I Am Ashamed of My Country

You are clearly too stupid to understand what you want to talk about there.
It's more like the subject matter is too hard for you to comprehend. It scares you. Rarely do I run across someone as afraid as you are. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Chicken Little, is in the house.
That is patently untrue, you numbskull.
Maybe for Bush, but not for the rest of the country. The jews weren't just demonized by Hitler. A certain segment of the population fed into the hatred. Just like with musliims here. I have to admit, I was proud of Bush when he said that. But then he turned right around and started locking up muslim's without charges and denying them habeas corpus. It took a SCOTUS ruling to get it back.

I'll re-phrase my statement:
"The right has been demonizing muslims for the last 10 years".
That is obviously not true. That is just your lefty extreme partisan attempt to twist reality to satisfy your bias. Don't expect to be taken seriously if you are going to be either completely ignorant or completely dishonest.
That obviously is true! You really shouldn't be on roads you don't want to go down. I can prove what I said. I can back up my claim. You cannot. All you can do, is make baseless accusations. But the minute you try argue your claim into reality, you whind up putting your foot in your mouth and eating a lot of crow.

The lies:
  • Iraq had WMD's
  • Iraq was working with al Qaeda
  • Iraq was a threat

Wars of aggression:

This has nothing to do with partisan bias. This is the law!

Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nüremberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal, 1950.

Principle VI

The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:

(a) Crimes against peace:
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
We attacked two country's that did not attack us first. We chose to go to war. And a war of choice, is a war of aggression.

Scapegoating a race of people:

No need to prove this one. It's common knowledge muslim's have been demonized for the last 10 years.

Now let's see you prove your point. That's a rhetorical statement, because we all know the only thing we'll see coming from you is everything but the topic we're discussing.

You ain't got the chops to debate.

So glad the UN is the final judgment of what is wrong or right

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That is obviously not true. That is just your lefty extreme partisan attempt to twist reality to satisfy your bias. Don't expect to be taken seriously if you are going to be either completely ignorant or completely dishonest.
That obviously is true! You really shouldn't be on roads you don't want to go down. I can prove what I said. I can back up my claim. You cannot. All you can do, is make baseless accusations. But the minute you try argue your claim into reality, you whind up putting your foot in your mouth and eating a lot of crow.

The lies:
  • Iraq had WMD's
  • Iraq was working with al Qaeda
  • Iraq was a threat

Wars of aggression:

This has nothing to do with partisan bias. This is the law!

Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nüremberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal, 1950.

Principle VI

The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:

(a) Crimes against peace:
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
We attacked two country's that did not attack us first. We chose to go to war. And a war of choice, is a war of aggression.

Scapegoating a race of people:

No need to prove this one. It's common knowledge muslim's have been demonized for the last 10 years.

Now let's see you prove your point. That's a rhetorical statement, because we all know the only thing we'll see coming from you is everything but the topic we're discussing.

You ain't got the chops to debate.

Here's a little something to ponder. Afghanistan was harboring terrorists that attacked the US directly. We did not declare a war on Afghanistan, but rather on the terrorists within that nation. That is the think about terrorism, it requires new approaches to destroy them. By your definnition, we have waged war on Pakistan as well.

The fact Muslims are free to roam our streets, be citizens of the US and not corraled into internment camps pretty much deflates your other rant.
It's common knowledge Muslim's have played the victim card in the US and other Western nations for years
and the left has been apologists for their more "spirited" brethren
You are far from oppressed idiot. In fact, you could not effectively list even one instance that you personally had been oppressed.

Saveliberty: Come on now! Are your really that stupid? Where in any of the above quotes do I say I am oppressed. My God, you really do need someone to help you. Would you please tell us how old you are. I cannot imagine anyone who graduated from High School posting the absurdities and abominations you post.

You stated that precise thing in those words more than once. BTW, you promised to never address my posts too. Now you add obvious lies to your hate and using God for your purposes. True evil.

