I Am Ashamed of My Country

And of course the whole point of 1441 (which you would know if you had bothered to read it) was to recognize that saddam WAS in violation of previous resolutions and obligations and to provide "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations." A final opportunity he chose to squander with more lies and misdirections.
You can't use the clause in 680 "all necessary means", which was about getting Iraq out of Kuwait, to get the US into Iraq. It doesn't work that way.

BTW, do you know what the UNSC means when they include the term "we remain to be seized on the matter" at end of a resolution?
And of course the whole point of 1441 (which you would know if you had bothered to read it) was to recognize that saddam WAS in violation of previous resolutions and obligations and to provide "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations." A final opportunity he chose to squander with more lies and misdirections.
You can't use the clause in 680 "all necessary means", which was about getting Iraq out of Kuwait, to get the US into Iraq. It doesn't work that way.

I knew you didn't bother to read it. You will spin and distort to promote your agenda. If you had been anything close to a normal person you could have just stated a difference of opinion, but no, you are a dishonest, stupid piece of shit and now you've completely exposed yourself.

Take your girlfriend al and get over to the Conspiracy Forum, fool.
And of course the whole point of 1441 (which you would know if you had bothered to read it) was to recognize that saddam WAS in violation of previous resolutions and obligations and to provide "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations." A final opportunity he chose to squander with more lies and misdirections.
You can't use the clause in 680 "all necessary means", which was about getting Iraq out of Kuwait, to get the US into Iraq. It doesn't work that way.

I knew you didn't bother to read it. You will spin and distort to promote your agenda. If you had been anything close to a normal person you could have just stated a difference of opinion, but no, you are a dishonest, stupid piece of shit and now you've completely exposed yourself.

Take your girlfriend al and get over to the Conspiracy Forum, fool.

[...] Its not just Zionists although it is their goals and aspirations which have been predominate.[...]

The hard specifics as to those "goals and aspirations" are what I'm driving at, CA.

We could spin around on a ferris wheel of vague platitudes without actually going anywhere all day long.

Speaking of which:

[...] What I am really talking about is the battle between good and evil; the battle, if you will, between the "Dark Side" and the "Light Side".[...]

While I'm sure George Lucas would be proud, I'm not entirely comfortable with relegating Zionist principles to the "Dark Side"; mainly because, in relation to the general concensus, I tend to dwell and operate in that arena myself. *evil laughter*

Without getting too deeply into the philosphical underpinnings of ethics, what's good or evil, light or dark, or any number of illusory polar opposites, all too often have at root the subjective valuation of some severely biased perspective. For instance, as a self-proclaimed "Christian", you're bound to the ramifications of whatever incarnation of that worldview you've chosen as your base. As a result, what you might deem "light", I might call "dark" (and vice versa). Which one of us (if either) is more in line with the objective state affairs called "reality" ...is pragmatically moot, at least until reality reveals itself in a manner that's completely beyond dispute. And in light of humanity's track record in relation to reality thus far, I wouldn't be holding my breath if I were you.

But for the purposes of this discussion, and since I take a great deal of pride in my Dark Side designation, I humbly suggest that we place the Zionists (Christian and Judaic) in their own special little category.

[...] Zionism – Gods chosen people better than everybody else. [...] Zionism – rule the world for our benefit and everyone else’s detriment. [...] Zionism – success makes right. [...] Zionism – the ends justify the means. Etc.

To play a little bit of the Advocatus Diaboli here, I'll simply point out that none of the principles mentioned above are intrinsically evil. So long as one buys into the tenets at their base, each and every one of them could be seen as both perfectly valid and wholly justifiable. And this is the chief of all shared relgious conundrums. The biggest issue, as far as adherents to the strictest dogmas are concerned, involves whether their particular set of beliefs is true or false -- and this issue is generally put to rest as a matter that's beyond question: what they believe IS UNEQUIVOCALLY TRUE ...as a matter of faith.

What proof do you have that they're wrong?

[...] America, today, is a reflection of Zionism and in the final analysis is its puppet. Not only our government is being twisted out of shape by these people, but so is Christianity to point that most Christians now think like Jews. Yes, we used to be a Christian nation, but his is no longer the case. How can it be otherwise when the prime operating imperatives of our government is deception, lies, and brute force. We are now a reflection of those who rule us and this is not a good thing.

This is where you and I diverge, at least in part: on the separation of Christianity proper from its more prevalant counterpart (complete with Zionist leanings). To me, the form of Christianity you're disparaging is really its true form -- a religion based more on fear and predjudice than anything else. There's no question that the Judaism from which it sprang is among the most racially devisive religions ever to drop from the bowels of the planet; but, if anything, the relatively enlightened forms of its offspring are more the products of societal evolution than correct interpretations of the teachings of Christ and his Apostles. Don't get me wrong; as far as I'm concerned, it's ALL garbage; but as I see things, our country is overwhelmingly pro-Israel, as a matter of the common Christian doctrine that's been taken straight from Holy Writ, and more importantly, as a by-product of the course taken by our elected officials over the past several decades. So, I'd say that those who rule us are a reflection of the principles rewarded (however unwittingly) by the American society at large.

I say "chicken"; you say "egg". All that really matters at the end of the day is that Colonel's original recipe is fucking delicious.

