I am disgusted with our party. I pray to god we get fresh blood in 16

I am disgusted with our party. I pray to god we get fresh blood in 16

You will – you won’t even need ‘fresh blood,’ as those who decided not to run this time will run in 2016. After 8 years of a democratic administration the voters will likely elect a republican – and the democrats will have no one to run, anyway.
I like Santorum and Bachmanns ideas but it won't fly in this election so WTF is a person to do? Sitting out or writing in a name is a sheer waste because it could lead to another Obama term. He has to go so I guess I just have to bite my tongue and vote for whoever gets the nomination. This is beginning to feel just like 08 and it straight pisses me off.

I know I'll probably get flamed for this post but I don't care. I don't have a job secure from this shitty economy and I desperately need change.

I'll agree this is a weak feild, and I think the GOP Establishment did everything it could to make it easier for Mittens to win. If Huckabee, Palin, Mitch Daniels, Thune got in, you wouldn't be seeing this current mess.

I think the GOP has bigger structural problems, though. It has lost working people, it has lost racial minorities.

The only thing saving them right now is that Obama's performance has been so dismal.
...but not in an offensive manner. Ron Paul believes in the best equipped DEFENSIVE military money can buy. Ron would end the "World Cop" program as the world is not the USA's business... America is the USA's business. Do you believe that you should police your neighbors marriage? What business do you have in other peoples private affairs??? What business does the USA have in other SOVEREIGN nations affairs??? You sound to be more concerned with government making your livelihood financially viable than you making your livelihood viable.
Government cannot provide one single job without taxes. Government is overhead not productivity. Government cannot help you & your business financially without redistributing wealth that is taken(extorted) from others. If your livelihood is dependent on government you might want to dump it & go private sector. Ron Paul is about INDIVIDUAL responsibility not government assistance. This sounds to be why you harbor "unreasonable" fear of Ron Paul as Ron is anti nanny state.

Paul is not an option Matthew. He is just as fucked up as our other candidates. He will retire soon after this election and drift into history with his eyebrows. Thank god.

We need new blood. Screw these old lifers.

I doubt you have spent an honest 10 minutes looking into Ron Paul.

Next I'd like to point out that I called it, it took about 1 month or you to catch up to what I was telling you about Newt... Of course you will just react saying something near incoherent and how Paul sucks, but in the end I also doubt you spent an honest 10 minutes looking into any candidate you have supported so far.

Gramps, YOU are the problem. The Political infants that invest no amount meaningful effort despite all the answers being at your finger tips. It’s posers like you in the Republican party that help Neocons Big Government Progressives like Newt, or mindless drones, vapid of the basics on the most simple issues that this country faces like Cain rise to the top… Only to start sob story threads wallowing in your own self induced regurgitated cycle of dumping all your hopes in a candidate you knew nothing about.

I have supported Paul for 4+ years, when I hear you talk about him it’s clear you lack the ability to even comprehend what he talks about because you honestly don’t want to understand it. You make the choice to be irrelevant and uneducated on the issues.

I honestly think you are a good person… but when it comes to politics you care more about the “he said she said bullshit” than giving real answers to real problems more than a glance. There is no doubt in my mind I know more about Cain and more about Newt several times over than yourself…

I hope you learn from your mistakes rather than repeat them. I hope you can swallow your pride and disarm you defensive attitude to anyone that has more to say than “Fuck Obama!!!”

Of course you have no doubt that your far superior politically than me. Your a Fuckin Paul supporter. You my friend are the bigger idiot. You deal in Pauls what ifs while I face reality.

Ps. I would consider voting for Obama long before I would ever vote for the lunatic you support. Obama would cut our defense. Paul would decimate it.
If all my Republican party can field is a bunch of wanna be's, rejects, and RINO's, like we have now.

Obama will be a shoe in for re-election. :evil:
Paul Ryan may be just the lunatic you're looking for...

Yes, along with Rubio and a few governors.

Rubio can never be President. He isn't a natural born citizen. Neither is Jindal. Course if we're going to go by the precedent that the kenyan in the White House has already set, I take that back. They can. Problem is that would just be continuing to piss on the constitution. But that is what our government seems to be good at nowadays... ALL of them.
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If all my Republican party can field is a bunch of wanna be's, rejects, and RINO's, like we have now.

