I Am Ashamed of My Country

Your a conspiracy fraud and were exposed as such. It is wise to avoid those of us capable of showing you for what you are. You still need your meds adjusted.
Here's more laughing at you, ya damn crazy old feak: hahahahHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHhahahhaaaaaaa!!!!


Come on now be honest stop this nonsense. If you are not and do not, from this point forward I will ignore you.

Better yet, take your crazy ass to the Conspiracy Forum where you belong and I'll ignore YOU.
In our last Zarcan gathering we examined the destruction of the World Trade Center by a group of armature and clueless Arab Nationals who could not succeed in blowing up a toilet unless someone helped them do it. The reason these sad souls successful is that they were helped by officials of the United States Government who thought pleasing their New World Order masters was more important than our Constitution, their oath of office, and the lives of the citizens of this once formerly great nation. If the United States military and law enforcement was allowed to do their jobs, the 9/11 attacks could have been prevented or at the very least, the hi-jacked planes could have been brought down before they got to the twin towers thus saving many lives. 9/11 was a success because so many people in positions of authority wanted it to because our leaders needed an excuse to go to war in the Middle East.

The next and last event on our magnificent list is:

20. Following the turn of the century a real estate boom bubbled and then collapsed which brought about our present economic downturn and our second Great Depression.

Well I’ll be! According to our government, not only are we not in a depression, we actually recovered from the last recession and now are taking steps to keep us from going back into one. What unmitigated hogwash and claptrap. And this is the garbage our government shovels down out throats and expects us to swallow. I will be the first person to admit that we are not in a second depression. Hasn’t happened yet, but it hasn’t only because it is being staved off by insane and unsustainable measures. The reasons we are not in a major depression yet is because of our war in Iraq, our war in Afghanistan, our the war against terror, our war against drugs, and the undeclared war against failure and bankruptcy which bails out the money grubbing greedy criminals who caused our problems in the first place.

The United States has crossed the line just about everywhere and now that we are over the brink, any attempts to return to normal will inevitably bring on catastrophe. For example, we are printing dollars like confetti and have to continue to do so to prevent the system from collapsing. But the system is will collapse so what’s a good government to do? Let’s enlist more men for the military to fight in the Far East to keep unemployment low, ignoring the fact that we have hired so many people that if we let them return home our economy would collapse. Let’s fight more wars in the Far East so we will spend more money and keep people working never stopping to think that if we continue to print money to fight these wars, the dollar will collapse. Let’s fight a war on drugs, never stopping to think that if we stop warring on drugs our economy will collapse because it would put so many narcs and prison guards out of work. Let’s fight a war on terror here at home and hire a bunch of gropers and peeping toms to humiliate American citizens, never considering so doing we have created another artificiality which will stave off the inevitable, gut one which will bring it on that much sooner if we stop doing it.

Do you get the FUCKING picture? We have crossed the line on just about everything and everything we are depends up printing more money which does not exist. We should be in a major depression right now and the only reason we aren’t is because our government keeps finding more wars to fight just to keep people busy and employed. Our government has placed us on a treadmill where we can’t get off and have to keep running harder and harder just to stay in one place. Obviously, something has to give and all these efforts to stave off a depression, only serve to delay it and will make it far worse when the shit finally hits the fan. And this is what our dear friends in the Federal Reserve have done to us. Remember the Federal Reserve, aka the New World Order, aka the old world order, aka the Zionist’s home away from home? These are the guys who convinced us that debt based central banking was good for us. These are the guys who also convinced us the creation of the State of Israel was good for us. Now, because of these good things the nations of the world are insolvent and facing economic collapse. Furthermore, the world has been at war for the past one-hundred years because of these people and there is no end in sight to the carnage. It is heart warming to know that when the final page is turned, War and Bankruptcy will be the final legacy of mankind.

Comments and input please!
I agree with the OP in many aspects, I will take the time to read his book and educate myself further on GATT so I can have a discussion on the matter. Where my opinion diverges from the OP is the subject of his thread. "Ashamed of my country"....