If you don't agree, you're free to take your commie ass to McDonald's. :D
I knew you didn't bother to read it. You will spin and distort to promote your agenda. If you had been anything close to a normal person you could have just stated a difference of opinion, but no, you are a dishonest, stupid piece of shit and now you've completely exposed yourself.

Take your girlfriend al and get over to the Conspiracy Forum, fool.
I already had read the document several times.

You are such a fucking hypocrite. You don't read any of mine, yet get all in a huff when you think I didn't read yours. You were wrong about that too.
The UN can't get out of its own way. World domination through the UN is laughable.
That's irrelevant. They were the ones calling the shots regarding 1441, not the US.

World domination is the same goal that the nazis had. And if you support us going from country to country, making up reasons to attack them, then you're no different than the nazis, either.
The UN can't get out of its own way. World domination through the UN is laughable.
That's irrelevant. They were the ones calling the shots regarding 1441, not the US.

World domination is the same goal that the nazis had. And if you support us going from country to country, making up reasons to attack them, then you're no different than the nazis, either.

The UN has no teeth without the US. I made asolutely no reference to military action by the US in my recent posts here.
I will tell you exactly what the "BIG EVIL" is, which is above zionisn, neoconservatism, our US military, al Qaeda, the GWOT, SCOTUS, US Constitution and everything else affects this planet, for it is the greatest threat to peace on earth and it is the men behind the curtain (so to speak), that are calling the shots and eliminating the concept (and sovereignty) of nation-states and it is called CORPORATISM.

[/quote]Corporatism and it's basturd off-spring neo-liberalism, are at the root of every policy decision our government is making. That's why we've been at war for the last 10 years, even though 70% of American's are against it. That's why the Citizen's United verdict came in the way it did. That's why we had the change in the Eminant Domain law that now allows it's invoction on commercial reasons. That's why the "public option" was not included in the healthcare bill. That's why we got the Patriot and Military Commission's Acts.[/quote]

[/quote]Multi-national corporations not even based in this country, are running our government and writing our laws. They are using our military to rape the planet of it's resources for profit and gain. They have stripped us of our representation in government and are turning us into a 3rd world country.[/quote]

[/quote]Our only hope and way out of this mess, is to vote out all incumbants in every single local, state and federal election. And keep voting them out until we get the people in there that represent us, not them. Corporations should have absolutely no say whatsoever in government. This is a country for We the People, not We the People, Inc.[/QUOTE]


I agree with you on all counts save one. Zionism in the guise of the New World Order sits on top of the shit pile and makes every one else dance. They are the master manipulators simply because they have more of our money than all the other organizations you mentioned combined. They don't make money, they create it and once they do they loan to us at interest and we pay them in dollars earned by the labor or hard working Americans. No, there is enough evil in the world to go around for everybody, but the master manipulators have more than their share and the use for their benefit and our detriment. Case in point, Adolph Hitler was a product of Zionist manipulation and duplicity. Adolph hitler would not have ruled Germany, started WWII, or murdered six million Jews if the Zionist didn't pull the string which made him happen.
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From the bottom of Dr. Gumps post:

"Religion attacks us in our deepest integrity by saying we wouldn't be able to make a moral decision without it, and that a supernatural dictatorship is our only hope. That makes us all into serfs. And chess and Tantric sex and Chinese food are pointless if you must enjoy them as a serf.'' Christopher Hitchens.

Dear Dr Grump: If you truly subscribe to Christopher Hitchens' Quote, then it is clear that both of you have very little knowledge of Christianity. The very essence of Christianity is making moral decisions as a product of our intellect and free will. There are no rules in true Christianity and this includes the Ten Commandments. Jesus did not want people to come to him because someone wrote down a piece of paper that this is what you should do. He wants people to come him of thier own free will and they do this by following the dictates of their heart and conscience. In other words, by making the right moral decisions.
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From the bottom of Dr. Gumps post:

"Religion attacks us in our deepest integrity by saying we wouldn't be able to make a moral decision without it, and that a supernatural dictatorship is our only hope. That makes us all into serfs. And chess and Tantric sex and Chinese food are pointless if you must enjoy them as a serf.'' Christopher Hitchens.

Dear Dr Grump: If you truly subscribe to Christopher Hitchens' Quote, then it is clear that both of you have very little knowledge of Christianity. The very essence of Christianity is making moral decisions as a product of our intellect and free will. There are no rules in true Christianity and this includes the Ten Commandments. Jesus did not want people to come to him because someone wrote down a piece of paper that this is what you should do. He wants people to come him of thier own free will and they do this by following the dictates of their heart and conscience. In other words, by making the right moral decisions.

Tell that to the Bishops, Cardinals, Mullahs, Rabbis, Imans.....
Spam ?

please, one could argue that almost everything is spam

What mods are not allowed to have opinions?

Yep, he is selling a book. A big no no...

Well it used to be.

So I can put a link up to my book that I am selling?


Selling is against posting policies- true
But, is selling, spam by definition ?

Of course what saves him
I believe it is free
Spam ?

please, one could argue that almost everything is spam

What mods are not allowed to have opinions?

Yep, he is selling a book. A big no no...

Well it used to be.

So I can put a link up to my book that I am selling?


Selling is against posting policies- true
But, is selling, spam by definition ?

Of course what saves him
I believe it is free

Yeah, possibly...
Still, seen other posted deleted for less....

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