Obama will be a shoe in for re-election. :evil:

You're probably right.

I think the thing is, they probably don't actually want to win. Why should they? The economy is going to get worse before it gets better, why have your guy holding the bag on that one?

The GOP can actually win by losing. 2014 will be as disasterous for Dems as 2010 was, with all those Dem seats they took in 2008 coming up. THen in 2016, who do the Democrats have?
Bill Bennett knows Newt personally and says he has problems. This gives me pause because I've considered Bennett a respectable man and usually trust his judgment.

I remember Newt as speaker and thought he did a good job. Problem is Bennett says he knows Newt personally and listed a few characteristics that bother me. I got a sense of some of them but just wrote it off as personality glitches when put on the spot. Bill however says they are part of Newts core. Ie self agrandizing and grandiose ideas beyond the ones we have heard about. He thinks as many here have said that if Newt wins the nomination the election will become about his past.

How did our party get relegated to such shitty choices? Obama should be so fucking easy to beat yet at every turn its all about the negativity of our party.

Perry can't debate to save his life. And yes I know were not electing a debater n chief but if he can't sell himself on the stage against Obama the public won't vote for him.

Pauls foreign policy is nuts.

Santorum is too extreme for this election cycle. The country doesn't want to go from far left to far right.

Newt can't outrun his past long enough to talk about current events.

Bachmann just turns me off personally.

Huntsman sounds centered but I honestly don't know anything about the man. And if I don't the public at large won't have a clue.

That leaves Romney, the KING FLIP FLOPPER.


I like Santorum and Bachmanns ideas but it won't fly in this election so WTF is a person to do? Sitting out or writing in a name is a sheer waste because it could lead to another Obama term. He has to go so I guess I just have to bite my tongue and vote for whoever gets the nomination. This is beginning to feel just like 08 and it straight pisses me off.

I know I'll probably get flamed for this post but I don't care. I don't have a job secure from this shitty economy and I desperately need change.

This is similar to the position that the Democrats found themselves at in 2004. Bush should have been beatable.
No, Paul would remove all the waste in our military spending.

BTW, he's not as nuts on foreign policy as you think. Remember, the President doesn't get to do what he wants carte blanche. He's got a Congress, in addition to his Cabinet, to keep him in line.

God hates gays...It is a sin, but what you're saying is very true. We need to get the hell out of the middle east and stop stupid wars...Yes, we will still have a military and can still go to war if we have a good reason, but war, war for no reason is dumb. :eusa_pray:

god hates? :cuckoo:
If all my Republican party can field is a bunch of wanna be's, rejects, and RINO's, like we have now.

Obama will be a shoe in for re-election. :evil:

You're probably right.

I think the thing is, they probably don't actually want to win. Why should they? The economy is going to get worse before it gets better, why have your guy holding the bag on that one?

The GOP can actually win by losing. 2014 will be as disasterous for Dems as 2010 was, with all those Dem seats they took in 2008 coming up. THen in 2016, who do the Democrats have?

They want to win... they need to win... four more of years of odumbo and...

No, Paul would remove all the waste in our military spending.

BTW, he's not as nuts on foreign policy as you think. Remember, the President doesn't get to do what he wants carte blanche. He's got a Congress, in addition to his Cabinet, to keep him in line.

God hates gays...It is a sin, but what you're saying is very true. We need to get the hell out of the middle east and stop stupid wars...Yes, we will still have a military and can still go to war if we have a good reason, but war, war for no reason is dumb. :eusa_pray:

god hates? :cuckoo:
If you happen to pick up the Bible and read the Old Testament.

There are several verses where God talks about the types of sin and other behaviors that he "hates" :cool:
...but not in an offensive manner. Ron Paul believes in the best equipped DEFENSIVE military money can buy. Ron would end the "World Cop" program as the world is not the USA's business... America is the USA's business. Do you believe that you should police your neighbors marriage? What business do you have in other peoples private affairs??? What business does the USA have in other SOVEREIGN nations affairs??? You sound to be more concerned with government making your livelihood financially viable than you making your livelihood viable.
Government cannot provide one single job without taxes. Government is overhead not productivity. Government cannot help you & your business financially without redistributing wealth that is taken(extorted) from others. If your livelihood is dependent on government you might want to dump it & go private sector. Ron Paul is about INDIVIDUAL responsibility not government assistance. This sounds to be why you harbor "unreasonable" fear of Ron Paul as Ron is anti nanny state.

