I Am Ashamed of My Country

Historians do not support your view citizenal. You have created hatred for Jews and bankers based on your shortcomings in life. Blaming others does no good. I've been called all sorts of things on USMB. As you can tell, I could care less. Say whatever you want here. I'll be right there to make sure people see you for what you are lunatic.


Of course historians do not support my view. Are you implying that they are being honest and I am not. They have reason and motivation for distorting the truth. I have none.

Hatred for the Jews has been and still is a tool used by the Zionists to get what they want. Blacks use the race card in much less harmful way. I am not blaming others per se, what I am doing is trying to tell people the true history of the United States for the past one hundreds years. I see no reason to hate Jews in this history becasue they have been made victims like the rest of us. Are you really posturing that Americans should not be told the true history of this nation because it might offend someone? What pure unmitagated bullshit. The only way we can save this nation and create a better world for ourselves including the Jews is through truth and knowledge. It will not be done through lies, duplicity, and subterfuge as it is being done now. Either you are on the side of light (Jesus) or your are on the side of darkness (Satan).

Most Jews like most people, even thought they do not accept Christ are on the side of the Light. However, like most Christians today, they are being led astry by the forces of darkness.........and then you come along to tell me to turn off the light because it is making people hate Jews. Don't you see how stupid and rediculous your position is.
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This infuriates me to the point of almost violence... but since I know that you would NEVER have the intestinal fortitude to say this to an active duty combat veteran, you arent worth it. All of those men and women that died in Afghanistan and Iraq, their service means absolutely nothing to you. No military member has done anything to make our country more safe since 9-11? Including SEAL team 6 that killed Bin Laden. Or the numerous terrorists killed in combat operations. If you're included in these era(s) that is. Either way, you and people like you are THE reason there are times I regret my sacrifice. Sometimes it feels it wasn't worth it.

Ah! A new face on this thread. Welcome USMCSergeant.

Being ex-military, I agree with your sentiments entirely save one point; very few real terrorists are being killed in combat operations in the Far East. Your statment is correct if you classify someone planting a roadside bomb as a terroist. But the truth is that those doing so would not be planting that bomb if we weren't there. Therefore, the bomb planters, if you will, are not engaged in terrorism, but instead, just like us, they are engaged in combat operations. Having put their activities on equal footing with ours, then as a Zarcan, not an American, let's call a spade a spade. We, the Americans are conducting combat operations as invaders. The so called terrorists are conducting combat operations to repel a foreign invader. In other words, the most appropriate name for the so called terrorists is "patriot".

I said it time and time again. You cannot fight terrorism with conventional warfare. Conventional warfare, besides turning citizens into combatants also kills many innocent civilians. These things just create more terrorist (combatants) and the beat goes on and on and on.

I guess I was imagining those planes flying into the WTC, or the one hitting the pentagon, or the one that crashed into a field.

We hunted down and killed/captured many al qaeda/taliban members. Those guys are/were terrorists. Would you not agree?

What does what happened at the World Trade Center have to do with our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nothing, that's what. So why are we fighting wars in Iraq and Afgahnistan? So the NWO can rule the world? 9/11 was a criminal committed primarily by Saudi nationals. And as a result we invade Iraq and Afghanistan. Does this make sense? I guess it does to you.
It's all his fault.


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Historians do not support your view citizenal. You have created hatred for Jews and bankers based on your shortcomings in life. Blaming others does no good. I've been called all sorts of things on USMB. As you can tell, I could care less. Say whatever you want here. I'll be right there to make sure people see you for what you are lunatic.


Of course historians do not support my view. Are you implying that they are being honest and I am not. They have reason and motivation for distorting the truth. I have none.

Hatred for the Jews has been and still is a tool used by the Zionists to get what they want. Blacks us the race card in much less harmful way. I am not blaming others per se, what I am doing is trying to tell people the true history of the United States for the past one hundreds years. I see no reason to hate Jews in this history becasue they have been made victims like the rest of us. Are you really posturing that Americans should not be told the true history of this nation because it might offend someone. What pure unmitagated bull shit. The only way we can save this nation and create a better world for ourselves including the Jews is through truth and knowledge. It will not be done through lies, duplicity, and subterfuge as it is being done now. Either you are on the side of light (Jesus) or your are on the side of darkness (Satan).

Most Jews like most people, even thought they do not accept Christ are on the side of the Light. However, like nost Christians today, they are being led astry by the forces of darkness.........and they you come along to tell me to turn off the light because it is making people hate Jews. Don't you see how stupid and rediculous your positioon is.

Your hate shown toward Jews to the point of making up stupid theories shows your lack of Christian faith, stupidity and the lunatic you are. The historians had not only truth, but integrity on their side.

Your inability to understand current history further reinforces everyone's view of the joke we now know as citizenal.
Citizen Al welcome to USMB! What did you fly when you were in the Navy?

