant resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area."

UNSCR 686 - March 2, 1991

•Iraq must release prisoners detained during the Gulf War.

•Iraq must return Kuwaiti property seized during the Gulf War.

•Iraq must accept liability under international law for damages from its illegal invasion of Kuwait.

UNSCR 687 - April 3, 1991

•Iraq must "unconditionally accept" the destruction, removal or rendering harmless "under international supervision" of all "chemical and biological weapons and all stocks of agents and all related subsystems and components and all research, development, support and manufacturing facilities."

•Iraq must "unconditionally agree not to acquire or develop nuclear weapons or nuclear-weapons-usable material" or any research, development or manufacturing facilities.

•Iraq must "unconditionally accept" the destruction, removal or rendering harmless "under international supervision" of all "ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 KM and related major parts and repair and production facilities."

•Iraq must not "use, develop, construct or acquire" any weapons of mass destruction.

•Iraq must reaffirm its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

•Creates the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) to verify the elimination of Iraq's chemical and biological weapons programs and mandated that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verify elimination of Iraq's nuclear weapons program.

•Iraq must declare fully its weapons of mass destruction programs.

•Iraq must not commit or support terrorism, or allow terrorist organizations to operate in Iraq.

•Iraq must cooperate in accounting for the missing and dead Kuwaitis and others.

•Iraq must return Kuwaiti property seized during the Gulf War.

UNSCR 688 - April 5, 1991

•"Condemns" repression of Iraqi civilian population, "the consequences of which threaten international peace and security."

•Iraq must immediately end repression of its civilian population.

•Iraq must allow immediate access to international humanitarian organizations to those in need of assistance.

UNSCR 707 - August 15, 1991

•"Condemns" Iraq's "serious violation" of UNSCR 687.

•"Further condemns" Iraq's noncompliance with IAEA and its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

•Iraq must halt nuclear activities of all kinds until the Security Council deems Iraq in full compliance.

•Iraq must make a full, final and complete disclosure of all aspects of its weapons of mass destruction and missile programs.

•Iraq must allow UN and IAEA inspectors immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access.

•Iraq must cease attempts to conceal or move weapons of mass destruction, and related materials and facilities.

•Iraq must allow UN and IAEA inspectors to conduct inspection flights throughout Iraq.

•Iraq must provide transportation, medical and logistical support for UN and IAEA inspectors.

UNSCR 715 - October 11, 1991

•Iraq must cooperate fully with UN and IAEA inspectors.

UNSCR 949 - October 15, 1994

•"Condemns" Iraq's recent military deployments toward Kuwait.

•Iraq must not utilize its military or other forces in a hostile manner to threaten its neighbors or UN operations in Iraq.

•Iraq must cooperate fully with UN weapons inspectors.

•Iraq must not enhance its military capability in southern Iraq.

UNSCR 1051 - March 27, 1996

•Iraq must report shipments of dual-use items related to weapons of mass destruction to the UN and IAEA.

•Iraq must cooperate fully with UN and IAEA inspectors and allow immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access.

UNSCR 1060 - June 12, 1996

•"Deplores" Iraq's refusal to allow access to UN inspectors and Iraq's "clear violations" of previous UN resolutions.

•Iraq must cooperate fully with UN weapons inspectors and allow immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access.

UNSCR 1115 - June 21, 1997

•"Condemns repeated refusal of Iraqi authorities to allow access" to UN inspectors, which constitutes a "clear and flagrant violation" of UNSCR 687, 707, 715, and 1060.

•Iraq must cooperate fully with UN weapons inspectors and allow immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access.

•Iraq must give immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access to Iraqi officials whom UN inspectors want to interview.

UNSCR 1134 - October 23, 1997

•"Condemns repeated refusal of Iraqi authorities to allow access" to UN inspectors, which constitutes a "flagrant violation" of UNSCR 687, 707, 715, and 1060.

•Iraq must cooperate fully with UN weapons inspectors and allow immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access.

•Iraq must give immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access to Iraqi officials whom UN inspectors want to interview.

UNSCR 1137 - November 12, 1997

•"Condemns the continued violations by Iraq" of previous UN resolutions, including its "implicit threat to the safety of" aircraft operated by UN inspectors and its tampering with UN inspector monitoring equipment.

•Reaffirms Iraq's responsibility to ensure the safety of UN inspectors.

•Iraq must cooperate fully with UN weapons inspectors and allow immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access.

UNSCR 1154 - March 2, 1998

•Iraq must cooperate fully with UN and IAEA weapons inspectors and allow immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access, and notes that any violation would have the "severest consequences for Iraq."

UNSCR 1194 - September 9, 1998

•"Condemns the decision by Iraq of 5 August 1998 to suspend cooperation with" UN and IAEA inspectors, which constitutes "a totally unacceptable contravention" of its obligations under UNSCR 687, 707, 715, 1060, 1115, and 1154.

•Iraq must cooperate fully with UN and IAEA weapons inspectors, and allow immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access.

UNSCR 1205 - November 5, 1998

•"Condemns the decision by Iraq of 31 October 1998 to cease cooperation" with UN inspectors as "a flagrant violation" of UNSCR 687 and other resolutions.

•Iraq must provide "immediate, complete and unconditional cooperation" with UN and IAEA inspectors.

UNSCR 1284 - December 17, 1999

•Created the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspections Commission (UNMOVIC) to replace previous weapon inspection team (UNSCOM).

•Iraq must allow UNMOVIC "immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access" to Iraqi officials and facilities.

•Iraq must fulfill its commitment to return Gulf War prisoners.

•Calls on Iraq to distribute humanitarian goods and medical supplies to its people and address the needs of vulnerable Iraqis without discrimination.

Additional UN Security Council Statements

In addition to the legally binding UNSCRs, the UN Security Council has also issued at least 30 statements from the President of the UN Security Council regarding Saddam Hussein's continued violations of UNSCRs. The list of statements includes:
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, June 28, 1991
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, February 5, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, February 19, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, February 28, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, March 6, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, March 11, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, March 12, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, April 10, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, June 17, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, July 6, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, September 2, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, November 23, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, November 24, 1992
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, January 8, 1993
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, January 11, 1993
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, June 18, 1993
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, June 28, 1993
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, November 23, 1993
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, October 8, 1994
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, March 19, 1996
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, June 14, 1996
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, August 23, 1996
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, December 30, 1996
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, June 13, 1997
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, October 29, 1997
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, November 13, 1997
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, December 3, 1997
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, December 22, 1997
•UN Security Council Presidential Statement, January 14, 1998"

Saddam Hussein's Defiance of United Nations Resolutions
And of course the whole point of 1441 (which you would know if you had bothered to read it) was to recognize that saddam WAS in violation of previous resolutions and obligations and to provide "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations." A final opportunity he chose to squander with more lies and misdirections.

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