I Am Ashamed of My Country

Silence is Golden. I guess I can rest now.

In closing, I would like to say that I call my version of events the Unified Conspiracy Theory .

I'll bet you say that every time just before they hit you with the electro-shock.

In my previous post I implied that I would not be back again, but after thinking about things for the past few days, I decided to put my thoughts on paper and share them with you.

As stated previously, I consider myself to be a patriot, a loyal American, a Christian, and a solid citizen. As such, I came to this Board in good faith and to share with you what I honestly believe to be true. Understanding this, at this point, is very important so I will say it again. I came to this Board in good faith and to share with you what I honestly believe to be true. This being the case and the case being that I honestly believe what I have written to be true, then as a patriot, a loyal American, a Christian, a solid citizen, and a Naval Officer, who swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, how could I do anything less and how could I do anything else?

The point I am trying to make is that my being all of the above mentioned things, combined with my knowledge about the history of this nation that I sincerely believe to be true, then I have a compelling duty and obligation to bring these things to the attention of my fellow citizens. This I have done. And what reaction did I get for my efforts? A few of you wrote back in support of what I was doing. A handful asked me to clarify and expand upon the points I was making. However, the majority of the responses were written to label me a moron, an idiot, a crank, a Jew hater, an Arab lover, an anti-Semite, a nut-job, etc. etc., ad nauseum.

Americans, above all other things, are not supposed to be loyal to our government. However, they do have a responsibility to be loyal to each other and most important, to the morals and principles which are the foundation upon which our government rests. Toward this end, when anyone of us comes fourth, in good faith, with information about our government that he believes to be the truth, no matter how repugnant or objectionable this information is to the rest of us, he should be lauded for doing so and given the respect and consideration such an act demands. Under no circumstances should such a person be shouted down and vilified as being un-American…..for reasons which should be obvious to us all.

I have had my say. Irrespective of what anybody thinks of me at this point, I know that as a American I stood up to be counted and having done so, I can proudly claim as mine all the descriptive labels I have previously bestowed upon myself. I am truly sorry that not all of you can join me in this regard.

Have a nice day.

Alan R. Adaschik

In my previous post I implied that I would not be back again, but after thinking about things for the past few days, I decided to put my thoughts on paper and share them with you.

In other words, you're a liar with no self control.
You clearly don't understand any of the terms you are trying to use. Stop trying, idiot, and get your pointless ass to the Conspiracy Forum.
How the fuck would you know? You're incapable of explaining what those terms are, nor the nature of the mis-understanding.

BTW, innuendo's are not valid rebuttal's.
Your whacko lefty dreams of one world government are NOT coming true, so forget it. No treaty ever has or ever will take any place higher than 2nd to the national security interests of the United States.
So you're saying national security interests supesede the Supreme Law of the Land?

According to you, something as vague and un-defined as a "national security interest", trumps the US Constitution. As an American, you really suck!
It is clear tha Saveliberty is on vacation. He has been here every day haunting this thread with his bullshit and obstructionism. Then when I finally ask him to explain one of his statements, he disappears like a groundhog into his burrow. C'mom Saveliberty, be a man and show yourself. The world is waiting with baited breath to hear your wisdom and sagacity. Please don't leave us hanging on this precipice any longer. We need your help so we will know what makes the world go round. Oh great Guru of infinite truth, SPEAK, so we can marvel at the sacred truth which drips off every word that falls from your mouth.
Don't hold your breath.
Who hasnt been ashamed of their country at times throughout their lives. Ripping on your country is your entitled, god given, proud right.

Just when seems to be settling down, this tread keeps jumping back to life. Since I was last here 73 people visited and viewed this thread. I sure would like it if more people piped and commented. Loinboy, I appreciate and would like to thank you for the the support you have given me. As far as Saveliberty and Unkotare go, it is clear they want to heap as miuch abuse as possible on me and have no intention all of addressing the issues or posting responsibly. Only they know what motivates them. However, if you look at their posts, the have a bunch of medals and credits associated with their names, so clearly, they are intelligent people who do not behave this way in most of the other places on this Board. They seem to have singled me out for their special kind of treatment. There are two possible reasons for doing this as I see it; they are trying to get me to lose my temper so they can use this against me and/or they are being abusive to dissuade others from joining in and voiceing their opinions. The first thing will not work because I have been abused by the very best and can deal with it. The second thing appears to be working because not many others have jumped in on this post. However, this may also be because the the subject matter and conclusions reached are so shocking.

Where do we go from here? I have no idea! Unless someone asks a sincere question about these topics I do not have much more to say other look at the course and path this nation is on. It is so despicable and horrific that it defys comprehension. Now ask yourself how did we get here and who charted this course for us? If your answer to this question is our elected representatives, then send me your E-Mail address, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.
SWAT is going to knock my door down any minute huh clown?

You see a lot of mainstream media reporting people missing from their homes and held in secret locations? Actually they still need probable cause for all crimes, including terrorism. Of course, only terrorism would save them from being successfully sued. Your wrong about the military commission act too. It clearly states US citizens are not at risk.
I'm wrong about the MCA?

Sec. 950v. Crimes triable by military commissions

`(26) WRONGFULLY AIDING THE ENEMY- Any person subject to this chapter who, in breach of an allegiance or duty to the United States, knowingly and intentionally aids an enemy of the United States, or one of the co-belligerents of the enemy, shall be punished as a military commission under this chapter may direct.
Who else, other than a citizen, would have an allegiance to the United States?

The Act specifically states in another section this doesn't apply to US citizens fool.
You hold alligence to your hatred and racism citizenal. Certainly are no Christian with your constant lies. Your a scared little man afraid of the world, so you created monsters under your bed. Couldn't hold a job once they found out how mental unstable you were.
Your whacko lefty dreams of one world government are NOT coming true, so forget it. No treaty ever has or ever will take any place higher than 2nd to the national security interests of the United States.
So you're saying national security interests supesede the Supreme Law of the Land?

According to you, something as vague and un-defined as a "national security interest", trumps the US Constitution. As an American, you really suck!

Remember when I told you that you didn't understand the words you were trying to use? This is a good example. The words you are misunderstanding mean that treaties entered into by the Executive Branch apply to all states in the Union, NOT that teaties take on the same imperative as the US Constitution or that they in any way preclude the US from taking whatever actions are deemed necessary in the interests of national security. You are too fucking stupid for words, you really are.
Your whacko lefty dreams of one world government are NOT coming true, so forget it. No treaty ever has or ever will take any place higher than 2nd to the national security interests of the United States.
So you're saying national security interests supesede the Supreme Law of the Land?

According to you, something as vague and un-defined as a "national security interest", trumps the US Constitution. As an American, you really suck!

The Constitution is not a treaty idiotboy.

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