I doubt you have spent an honest 10 minutes looking into Ron Paul.

Next I'd like to point out that I called it, it took about 1 month or you to catch up to what I was telling you about Newt... Of course you will just react saying something near incoherent and how Paul sucks, but in the end I also doubt you spent an honest 10 minutes looking into any candidate you have supported so far.

Gramps, YOU are the problem. The Political infants that invest no amount meaningful effort despite all the answers being at your finger tips. It’s posers like you in the Republican party that help Neocons Big Government Progressives like Newt, or mindless drones, vapid of the basics on the most simple issues that this country faces like Cain rise to the top… Only to start sob story threads wallowing in your own self induced regurgitated cycle of dumping all your hopes in a candidate you knew nothing about.

I have supported Paul for 4+ years, when I hear you talk about him it’s clear you lack the ability to even comprehend what he talks about because you honestly don’t want to understand it. You make the choice to be irrelevant and uneducated on the issues.

I honestly think you are a good person… but when it comes to politics you care more about the “he said she said bullshit” than giving real answers to real problems more than a glance. There is no doubt in my mind I know more about Cain and more about Newt several times over than yourself…

I hope you learn from your mistakes rather than repeat them. I hope you can swallow your pride and disarm you defensive attitude to anyone that has more to say than “Fuck Obama!!!”

Of course you have no doubt that your far superior politically than me. Your a Fuckin Paul supporter. You my friend are the bigger idiot. You deal in Pauls what ifs while I face reality.

Ps. I would consider voting for Obama long before I would ever vote for the lunatic you support. Obama would cut our defense. Paul would decimate it.

Govt can help my business along with every other business. Stop over regulating. Stop trying to pick winners. Get out of the fucking way. Stop trying to manipulate the economy.
Right now, in my opinion, winning control of the WHITE HOUSE is like capturing the tarbaby.

If the GOP takes the Oval Office, then the GOP is on the hook for the austerity that will be coming down the pike.

Were I running the GOP I'd be trying to control Congress but letting the DEMS take all the heat from the economy for 2012 to 2016.

And if one looks at the talented pool of younger GOP candidates who did NOT run?

I think I might not be the only person who's thinking that way.
God hates gays...It is a sin, but what you're saying is very true. We need to get the hell out of the middle east and stop stupid wars...Yes, we will still have a military and can still go to war if we have a good reason, but war, war for no reason is dumb. :eusa_pray:

god hates? :cuckoo:
If you happen to pick up the Bible and read the Old Testament.

There are several verses where God talks about the types of sin and other behaviors that he "hates" :cool:

oh word? so, which testament is the correct one.

if it's the old one? heh, fuck god of that book.
Right now, in my opinion, winning control of the WHITE HOUSE is like capturing the tarbaby.

If the GOP takes the Oval Office, then the GOP is on the hook for the austerity that will be coming down the pike.

Were I running the GOP I'd be trying to control Congress but letting the DEMS take all the heat from the economy for 2012 to 2016.

And if one looks at the talented pool of younger GOP candidates who did NOT run?

I think I might not be the only person who's thinking that way.

I have been saying all along that the Democrats should give it to the Republicans and say 'Here is your mess, we will sit back and watch you deal with it'. Run Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert and have a fun time with them making the Republicans look like idiots.
...but not in an offensive manner. Ron Paul believes in the best equipped DEFENSIVE military money can buy. Ron would end the "World Cop" program as the world is not the USA's business... America is the USA's business. Do you believe that you should police your neighbors marriage? What business do you have in other peoples private affairs??? What business does the USA have in other SOVEREIGN nations affairs??? You sound to be more concerned with government making your livelihood financially viable than you making your livelihood viable.
Government cannot provide one single job without taxes. Government is overhead not productivity. Government cannot help you & your business financially without redistributing wealth that is taken(extorted) from others. If your livelihood is dependent on government you might want to dump it & go private sector. Ron Paul is about INDIVIDUAL responsibility not government assistance. This sounds to be why you harbor "unreasonable" fear of Ron Paul as Ron is anti nanny state.

