I Am Ashamed of My Country

Our country's history is absolutely NO worse than any other nation and far better than most. The fact you have convinced yourself that this nation has a history so deviant and so outside the history of our species around the world as to fill you with shame only tells me that YOU are the problem. And people like you.

You think they did it better somewhere else and have done more for our species around the globe than THIS country -PLEASE, pack your shit and immediately go move there and live out the rest of your life in a country you think has it better and did it better! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Personally I am far more embarrassed by the low quality citizen we have been churning out like you.

Frazzledgear: I assume your words were meant for me. By virtue of the fact that this nation was a Christian nation and a Republic, it became the greatest in all of history. By virtue of the fact that this nation was the most successful in all of history, in order for the Zionists to succeed in their plans for world domination, they had to concentrate their efforts here, bacause without the United States in the fold, they would not succeed. And succeed they did. Now that they have succeeded by virtue of the fact that we were the greatest nation in the world and that we are now the most powerful militarily, the Zionist concentrate on using us to further their goals. Finally, because the Zionist use this nation to further their goals, which are evil in nature, this natiion has become a force for evil. This being the case, it has done more evil than any other nation.

Now as far as leaving the nation of my birth, you can go fuck yourself. I have just as much right to be here as you. Further, because this nation has fallen the farthest, it is this nation that needs my help the most.

I am a loyal and dedicated American who has lived his life in the service of the people and nation he loves. What I am not is an asswipe to the powers that be who tells them that it tastes good after they rub my nose in dogshit.
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Folks are very brave online.


Mac: Good point! All that brave bravado and bluster. If they were standing eyeball to eyeball would they be saying the things they do.

You know, when I started fighting these battles 18 years ago, I thought about hiding behind an assumed name. Then I thought to myself, what kind of American would I be if I stood up for what I believed in and didn't have the balls to do under my real name. This is why in the hundreds of articles I wrote I always use my real name.

Your right, it is very easy to be an insulting in your face son-of-a-bitch when no one knows who you really are.
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Folks are very brave online.

I'm at the 49ner Tavern in Long Beach, Ca every Friday from 4:30 - 5:30 for happy hour. If anyone wants to talk to me face-to-face, they're more than welcome to come on down.

I don't consider myself brave; I just don't take shit from assholes.
Specifically, I m talking about the Zionist goals and aspirations of world domination and control. They do not control everything, but they soon will and when this happens save the Jews, we will all be in the same boat. They Zionist intend to make the Jews the masters and the rest of us will be their servants. [...]

Sorry, but that really does have a ring of paranoia to it.

Yes, there is a disproportionate rate of success relative to the size of the Jewish population in the US and abroad, but I think it's more likely due to their own unspoken form of affirmative action than to some nefarious plot by a Zionist faction to take over the world. As a general rule, Jews tend to look out for and favor each other in business, politics, or whatever, and this has had a very clear impact on their rate of success in pretty much all areas of the larger societies in which they've lived (most especially our own). There's no other way to explain the statistic mentioned in one of my earlier posts. That more than 50% of our nation's billionaires fall into an ethnic demographic that constitutes less than 2% of the American population ...is proof positive of an extremely robust practice of racial favortism among Jewish Americans, BUT that doesn't necessarily imply the sort of "goals and aspirations" you're ascribing -- not even where the Zionist Jews are concerned.

[...]I believe your use of the phrase “self-proclaimed’ is in the derogatory sense as in “proclaimed”, but not really a true believer.

Well, you're wrong.

I intended nothing derogatory in my use of phrase, "self-proclaimed Christian". You'd identified yourself as a Christian and that was all I was trying to convey.

[...]All I can say is from your attitude is that you probably are a self-proclaimed Christian who really is an un-proclaimed Jew; again not using Jew in any kind of derogatory sense and merely referring to the fundamental differences between Judaism and Christianity.

Wrong again, on two counts.

First of all, I'm not a "Christian" by any stretch of the imagination.

Secondly, minus an unknown interloper in my genetic make-up, I'm not a Jew either.

But for someone as sensitive as you on the issue of "self-proclaimed Christianity", you're sure as hell keen on proclaiming the deficiencies of others' claims to true Christianity.

Who died and made you the sole arbitrator of truth?

[...]Now as to the battle between good and evil! If you are a Christian, you believe that God is the personification of good. On the other hand, you also believe in Satan who is the personification of evil. Therefore, the polarization of these two things is part of the Christian religion and does not come from me. [...]

No, but as a Christian, it is the basis (and the bias) on which you process all that you perceive.

[...] How about the idiots out there who believe, ‘conservative = good as opposed to liberal = bad’? Would you say they are also the victims of the illusionary opposite syndrome? [...]

As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I'd say.

Whether we're talking about an assessment of the right from a left-wing perspective or vice versa, the assessment would be as much or more a product of the bias as it would be of anything else (yes, even the truth).

And this holds true of your interpretation of certain historical events and of your assessment of the agenda you believe to be in play...
Capstone 607:

Why are you sorry if what I say has a ring of paranoia to it? Its not paranoia if it’s true. Instead of implying your superior intellect over mine, why don’t you just demonstrate why what I said is wrong?

If you maintain that I am wrong about Zionists pulling the strings which make the rest of the world dance and expect me to believe that what is going on is merely due to enlightened self-interest, then the burden of proof is on you. I have already made my case. For you to be asking me to make it again means that you have not followed this thread closely or are just trying to waste my time. The onus of proof at this point is on you and not me. Get busy!