I am not Ashamed of the United States of America, I am a proud American, my family has been here since before this was the USA. I am proud of the American people and all that we have accomplished in the world. I am ASHAMED of our political leadership over the past 100 years. Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Nixon, Carter, W, Obama... My God what these men have signed in to law and what many of the @sshats in congress have done is shameful.
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Apologizing for being a Christian citizenal? I would never do that.
That's because you're not Christian.

And if you think you are, word up on this, you lost Jesus a long time ago.

Yes, because you have such a strong religious background and were sent by God to judge me. :eusa_angel:
God didn't send me to judge anyone. In fact, come judgment day, I'll probably have to pay for that comment. As for my religious background, I was raised a Catholic, so that means I out-rank you (so to speak). Well, not really, but it sure was fun to say.

I do know what being a Christian is all about and I know it's living your life as Christ-like as you possibly can. And when I read some of the things these bullshit Christian's are saying, there is no way those words would ever come out of Jesus's mouth.
I agree with the OP in many aspects, I will take the time to read his book and educate myself further on GATT so I can have a discussion on the matter. Where my opinion diverges from the OP is the subject of his thread. "Ashamed of my country"....

I am not Ashamed of the United States of America, I am a proud American, my family has been here since before this was the USA. I am proud of the American people and all that we have accomplished in the world. I am ASHAMED of our political leadership over the past 100 years. Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Nixon, Carter, W, Obama... My God what these men have signed in to law and what many of the @sshats in congress have done is shameful.

Sublime: Like you, I am a proud American and I am proud of what this nation has accomplished. However, what I am not proud of is what has been done to us over the past 100 years and also what we have become. The United States of America today is a abomination and a pox on all of mankind for these reasons it is no longer the Country I am proud of. Please remember that our government has been overthrown three times during the past 100 years and this is not a good thing.
Sublime: Like you, I am a proud American and I am proud of what this nation has accomplished. However, what I am not proud of is what has been done to us over the past 100 years and also what we have become. The United States of America today is a abomination and a pox on all of mankind for these reasons it is no longer the Country I am proud of. Please remember that our government has been overthrown three times during the past 100 years and this is not a good thing.

I know of the Coup d'état that was the Kennedy assassination... What were the other two?

One might be Woodrow Wilson signing us over to the world bankers...

I am perplexed at the third...
Early on in this thread one of you kept asking me to prove what I was saying. In response, I explained that my intent was not to prove anything, but instead would offer the best and most reasonable interpretation of the facts presented. Once this had been done for the 20 events under discussion, the truth would be clear. Now to make it perfectly clear, instead of relisting the my 20 events, I will list, without comment, the facts associated with the events we discussed. Now you be the judge.

1. Prior to our Revolutionary War, a group of bankers dominated Europe and England through central banking and a debt based monetary system.

2. Central banking and a debt based monetary system made these bankers rich beyond what anyone could imagine. This money combined with the fact these bankers also controlled the economies of the nation’s involved allowed them to corrupt the institutions of the society they were dealing with and dominate its government.

3. One of the reasons we fought our Revolutionary war was to be rid of and free of the international bankers who dominated Europe and England at the time.

4. In 1910, a group of men met in secret on Jekyll Island, Georgia, to map out a strategy for getting Congress to pass legislation making their banking cartel the central bank of the United States.

5. The Federal Reserve Bank is a foreign private corporation owned by the progeny of the bankers mentioned above and this group of people became the central bank of the United States with a debt based monetary system as a result of the Federal Reserve Act enacted by Congress in 1913.

6. Being a private foreign banking cartel, there is nothing federal about the Federal Reserve Bank. Furthermore, it is not a reserve and not a bank of any kind. The Feds name is intentionally meant to confuse and mislead.