Of course you have no doubt that your far superior politically than me. Your a Fuckin Paul supporter. You my friend are the bigger idiot. You deal in Pauls what ifs while I face reality.

Ps. I would consider voting for Obama long before I would ever vote for the lunatic you support. Obama would cut our defense. Paul would decimate it.

Govt can help my business along with every other business. Stop over regulating. Stop trying to pick winners. Get out of the fucking way. Stop trying to manipulate the economy.

You are anti-regulation? Sounds like Ron Paul is the man for you.
Bill Bennett knows Newt personally and says he has problems. This gives me pause because I've considered Bennett a respectable man and usually trust his judgment.

I remember Newt as speaker and thought he did a good job. Problem is Bennett says he knows Newt personally and listed a few characteristics that bother me. I got a sense of some of them but just wrote it off as personality glitches when put on the spot. Bill however says they are part of Newts core. Ie self agrandizing and grandiose ideas beyond the ones we have heard about. He thinks as many here have said that if Newt wins the nomination the election will become about his past.

How did our party get relegated to such shitty choices? Obama should be so fucking easy to beat yet at every turn its all about the negativity of our party.

Perry can't debate to save his life. And yes I know were not electing a debater n chief but if he can't sell himself on the stage against Obama the public won't vote for him.

Pauls foreign policy is nuts.

Santorum is too extreme for this election cycle. The country doesn't want to go from far left to far right.

Newt can't outrun his past long enough to talk about current events.

Bachmann just turns me off personally.

Huntsman sounds centered but I honestly don't know anything about the man. And if I don't the public at large won't have a clue.

That leaves Romney, the KING FLIP FLOPPER.


I like Santorum and Bachmanns ideas but it won't fly in this election so WTF is a person to do? Sitting out or writing in a name is a sheer waste because it could lead to another Obama term. He has to go so I guess I just have to bite my tongue and vote for whoever gets the nomination. This is beginning to feel just like 08 and it straight pisses me off.

I know I'll probably get flamed for this post but I don't care. I don't have a job secure from this shitty economy and I desperately need change.

I still like this post.
Bennett isn't exactly the first person, or the 1000th for that matter, that I'd count on for opinions on other people:

GOP moralist Bennett gives up gambling - CNN
Stung by recent news reports, conservative standard-bearer William Bennett said Monday he has "done too much gambling" over the years and vowed that his "gambling days are over."

Newsweek, The Washington Monthly and The New York Times have reported in recent days that Bennett -- the author of "The Book of Virtues" and other books touting the moral high-ground -- lost millions in Las Vegas and Atlantic City over the last decade.

He's prolly right about Newt though LOL
Bill Bennett knows Newt personally and says he has problems. This gives me pause because I've considered Bennett a respectable man and usually trust his judgment.

I remember Newt as speaker and thought he did a good job. Problem is Bennett says he knows Newt personally and listed a few characteristics that bother me. I got a sense of some of them but just wrote it off as personality glitches when put on the spot. Bill however says they are part of Newts core. Ie self agrandizing and grandiose ideas beyond the ones we have heard about. He thinks as many here have said that if Newt wins the nomination the election will become about his past.

How did our party get relegated to such shitty choices? Obama should be so fucking easy to beat yet at every turn its all about the negativity of our party.

Perry can't debate to save his life. And yes I know were not electing a debater n chief but if he can't sell himself on the stage against Obama the public won't vote for him.

Pauls foreign policy is nuts.

Santorum is too extreme for this election cycle. The country doesn't want to go from far left to far right.

Newt can't outrun his past long enough to talk about current events.

Bachmann just turns me off personally.

Huntsman sounds centered but I honestly don't know anything about the man. And if I don't the public at large won't have a clue.

That leaves Romney, the KING FLIP FLOPPER.


I like Santorum and Bachmanns ideas but it won't fly in this election so WTF is a person to do? Sitting out or writing in a name is a sheer waste because it could lead to another Obama term. He has to go so I guess I just have to bite my tongue and vote for whoever gets the nomination. This is beginning to feel just like 08 and it straight pisses me off.

I know I'll probably get flamed for this post but I don't care. I don't have a job secure from this shitty economy and I desperately need change.

I still like this post.

Trolling can be fun at times.


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