I Am Ashamed of My Country

There are only 2 legal ways a country can attack another country per Article 51 of the UN Charter.

The UN has no binding authority that supercedes the sovereign interests of the United States. All this "illegal" talk stems from the lefty fantasy of a one world government that does not exist.
Wrong again, idiot. Afghanistan was harboring the criminal responsible for 9/11. Iraq was in violation of the terms it had agreed to and in defiance of resolutions demanding its compliance. Therefore, neither was a "war of aggression." You are trying to use terms you don't understand, moron.
First off, kudo's for your attempt to debate a topic.

Second, you're wrong! There are only 2 legal ways a country can attack another country per Article 51 of the UN Charter.
  • if you, yourself, are under attack
  • you receive UNSC authorization
And that's it. Even if the country harbors terrorists (BTW, we do to), or are allegedly in violation of UN resolutions, "choosing" to go to war, is defined as a war of aggression. The way international law is written, is to make war the final option when you have no other choice. We had choices still on the table in both of those country's. There was absolutely no reason why we had to rush to war in the first place.

And again, it wasn't Bush's call to unilaterally decide for the UNSC about what to do. Furthermore, there was no report by Hans Blix that said they were in violation of 1441. If Iraq was in violation, it would start with Hans Blix report.


Your idea of "legal" is troubling

Since when does the UN override the Constitution?
So congress can only declare war if the UN approves it?
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There are only 2 legal ways a country can attack another country per Article 51 of the UN Charter.

The UN has no binding authority that supercedes the sovereign interests of the United States. All this "illegal" talk stems from the lefty fantasy of a one world government that does not exist.

They can't help it. It is in their makeup....

Anything that undermines or brings down the US must be good

Which must explain why they like Papa Obama so much
"The loss of our Constitution. The loss of all our inalienable rights. Our well being and heritage.
Our freedom." ~ citizenal post #317

"And because of your blind intransigence me and a lot of other people have to live in tyranny." ~ citizenal post #322

"Tyranny is when those impower operate from a hidden agenda and use it to take away your rights and impose undeed draconian laws upon. It is a fact that the United States has become a lind of tyranny. Every single one of our rights have been comprimised including our inalienable ones. And you posture that we have all consented to this tragic and lamentable state of affairs. What planet do you live on? Zarcan? It sure isn't planet earth." ~ citizenal post #327

"1. I pay income taxes becasue I am forced to. This tax money goes enitrly to the Fed. If my government did its job like its supposed to, I would not have to pay any income taxes. Our government is like Robin Hood, only it robs from us to give to the filthy rich.

2. I have relatives who died in the war on terror and in WWII. They probably would not have died the horrible deaths they did if it weren't for the Fed.

3. I pledge allegance to our Flag and to the Repbulic for which it stands. Everytime I do, my heart bleeds beause I know our Republic is dead and it was murderd by a bunch of demented criminals who put money and power ahead of all other things.

4. As an American I have a right to my heritage and the government bequeethed me by the Founders. This right has been taken away from me and instead I live under a goverment which is beholden to group of criminals and this being the case, the goverment we live under is a criminal enterprise." ! citizenal post #328

"I would like to know what scares the shit out of my fellow Americans such that they willingly kiss the ass of their oppressors." ~ citizenal post #682

I said the above quotes. Not other posts. You see what I mean about twisting and misquoting. No of course not. Also, I never promised not reply to your posts, I just said I would and changed my mind because you appeared to be addressing the issues on hand again. Believe it or not, this thread is not about me or you. Its about Zionism, the New World Order, and the true history of the United States. You want to make it about me, because you know that you cannot refute anything I have said. Therefore, you attack me personally in the hope that by discrediting me, you discredit what I have said. It won't work Charlie and all you are doing is exposing yourself for what you are.

I'd say I've been highly successful on this thread. You got one fellow whackjob and everyone else has decided to ignore you or join me with my opinion you're a liar, unchristian, jew hating, idiot. :lol:

I don't have to prove anything about your wild view of history. You have to prove it is actually different than well respected historians have recorded it. A task which you have failed. You have admitted to being unbalanced, probably fired from your job in Florida for your problems and all of this is just you acting out your instability.
The only difference, when it comes to death and human suffering, Hitler was in the minor league in comparison to the Zionists.

I do not hate anybody. Instead, I am just calling a spade a spade.

Really, what are those numbers?

to be honest, Stalin killed more people than Hitler

Perhaps you need to do a little more homework before
you start sounding more foolish. If that is possible....

Let's see now where's my calculator? Oh here it is! Adding up the costs and the lives of that latter part of WWI, WWII, and our war on terror, the cost to the world of establishing the state of Israel, thus far, is 69 million people dead and 2,191 billion dollars. Not bad in consideration that this is the cost, thus far, of having about 8 million people live in a desert that belongs to somebody else.

Quotes attribution edited.
Member obviously failed to use the quote function correctly.
~ alan1
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Take your mentally imbalanced, anti-semitic ass to the Conspiracy Forum where it belongs. We'll even let you take your girlfriend with you.
Really, what are those numbers?

to be honest, Stalin killed more people than Hitler

Perhaps you need to do a little more homework before
you start sounding more foolish. If that is possible....

Let's see now where's my calculator? Oh here it is! Adding up the costs and the lives of that latter part of WWI, WWII, and our war on terror, the cost to the world of establishing the state of Israel, thus far, is 69 million people dead and 2,191 billion dollars. Not bad in consideration that this is the cost, thus far, of having about 8 million people live in a desert that belongs to somebody else.