7. In 1913, Our Constitution was amended to allow a tax on income.

8. In 1913, Our Constitution was amended to provide for the election of Senators by popular vote instead of being appointed by their respective state legislatures.

9. Woodrow Wilson, the President who spearheaded the adoption of the Federal Reserve System, before he died lamented his role in this affair by admitting he unwittingly ruined our country and changed it from being a nation ruled by the majority to one ruled by a small group of dominant men.

10. During President Woodrow Wilson’s first term of office, this Nation had an isolationist policy toward Europe and President Wilson was re-elected under the campaign slogan, “He kept us out of the war (WW I)”.

11. After being elected, President Wilson reversed his stance, dropped our isolationist policy, and brought America into the “War to end all Wars” and the “War to make the world safe for Democracy”.

12. Shortly after the United States entered World War I, England issued its Balfour Declaration which stated that England supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

13. Prior to WWI, the Germans were among the most educated and sophisticated societies in the world and Jews were fully integrated throughout German society.

14. England, at the time the Balfour declaration was issued, had no claim to the territory of Palestine and the Palestinian people had not participated in or supported the Central Powers in their war against the Allies.

15. Upon being defeated by the allies, the Treaty of Versailles severely punished Germany.

16. At the close of World War I, England honored its word and supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine which came to pass in 1948.

17. Subsequent to WWI, the Zionists financed the rise to power of the Nazi Party in Germany.

18. In 1933, world Jewry declared war on Germany even though the German government had taken no actions, official or unofficial, against the Jews.

19. Adolph Hitler became dictator of Germany shortly after world Jewry declared war on Germany.

20. President John F. Kennedy, shortly before he was assassinated, ordered the Treasury Department to print and circulate United States Treasury notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes thus cutting the Federal Reserve out of the pattern as far as creating money was concerned. This action would save our government huge amounts of interest on our national debt.

21. President Kennedy was assassinated shortly after ordering the Treasury Department to print and circulate United States Treasury Notes and shortly after he was assassinated, these notes were pulled from circulation and no President since Kennedy has printed treasury notes even thought Kennedy’s executive order still stands and doing this would save us huge amounts of interest on the national debt.

22. In 1967, the USS Liberty, a lightly armed spy ship was ordered into the war zone of Israel’s Six Days War with Egypt, without an escort.

23. Every ship in this Nation’s Sixth Fleet received orders to stay at least one-hundred miles away from Egypt during the Six Days War.

24. The USS liberty was attack by Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats after repeatedly being identified by other Israeli aircraft and out of blind luck survived the torpedo attack sent in to finish what the Israeli aircraft had failed to do.

25. Immediately following the Israeli torpedo attack on the USS, these same torpedo boats were observed machine gunning USS Liberty life rafts floating in the water nearby the crippled spy ship.

26. Upon receiving distress calls from the Liberty, Sixth Fleet Carriers launched two groups of planes, one to provide relieve to the Liberty and one to nuke Cairo.

27. President Johnson ordered both of the above groups of planes to return to their ship.

28. Every surviving sailor from the Liberty believed that the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate and Dean Rusk, our Secretary of State at the time agrees with them.

29. Prior to 9/11 and the attack on the World Trade Center, an FBI field agent reported to his superiors in Washington that Arab Nationals were learning how to fly commercial aircraft and not interested in learning how to land them.

30. The report by the FBI filed agent was ignored even though the possibility of using commercial aircraft as suicide bombs was a hot topic of discussion in think tanks and among military strategists at the time.

31. The attacks on the twin towers and the pentagon occurred over a two-hour period of time and none of the hi-jacked airlines were intercepted by US interceptors despite the fact that they are on 24/7 hot pad duty, can fly 2 ½ times the speed of sound, and routinely do such interceptions in twenty minutes time from when FAA Controllers know something is amiss to the actual eyeballing of the aircraft in question.

32. Following the 9/ll attacks the United States invaded Iraq for contrived and surreptitious reasons.

33. In 1994, the United States joined the World Trade Organization making our President, Congress and Supreme Court subservient to that organization’s ruling panels.

