I Am Ashamed of My Country

A proposed solution to a problem is a theory and it remains one until widely accepted by other people. What I have postured, at this point, is not yet widely accepted so I rightfully call it a theory. However, this does not make me a conspiracist because what I have proposed is the most reasonable and documentable explanation for what has happened to this nation for the past 100 years. On other hand, Saveliberty and Unkatare are actively working, through lies, deception, name calling, subtrafuge, etc., to distort the truth and keep others from becoming aware of it. They are true conspiracists who should be condemned as such. Everytime they post, they clearly establish that they are here to confound and confuse, not contribute.

What is the post number where you posted your theory, now i'm curious I have no clue what is going on in this thread anymore.

Basically that Jews are ruining the world. Although citizenal harbors no ill will towards them.


Unified Conspiracy Theory was the name. Rewriting history to blame the Jews for every terrible event of the last 150 years.
I am talking about George Bush senior, idiot. You know, the guy BEFORE Clinton.

So am I.

Due in large part to the actions of Bush Sr., any military honor requiring a CIC signature during his son's presidency could be described exactly as I described it.

Speaking of legitimate service, asswipe - you served when/where?

I've never served in any branch of the US Military.

Even if I had though, since I don't consider war-profiteering a "legitimate" cause, in light of my age and the era(s) in which I could have served, I'd still be forced to concede a lack of 'legitimate service'.

This infuriates me to the point of almost violence... but since I know that you would NEVER have the intestinal fortitude to say this to an active duty combat veteran, you arent worth it. All of those men and women that died in Afghanistan and Iraq, their service means absolutely nothing to you. No military member has done anything to make our country more safe since 9-11? Including SEAL team 6 that killed Bin Laden. Or the numerous terrorists killed in combat operations. If you're included in these era(s) that is. Either way, you and people like you are THE reason there are times I regret my sacrifice. Sometimes it feels it wasn't worth it.
I am talking about George Bush senior, idiot. You know, the guy BEFORE Clinton.

So am I.

Due in large part to the actions of Bush Sr., any military honor requiring a CIC signature during his son's presidency could be described exactly as I described it.

Speaking of legitimate service, asswipe - you served when/where?

I've never served in any branch of the US Military.

Even if I had though, since I don't consider war-profiteering a "legitimate" cause, in light of my age and the era(s) in which I could have served, I'd still be forced to concede a lack of 'legitimate service'.

This infuriates me to the point of almost violence... but since I know that you would NEVER have the intestinal fortitude to say this to an active duty combat veteran, you arent worth it. All of those men and women that died in Afghanistan and Iraq, their service means absolutely nothing to you. No military member has done anything to make our country more safe since 9-11? Including SEAL team 6 that killed Bin Laden. Or the numerous terrorists killed in combat operations. If you're included in these era(s) that is. Either way, you and people like you are THE reason there are times I regret my sacrifice. Sometimes it feels it wasn't worth it.

Ah! A new face on this thread. Welcome USMCSergeant.

Being ex-military, I agree with your sentiments entirely save one point; very few real terrorists are being killed in combat operations in the Far East. Your statment is correct if you classify someone planting a roadside bomb as a terroist. But the truth is that those doing so would not be planting that bomb if we weren't there. Therefore, the bomb planters, if you will, are not engaged in terrorism, but instead, just like us, they are engaged in combat operations. Having put their activities on equal footing with ours, then as a Zarcan, not an American, let's call a spade a spade. We, the Americans are conducting combat operations as invaders. The so called terrorists are conducting combat operations to repel a foreign invader. In other words, the most appropriate name for the so called terrorists is "patriot".

I said it time and time again. You cannot fight terrorism with conventional warfare. Conventional warfare, besides turning citizens into combatants also kills many innocent civilians. These things just create more terrorist (combatants) and the beat goes on and on and on.
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A proposed solution to a problem is a theory and it remains one until widely accepted by other people. What I have postured, at this point, is not yet widely accepted so I rightfully call it a theory. However, this does not make me a conspiracist because what I have proposed is the most reasonable and documentable explanation for what has happened to this nation for the past 100 years. On other hand, Saveliberty and Unkatare are actively working, through lies, deception, name calling, subtrafuge, etc., to distort the truth and keep others from becoming aware of it. They are true conspiracists who should be condemned as such. Everytime they post, they clearly establish that they are here to confound and confuse, not contribute.

What is the post number where you posted your theory, now i'm curious I have no clue what is going on in this thread anymore.

Basically that Jews are ruining the world. Although citizenal harbors no ill will towards them.


Unified Conspiracy Theory was the name. Rewriting history to blame the Jews for every terrible event of the last 150 years.