Twist! Twist! Twist! Lie! Lie! Lie! Misquote! Misquote! Misquote! All with without shame of remorse. What kind of person are you? You would make a perfect Zionist.
Saveliberty: Come on now! Are your really that stupid? Where in any of the above quotes do I say I am oppressed. My God, you really do need someone to help you. Would you please tell us how old you are. I cannot imagine anyone who graduated from High School posting the absurdities and abominations you post.

You stated that precise thing in those words more than once. BTW, you promised to never address my posts too. Now you add obvious lies to your hate and using God for your purposes. True evil.

Twist! Twist! Twist! Lie! Lie! Lie! Misquote! Misquote! Misquote! All with without shame of remorse. What kind of person are you? You would make a perfect Zionist.

What misquotes? Prove I copied any of the quotes incorrectly. Hung by your own pathetic words citizenal. No twist at all. Just posting exactly what you wrote. Your nothing but a Jew hating conpiracy loving whackjob. You are shown to be the liar you are.
"The loss of our Constitution. The loss of all our inalienable rights. Our well being and heritage.
Our freedom." ~ citizenal post #317

"And because of your blind intransigence me and a lot of other people have to live in tyranny." ~ citizenal post #322

"Tyranny is when those impower operate from a hidden agenda and use it to take away your rights and impose undeed draconian laws upon. It is a fact that the United States has become a lind of tyranny. Every single one of our rights have been comprimised including our inalienable ones. And you posture that we have all consented to this tragic and lamentable state of affairs. What planet do you live on? Zarcan? It sure isn't planet earth." ~ citizenal post #327

"1. I pay income taxes becasue I am forced to. This tax money goes enitrly to the Fed. If my government did its job like its supposed to, I would not have to pay any income taxes. Our government is like Robin Hood, only it robs from us to give to the filthy rich.

2. I have relatives who died in the war on terror and in WWII. They probably would not have died the horrible deaths they did if it weren't for the Fed.

3. I pledge allegance to our Flag and to the Repbulic for which it stands. Everytime I do, my heart bleeds beause I know our Republic is dead and it was murderd by a bunch of demented criminals who put money and power ahead of all other things.

4. As an American I have a right to my heritage and the government bequeethed me by the Founders. This right has been taken away from me and instead I live under a goverment which is beholden to group of criminals and this being the case, the goverment we live under is a criminal enterprise." ! citizenal post #328

"I would like to know what scares the shit out of my fellow Americans such that they willingly kiss the ass of their oppressors." ~ citizenal post #682

I said the above quotes. Not other posts. You see what I mean about twisting and misquoting. No of course not. Also, I never promised not reply to your posts, I just said I would and changed my mind because you appeared to be addressing the issues on hand again. Believe it or not, this thread is not about me or you. Its about Zionism, the New World Order, and the true history of the United States. You want to make it about me, because you know that you cannot refute anything I have said. Therefore, you attack me personally in the hope that by discrediting me, you discredit what I have said. It won't work Charlie and all you are doing is exposing yourself for what you are.
It's common knowledge Muslim's have played the victim card in the US and other Western nations for years
and the left has been apologists for their more "spirited" brethren

The Mulsims have played the victim card? Oh my god! Now I have heard it all.

Lets see now, let's list all the victims. The Muslims, the Jews, the American Indians, the Irish, the Italians, the Blacks, the American people, our inalienable rights, our Constitution. Yes, I think the list is now complete and everyone should notice that Zionists are not on the list. This is because they are master manipulators and masters are victimizing others.