34. Our membership in the World Trade Organization is unconstitutional.

35. Vice-President Joe Biden has publically declared himself to be a Zionist.

36. The New World Order which is not really “new” has come out of the closet and declared itself to be dictators of the world.

37. The United States Constitution precludes our government from participating in any kind of world order which stands superior to our President, Congress, or our Supreme Court.

All of the above are fact which can be demonstrated to be true. Upon reading through these facts, it should be clear that something is terribly wrong with how we are being governed. A hidden agenda is being followed and if this is indeed the case, someone or some group of people have to be behind what is going on. Proof of the pudding is that many of our leaders have told us what is going on and who these people are, not the least of which is David Rockefeller who in 1991 made the following statement to the Trilateral Commission:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the light of publicity during those years. But now the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries”.

Early on in this thread one of you kept asking me to prove what I was saying. In response, I explained that my intent was not to prove anything, but instead would offer the best and most reasonable interpretation of the facts presented. Once this had been done for the 20 events under discussion, the truth would be clear. Now to make it perfectly clear, instead of relisting the my 20 events, I will list, without comment, the facts associated with the events we discussed. Now you be the judge.

1. Prior to our Revolutionary War, a group of bankers dominated Europe and England through central banking and a debt based monetary system.

2. Central banking and a debt based monetary system made these bankers rich beyond what anyone could imagine. This money combined with the fact these bankers also controlled the economies of the nation’s involved allowed them to corrupt the institutions of the society they were dealing with and dominate its government.

3. One of the reasons we fought our Revolutionary war was to be rid of and free of the international bankers who dominated Europe and England at the time.

4. In 1910, a group of men met in secret on Jekyll Island, Georgia, to map out a strategy for getting Congress to pass legislation making their banking cartel the central bank of the United States.

5. The Federal Reserve Bank is a foreign private corporation owned by the progeny of the bankers mentioned above and this group of people became the central bank of the United States with a debt based monetary system as a result of the Federal Reserve Act enacted by Congress in 1913.

6. Being a private foreign banking cartel, there is nothing federal about the Federal Reserve Bank. Furthermore, it is not a reserve and not a bank of any kind. The Feds name is intentionally meant to confuse and mislead.

7. In 1913, Our Constitution was amended to allow a tax on income.

8. In 1913, Our Constitution was amended to provide for the election of Senators by popular vote instead of being appointed by their respective state legislatures.

9. Woodrow Wilson, the President who spearheaded the adoption of the Federal Reserve System, before he died lamented his role in this affair by admitting he unwittingly ruined our country and changed it from being a nation ruled by the majority to one ruled by a small group of dominant men.

10. During President Woodrow Wilson’s first term of office, this Nation had an isolationist policy toward Europe and President Wilson was re-elected under the campaign slogan, “He kept us out of the war (WW I)”.

11. After being elected, President Wilson reversed his stance, dropped our isolationist policy, and brought America into the “War to end all Wars” and the “War to make the world safe for Democracy”.

12. Shortly after the United States entered World War I, England issued its Balfour Declaration which stated that England supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

13. Prior to WWI, the Germans were among the most educated and sophisticated societies in the world and Jews were fully integrated throughout German society.

14. England, at the time the Balfour declaration was issued, had no claim to the territory of Palestine and the Palestinian people had not participated in or supported the Central Powers in their war against the Allies.

15. Upon being defeated by the allies, the Treaty of Versailles severely punished Germany.

16. At the close of World War I, England honored its word and supported the establishment of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine which came to pass in 1948.

17. Subsequent to WWI, the Zionists financed the rise to power of the Nazi Party in Germany.

18. In 1933, world Jewry declared war on Germany even though the German government had taken no actions, official or unofficial, against the Jews.

