I Am Ashamed of My Country

Internet bully says, "life ain't like Walker, Texas Ranger." :lol:

Get out of Mom's basement punk.
See what I mean? You can't even comment on what was said. You really find comfort acting like a 2 year old, don't you?

Actually I did comment on what was said. Interesting you find that sort of thing childish. How do you explain using it in every post you make here child?
Oops. my mistake.

By the way, who is Saveliberty and has he ever saved any?
He's too narcissistic to even think about that. I just know he's not a Christian. Unfortunately, he's not alone. There's a lot of people in this country that say they're Christian's, but are for things that are polar opposite from the teachings of Christ. I'll give you one example, these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years. Many so-called Christian's support these wars. The problem is, you cannot be "for war" and "for God" at the same time. You either have to go with one or the other. You can't have both! You can't have a gun in one hand and a bible in the other. It doesn't work that way. And for people who think it does, I ask them the question, "Well, how would Jesus have bombed Fallujah?"
Actually I did comment on what was said. Interesting you find that sort of thing childish. How do you explain using it in every post you make here child?
Sorry, my bad! I thought you were Unakleet. Thanks for the correction.

You're welcome. We sure have a civil uncivil conversation here don't we. :lol:

Okay, here is my problem with citizenal's theory:

1. He's a negative thinker. ie. he's ashamed of the USA, blames minority groups for his troubles and so on.

2. Any conspiracy of the magnitude suggested with Zionism's world takeover would have leaked by now. Also, they would have been far more successful by now.

3. Bankers provide the opportunity for people to benefit from things they can't afford in the present. Lending has been a boon to modernization and an easier life for all. Borrowers have not met the terms and conditions of their loans for the centuries and some have gotten upset. Gasp!

4. He's peddling hate and misinformation.
Oops. my mistake.

By the way, who is Saveliberty and has he ever saved any?
He's too narcissistic to even think about that. I just know he's not a Christian. Unfortunately, he's not alone. There's a lot of people in this country that say they're Christian's, but are for things that are polar opposite from the teachings of Christ. I'll give you one example, these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years. Many so-called Christian's support these wars. The problem is, you cannot be "for war" and "for God" at the same time. You either have to go with one or the other. You can't have both! You can't have a gun in one hand and a bible in the other. It doesn't work that way. And for people who think it does, I ask them the question, "Well, how would Jesus have bombed Fallujah?"

I agree with you 100%. Most so called Christians in the country have no idea what it really means and entails to be Christian. In truth, they really are "wanna be Jews" because they act and think more like Jews than Christians. Please do not judge me anti-Semitic for saying this. I am not anti-Judaism, however I do stand against Zionism.

In order to be a Christian you have to think and act in certain ways and to be you Jew, you have to think and act in certain ways. All I am saying its that, today, most Christians think and act more like Jews than Christians and this did not happen by accident.. Remember who controls the media and our entertainment industires. Also, remember who also controls most Christian ministers.

The best example that I can think of this is how some Christians think we should do more to support the state of Israel because the land they have stolen was given to them by God 4,000 years ago. Unfortunately, in order to take this position you have to forget about the New Covenant which did away with "chosen people. If you forget about the New Covenant, then you are not a Christian. PERIOD!
Our leader (Bush) used a national tragedy (9/11) by lying to this nation about who's responsible, just so he could launch an un-provoked war of aggression against a sovereign nation (Iraq). And his party blames an entire race of people (muslims) for all our problems.

You can't prove any claim of "lying" no matter how often you hysterical little girls shriek about it.

The Iraq War was most certainly NOT "unprovoked." Saddam was in long time violation of several UN resolutions and agreements pertaining to the end of hostilities from the Gulf War.

Muslim is not a "race," and it is not the Republican position to blame Muslims for all our problems.

You are full of shit on every count, you fucking brain dead pile of waste.
And while all this was going on, you said nothing. Not a peep. Homer or dumbshit, either way, you bought the lie. Nothing he said, raised an eyebrow with you. Not even when he tried to tell us that a country of goat-herders, with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, is a threat to a nation with the most technologically advanced military the world has ever seen. That didn't raise a flag with you. It didn't seem odd to you that a country that can only generate 9 hours of electricity a day, is a threat.

And because of skumbag American's like you, we spent a trillion dollars in someone else's god-damn country while our economy is going through a meltdown. And to top it off, we got nothing in return for that trillion dollars. And I bet that never crossed your mind, either. Or the fact that currently, we're paying $400 a gallon of gas to ship supplies to over 400 bases in Afghanistan. That kind of shit doesn't concern you.

When I want you to put words in my mouth I'll reach down your throat and pull out some of yours to use, until then STFU with your idiotic assumptions and pathetic, partisan nonsense.

Do you know from where the 9/11 attacks were planned and launched, idiot? Do you know who was harboring those evil fucks and continued to do so even after 9/11, you stupid fuck? You don't understand what "threat" means any more than you understand what we 'got in return' for defending our interests after the worst terrorist attack EVER on US soil. You are too fucking stupid to be a human being. Are you a rock or a door knob or something?
I just know he's not a Christian. Unfortunately, he's not alone. There's a lot of people in this country that say they're Christian's, but are for things that are polar opposite from the teachings of Christ.

Here we go again with the Street Preacher....