Get the quote function correct dumbass. I did not make a post like that ever. That sort of thing will get you banned.
UN resolutions have no binding effect on the US. We are a sovereign nation and our Constitution supercedes any attempt to subjugate us to another power. Its basic US government dimwit.
Except in the case where Congress ratifies a treaty, then it carry's the same weight as the Supreme Law of the Land.

As for UN resolutions, if you're an American citizen living in a country based on the rule of law and you choose not to honor international law, you are also choosing to reject American values. Especially, when we co-wrote the god-damn thing (as in the case with the Nuremberg Principles).
Here's a little something to ponder. Afghanistan was harboring terrorists that attacked the US directly. We did not declare a war on Afghanistan, but rather on the terrorists within that nation. That is the think about terrorism, it requires new approaches to destroy them. By your definnition, we have waged war on Pakistan as well.
Here's something you're not realizing with your pondering, Afghanistan did not attack us. Nor did their bullshit, theocratic government attack us. Just because they are harboring a terrorist, gives us no right to go in and destroy the whole country. That punishes Afghan's who had nothing to do with terrorism. And no one should be punished for a crime they didn't commit.

Now, if you're gonna talk about harboring terrorists, what are your thoughts on Louis Posada? He's a terrorist. He put a bomb on a Cuban jetliner that killed 73 people. He's living in Miami a free man. Venezuela wants him extradited and our government has refused. Should we be attacked?

The fact Muslims are free to roam our streets, be citizens of the US and not corraled into internment camps pretty much deflates your other rant.
Tell that to the guys building the mosque at Ground Zero.

Your idea of "legal" is troubling

Since when does the UN override the Constitution?
So congress can only declare war if the UN approves it?
What's troubling is you thinking you can pick and choose which laws your willing to follow.

When a treaty is ratified, it becomes part of the Constitution.
I'd say I've been highly successful on this thread. You got one fellow whackjob and everyone else has decided to ignore you or join me with my opinion you're a liar, unchristian, jew hating, idiot. :lol:

I don't have to prove anything about your wild view of history. You have to prove it is actually different than well respected historians have recorded it. A task which you have failed. You have admitted to being unbalanced, probably fired from your job in Florida for your problems and all of this is just you acting out your instability.
Give me 3 examples of what was recorded by respected historian's. I think you're blowing smoke and don't really know yourself. If I'm wrong, give me 3 examples.

As far as a "wild view of history", you're a little lacking in current events, because your inalienable rights have been stripped from you. Because of the Patriot Act, authorities no longer need probable cause to raid your home. And because of the Military Commission's Act, the government can pluck anyone they want off the street and stick them in a cell for the rest of their life, without ever charging them of a crime.

So where's your rights there? If citizenal is wrong and you're right, then those "rights" you claim we still have, would prevent the government from doing that. But it hasn't.
I'd say I've been highly successful on this thread. You got one fellow whackjob and everyone else has decided to ignore you or join me with my opinion you're a liar, unchristian, jew hating, idiot. :lol:

I don't have to prove anything about your wild view of history. You have to prove it is actually different than well respected historians have recorded it. A task which you have failed. You have admitted to being unbalanced, probably fired from your job in Florida for your problems and all of this is just you acting out your instability.
Give me 3 examples of what was recorded by respected historian's. I think you're blowing smoke and don't really know yourself. If I'm wrong, give me 3 examples.

As far as a "wild view of history", you're a little lacking in current events, because your inalienable rights have been stripped from you. Because of the Patriot Act, authorities no longer need probable cause to raid your home. And because of the Military Commission's Act, the government can pluck anyone they want off the street and stick them in a cell for the rest of their life, without ever charging them of a crime.

So where's your rights there? If citizenal is wrong and you're right, then those "rights" you claim we still have, would prevent the government from doing that. But it hasn't.

SWAT is going to knock my door down any minute huh clown?

You see a lot of mainstream media reporting people missing from their homes and held in secret locations? Actually they still need probable cause for all crimes, including terrorism. Of course, only terrorism would save them from being successfully sued. Your wrong about the military commission act too. It clearly states US citizens are not at risk.
These so call anti-terrorism measure have put us all at risk because they are in place and can be used against us at any time. They exist! They are here now! The are ready to be used and they only thing we have is the good word of our 'so called' elected representatives that they will not be used against us. You have got to be shitting me; "the good world of our elected representatives"! These are men who starts their terms of office by breaking their oath of office in the same breath that it is taken. In other words, save Ron and Rand Paul, they are a bunch of lying scumbags who have sold thier soles to the highest bidder for a few pieces of silver. These are the people who will protect us? Pardon my while I go throw up.
Patriot Act is over reaching. I've stated that for a long time. Trading liberty for security is wrong and will hurt us all in some way down the road. I do not feel however, that it is part of some master plan, but an emotional over reaction to the terrorist attack.
Let's see now where's my calculator? Oh here it is! Adding up the costs and the lives of that latter part of WWI, WWII, and our war on terror, the cost to the world of establishing the state of Israel, thus far, is 69 million people dead and 2,191 billion dollars. Not bad in consideration that this is the cost, thus far, of having about 8 million people live in a desert that belongs to somebody else.

Get the quote function correct dumbass. I did not make a post like that ever. That sort of thing will get you banned.

Save Liberty:

I think we finally found something we can sink our teeth into and really get somewhere, that is if you are really interested in getting somewhere. You condemed my post and said I could be banned for making it because I listed the number of causalties and the dollar cost associated with the creation of the state of Israel. Spcecifically, why would printing what I believe to be the truth as established in the thread be a reason to ban me, especially when noboby, not even you has been able to refute what has been established int this thread. Please, no more of your ususal bullshit: what rule have I violated and why is my post in violation of this rule.

We all await your answer.
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