19. Adolph Hitler became dictator of Germany shortly after world Jewry declared war on Germany.

20. President John F. Kennedy, shortly before he was assassinated, ordered the Treasury Department to print and circulate United States Treasury notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes thus cutting the Federal Reserve out of the pattern as far as creating money was concerned. This action would save our government huge amounts of interest on our national debt.

21. President Kennedy was assassinated shortly after ordering the Treasury Department to print and circulate United States Treasury Notes and shortly after he was assassinated, these notes were pulled from circulation and no President since Kennedy has printed treasury notes even thought Kennedy’s executive order still stands and doing this would save us huge amounts of interest on the national debt.

22. In 1967, the USS Liberty, a lightly armed spy ship was ordered into the war zone of Israel’s Six Days War with Egypt, without an escort.

23. Every ship in this Nation’s Sixth Fleet received orders to stay at least one-hundred miles away from Egypt during the Six Days War.

24. The USS liberty was attack by Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats after repeatedly being identified by other Israeli aircraft and out of blind luck survived the torpedo attack sent in to finish what the Israeli aircraft had failed to do.

25. Immediately following the Israeli torpedo attack on the USS, these same torpedo boats were observed machine gunning USS Liberty life rafts floating in the water nearby the crippled spy ship.

26. Upon receiving distress calls from the Liberty, Sixth Fleet Carriers launched two groups of planes, one to provide relieve to the Liberty and one to nuke Cairo.

27. President Johnson ordered both of the above groups of planes to return to their ship.

28. Every surviving sailor from the Liberty believed that the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate and Dean Rusk, our Secretary of State at the time agrees with them.

29. Prior to 9/11 and the attack on the World Trade Center, an FBI field agent reported to his superiors in Washington that Arab Nationals were learning how to fly commercial aircraft and not interested in learning how to land them.

30. The report by the FBI filed agent was ignored even though the possibility of using commercial aircraft as suicide bombs was a hot topic of discussion in think tanks and among military strategists at the time.

31. The attacks on the twin towers and the pentagon occurred over a two-hour period of time and none of the hi-jacked airlines were intercepted by US interceptors despite the fact that they are on 24/7 hot pad duty, can fly 2 ½ times the speed of sound, and routinely do such interceptions in twenty minutes time from when FAA Controllers know something is amiss to the actual eyeballing of the aircraft in question.

32. Following the 9/ll attacks the United States invaded Iraq for contrived and surreptitious reasons.

33. In 1994, the United States joined the World Trade Organization making our President, Congress and Supreme Court subservient to that organization’s ruling panels.

34. Our membership in the World Trade Organization is unconstitutional.

35. Vice-President Joe Biden has publically declared himself to be a Zionist.

36. The New World Order which is not really “new” has come out of the closet and declared itself to be dictators of the world.

37. The United States Constitution precludes our government from participating in any kind of world order which stands superior to our President, Congress, or our Supreme Court.

All of the above are fact which can be demonstrated to be true. Upon reading through these facts, it should be clear that something is terribly wrong with how we are being governed. A hidden agenda is being followed and if this is indeed the case, someone or some group of people have to be behind what is going on. Proof of the pudding is that many of our leaders have told us what is going on and who these people are, not the least of which is David Rockefeller who in 1991 made the following statement to the Trilateral Commission:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the light of publicity during those years. But now the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries”.

You can also add that when KSM was asked why he planned 9/11 during his interrogations, one of the reasons he stated was our un-conditional support for Israel.
Apologizing for being a Christian citizenal? I would never do that.
That's because you're not Christian.

And if you think you are, word up on this, you lost Jesus a long time ago.

Yes, because you have such a strong religious background and were sent by God to judge me. :eusa_angel:

He's the Street Preacher!!

The United States of America today is a abomination and a pox on all of mankind for these reasons it is no longer the Country I am proud of. Please remember that our government has been overthrown three times during the past 100 years and this is not a good thing.

You'd better get your sorry ass the fuck out of my country, you worthless, unamerican piece of shit.

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