I Am Ashamed of My Country

Interesting, considering your butt buddy had zero proof.
Did you ask for any? Did you ask him to explain his reasoning? Or did you just jump to conclusions with no proof of your own? Granted, the person making the claim does have the burden of proof (initially), but unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, you can't automatically assume the person's claim as false. That can be your opinion, but it's definately not a fact.

So if I say the sky was pink tonight, its up to you to prove otherwise? Learned historians have carefully documented the past of the US. The burden is crushing upon citizenal.

And what do you think I have been doing in all my previous posts? No, I wasn't proving. What I was doing was demonstrating that based upon the available facts, the most reasonable and cogent explanation for each of the 20 events I identified is behind the scenes manipulation by the same group of people. Each event taken alone establishes nothing, but when taken together, the case is overwhelming. This being the case, the burden of establishing the truth is not on me, because I have done that. Instead, as Loinboy said, the burden of demonstrating why I am wrong rests squarely on your shoulders.

No put up or shut up. I am sure you will do neither and instead just call me few more names.
It's a New World Order. Better get onboard...Or else. :(

I was never good at getting on board, especially when you are asking me to make an accomodation with evil. Great! Climb aboard and by so doing, lose your immortal soul. I am a Christian, remember!

Would you please explain further to "or else" part. I would like to know what scares the shit out of my fellow Americans such that they willingly kiss the ass of their oppressors.
Tell that to the Bishops, Cardinals, Mullahs, Rabbis, Imans.....

Mullahs, Rabbis, Imams are not Christians. As for Bishops and Cardinals, most are not Christians also. You must be Catholic becasue you did not mention Pastors and Ministers. Well, a good percentage of them are not Christians either. I stand by my statement, you apparently have no idea what a true Christian is and this is especially true if you are a Catholic. I do not give a hoot what other people say. My Christianity is between me and Jesus Christ alone.

I never said they were Christians. Hitchens quote mentions nothing about Christians. Make that your starting point and you might have a point. Other than that, you are blathering. And I'm an athiest....

Ah, an athiest.......I used to be one once, then I became and agnostic. I returned to the fold because doing so gave me meaning and purpose in life. I realized that by sitting on the fence as an agnostic, I was really avoiding the issue, so I had to make a decision. I lacked the courage to be an athiest, so I chose Christ and since doing so I began to feel his presence in so many ways.

I'll give you and example of what I am talking about. I lacked the courage to call myself an athiest, but yet I have the courage to stand up to my government and the vast majority of the people of this nation. This courage does not come from me and without Jesus in my life, I would never be able to do what I am doing now in this thread.

Yes, no one can prove God and this being the case, being an athiest is the most logical decision to make. However, if you place your faith in Him, Jesus will become a part of your life and proving Him becomes irrelavant.

Perhaps your athism is partly a product of your misconceptions about Christianity. The Christianity being practiced by most Christians today, is anything but. The following is a link to an article I wrote which attempts to clear up a lot of these misconceptions. Hopefully, you will take the time to read it and give this topic more consideration.

Have a nice day.

God, the Bible, and Christianity | The Federal Observer
Did you ask for any? Did you ask him to explain his reasoning? Or did you just jump to conclusions with no proof of your own? Granted, the person making the claim does have the burden of proof (initially), but unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, you can't automatically assume the person's claim as false. That can be your opinion, but it's definately not a fact.

So if I say the sky was pink tonight, its up to you to prove otherwise? Learned historians have carefully documented the past of the US. The burden is crushing upon citizenal.

And what do you think I have been doing in all my previous posts? No, I wasn't proving. What I was doing was demonstrating that based upon the available facts, the most reasonable and cogent explanation for each of the 20 events I identified is behind the scenes manipulation by the same group of people. Each event taken alone establishes nothing, but when taken together, the case is overwhelming. This being the case, the burden of establishing the truth is not on me, because I have done that. Instead, as Loinboy said, the burden of demonstrating why I am wrong rests squarely on your shoulders.

No put up or shut up. I am sure you will do neither and instead just call me few more names.

What happened in Germany was a lunatic rose to power through a book and a group labeled as scapegoats for a nation. As a result he whipped them into fanatics that tried for world domination. Killing millions of innocent Jews and other folks in the process. THe world understands that. You on the other hand, are mush like the leader of Germany aren't you?

Your hate for others is evident. Fortunately truth is not on your side and neither is Christ, because when you spread hate, God is not "on your side".
It's a New World Order. Better get onboard...Or else. :(

I was never good at getting on board, especially when you are asking me to make an accomodation with evil. Great! Climb aboard and by so doing, lose your immortal soul. I am a Christian, remember!