You know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result each time. Now here you go again twisting the truth, putting words in my mouth, and outright lying in an attempt to discredit me. How come you keep doing these things when you know it won't work. Are you really so desparate that you cannot see what a fool you make of yourself?

I am flabbergasted! You want to know what post number I posted my theory. Are you daft? Almost the entire thread, save the absurd exchanges with you and Unkaturd, presents my theory. Do you really mean to imply that you have been viscously attacking me without even reading my posts?

I never said Jews are running the world. What I did say is that the old line filthy rich bankers are running the world and there is a strong Zionist influence among them. I also made the point that although Zionism is Judaism based, Zionists are political fanatics first and Jews second. I also demonstrated that there are Jews who do not consider Zionists to be Jews at all. Finally, I clearly said that things went awry in this nation 100 years ago upon passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, not 150 years again as you mistakenly claim.

In a previous post, I pointed out that you clearly established yourself to be a liar. Well, it is also clear that you are a hypocrite as well. You call your self Saveliberty, which implies that you want to preserve liberty or freedom. The most important liberty we have is that of free speech, which as an American Citizen I have chosen to exercise here. Because you disagree with what I have said, you have launched a myrid of uncalled for personal attacks the thrust of which were an attempt dissuade me from exercising my right of free speech. In other words, you are actively trying to inhibit liberty instead of preserving or saving it. This being the case, you sir are a hypocrite of the first order.

In my opinion, you are also un-American because have taken upon yourself to keep other Americans from learning the truth. If anything, Americanism requires an informed electorate something which you somehow find threatening.
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Whale I reckon if the law don't show up and rip thissy here wanted feller off the back of this here ATC, weza gonna head to ona them thar tea partize.
Ay noze we don't tawk too good but we got a herow fer a representationative !
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQdhMSEqhfg]Uhhh...what did she just say?? Miss Teen South Carolina 2007 - YouTube[/ame]
My Dad was a real WWII hero. He died last April. Before he died he said that if he had known what was going to happen to this country he wouldn't have been so patriotic in wanting to defend it. I got a citation in the mail from the defense department commemorating his service. It was signed by presidebt obama. I threw it in a drawer. I don't even want to see it.

I think I understand your feelings, but take care of that citation. It may mean something to your kids (if you got 'em) or grandkids. I've got one signed by Johnson that my family received in '67. It's framed and on my wall. I'm proud of it.

Seeing obama's name on the same paper as my Dads is insulting and offensive. I haven't even told my son, he'd rip it up and send it back.

I have thought of waiting until obama is out of office and returning it to ask for another signed by a president, instead of a presidebt.

Yea, it's too bad the despot, war criminal and murderer Bush's name isn't attached to your dads instead.
A proposed solution to a problem is a theory and it remains one until widely accepted by other people. What I have postured, at this point, is not yet widely accepted so I rightfully call it a theory. However, this does not make me a conspiracist because what I have proposed is the most reasonable and documentable explanation for what has happened to this nation for the past 100 years. On other hand, Saveliberty and Unkatare are actively working, through lies, deception, name calling, subtrafuge, etc., to distort the truth and keep others from becoming aware of it. They are true conspiracists who should be condemned as such. Everytime they post, they clearly establish that they are here to confound and confuse, not contribute.

What is the post number where you posted your theory, now i'm curious I have no clue what is going on in this thread anymore.

I'm sorry for doing this to you, but in order to understand my entire position in this matter you need to read 23 of my posts. They are: 1,135, 185, 225, 298, 310, 311, 318, 319, 353, 355, 356, 382, 398, 418, 421, 423, 429, 436, 452, 486, 503, & 516.

Thanks for your request.
Yea, it's too bad the despot, war criminal and murderer Bush's name isn't attached to your dads instead.

I don't know if you were trying to be funny there or what, but that was very inappropriate considering the context.
What is the post number where you posted your theory, now i'm curious I have no clue what is going on in this thread anymore.

Basically that Jews are ruining the world. Although citizenal harbors no ill will towards them.


Unified Conspiracy Theory was the name. Rewriting history to blame the Jews for every terrible event of the last 150 years.


You know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result each time. Now here you go again twisting the truth, putting words in my mouth, and outright lying in an attempt to discredit me. How come you keep doing these things when you know it won't work. Are you really so desparate that you cannot see what a fool you make of yourself?

I am flabbergasted! You want to know what post number I posted my theory. Are you daft? Almost the entire thread, save the absurd exchanges with you and Unkaturd, presents my theory. Do you really mean to imply that you have been viscously attacking me without even reading my posts?