Thank you Neotrotsky for your input on this. I had left the Muslims out.
Left the Muslims out?
Well, no doubt if it was some Muslim committing an act of violence
you would have remembered

The issue is not the victim but the left and the use of the victim card

The Left only cares about the certain kind of victims
Ones worthy of their defense

Indeed, in the Left's world all are not equal
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Left the Muslims out?
Well, no doubt if it was some Muslim committing an act of violence
you would have remembered

The issue is not the victim but the left and the use of the victim card

The Left only cares about the certain kind of victims
Ones worthy of their defense

Indeed, in the Left's world all are not equal

I do not use or subscribe to such notions as liberal/Conservative, left/right, red/blue. These are words that nobody can really define and this being the case, when used people think they know what you are talking about and you think they know what you are telling them, but the truth is that neither of you knows for sure. The only thing that is true is that you both feel good about what was just said, providing of course, that you both are on the same side of the polarization being used. Kind of like; yeah is the liberals who fucked up this nation. Has to be because were conservatives. Yeah, its the liberals fucked things up. What did you just say? The liberals suck dummy! Oh! Now I understand. Unfortunately, the question never comes up is exactly how the liberals fucked things up because the two people doing the discussing are only reinforcing the curious notion that they are not part of the problem.

As for the terrorists, which came first; the chicken or the egg? Which came first; terrorism or Israel? I cant answer the fist question, but I sure can answer the second.
As for the terrorists, which came first; the chicken or the egg? Which came first; terrorism or Israel? I cant answer the fist question, but I sure can answer the second.

By playing the apologist for terrorists like that, you make yourself at least partly responsible. Think about it, scumbag.
None of those were "lies" you hyperbolic, hysterical little girl.
Just as I predicted, you're all mouth! You don't have the debate skills necessary to argue a position, so you troll. I told you you couldn't prove what you said and right on cue, you delivered.

You made a false claim. "Proof" is up to you, and you cannot provide it.
The only difference, when it comes to death and human suffering, Hitler was in the minor league in comparison to the Zionists.

I do not hate anybody. Instead, I am just calling a spade a spade.

Really, what are those numbers?

to be honest, Stalin killed more people than Hitler

Perhaps you need to do a little more homework before
you start sounding more foolish. If that is possible....
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You are clearly too stupid to understand what you want to talk about there.
It's more like the subject matter is too hard for you to comprehend.

Wrong again, idiot. Afghanistan was harboring the criminal responsible for 9/11. Iraq was in violation of the terms it had agreed to and in defiance of resolutions demanding its compliance. Therefore, neither was a "war of aggression." You are trying to use terms you don't understand, moron.
That is patently untrue, you numbskull.
Maybe for Bush, but not for the rest of the country. The jews weren't just demonized by Hitler. A certain segment of the population fed into the hatred. Just like with musliims here. I have to admit, I was proud of Bush when he said that. But then he turned right around and started locking up muslim's without charges and denying them habeas corpus. It took a SCOTUS ruling to get it back.

I'll re-phrase my statement:
"The right has been demonizing muslims for the last 10 years".

Wrong again, idiot. Given the population of the US and the very, very few instances of violence directed against Muslims (or those perceived to be Muslim), the people of the US have largely shown our ususal restraint and tolerance. And no one was placed in Gitmo for being Muslim. You are a very stupid and very dishonest person.
Wrong again, idiot. Afghanistan was harboring the criminal responsible for 9/11. Iraq was in violation of the terms it had agreed to and in defiance of resolutions demanding its compliance. Therefore, neither was a "war of aggression." You are trying to use terms you don't understand, moron.
First off, kudo's for your attempt to debate a topic.

Second, you're wrong! There are only 2 legal ways a country can attack another country per Article 51 of the UN Charter.
  • if you, yourself, are under attack
  • you receive UNSC authorization
And that's it. Even if the country harbors terrorists (BTW, we do to), or are allegedly in violation of UN resolutions, "choosing" to go to war, is defined as a war of aggression. The way international law is written, is to make war the final option when you have no other choice. We had choices still on the table in both of those country's. There was absolutely no reason why we had to rush to war in the first place.

And again, it wasn't Bush's call to unilaterally decide for the UNSC about what to do. Furthermore, there was no report by Hans Blix that said they were in violation of 1441. If Iraq was in violation, it would start with Hans Blix report.

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