I Am Ashamed of My Country

Selling is against posting policies- true
But, is selling, spam by definition ?
That reminds me of the George Carlin take on prostitution.

"I don't understand why prostitution is illegal. Selling is legal and fucking is legal. So why is selling fucking illegal? Why is selling something illegal, when it's perfectly legal to give away?"
- George Carlin
Our country's history is absolutely NO worse than any other nation and far better than most. The fact you have convinced yourself that this nation has a history so deviant and so outside the history of our species around the world as to fill you with shame only tells me that YOU are the problem. And people like you.

You think they did it better somewhere else and have done more for our species around the globe than THIS country -PLEASE, pack your shit and immediately go move there and live out the rest of your life in a country you think has it better and did it better! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Personally I am far more embarrassed by the low quality citizen we have been churning out like you.
Our country's history is absolutely NO worse than any other nation and far better than most. The fact you have convinced yourself that this nation has a history so deviant and so outside the history of our species around the world as to fill you with shame only tells me that YOU are the problem. And people like you.

You think they did it better somewhere else and have done more for our species around the globe than THIS country -PLEASE, pack your shit and immediately go move there and live out the rest of your life in a country you think has it better and did it better! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Personally I am far more embarrassed by the low quality citizen we have been churning out like you.
We did the exact same thing the nazis did (starting a war of aggression).

Are you proud of that?
Our country's history is absolutely NO worse than any other nation and far better than most. The fact you have convinced yourself that this nation has a history so deviant and so outside the history of our species around the world as to fill you with shame only tells me that YOU are the problem. And people like you.

You think they did it better somewhere else and have done more for our species around the globe than THIS country -PLEASE, pack your shit and immediately go move there and live out the rest of your life in a country you think has it better and did it better! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Personally I am far more embarrassed by the low quality citizen we have been churning out like you.
We did the exact same thing the nazis did (starting a war of aggression).

Are you proud of that?

Your glaring ignorance of history aside, you and your girlfriend al there seem obsessed with Nazi Germany. Maybe you need to go find a site that caters to your special interests.
Obviously not. You are reality-challenged.
Dude, you got serious communication issues. Whether you don't know how to grow up, or you were just born without balls, you talk (and act) like a kid. You just run around yelling at people who say things you didn't like. And when you try to actually debate a topic, you whind up saying something really stupid. And the funny thing is, you don't have the intelligence (or maturity) to notice. But everyone else can.
Your glaring ignorance of history aside, you and your girlfriend al there seem obsessed with Nazi Germany. Maybe you need to go find a site that caters to your special interests.
Go read the Nuremburg Principles, jerk-off. That's where we defined what a war of aggression is. Then come back here and explain how what we did was different.

Oh, I forgot, you can't explain. All you can do is play make believe and call people names.
Obviously not. You are reality-challenged.
Dude, you got serious communication issues. Whether you don't know how to grow up, or you were just born without balls, you talk (and act) like a kid. You just run around yelling at people who say things you didn't like. And when you try to actually debate a topic, you whind up saying something really stupid. And the funny thing is, you don't have the intelligence (or maturity) to notice. But everyone else can.

Are you done, you idiotic little emo bitch? I told you to take your girlfriend al to the Conspiracy Forum where you two can be properly ignored as you deserve.
And there's your Nazi obsession again...

Here you go, idiot.

Bush and Blair found guilty of war crimes for Iraq attack

A tribunal in Malaysia applies the Nuremberg Principles
to brand the two leaders as war criminals

A tribunal in Malaysia, spearheaded by that nation’s former Prime Minister, yesterday found George Bush and Tony Blair guilty of “crimes against peace” and other war crimes for their 2003 aggressive attack on Iraq, as well as fabricating pretexts used to justify the attack. The seven-member Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal — which featured an American law professor as one of its chief prosecutors — has no formal enforcement power, but was modeled after a 1967 tribunal in Sweden and Denmark that found the U.S. guilty of a war of aggression in Vietnam, and, even more so, after the U.S.-led Nuremberg Tribunal held after World War II. Just as the U.S. steadfastly ignored the 1967 tribunal on Vietnam, Bush and Blair both ignored the summons sent to them and thus were tried in absentia.
People as dumb as you are, really shouldn't procreate.
Are you done, you idiotic little emo bitch? I told you to take your girlfriend al to the Conspiracy Forum where you two can be properly ignored as you deserve.
I'm not going anywhere, bitch-boy. The only option you have is to learn how to deal with me. I bet you get your ass kicked a lot!
Capstone 607:

Specifically, I m talking about the Zionist goals and aspirations of world domination and control. They do not control everything, but they soon will and when this happens save the Jews, we will all be in the same boat. They Zionist intend to make the Jews the masters and the rest of us will be their servants. Please note that this is not a Jewish goal of aspiration. It is only what the Zionists want for the Jews. They manipulate their own people the same ways they manipulate us.