Would you please explain further to "or else" part. I would like to know what scares the shit out of my fellow Americans such that they willingly kiss the ass of their oppressors.

You are far from oppressed idiot. In fact, you could not effectively list even one instance that you personally had been oppressed.
My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

Yes, you are what I consider a typical Far Right Winger...you love your country while hating most of the people in it.

He hates 'most' of the people in America only if 'most' of them are liberals. Liberals aren't even in the majority.
What happened in Germany was a lunatic rose to power through a book and a group labeled as scapegoats for a nation. As a result he whipped them into fanatics that tried for world domination. Killing millions of innocent Jews and other folks in the process. THe world understands that. You on the other hand, are mush like the leader of Germany aren't you?
Your recollection of history is a little off. He didn't rise to power because of a book. Granted, it may have been a factor, but there were other things that played more of a role in his ascention. Like the state of the economy that was the cause of widespread poverty and unemployment as a result of being punished for WWI. He brought prosperity back to the country. He was also elected by Christian Germans and consolidated power legally, using the laws in place at that time. And yet, during this time, no one said anything. The ones who did, got shouted down by brownshirts.

Then he lied about a national tragedy (Reichstag fire ); launched an un-provoked war of aggression against his neighbors; scapegoated an entire race of people; then got his ass whipped by allied forces.

What does that have to do with today?

Our last President came to power on the vote of Christain American's; he consolidated power legally (Patriot and Military Commission's Acts) and just like in Germany, the right said absolutely nothing during his presidency; he lied about a national tragedy (9/11); started two un-provoked wars of aggression (Iraq and Afghanistan) and scapegoated an entire race of people (muslims).

We've now been at war for over 10 years, spent a trillion dollars with no direct benefit for average American's, trashed our economy, made us the most hated nation on earth and for anyone who doesn't feel the need to speak out on this issue, you have turned your back on this country and its countryman.

Your hate for others is evident. Fortunately truth is not on your side and neither is Christ, because when you spread hate, God is not "on your side".
You don't have a clue as to what Christ was about.

And it has nothing to do with sides.
Our last President lied about a national tragedy (9/11); started two un-provoked wars of aggression (Iraq and Afghanistan) and scapegoated an entire race of people (muslims).

That is obviously not true. That is just your lefty extreme partisan attempt to twist reality to satisfy your bias. Don't expect to be taken seriously if you are going to be either completely ignorant or completely dishonest.
What happened in Germany was a lunatic rose to power through a book and a group labeled as scapegoats for a nation. As a result he whipped them into fanatics that tried for world domination. Killing millions of innocent Jews and other folks in the process. THe world understands that. You on the other hand, are mush like the leader of Germany aren't you?

Your hate for others is evident. Fortunately truth is not on your side and neither is Christ, because when you spread hate, God is not "on your side".

Saveliberty: I am going to give you a C+ for trying. At least you are no longer name calling and instead, offering your opinions.

Indeed, a lunatic did rise to power in Germany. But what you want me to do is stop there and not ask any of the important questions. My point is that if the German people were the most sophisticated and intelligent in the world prior to WWI, how did they fall so far and so fast. Look at what the Germans did in WWII. V-1 and V-2 rockets, jet airplanes, and other weapons of war that boggle the mind. Goddard was still playing with bottle rockest and the Germans were building V-2's. How could such an intelligent people support a man like Adolph Hitler. The answer: they were driven to it by how the Zionists manipulated the situation. They became a desparate and disenfranchised people and deparate people do desparte things. The Germans didn't create Adolph Hitler, the Zionists did. He is there stepchild and a reflection of themselves. Everything Adolph Hitler was, so are the Zionists. They are just as insane as he was. The only difference, when it comes to death and human suffering, Hitler was in the minor league in comparison to the Zionists.

I do not hate anybody. Instead, I am just calling a spade a spade.
Speak for yourself, idiot.
You suck so much at being American, jihadists use your posts as a recruiting tool.

Sounds more like what citizenal is doing. After all he wants to drive Jews out of Israel. As an ally of Muslims he must be very proud. An axis of evil so to speak.

Saveliberty: I have to give credit where credit is due. You ability to twist things around to serves your nefarious purposes is without equal anywhere in the world. We truly are dealing with the best of the best here.

#1. I defy you to find a quote by me where I said I want to drive the Jews out of Israel. No where in this tread have I offered solutions to any of the problems I have identified. Please stop making this up.

#2. No where in this tread or anywhere else fo that matter, have I ever communicated or insinuated that I am an ally of the Muslims. Please provide this thread with the references which allow you to make this absurd claim.

#3, No where in my posts as I have aluded to an "Axis" of evil. There is only one party to evil as I see it and this is the Zionists. Again, how about providing some documentation for what you claim to be true.