I will be the first person to admit that I do not really know what your intentions are. However, your words create impressions. My best advice to you is to choose them more carefully. I’ll say it again, I am not a self-proclaimed Christian because I was born and raised as one. If I am wrong on two counts, then I apologize…….However, I’ll bet you are more Christian than you realize. Most people are.

Jesus died on the cross in atonement for our sins. Because God is truth, I have dedicated my life to finding same. I am not an arbiter of truth, I am its defender. Don’t blame me if those in denial or self-deception are offended. Stop being critical of me and instead, critical of what I say; with justification. Once we get to an honest and open discussion, maybe we can all learn something.
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Citizenal is a pathetic excuse for a Christian and patriot. He wished to use the resources of this nation to promote his hate and greed.
I bet you get your ass kicked a lot!

Now we know betting is something else you suck at.

Greatest Line Ever Against Democrats - YouTube

And even more amazing when you consider that back them, the Democrats were considered to be the working man's party. Big Business - Republicans, Blue Collar Worker - Democrats. Today, if they redid that take, Bob hope would have said, "you mean like Americans".........refering of course to Saveliberty and Unkotare. Can you believe that after all this they are still calling me names. HOLY INSULT BATMAN, DID YOU HEAR WHAT THEY SAID?
We have a lot of attitude in the U.S.
Lots of guff and bluster.

And a lot of guns.
And pride. Pride that isn't equated to left things or right things.
Just tied to two things. Cloth and paper.
The cloth of the Flag and the paper of the Constitution.

Holes can be shot through both. Holes can be shot through our bodies. It's all been done for over 200 years.

But the minds of faith in that cloth and paper will never ever be torn asunder. And THAT you can take to the bank of Fuck You.
Why are you sorry if what I say has a ring of paranoia to it? Its not paranoia if it’s true. Instead of implying your superior intellect over mine, why don’t you just demonstrate why what I said is wrong?

Not to imply any intellectual superiority over you -- some of the most prolific geniuses in history were batshit crazy -- but I was sorry to have seemingly affirmed some of the mud that's been slung at you by other posters (specifically the shit involving your mental health).

For the record; I don't think you're crazy at all.

As for demonstrating the wrongness of your belief that the Zionists are out to take over the world and to enslave all non-Jews in the process, I see no need to bother, since the likelihood of such a plot succeeding seems low enough to justify laughing off the whole idea.

If you maintain that I am wrong about Zionists pulling the strings which make the rest of the world dance and expect me to believe that what is going on is merely due to enlightened self-interest, then the burden of proof is on you.


Since I'm not out to prove anything, why on Earth should I take on the burden of proof?

You've offered a theory based on a heavily biased perspective and a corpus of so-called 'evidence' centered on pure speculation as to the motivation behind certain historical events; I've offered a plausible counter-explanation for the same. That's not to say that I've proven you wrong, nor that it was ever my intention or responsibility to do so.

[...]I’ll bet you are more Christian than you realize.[...]

Ouch. That's really below the belt, CA.

[...] I am not an arbiter of truth, I am its defender. Don’t blame me if those in denial or self-deception are offended. Stop being critical of me and instead, critical of what I say; with justification.[...]

Hey, I can't help it if "what [you] say" leads to criticism as to the kind of person you are.

But now I have a little piece of advice for you: I suggest that you stop with the proclamations and bets concerning other peoples' stated beliefs on the matter of Christianity in particular. Seriously, it makes you come across as a delusional know-it-all on issues with a long and storied record of disagreement and the resulting implication that nobody really knows it all.
As far as I am concerned this thread has all but run out and this will be my last post here. I want to thank everyone who posted and asked legitimate questions about what I was presenting. It is unfortunate that in this discourse, we were haunted by two individuals that are not worthy of the title "Human Being", never mind "American". An American is someone who stands on reason, logic, and principles.

Thanks again and I sincerely hope you enjoy your subjugation. Its really not so bad, because now we are just like everybody else in the world and misery loves company.

Alan R. Adaschik
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As far as I am concerned this thread has all but run out and this will be my last post here. I want to thank everyone who posted and asked legitimate questions about what I was presenting. It is unfortunate that in this discourse, we were haunted by two individuals that are not worthy of the title "Human Being", never mind "American". An American is someone who stands on reason, logic, and principles.

Thanks again and I sincerely hope you enjoy your subjugation. Its really not so bad, because now we are just like everybody else in the world and misery loves company.

Alan R. Adaschik
citizenal, I wish you wouldn't go. This board is starving for people like you. There are too many brownshirts around here who don't have the chops to debate anyone, so they spend all their time yelling at others. They're only goal is to hijack a thread and make it impossible to have a conversation. But when we do, it's very much appreciated.
Another hater bites the dust. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
As far as I am concerned this thread has all but run out and this will be my last post here. I want to thank everyone who posted and asked legitimate questions about what I was presenting. It is unfortunate that in this discourse, we were haunted by two individuals that are not worthy of the title "Human Being", never mind "American". An American is someone who stands on reason, logic, and principles.

Thanks again and I sincerely hope you enjoy your subjugation. Its really not so bad, because now we are just like everybody else in the world and misery loves company.

Alan R. Adaschik
citizenal, I wish you wouldn't go.

Don't be so desperate, little whore. Maybe he'll call again when he is drunk and out of options. Untill then just sit on your plastic chair at 'happy hour' waiting for someone to kick your ass so you can remember what it's like to feel again.

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