Better be careful Sir Loin of the Empty Skull, you're going to make someone very upset with you.
Oops. my mistake.

By the way, who is Saveliberty and has he ever saved any?
He's too narcissistic to even think about that. I just know he's not a Christian. Unfortunately, he's not alone. There's a lot of people in this country that say they're Christian's, but are for things that are polar opposite from the teachings of Christ. I'll give you one example, these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years. Many so-called Christian's support these wars. The problem is, you cannot be "for war" and "for God" at the same time. You either have to go with one or the other. You can't have both! You can't have a gun in one hand and a bible in the other. It doesn't work that way. And for people who think it does, I ask them the question, "Well, how would Jesus have bombed Fallujah?"

I agree with you 100%. Most so called Christians in the country have no idea what it really means and entails to be Christian. In truth, they really are "wanna be Jews" because they act and think more like Jews than Christians. Please do not judge me anti-Semitic for saying this. I am not anti-Judaism, however I do stand against Zionism.

In order to be a Christian you have to think and act in certain ways and to be you Jew, you have to think and act in certain ways. All I am saying its that, today, most Christians think and act more like Jews than Christians and this did not happen by accident.. Remember who controls the media and our entertainment industires. Also, remember who also controls most Christian ministers.

The best example that I can think of this is how some Christians think we should do more to support the state of Israel because the land they have stolen was given to them by God 4,000 years ago. Unfortunately, in order to take this position you have to forget about the New Covenant which did away with "chosen people. If you forget about the New Covenant, then you are not a Christian. PERIOD!

If you had enough working brain cells to understand irony, you would find all that misguided shit you just posted.........ironic.
There's a lot of people in this country that say they're Christian's, but are for things that are polar opposite from the teachings of Christ.

Very true, making it very difficult to know whether polls that ask whether people are Christians or not are anywhere near reliable. "Yeah, sure, I'm a Christian." Never goes to church, makes zero attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus, but says they're Christian anyway. Doubtful.

One just has to look at the posts on this board for vivid examples. Many of the most hateful, vile, vulgar words and messages are by those who claim to be "Christian Conservatives". No one actually believes that these people are actually Christians, of course, but it sure as hell (no pun intended) casts a negative shadow on religion in general.

That's a shame, because there are some wonderful, loving Christians out there. Too bad their religion is being so distorted by the phonies.

When I want you to put words in my mouth I'll reach down your throat and pull out some of yours to use, until then STFU with your idiotic assumptions and pathetic, partisan nonsense.
You see, I was right! You can't come up with your own words. You're completely dependant on someone else's argument. That allows you to maintain the illusion that you know what you're talking about.

Do you know from where the 9/11 attacks were planned and launched, idiot?
What kind of a dumbass question is that? Why wouldn't I know? How could I not know? But here's something you don't know. We were not attacked by the Taliban. And they warned Bin Laden not to be planning any hits on the US while he was in their country. Even after it happened, they offered to turn him over to us, but Bush refused.

Do you know who was harboring those evil fucks and continued to do so even after 9/11, you stupid fuck?
Doesn't matter who they harbor, there are only two ways you can legally attack another country and that ain't one of them. But since you brought up this "harbor terrorist" bullshit, have you ever heard the name Louis Posada? He's living right here in the good ole US of A, because we refused to extradite him to Venezuala, where he's accused of putting a bomb on a Cuban jetliner that killed 73 people. So, we harbor terrorists too!

You don't understand what "threat" means any more than you understand what we 'got in return' for defending our interests after the worst terrorist attack EVER on US soil.
What did we get in return? I'll bet the farm you don't have the balls to answer that.

You are too fucking stupid to be a human being. Are you a rock or a door knob or something?
There's that Republican Brain again. So predictable.
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There's a lot of people in this country that say they're Christian's, but are for things that are polar opposite from the teachings of Christ.

Very true, making it very difficult to know whether polls that ask whether people are Christians or not are anywhere near reliable. "Yeah, sure, I'm a Christian." Never goes to church, makes zero attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus, but says they're Christian anyway. Doubtful.

Seems like you would benefit from a little more study of the faith you speak of.
The Iraq War was most certainly NOT "unprovoked." Saddam was in long time violation of several UN resolutions and agreements pertaining to the end of hostilities from the Gulf War.

Absolutely astonishing that people are still trying to defend the Iraq War.

Yes, Saddam was a bad guy. A twisted, cold-blooded murderer. Yes, he thumbed his nose at the international community. Yes, he ignored the UN (which I thought conservatives have zero respect for - interesting).

So we made him pay with his life.

But it doesn't stop there. Nope.

According to the government document below, as of April 20, 2012, 10:00am EDT, 4,422 soldiers and DoD civilians have died there. 31,023 soldiers have been wounded, many of them in a terrible and life-altering way. Dozens of thousands more have come home with significant emotional/mental disorders from which they will probably never fully recover. Thousands and thousands of young American families have been destroyed. Thousands of young children will never see Dad again. And, oh yeah, at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars that we don't have.

All that to kill Saddam. Who was being honest about his WMD. Congratulations on that. Those who defend this are very brave with the lives and limbs and minds and families of others. I hope it was worth it to you. How ironic that Saddam's death tipped the relative balance of power in the Middle East to Iran, Saddam's mortal enemy. But who cares.

This was worth it to you folks? Absolutely incredible.



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