F-4 Phantoms with the Red Rippers out of NAS Oceana and Off the USS Forrestall. 230 Carrier landings. Cross qualified into A-6 intruders. Have about 150 hours in that plane. After the service, was a Flight Test Conductor with Grumman Aerospace on the F-14 Tomcat Test Flight program. Flew cargo with a Cessna 182 for Rum Key, a resort in the Bahamas for a while. Also owned a Cessna 172 and presently own a Kit Fox light sport airplane. Its trailerable and I keep it in my pole barn here in North Carolina. Live in Florida during the winter.

Glad to be aboard.
Your hate shown toward Jews to the point of making up stupid theories shows your lack of Christian faith, stupidity and the lunatic you are. The historians had not only truth, but integrity on their side.

Your inability to understand current history further reinforces everyone's view of the joke we now know as citizenal.

Kill-liberty, which is a more appropriate name for you:

Why don't your just stuff it and knock off the bullshit. What do you think you are accomplishing by all this. Nobody believes you anymore and your credibility around here is shot.

One more time with felling, its not about Jews. Its about Zionism. While it is true that all Zionists claim to be Jews, not all Jews think they are and neither do I. Zionism is a movement which use the cloak of Judaism much like a fox in the cartoons uses a sheep skin to sneak up on the sheep. It protects them, so they wrap themselves in to achieve their nefarous ends. They are masters of deception and they have victimized the entire world including the Jews. Six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis primarily due to their duplicity and manipulations. And do you think they care? You have to break a few eggs to make and omelet!
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In case anybody is really interested, Zionists, aka the New World Order, aka the Federal Reserve Bank, aka the Old World Order, have given us WWI, WWII, our war on terror, the great depression, a monetary system doomed to fail and Kill-Liberty doesn't what us to know this, because if we do, we will hate the Jews. He totally ignores the fact that the Jews, as a people have played no part in any of this. They, like the rest of us have been along for the ride. Now I ask you. As Americans, should we ignore these things and let them slide because the Zionists claim to be Jews who have suffered enough at the hands of us Christian hate mongers? Or should we learn the truth about what has been and is being done to us so we can do something about it? You know where I stand. The truth will set us free and if we do not know the truth, we will never be free.
Remember people, this truth cannot be proven by citizenal at all. He's admitted it several times, but still clings to his lunatic creation and hatred. He feels oppressed yet cannot identify just exactly what has been taken from him. They have medications for these conditions.
citizenal has absolutely no constructive, objective evidence for his assertiion.
Why don't your just stuff it and knock off the bullshit. What do you think you are accomplishing by all this. Nobody believes you anymore and your credibility around here is shot.

This, coming from the likes of you?! You are further gone than I thought.
Remember people, this truth cannot be proven by citizenal at all. He's admitted it several times, but still clings to his lunatic creation and hatred. He feels oppressed yet cannot identify just exactly what has been taken from him. They have medications for these conditions.

Wrong again Kill-Liberty! I know exactly what has been taken from us and what we have lost. We have lost our country, our Constitutuion, our government, our financial well-being, our wealth, the truth, our heritage, our freedom, and a sane and peaceful world. Furthermore, I can demonstrate and establish to be true what I believe far more cogently and reasonably than you can demonstrate what you believe is true. All you have to offer for justification is what we are told and what we are told comes from the media which is, for the most part, owned and controlled by Zionists.

Let's add up the score; according to Kill-Liberty I am a lunatic, obsessed with hatred, an anti-Semite, a Jew hater, a nut-job, etc., etc. All of which he has no justification or reason for labeling me so. He also believes what he is told by those who rule us, without question or reservation. This is his sum total of his contributions to the thread and he has not done anything to demonstrate where I am wrong and why.

On the other hand, I have offerend compelling substantiation for everything I have said such that it is reasonable to conclude that everything I have said is true. If you add up all of this for the twenty incidents I identified, the force of my argument is overwelming. In the midst of all this Kill-Liberty has proven himself to be an outright liar and hypocrite who stands against liberty, freedom, Americanism, and the truth. And now in light of this, he has the unmitagated gall to come back to this thread for the sole purposes of calling me more names and making more wild and absurd accusations about me. Go figure what kind of person he is? He is a disgrace to this nation, everyone who knows him, and himself.
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citizenal has done nothing of the sort to offer substaniative, credible evidence for his wackiness.
Remember people, this truth cannot be proven by citizenal at all. He's admitted it several times, but still clings to his lunatic creation and hatred. He feels oppressed yet cannot identify just exactly what has been taken from him. They have medications for these conditions.

Wrong again Kill-Liberty! I know exactly what has been taken from us and what we have lost. We have lost our country, our Constitutuion, our government, our financial well-being, our wealth, the truth, our heritage, our freedom, and a sane and peaceful world. Furthermore, I can demonstrate and establish to be true what I believe far more cogently and reasonably than you can demonstrate what you believe is true. All you have to offer for justification is what we are told and what we are told comes from the media which is, for the most part, owned and controlled by Zionists.