I never said Jews are running the world. What I did say is that the old line filthy rich bankers are running the world and there is a strong Zionist influence among them. I also made the point that although Zionism is Judaism based, Zionists are political fanatics first and Jews second. I also demonstrated that there are Jews who do not consider Zionists to be Jews at all. Finally, I clearly said that things went awry in this nation 100 years ago upon passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, not 150 years again as you mistakenly claim.

In a previous post, I pointed out that you clearly established yourself to be a liar. Well, it is also clear that you are a hypocrite as well. You call your self Saveliberty, which implies that you want to preserve liberty or freedom. The most important liberty we have is that of free speech, which as an American Citizen I have chosen to exercise here. Because you disagree with what I have said, you have launched a myrid of uncalled for personal attacks the thrust of which were an attempt dissuade me from exercising my right of free speech. In other words, you are actively trying to inhibit liberty instead of preserving or saving it. This being the case, you sir are a hypocrite of the first order.

In my opinion, you are also un-American because have taken upon yourself to keep other Americans from learning the truth. If anything, Americanism requires an informed electorate something which you somehow find threatening.

Historians do not support your view citizenal. You have created hatred for Jews and bankers based on your shortcomings in life. Blaming others does no good. I've been called all sorts of things on USMB. As you can tell, I could care less. Say whatever you want here. I'll be right there to make sure people see you for what you are lunatic.
Here's what the fucking thing says...

Since there is only one Supreme Law of the Land, that means treaties carry the same weight.

And you're wrong about "national security interests". Our government can in no way do that which is un-Constitutional. That's what separates us from other governments. If it was okay for the President to do anything he wanted and all he had to do was declare his actions in the interest of national security, then there is nothing to stop him from becoming a dictator. In fact, that's how Hitler became a dictator.

You support policies that are turning us into nazi Germany. American, my ass! Fuck you, brownshirt.


I'm proud of you on this one! Score another point for the good guys as the darkside goes down in 'da feet'.

What absolute idiots you guys are. Guess what? If a treaty violated the Constitution, the Supreme court could strike it down. That would make the Constitution the ultimate "Law of the Land". Of course, you're too busy being lunatic conspiracists to actually learn what things mean or subvert it to match your cause.

A treaty becomes part of American law constitutionally.

Has SCOTUS ever declared a treaty unconstitutional?
So am I.

Due in large part to the actions of Bush Sr., any military honor requiring a CIC signature during his son's presidency could be described exactly as I described it.

I've never served in any branch of the US Military.

Even if I had though, since I don't consider war-profiteering a "legitimate" cause, in light of my age and the era(s) in which I could have served, I'd still be forced to concede a lack of 'legitimate service'.

This infuriates me to the point of almost violence... but since I know that you would NEVER have the intestinal fortitude to say this to an active duty combat veteran, you arent worth it. All of those men and women that died in Afghanistan and Iraq, their service means absolutely nothing to you. No military member has done anything to make our country more safe since 9-11? Including SEAL team 6 that killed Bin Laden. Or the numerous terrorists killed in combat operations. If you're included in these era(s) that is. Either way, you and people like you are THE reason there are times I regret my sacrifice. Sometimes it feels it wasn't worth it.

Ah! A new face on this thread. Welcome USMCSergeant.

Being ex-military, I agree with your sentiments entirely save one point; very few real terrorists are being killed in combat operations in the Far East. Your statment is correct if you classify someone planting a roadside bomb as a terroist. But the truth is that those doing so would not be planting that bomb if we weren't there. Therefore, the bomb planters, if you will, are not engaged in terrorism, but instead, just like us, they are engaged in combat operations. Having put their activities on equal footing with ours, then as a Zarcan, not an American, let's call a spade a spade. We, the Americans are conducting combat operations as invaders. The so called terrorists are conducting combat operations to repel a foreign invader. In other words, the most appropriate name for the so called terrorists is "patriot".

I said it time and time again. You cannot fight terrorism with conventional warfare. Conventional warfare, besides turning citizens into combatants also kills many innocent civilians. These things just create more terrorist (combatants) and the beat goes on and on and on.

I guess I was imagining those planes flying into the WTC, or the one hitting the pentagon, or the one that crashed into a field.

We hunted down and killed/captured many al qaeda/taliban members. Those guys are/were terrorists. Would you not agree?

I'm proud of you on this one! Score another point for the good guys as the darkside goes down in 'da feet'.

What absolute idiots you guys are. Guess what? If a treaty violated the Constitution, the Supreme court could strike it down. That would make the Constitution the ultimate "Law of the Land". Of course, you're too busy being lunatic conspiracists to actually learn what things mean or subvert it to match your cause.

A treaty becomes part of American law constitutionally.

Has SCOTUS ever declared a treaty unconstitutional?

Has a lower court ever said one might be? That would be required first. Just because it hasn't happened doesn't make it impossible.

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