I Am Ashamed of My Country

Remember when I told you that you didn't understand the words you were trying to use? This is a good example. The words you are misunderstanding mean that treaties entered into by the Executive Branch apply to all states in the Union, NOT that teaties take on the same imperative as the US Constitution or that they in any way preclude the US from taking whatever actions are deemed necessary in the interests of national security. You are too fucking stupid for words, you really are.
Here's what the fucking thing says...

all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;
Since there is only one Supreme Law of the Land, that means treaties carry the same weight.

And you're wrong about "national security interests". Our government can in no way do that which is un-Constitutional. That's what separates us from other governments. If it was okay for the President to do anything he wanted and all he had to do was declare his actions in the interest of national security, then there is nothing to stop him from becoming a dictator. In fact, that's how Hitler became a dictator.

You support policies that are turning us into nazi Germany. American, my ass! Fuck you, brownshirt.

Just when seems to be settling down, this tread keeps jumping back to life. Since I was last here 73 people visited and viewed this thread. I sure would like it if more people piped and commented. Loinboy, I appreciate and would like to thank you for the the support you have given me. As far as Saveliberty and Unkotare go, it is clear they want to heap as miuch abuse as possible on me and have no intention all of addressing the issues or posting responsibly. Only they know what motivates them. However, if you look at their posts, the have a bunch of medals and credits associated with their names, so clearly, they are intelligent people who do not behave this way in most of the other places on this Board. They seem to have singled me out for their special kind of treatment. There are two possible reasons for doing this as I see it; they are trying to get me to lose my temper so they can use this against me and/or they are being abusive to dissuade others from joining in and voiceing their opinions. The first thing will not work because I have been abused by the very best and can deal with it. The second thing appears to be working because not many others have jumped in on this post. However, this may also be because the the subject matter and conclusions reached are so shocking.

Where do we go from here? I have no idea! Unless someone asks a sincere question about these topics I do not have much more to say other look at the course and path this nation is on. It is so despicable and horrific that it defys comprehension. Now ask yourself how did we get here and who charted this course for us? If your answer to this question is our elected representatives, then send me your E-Mail address, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.
I think they're a couple of punk ass little bitches with no balls and mentally incapable of a lucid thought.
You hold alligence to your hatred and racism citizenal. Certainly are no Christian with your constant lies. Your a scared little man afraid of the world, so you created monsters under your bed. Couldn't hold a job once they found out how mental unstable you were.
I don't no why you keep referencing Christianity.

Because I'd say there is a good chance that God doesn't like you.
You hold alligence to your hatred and racism citizenal. Certainly are no Christian with your constant lies. Your a scared little man afraid of the world, so you created monsters under your bed. Couldn't hold a job once they found out how mental unstable you were.
I don't no why you keep referencing Christianity.

Because I'd say there is a good chance that God doesn't like you.

Not concerned about you in any way.
Remember when I told you that you didn't understand the words you were trying to use? This is a good example. The words you are misunderstanding mean that treaties entered into by the Executive Branch apply to all states in the Union, NOT that teaties take on the same imperative as the US Constitution or that they in any way preclude the US from taking whatever actions are deemed necessary in the interests of national security. You are too fucking stupid for words, you really are.
Here's what the fucking thing says...

all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;
Since there is only one Supreme Law of the Land, that means treaties carry the same weight.

You are too fucking stupid for words.
Please reference the Constitutional authority to grant such status or your just blowing smoke out your well used ass.
Supremacy clause. I just posted it above.

"Supremecy Clause" .... :rolleyes:

Oh wow, you are really outdoing yourself now...

You are using words but you have no idea what you are saying.

Supremecy Clause...wow... You know there really is such a thing, but it does not mean what you think it does...

Free trade agreements, while usually ill-conceived, do not violate sovereignty. All members retain the authority at all times to simply abandon an agreement rather than adhering to it or to the verdicts of any bodies it creates. The fact that China routinely ignores WTO rules while still retaining the full benefit of free trade is proof of that. That said, such agreements do tend to undermine democracy, since they tend to further empower the wealthy classes in a country while preying on the middle-class and working-class. However, this is not inherently necessary - an agreement could be made that protects and enables all citizens rather than just corporate parasites.
You hold alligence to your hatred and racism citizenal. Certainly are no Christian with your constant lies. Your a scared little man afraid of the world, so you created monsters under your bed. Couldn't hold a job once they found out how mental unstable you were.
I don't no why you keep referencing Christianity.

Because I'd say there is a good chance that God doesn't like you.

You don't "no"?

Is there more to this clown act?
"Supremecy Clause" .... :rolleyes:

Oh wow, you are really outdoing yourself now...

You are using words but you have no idea what you are saying.

Supremecy Clause...wow... You know there really is such a thing, but it does not mean what you think it does...

And you're bluffing!
Remember when I told you that you didn't understand the words you were trying to use? This is a good example. The words you are misunderstanding mean that treaties entered into by the Executive Branch apply to all states in the Union, NOT that teaties take on the same imperative as the US Constitution or that they in any way preclude the US from taking whatever actions are deemed necessary in the interests of national security. You are too fucking stupid for words, you really are.
Here's what the fucking thing says...

all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;
Since there is only one Supreme Law of the Land, that means treaties carry the same weight.

And you're wrong about "national security interests". Our government can in no way do that which is un-Constitutional. That's what separates us from other governments. If it was okay for the President to do anything he wanted and all he had to do was declare his actions in the interest of national security, then there is nothing to stop him from becoming a dictator. In fact, that's how Hitler became a dictator.

You support policies that are turning us into nazi Germany. American, my ass! Fuck you, brownshirt.


I'm proud of you on this one! Score another point for the good guys as the darkside goes down in 'da feet'.
Free trade agreements, while usually ill-conceived, do not violate sovereignty. All members retain the authority at all times to simply abandon an agreement rather than adhering to it or to the verdicts of any bodies it creates. The fact that China routinely ignores WTO rules while still retaining the full benefit of free trade is proof of that. That said, such agreements do tend to undermine democracy, since they tend to further empower the wealthy classes in a country while preying on the middle-class and working-class. However, this is not inherently necessary - an agreement could be made that protects and enables all citizens rather than just corporate parasites.

Troubabdour: I think you are splitting hairs too fine on this one. As members of the WTO, we have preagreed to make all our laws, regulations, and procedures conform to those of the WTO, and yes, we can quite at anytime. Have the last proviso is very easy to say and almost impossible to do. Once this nation and all other nations have accepted the authority of the WTO over us, if we decide to quit, we become a pariah among nations who will no line up and back sanctions against us especially because we quit. As time goes on, the less and less likely it is for the U.S. to quit the WTO and soon it will be virtually impossible to do. This being so, joining the WTO is a very real threat to our soverignty and in truth, has trashed it.


I loved it! I assume you would agree that Loinboy and I are the Meathead and Saveliberty and Unkatare Archie. Its a pretty good matchup but breaks down slightly when you understand that Loinboy and I have not lost our tempers while, on the otherhand Saveliberty and Unkatare make Archie Bunker look like a saint.

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