I Am Ashamed of My Country

Don't be so desperate, little whore. Maybe he'll call again when he is drunk and out of options. Untill then just sit on your plastic chair at 'happy hour' waiting for someone to kick your ass so you can remember what it's like to feel again.
You mis-spelled 'until'.
Alan R. Adaschik
citizenal, I wish you wouldn't go. This board is starving for people like you. There are too many brownshirts around here who don't have the chops to debate anyone, so they spend all their time yelling at others. They're only goal is to hijack a thread and make it impossible to have a conversation. But when we do, it's very much appreciated.[/QUOTE]

Loinboy: Thanks for the Kudo.

Okay, as requested, I won't disappear completely and will pipe in when appropriate. It just that name calling is not my forte and this seems to be the main thrust of what is going on here at tis pont. Why waste your time with that bullshit.

I really wish someone would ask me some really hard questions or provide some information that contradicts something I have said. Isn't this what a forum is all about? Unfortunately, the two ghosts who haunt this thread, contribute absolutely nothing of value and seemed to be hear for the sole purpose of harrassing other posters. Oh well, I guess it goes with the territory.
Case in point. Read throught the garbage on these last two pages. Is this really what the posters here think is worth reading? What a fucken waste of time.
Loinboy: Thanks for the Kudo.

Okay, as requested, I won't disappear completely and will pipe in when appropriate. It just that name calling is not my forte and this seems to be the main thrust of what is going on here at tis pont. Why waste your time with that bullshit.

I really wish someone would ask me some really hard questions or provide some information that contradicts something I have said. Isn't this what a forum is all about? Unfortunately, the two ghosts who haunt this thread, contribute absolutely nothing of value and seemed to be hear for the sole purpose of harrassing other posters. Oh well, I guess it goes with the territory.

I pointed out you were a conspiracist with no factual proof, a hater of the highest order and unchristian in your discourse. You have one loon who sides with you. Deal with it.
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I pointed out you were a conspiracist with no factual proof, a hater of the highest order and unchristian in your discourse. You have one loon who sides with you. Deal with it.
Ponting things out is not proof. You have to have corroborating evidence in order to show that your objection is not frivolous.

Anyone can say anything, it doesn't mean shit. In your case, it doesn't mean a lotta shit!
"Ponting things out" genius?

Your boyfriend is waiting for you over on the Conspiracy Forum. Get going.
I pointed out you were a conspiracist with no factual proof, a hater of the highest order and unchristian in your discourse. You have one loon who sides with you. Deal with it.
Ponting things out is not proof. You have to have corroborating evidence in order to show that your objection is not frivolous.

Anyone can say anything, it doesn't mean shit. In your case, it doesn't mean a lotta shit!

Interesting, considering your butt buddy had zero proof.
Interesting, considering your butt buddy had zero proof.
Did you ask for any? Did you ask him to explain his reasoning? Or did you just jump to conclusions with no proof of your own? Granted, the person making the claim does have the burden of proof (initially), but unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, you can't automatically assume the person's claim as false. That can be your opinion, but it's definately not a fact.
Interesting, considering your butt buddy had zero proof.
Did you ask for any? Did you ask him to explain his reasoning? Or did you just jump to conclusions with no proof of your own? Granted, the person making the claim does have the burden of proof (initially), but unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, you can't automatically assume the person's claim as false. That can be your opinion, but it's definately not a fact.

So if I say the sky was pink tonight, its up to you to prove otherwise? Learned historians have carefully documented the past of the US. The burden is crushing upon citizenal.
This is why al and his girlfriend Sir Loin of the Empty Head need to drag their sorry asses to the Conspiracy Forum where they belong.
So if I say the sky was pink tonight, its up to you to prove otherwise?
No, of coarse not. Some things are just common sense.

Learned historians have carefully documented the past of the US. The burden is crushing upon citizenal.
The initial burden is on him. But on the topic of you accusing him of not being a Christain, without you explaing why, that's more like a baseless accusation. And if you wanted his proof, you should of engaged him more into a debate, instead of this childish name-calling. All that does is show the world just how stupid American's are.
From the bottom of Dr. Gumps post:

"Religion attacks us in our deepest integrity by saying we wouldn't be able to make a moral decision without it, and that a supernatural dictatorship is our only hope. That makes us all into serfs. And chess and Tantric sex and Chinese food are pointless if you must enjoy them as a serf.'' Christopher Hitchens.

Dear Dr Grump: If you truly subscribe to Christopher Hitchens' Quote, then it is clear that both of you have very little knowledge of Christianity. The very essence of Christianity is making moral decisions as a product of our intellect and free will. There are no rules in true Christianity and this includes the Ten Commandments. Jesus did not want people to come to him because someone wrote down a piece of paper that this is what you should do. He wants people to come him of thier own free will and they do this by following the dictates of their heart and conscience. In other words, by making the right moral decisions.

Tell that to the Bishops, Cardinals, Mullahs, Rabbis, Imans.....

Mullahs, Rabbis, Imams are not Christians. As for Bishops and Cardinals, most are not Christians also. You must be Catholic becasue you did not mention Pastors and Ministers. Well, a good percentage of them are not Christians either. I stand by my statement, you apparently have no idea what a true Christian is and this is especially true if you are a Catholic. I do not give a hoot what other people say. My Christianity is between me and Jesus Christ alone.

I never said they were Christians. Hitchens quote mentions nothing about Christians. Make that your starting point and you might have a point. Other than that, you are blathering. And I'm an athiest....

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