I am not a self-proclaimed Christian primarily because I was born one and even if I wasn’t, I would object to your use of this phrase. Do converts proclaim themselves to be Christian, Jewish, or Muslim? I believe your use of the phrase “self-proclaimed’ is in the derogatory sense as in “proclaimed”, but not really a true believer. All I can say is from your attitude is that you probably are a self-proclaimed Christian who really is an un-proclaimed Jew; again not using Jew in any kind of derogatory sense and merely referring to the fundamental differences between Judaism and Christianity.

Now as to the battle between good and evil! If you are a Christian, you believe that God is the personification of good. On the other hand, you also believe in Satan who is the personification of evil. Therefore, the polarization of these two things is part of the Christian religion and does not come from me. Now I ask you are you a Democrat or a Republican, a conservative or a liberal, right wing or left wing, or Red or Blue. Are these also illusionary opposites? How about the idiots out there who believe, ‘conservative = good as opposed to liberal = bad’? Would you say they are also the victims of the illusionary opposite syndrome? I think you are talking to hear yourself talk here and really have no idea what you are talking about.

Now as to your dark side designation, Zionists bear direct responsibility for turning WWI into a world war, the rise of the Nazis and Adolph Hitler, bringing on WWII, bringing to the world a permanent war on terror, the trashing of our constitution, the disappearance of democracy and republican government from the world, the corruption and degradation of the all the world’s institutions, and for bringing unto us a world government which is a dictatorship. Now I ask you, is all this evil just a shade of grey and is this really what you subscribe to as an American?

When you say that none of the things I described about the Zionists are inherently evil, technically you are correct, but all of them have a great potential for great evil. For example, the Nazis believed they had Aryan blood in them and this made them better than everyone else who without it, were sub-human. So it is with being one of God’s chosen people. If you are chosen by God, then there is a reason God chose you and that reason makes you better than everyone else. This being the case, a double standard of morality is created and a “chosen person” can do no wrong no matter how wrongfully he treats a non-chosen person. There are Rabbis in Israel who preach that if a Jew needs a liver to survive, it is okay to kill a Christian to get one. Christians are no better than cattle to these Rabbis. So it is with al the other things I described such as ruling the world to the detriment of others. Its okay to do anything no matter how immoral or despicable to achieve success which is just another way of saying ‘the ends justify the means. Do you really see good in these things. And you have the nerve to call me a communist.

This nation’s support of Israel is anathema to Christianity. Christians subscribe to the New Covenant only and have nothing to do with the old which is going away and should disappear. This being the case, for a Christian, there is no such thing as a chosen people and under the New Covent, there is no way for a true Christian to subscribe to or assist in the established of a religion based government. Only Jews think this way and this is why I say that many of today’s Christians are Christians in name only because they think like Jews.

I say good and you say evil! if you cannot tell the difference, then you are a Zionist sympathizer or at least, you think like one.
From the bottom of Dr. Gumps post:

"Religion attacks us in our deepest integrity by saying we wouldn't be able to make a moral decision without it, and that a supernatural dictatorship is our only hope. That makes us all into serfs. And chess and Tantric sex and Chinese food are pointless if you must enjoy them as a serf.'' Christopher Hitchens.

Dear Dr Grump: If you truly subscribe to Christopher Hitchens' Quote, then it is clear that both of you have very little knowledge of Christianity. The very essence of Christianity is making moral decisions as a product of our intellect and free will. There are no rules in true Christianity and this includes the Ten Commandments. Jesus did not want people to come to him because someone wrote down a piece of paper that this is what you should do. He wants people to come him of thier own free will and they do this by following the dictates of their heart and conscience. In other words, by making the right moral decisions.

Tell that to the Bishops, Cardinals, Mullahs, Rabbis, Imans.....

Mullahs, Rabbis, Imams are not Christians. As for Bishops and Cardinals, most are not Christians also. You must be Catholic becasue you did not mention Pastors and Ministers. Well, a good percentage of them are not Christians either. I stand by my statement, you apparently have no idea what a true Christian is and this is especially true if you are a Catholic. I do not give a hoot what other people say. My Christianity is between me and Jesus Christ alone.
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