I Am Ashamed of My Country

UN resolutions have no binding effect on the US. We are a sovereign nation and our Constitution supercedes any attempt to subjugate us to another power. Its basic US government dimwit.
Except in the case where Congress ratifies a treaty, then it carry's the same weight as the Supreme Law of the Land.

No treaty ever has or ever will be understood as superceding the sovereign national security interests of the United States, chump.
your inalienable rights have been stripped from you. Because of the Patriot Act, authorities no longer need probable cause to raid your home. And because of the Military Commission's Act, the government can pluck anyone they want off the street and stick them in a cell for the rest of their life, without ever charging them of a crime. .

All untrue, hysterical, ill-informed hyperbole. Take your boyfriend and get to the Conspiracy Forum where you fruitcakes belong.

It's shit or get off the pot time! Words right out of you big fucken mouth in a previous post were that I may be banned for listing the causilites associated with the establishment of the state of Israel. I ask you point blank again, what rule of this board have I violated and why do I stand in violation of it. Put your money where your mouth is and tell why you made this claim. Not doing so establishes for all concerned that you are full of shit and only here to make trouble and confuse things.
Well to fair
it is implied

you used the term "only 2 legal ways a country can attack another country "

Which only holds if you think the UN is supreme
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What camp have they been corraled into? FDR is no longer president, chump.
We're not at the death camp stage yet, we're still in the demonization stage. The Holocaust didn't just happen overnight. It took years to build up to what they did. And they went through the same stage we're going through now. My hope is that American's are not as pussy as the German's and will speak out against these injustices before it's too late.

You obviously, are on the side of the German's. Because just like the Christian's of Weimar, you don't see anything wrong with what our government is doing. Hitler would've loved you.
SWAT is going to knock my door down any minute huh clown?

You see a lot of mainstream media reporting people missing from their homes and held in secret locations? Actually they still need probable cause for all crimes, including terrorism. Of course, only terrorism would save them from being successfully sued. Your wrong about the military commission act too. It clearly states US citizens are not at risk.
I'm wrong about the MCA?

Sec. 950v. Crimes triable by military commissions

`(26) WRONGFULLY AIDING THE ENEMY- Any person subject to this chapter who, in breach of an allegiance or duty to the United States, knowingly and intentionally aids an enemy of the United States, or one of the co-belligerents of the enemy, shall be punished as a military commission under this chapter may direct.
Who else, other than a citizen, would have an allegiance to the United States?
Say what?

Your whacko lefty dreams of one world government are NOT coming true, so forget it. No treaty ever has or ever will take any place higher than 2nd to the national security interests of the United States.

It's shit or get off the pot time! Words right out of you big fucken mouth in a previous post were that I may be banned for listing the causilites associated with the establishment of the state of Israel. I ask you point blank again, what rule of this board have I violated and why do I stand in violation of it. Put your money where your mouth is and tell why you made this claim. Not doing so establishes for all concerned that you are full of shit and only here to make trouble and confuse things.

It is clear tha Saveliberty is on vacation. He has been here every day haunting this thread with his bullshit and obstructionism. Then when I finally ask him to explain one of his statements, he disappears like a groundhog into his burrow. C'mom Saveliberty, be a man and show yourself. The world is waiting with baited breath to hear your wisdom and sagacity. Please don't leave us hanging on this precipice any longer. We need your help so we will know what makes the world go round. Oh great Guru of infinite truth, SPEAK, so we can marvel at the sacred truth which drips off every word that falls from your mouth.
Silence is Golden. I guess I can rest now.

In closing, I would like to say that I call my version of events the Unified Conspiracy Theory because it is the only version which clearly explains what has happened to this Nation over the past 100 years and what is happening to it now. And in case you haven't noticed, when you line up the official explanations for all these events, It becomes very easy to see what a load of bullshit it all is. If you guys want to read or hear about a conspracy. This is not very hard to do. Just pick up a newspaper, turn on the radio, or far worse your televison. Talk about conspiracy theories. This is all you get as far as national political news is concerned.

Have a nice day.

It's shit or get off the pot time! Words right out of you big fucken mouth in a previous post were that I may be banned for listing the causilites associated with the establishment of the state of Israel. I ask you point blank again, what rule of this board have I violated and why do I stand in violation of it. Put your money where your mouth is and tell why you made this claim. Not doing so establishes for all concerned that you are full of shit and only here to make trouble and confuse things.

It is clear tha Saveliberty is on vacation. He has been here every day haunting this thread with his bullshit and obstructionism. Then when I finally ask him to explain one of his statements, he disappears like a groundhog into his burrow. C'mom Saveliberty, be a man and show yourself. The world is waiting with baited breath to hear your wisdom and sagacity. Please don't leave us hanging on this precipice any longer. We need your help so we will know what makes the world go round. Oh great Guru of infinite truth, SPEAK, so we can marvel at the sacred truth which drips off every word that falls from your mouth.

You misquoted people through modifying quotes citizenal. Not to worry, a mod deleted the names, so you couldn't be held accountable. If it happens again though, the results may not be so good. It was surprisingly easy to convince the mods you were just incompetent in quoting.
Silence is Golden. I guess I can rest now.

In closing, I would like to say that I call my version of events the Unified Conspiracy Theory because it is the only version which clearly explains what has happened to this Nation over the past 100 years and what is happening to it now. And in case you haven't noticed, when you line up the official explanations for all these events, It becomes very easy to see what a load of bullshit it all is. If you guys want to read or hear about a conspracy. This is not very hard to do. Just pick up a newspaper, turn on the radio, or far worse your televison. Talk about conspiracy theories. This is all you get as far as national political news is concerned.

Have a nice day.

Conspiracies that large do not exist. A theory is an unproven hypothesis, not fact. How is that for enlightening people citizenal?

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