Your powers to reason and think logically seem to be very limited. This being the case, I surmise you are a teenager still in Junior High school. This being the case, I suggest you have one of our teacher's review your posts before you submit them so as to preclude you from embarrassing yourself.
It's a New World Order. Better get onboard...Or else. :(

I was never good at getting on board, especially when you are asking me to make an accomodation with evil. Great! Climb aboard and by so doing, lose your immortal soul. I am a Christian, remember!

Would you please explain further to "or else" part. I would like to know what scares the shit out of my fellow Americans such that they willingly kiss the ass of their oppressors.

You are far from oppressed idiot. In fact, you could not effectively list even one instance that you personally had been oppressed.

Saveliberty: Come on now! Are your really that stupid? Where in any of the above quotes do I say I am oppressed. My God, you really do need someone to help you. Would you please tell us how old you are. I cannot imagine anyone who graduated from High School posting the absurdities and abominations you post.
I was never good at getting on board, especially when you are asking me to make an accomodation with evil. Great! Climb aboard and by so doing, lose your immortal soul. I am a Christian, remember!

Would you please explain further to "or else" part. I would like to know what scares the shit out of my fellow Americans such that they willingly kiss the ass of their oppressors.

You are far from oppressed idiot. In fact, you could not effectively list even one instance that you personally had been oppressed.

Saveliberty: Come on now! Are your really that stupid? Where in any of the above quotes do I say I am oppressed. My God, you really do need someone to help you. Would you please tell us how old you are. I cannot imagine anyone who graduated from High School posting the absurdities and abominations you post.

You stated that precise thing in those words more than once. BTW, you promised to never address my posts too. Now you add obvious lies to your hate and using God for your purposes. True evil.
"The loss of our Constitution. The loss of all our inalienable rights. Our well being and heritage.
Our freedom." ~ citizenal post #317

"And because of your blind intransigence me and a lot of other people have to live in tyranny." ~ citizenal post #322

"Tyranny is when those impower operate from a hidden agenda and use it to take away your rights and impose undeed draconian laws upon. It is a fact that the United States has become a lind of tyranny. Every single one of our rights have been comprimised including our inalienable ones. And you posture that we have all consented to this tragic and lamentable state of affairs. What planet do you live on? Zarcan? It sure isn't planet earth." ~ citizenal post #327

"1. I pay income taxes becasue I am forced to. This tax money goes enitrly to the Fed. If my government did its job like its supposed to, I would not have to pay any income taxes. Our government is like Robin Hood, only it robs from us to give to the filthy rich.

2. I have relatives who died in the war on terror and in WWII. They probably would not have died the horrible deaths they did if it weren't for the Fed.

3. I pledge allegance to our Flag and to the Repbulic for which it stands. Everytime I do, my heart bleeds beause I know our Republic is dead and it was murderd by a bunch of demented criminals who put money and power ahead of all other things.

4. As an American I have a right to my heritage and the government bequeethed me by the Founders. This right has been taken away from me and instead I live under a goverment which is beholden to group of criminals and this being the case, the goverment we live under is a criminal enterprise." ! citizenal post #328

"I would like to know what scares the shit out of my fellow Americans such that they willingly kiss the ass of their oppressors." ~ citizenal post #682
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That is obviously not true. That is just your lefty extreme partisan attempt to twist reality to satisfy your bias. Don't expect to be taken seriously if you are going to be either completely ignorant or completely dishonest.
That obviously is true! You really shouldn't be on roads you don't want to go down. I can prove what I said. I can back up my claim. You cannot. All you can do, is make baseless accusations. But the minute you try argue your claim into reality, you whind up putting your foot in your mouth and eating a lot of crow.

The lies:
  • Iraq had WMD's
  • Iraq was working with al Qaeda
  • Iraq was a threat

Wars of aggression:

This has nothing to do with partisan bias. This is the law!

Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nüremberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal, 1950.

Principle VI

The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:

(a) Crimes against peace:
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
We attacked two country's that did not attack us first. We chose to go to war. And a war of choice, is a war of aggression.

Scapegoating a race of people:

No need to prove this one. It's common knowledge muslim's have been demonized for the last 10 years.

Now let's see you prove your point. That's a rhetorical statement, because we all know the only thing we'll see coming from you is everything but the topic we're discussing.

You ain't got the chops to debate.
Scapegoating a race of people:

No need to prove this one. It's common knowledge muslim's have been demonized for the last 10 years.

That is patently untrue, you numbskull.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKacGTJ6-W4]George W. Bush - "WE ARE NOT AT WAR AGAINST ISLAM / MUSLIMS" - YouTube[/ame]

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