Let's add up the score; according to Kill-Liberty I am a lunatic, obsessed with hatred, an anti-Semite, a Jew hater, a nut-job, etc., etc. All of which he has no justification or reason for labeling me so. He also believes what he is told by those who rule us, without question or reservation. This is his sum total of his contributions to the thread and he has not done anything to demonstrate where I am wrong and why.

On the other hand, I have offerend compelling substantiation for everything I have said such that it is reasonable to conclude that everything I have said is true. If you add up all of this for the twenty incidents I identified, the force of my argument is overwelming. In the midst of all this Kill-Liberty has proven himself to be an outright liar and hypocrite who stands against liberty, freedom, Americanism, and the truth. And now in light of this, he has the unmitagated gall to come back to this thread for the sole purposes of calling me more names and making more wild and absurd accusations about me. Go figure what kind of person he is? He is a disgrace to this nation, everyone who knows him, and himself.

If your going to offer an alternative to recorded history, you better have proof lunatic.

We still have our country, Constitution, government, freedom, heritage and the rest. We may lose parts of it through apathy and laziness. That is on us, not some secretive band of bankers. I have never been wealthy, so just how did I lose it? citizenal is antiamerican. An American expects nothing but an opportunity to get ahead. citizenal expects to be given his due by means of taking from others. The gall its takes to publicly steal from others is far from Christian. Firmly standing against freedom and liberty. The evil is here in the form of citizenal.
I am 68 years old, secure in retirement, led a storybook life, was a Navy Fighter Pilot, live far better than most Americans, and consider myself a patriot, a loyal American, a Christian, and a solid citizen. Upon my retirement as a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale, the City Commission dedicated the day I retired to me in my honor. Despite all this something is very wrong. I am ashamed of my country and believe that, for the past 100 years, the true history of this nation is one of deception, shame, and dishonor. Compounding my problem is that fact that as a Christian I believe God is truth. Therefore, I cannot lie to myself even though I loathe thinking what I believe to be true.

I began my walk which led me to where I am when Congress enacted the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994. At the time, on my way to work I picked up a copy of the Sun-Sentinel and read these words; tossing sovereignty issues aside, Congress passed GATT. Upon so doing, I asked myself, “How the hell can Congress toss sovereignty issues aside? They are paid to protect our sovereignty.” Subsequently, I purchased a copy of the GATT accord and read it from cover to cover. I was shocked! Congress didn’t just toss sovereignty issues aside they tossed them in the shitter. What I learned was that a condition of our membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) was Congress had to agree to subordinate itself, our President, and our Supreme Court to the WTO’s Ruling Panels and take steps to ensure that all our laws, regulations, and procedures conformed with those of the WTO.

My anger motivated me to write a book entitled, “While We Sleep, A Story of Government Without Law”. I also took it upon myself to sue our President and Congress over GATT’s Constitutionality acting as attorney pro se for the voting citizens of this nation. I also hosted a website called the Constitution Forum and recently, I wrote an open letter to the citizens of the United States which I mistakenly posted on this message board as my first thread. I say mistakenly because entire articles should not be posted because of legitimate concerns about possible copyright infringements. In any case, the purpose of my letter was to lead Americans down a similar path to the one I had taken in the hope they would finally wake up.

If you are interested in learning more about these matters, please use the following links.

My Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States:
An open letter to the citizens of the United States of America « The PPJ Gazette

A free copy of my book, “While We Sleep”:
While We Sleep - A Story of Government Without Law by Alan R. Adaschik

A transcript of my Lawsuit against the Federal Government:
A Constitutional Challenge To The WTO

If you have any questions about anything I have written or would like clarifying information, just ask. If you find anything in this material that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention and provide me with the reasons for your disagreement. I sincerely hope one of you can demonstrate where I have gone wrong so I can sleep better at night.

Al, I am very proud that we had fine people such as yourself serving in government. Being a pilot myself I am highly envious that you flew fighters. Having lived in Ft Lauderdale down on A1A at the Lauderdale Beach Club for a month as my first stop in South Florida's Gold Coast and for another year with my friend Joey nephue to Tommy Farese in a nice home on the intercoastal then nearby in Pompano Beach for five years in the late 70's I must say that your community was well managed and a delight to reside in. With bales of pot floating up un the beaches almost daily and loads of cocaine falling out of the sky frequently into the residents front yards it was really the land of opportunity ..no...the Mecca for a smuggler such as myself. You had the best clubs...the hottest women and the cheapest drugs in the country. As a advocate of business and especially keeping America on top in imports and exports I can't agree more with you. Thank you for helping make Ft Lauderdale the best place in the country to do business in.
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Citizen Al welcome to USMB! What did you fly when you were in the Navy?

Navy schmavy ...I'd like to know what he flew as a test pilot for Grumman.

From his bio:

"Al has worked as a Flight Test Conductor for the Grumman Aerospace Corporation."

Except for his wack Christian thinking and that "unfortunate" "Gyms-on Wheels" episode Al may be the most impressive member of USMB.

I'm definitely a fan.

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